When I might vote for a Democrat.....


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
"Why I will never vote for a Democrat, and here's why"

This was a thread title and I'd like to take a positive position.

First whether GOP or Democrat I vote for the person, not the party.
I voted for Carter (regrettably) as it was Carter's principles (later on proven false) not Carter though.
So far since then there hasn't been another Democrat with the principles I believe worth voting for.
The next closest were a few GOP that seemed to have the principles I believe in.

These principles are:
1) The USA constitutional requirement to provide for the common defense matches my principle.

2) The states are laboratories that if advantages found in states then these advantages might be
appropriate for national implementation. For example if Romneycare had worked it might have
been appropriate for the USA... so far "single payer" health programs on a national scale do not work!

3) Families especially the American family is the single best method of promoting socialization of our
future. Single mothers, same sex parents... just do provide the full complement of education and definitely
this "social education" can't be done in public schools.

These are just three principles that at this point I'd share.
So if a Democrat holds these same principles and on further scrutiny I find compatibility with the Democrat,
I'd vote for a Democrat.

I'd have no qualms about voting for an honest, moderate, intelligent, common sense type Republican. Unfortunately, those qualities seem to be lacking in candidates from both parties.
I'd have no qualms about voting for an honest, moderate, intelligent, common sense type Republican. Unfortunately, those qualities seem to be lacking in candidates from both parties.

Are these examples of a politician who has actively promoted these statements the principles you'd agree with?
A) "I prefer single payer health system.." Means destroy 1,400 companies laying off 400,000 people and reducing tax revenue by $100 billion a year.
B) "I prefer higher gas prices"... GEEZ... what a way to kill jobs!
C) "If a utility wants to build coal burning it will bankrupt them! Why in the hell would ANY president want bankrupt
D) SIGNED the fewest Federal oil leases in over 25 years...which would further help to lower gas prices.
E) Said that our military was "air-raiding villages, killing civilians".
F) Accused family physicians of making $50,000 by cutting off diabetics' legs.
G) Would want utility rates skyrocket.
H) Believes our enemies are the good guys and America the bad guys.
I'd have no qualms about voting for an honest, moderate, intelligent, common sense type Republican. Unfortunately, those qualities seem to be lacking in candidates from both parties.
Only around 36% of registered voters bother to show up on voting day, so most Americans would agree with you. ;)
I'd have no qualms about voting for an honest, moderate, intelligent, common sense type Republican. Unfortunately, those qualities seem to be lacking in candidates from both parties.

Only around 36% of registered voters bother to show up on voting day, so most Americans would agree with you. ;)

Where did you get that statistic which is contrary to this:
Voter turnout dipped from 62.3 percent of eligible citizens voting in 2008
to an estimated 57.5 in 2012.
That figure was also below the 60.4 level of the 2004 election but higher than the 54.2 percent turnout in the 2000 election.
2012 Voter Turnout Report Bipartisan Policy Center
I'd have no qualms about voting for an honest, moderate, intelligent, common sense type Republican. Unfortunately, those qualities seem to be lacking in candidates from both parties.

Only around 36% of registered voters bother to show up on voting day, so most Americans would agree with you. ;)

Where did you get that statistic which is contrary to this:
Voter turnout dipped from 62.3 percent of eligible citizens voting in 2008
to an estimated 57.5 in 2012.
That figure was also below the 60.4 level of the 2004 election but higher than the 54.2 percent turnout in the 2000 election.
2012 Voter Turnout Report Bipartisan Policy Center
RT put it out recently, when discussing Obama's compulsory voting idea.

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