When has a union created a job?

you wrote" An individual worker is in a poor bargaining position, because he needs a job more than the employer needs an employee"

I heard once about General Electric that use to build electric locomotives.
They decided to capture all the knowledge of some old timers before those that knew the "secrets" passed on.
Come time to talk several "old timers" Quit!
Formed a consulting firm. Signed a contract for 50 times what they were paid and
GE was happy.. didn't have to pay SS/Medicare/etc.. and old timers?? Happy with nearly 50 times what they were making before all with the same information they gained over 40 years working for GE!

Good point

The key is bargaining power. Most individuals do not have bargaining power. Most employers would willingly sacrifice a good worker if it will keep other workers in line

Workers have more strength as a group than they do individually. Industry prefers to restrict the ability of employees to operate with collective bargaining
you wrote" An individual worker is in a poor bargaining position, because he needs a job more than the employer needs an employee"

I heard once about General Electric that use to build electric locomotives.
They decided to capture all the knowledge of some old timers before those that knew the "secrets" passed on.
Come time to talk several "old timers" Quit!
Formed a consulting firm. Signed a contract for 50 times what they were paid and
GE was happy.. didn't have to pay SS/Medicare/etc.. and old timers?? Happy with nearly 50 times what they were making before all with the same information they gained over 40 years working for GE!

Good point

The key is bargaining power. Most individuals do not have bargaining power. Most employers would willingly sacrifice a good worker if it will keep other workers in line

Workers have more strength as a group than they do individually. Industry prefers to restrict the ability of employees to operate with collective bargaining

The news today showed Cain saying he supported a workers right to collective bargaining but was against collective hijacking...whatever that means.
point is NO UNION was involved!

The consulting firm served the same purpose. It was still collective bargaining.

Except every member of the firm agreed to it. Union members have no such power. Further, if the company didnt like what the consulting firm was offering, they could hire a different consulting firm down the street. How does that work out with unionized shops? It doesn't.
Except every member of the firm agreed to it. Union members have no such power. Further, if the company didnt like what the consulting firm was offering, they could hire a different consulting firm down the street. How does that work out with unionized shops? It doesn't.

Well, if you want to say that a consulting firm is entering an entirely different field of contracting than workers on a factory floor, which is true in many ways, then your entire analogy falls to pieces and you can go back and retract your original post about this as irrelevant to the discussion.

That might in fact be the best course of action, being the most truthful and honest. If you're interested in such values.
When has a union created a job?

How many are paid to eliminate unions?

Unions started out to improve jobs for workers not to create them.
When has a union created a job?

How many are paid to eliminate unions?

Unions started out to improve jobs for workers not to create them.

It appears they accomplished that goal, we have laws that reflect that. Now that their work is done, they should just disband. The private sector doesn't want them, so they have weaseled their way into the government sector so they can get their perks and require all government jobs be paid at "prevailing wage aka union wages.

Unions are so yesterday, they do nothing but drive up costs.
When has a union created a job?

How many are paid to eliminate unions?

Unions started out to improve jobs for workers not to create them.

It appears they accomplished that goal, we have laws that reflect that. Now that their work is done, they should just disband. The private sector doesn't want them, so they have weaseled their way into the government sector so they can get their perks and require all government jobs be paid at "prevailing wage aka union wages.

Unions are so yesterday, they do nothing but drive up costs.

the 2 most dangerous unions are the RNC and the DNC.
Unions started out to improve jobs for workers not to create them.

It appears they accomplished that goal, we have laws that reflect that.

The purpose of unions is not to push laws through Congress. It's to provide workers with a way to bargain with employers as equals. As long as we have an economy in which most people are in paid servitude to a relatively small number of others constituting an owner class, we will need unions. Their job will never be done.
Unions started out to improve jobs for workers not to create them.

It appears they accomplished that goal, we have laws that reflect that.

The purpose of unions is not to push laws through Congress. It's to provide workers with a way to bargain with employers as equals. As long as we have an economy in which most people are in paid servitude to a relatively small number of others constituting an owner class, we will need unions. Their job will never be done.

you are aware that unions UNINENTIONALLY protect the ones with the lower work ethic at the expense of those with a greater work ethic?

