When has socialism ever worked?

The only decent parts of any society are the socialist parts, like public transportations systems, public school, the post office, libraries, non-profit hospitals, churches, fire fighters, police, defense, etc.
The capitalist parts are evil aspects that lie, cheat, steal, etc.
Once upon a time, the Scandinavian nations were held up as proof that socialism could provide an excellent standard of living as well as protecting the freedoms of its people. None of them are still under a socialist system but when they WERE, it was marginally successful. IMO, it succeeded for awhile due to the unique circumstances at that time.

The population of Denmark, Sweden, and Norway were highly homogeneous in culture, well educated, and had an outstanding societal work-ethic. They also had a very stable and lucrative income source. North Sea oil was the cash cow and there was enough to take care of everyone without much economic stress being exacted on any one group. As that economic reality began to change, those countries also enacted changes in their economic model. Unfortunately, the Left took control of the once stable and prosperous region, flooded it with migrants who neither wanted nor respected the rules of their culture and now those nations are crumbling from within.

If I ever decided to leave the U.S. to strike out for a new place to live, I'd choose Viktor Orban's Hungary.
The only decent parts of any society are the socialist parts, like public transportations systems, public school, the post office, libraries, non-profit hospitals, churches, fire fighters, police, defense, etc.
The capitalist parts are evil aspects that lie, cheat, steal, etc.
You should consider hopping a flight to Venezuela and spending a few weeks there talking to the citizens. I'd take my own meds, food, and water though. Venezuela sits atop a larger oil reserve than Saudi Arabia and the people there, even the poorest, had decent lives prior to Chavez. His socialists promised massive changes that would benefit the poor. Within a few years they were fighting in the streets over the cats and dogs they hunted for food. Don't take my word for it. Do some reading.
Once upon a time, the Scandinavian nations were held up as proof that socialism could provide an excellent standard of living as well as protecting the freedoms of its people. None of them are still under a socialist system but when they WERE, it was marginally successful. IMO, it succeeded for awhile due to the unique circumstances at that time.

The population of Denmark, Sweden, and Norway were highly homogeneous in culture, well educated, and had an outstanding societal work-ethic. They also had a very stable and lucrative income source. North Sea oil was the cash cow and there was enough to take care of everyone without much economic stress being exacted on any one group. As that economic reality began to change, those countries also enacted changes in their economic model. Unfortunately, the Left took control of the once stable and prosperous region, flooded it with migrants who neither wanted nor respected the rules of their culture and now those nations are crumbling from within.

If I ever decided to leave the U.S. to strike out for a new place to live, I'd choose Viktor Orban's Hungary.
What a load of horseshit.
Viktor Orban? Ha! Don't forget to take your hooded sheet with you.
You should consider hopping a flight to Venezuela and spending a few weeks there talking to the citizens. I'd take my own meds, food, and water though. Venezuela sits atop a larger oil reserve than Saudi Arabia and the people there, even the poorest, had decent lives prior to Chavez. His socialists promised massive changes that would benefit the poor. Within a few years they were fighting in the streets over the cats and dogs they hunted for food. Don't take my word for it. Do some reading.
Again, more BS. The haves (ie those of Spanish decent - ie the light skinned people) owned all the wealth and didn't like sharing. The have nots (the mullatos - ie the dark skinned people) had nothing. As for it turning into a shithole - which it did - of course had nothing to do with sanctions started by Bush, right?
Democrats have become ardent supporters of socialism...just look at the collapse of USSR in 1989, and China? Is THAT a political model we want?

They have never supported socialism as a party platform. You are a liar.

The two instances you quoted are now two extremely powerful countries but you think socialism is s failure????

Do you ever think about things you say?
Democrats have become ardent supporters of socialism...just look at the collapse of USSR in 1989, and China? Is THAT a political model we want?
It’s working right now in the USA. We are the greatest country in the world after all
Once upon a time, the Scandinavian nations were held up as proof that socialism could provide an excellent standard of living as well as protecting the freedoms of its people. None of them are still under a socialist system but when they WERE, it was marginally successful. IMO, it succeeded for awhile due to the unique circumstances at that time.

The population of Denmark, Sweden, and Norway were highly homogeneous in culture, well educated, and had an outstanding societal work-ethic. They also had a very stable and lucrative income source. North Sea oil was the cash cow and there was enough to take care of everyone without much economic stress being exacted on any one group. As that economic reality began to change, those countries also enacted changes in their economic model. Unfortunately, the Left took control of the once stable and prosperous region, flooded it with migrants who neither wanted nor respected the rules of their culture and now those nations are crumbling from within.

If I ever decided to leave the U.S. to strike out for a new place to live, I'd choose Viktor Orban's Hungary.

Almost all countries rely heavily on socialism, but Scandinavian countries go much further to the degree it has to be called communism, such as the heavy public investment in industries like Volvo.
You should consider hopping a flight to Venezuela and spending a few weeks there talking to the citizens. I'd take my own meds, food, and water though. Venezuela sits atop a larger oil reserve than Saudi Arabia and the people there, even the poorest, had decent lives prior to Chavez. His socialists promised massive changes that would benefit the poor. Within a few years they were fighting in the streets over the cats and dogs they hunted for food. Don't take my word for it. Do some reading.

Venezuela is one of the least socialist countries in the world, and is the remnants of Spanish imperialism and colonialism.
The US also created a reactionary military elite in Venezuela.

The oil in Venezuela is not light sweet, but thick tar sands that is very hard to extract.
The US embargoes Venezuela, so they are having trouble getting broken equipment fixed.
Excuse me? This is a democratic republic. I want to be nice here.

That is silly because every democratic republic always chooses to implement socialism as its economic system.
If you think there is any contradiction between socialism and a democratic republic, you are wrong.
They have never supported socialism as a party platform. You are a liar.

The two instances you quoted are now two extremely powerful countries but you think socialism is s failure????

Do you ever think about things you say?

Neither the Russian Federation nor the People's Republic of China are socialist nations. Don't you ever think before speaking . . . or research your assertions prior to making them?

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