If one works at the lowest acceptable level, he/she gets the same exact raise as those that work at a much higher level.

So, in essence, those with a high level of work ethic are punished.....


Those with the lowest acceptable work ethic are rewarded.

But it is one or the other.

And this does not bother you?
Unions started out to improve jobs for workers not to create them.

It appears they accomplished that goal, we have laws that reflect that.

The purpose of unions is not to push laws through Congress. It's to provide workers with a way to bargain with employers as equals. As long as we have an economy in which most people are in paid servitude to a relatively small number of others constituting an owner class, we will need unions. Their job will never be done.

would you say that all members of a union are equals as it pertains to work ethic?

If not (and the answer is no), then why should they be entitled to bargain with employers as equals?

Who does that help and who does it hurt?
you are aware that unions UNINENTIONALLY protect the ones with the lower work ethic at the expense of those with a greater work ethic?

I'm aware that happens sometimes, but it strikes me as a small problem compared to what employers routinely do when not constrained by unions.

A campaign to change offending union rules might make sense. A campaign to do away with unions on this ground is like amputating an arm to cure a hangnail.
When has a union created a job?

Or for that matter.. when has a group of poor people created jobs?

Or why don't we declare ALL businesses are NONPROFIT!

Which means there will be committees , i.e. central planners in D.C. that will tell all oil, transportation, manufacturers how often they will drill, or pump or when cars can be on the roads, or how many iPads can be built because
Central planning" says there isn't enough lithium available for the batteries because Central planning hasn't signed the Afghanistan agreement from China!

NOT for profits meaning NO Federal income/state/local/sales or property taxes!

Come on all of you are in favor of withdrawing from these evil profit making banks and putting into those kindly nonprofit credit unions right???
AFter all they have "union" in their name!

So who will pay the property taxes after all NONPROFITS are exempt!

Again.. tell me all you OWS supporters.. why not do away with ALL evil for profit companies?

Because that seems to be the logical extension!

I think "business agent" is a job created by unions.

Union Business Agent Job Description, Career as an Union Business Agent, Salary, Employment - Definition and Nature of the Work, Education and Training Requirements, Getting the Job - StateUniversity.com

They've probably created jobs for lawyers also.

The unions created jobs for members of nurses belonging to unions, and some at taxpayers expense, for the OWS, "intellectuals"....:lol:

The National Nurses United Union, allied with the AFL-CIO, paid for and paid nurses to come from all over the country to Occupy DC. Some of them were even government workers, doing this on the taxpayer’s dime.

As one nurse put it, “Where ever they came from, the union paid for it.”

So these people who ostensibly should be performing work in exchange for their paycheck are instead out running around bashing America and the free market.

Must be nice to have paid protesters for your protest event–especially when you’re bellyaching about how you aren’t making enough money, how bad the economy is, how those evil rich people are oppressing you, blah blah blah

Unions Pay Occupationist Protesters to Bash America
would you say that all members of a union are equals as it pertains to work ethic?

If not (and the answer is no), then why should they be entitled to bargain with employers as equals?

Because the alternative is to allow the employers to call all the shots, to the detriment of ALL workers, including those with the best work ethic.

Who does that help and who does it hurt?

It helps all workers. It also helps the companies they work for by pushing wages up across the economy, and so increasing consumer demand, which helps the economy.
you are aware that unions UNINENTIONALLY protect the ones with the lower work ethic at the expense of those with a greater work ethic?

I'm aware that happens sometimes, but it strikes me as a small problem compared to what employers routinely do when not constrained by unions.

A campaign to change offending union rules might make sense. A campaign to do away with unions on this ground is like amputating an arm to cure a hangnail.

Actually..the campaign is to elininate collective bargaining which contributes to the peroblem you agree exists without eliminating unions.

So it is cutting the nail...not amputating the arm.

And by the way...is is not a "small" problem. It is a very big problem.

Do a little research....it will be disturbing what you find.

Union employees OVERWHELMINGLY use all of their sick days.
Union employees put in for nearly twice as many bereavement days than non union employees.
Union employees use more sick days on both ends of vacations than non union employees.

Unions have a MAJOR affect on dedication to the employer.
Or for that matter.. when has a group of poor people created jobs?

Or why don't we declare ALL businesses are NONPROFIT!

Which means there will be committees , i.e. central planners in D.C. that will tell all oil, transportation, manufacturers how often they will drill, or pump or when cars can be on the roads, or how many iPads can be built because
Central planning" says there isn't enough lithium available for the batteries because Central planning hasn't signed the Afghanistan agreement from China!

NOT for profits meaning NO Federal income/state/local/sales or property taxes!

Come on all of you are in favor of withdrawing from these evil profit making banks and putting into those kindly nonprofit credit unions right???
AFter all they have "union" in their name!

So who will pay the property taxes after all NONPROFITS are exempt!

Again.. tell me all you OWS supporters.. why not do away with ALL evil for profit companies?

Because that seems to be the logical extension!

The answer to your subject line question reminds me of this company slogan:

"At BASF, we don't make a lot of the products you buy. We make a lot of the products you buy better."

Unions don't make jobs. They make the jobs that already exist better.
would you say that all members of a union are equals as it pertains to work ethic?

If not (and the answer is no), then why should they be entitled to bargain with employers as equals?

Because the alternative is to allow the employers to call all the shots, to the detriment of ALL workers, including those with the best work ethic.

Who does that help and who does it hurt?

It helps all workers. It also helps the companies they work for by pushing wages up across the economy, and so increasing consumer demand, which helps the economy.

Thats just plain old worng.

In non union environemtns, better empolyees get raises....becuase the employer wants to capitalize on the better employees output....and they dont want to lose them to the compettition.

This is not hypothesis...it is fact.

You are speaking as if you do not understand business.

Do you own a business?

I do.

I kept an employee who was a great talent...even though I had to take a loss to keep her....but I was going to be dammed if I let my competition get her..

And the result?

When business turned around, she did what she does best for me...and I made much dinero off of her.
In non union environemtns, better empolyees get raises

Which means that the better employees are being paid more than the rest of them. But it doesn't mean those better employees are being paid more than they would be if they had a union.
In non union environemtns, better empolyees get raises

Which means that the better employees are being paid more than the rest of them. But it doesn't mean those better employees are being paid more than they would be if they had a union.

and it doesnt mean they would be getting paid less.

Employees in the private NON UNION sector actually dictate their salary...I know...that doesnt make sense.....but it does and I will explain how.
FYI..as a recuriter, I negotiate salaries everyday.

If one is good at one does, he/she has two factors working in their favor

1) they generate revenue for their employer
2) their leaving for the competition will result in the employer losing their talent AND the competitoion GETTING their talent

Take an employee making 50K....I recruit them and send them to the competition of their existing employer (it is what I do).....
They get the offer....say 55K...
They go back to their employer using my advice (assuming they like their employer and it is all about money to them)......not to "give notice"....but instead to say.."I dont want to leave here...I like it here....but the competition recruited me and offered me a 10% raise...I dont want to do it, but I am asking for your advice.....what would you do if you were me..."
Then the employer decides...if the employee is worth it, the employer gives him a raise to 55K or maybe even more.
If not, the empl;oyer says "take the other job"..

Which means....of course...that the employee is not as goopd as he thought he was.

It IS the way it is out there.
In non union environemtns, better empolyees get raises

Which means that the better employees are being paid more than the rest of them. But it doesn't mean those better employees are being paid more than they would be if they had a union.

let me ask you a question Dragon...

As a consumer....is there a top dollar you set for yourself hen buying something?

For example...some people see a car as nothing more than transportation. Others see is as a materialistic object and would pay more for a car based on luxury...

But look at the one who sees it as a means of transportation.

They have a choice...

Pay 20K for a nice car
Pay 60K for a nicer car.

They opt to pay 20K becuase they can not see it worth paying 60K for a car.

Do you agree that such is how many consumers think? Do you see any fault in it?

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