When (if ever) will R-W'ers admit to Trump's approval ratings?

You really believe that?...2018 will see more GOP candidates in congress and probably the senate, if that happens and the above is true then that will validate trumps policies...and then of course the republicans will have a larger majority control over redistricting in 2020 which will give them even greater majorities...I would be careful with these kinds of posts, lest they reappear like your Nov.2 thread/posts did.

Sure, and then Papa Bear.........

Now, moron, judging by Trump's approval ratings and large demonstration throughout the nation and the world....

WHO do you think elected republicans will side with in the next 20 months??

if they side with a failed demagogue.....they may be in trouble.....

However, if your ilk "wins".....Its ALL yours to defend the future fuck ups.
Libs foaming at the mouth over approval ratings just 2 weeks in, pathetic. Desperate in fact. The left's butthurt continues to grow.
I'm laughing at an idiotic chart. The only hurt is on the lib side.

You find the chart funny??? Fine, look up yourself (or have a grown up help you) to see what Obama's CURRENT approvals are.....then you can laugh at your own delusions.
Libs foaming at the mouth over approval ratings just 2 weeks in, pathetic. Desperate in fact. The left's butthurt continues to grow.

Well, its just a little "test" of how well Trump is doing.....So,I ask you....How's it going so far? LOL
Trump is in the toilet and about to fall further into that abyss where all turd eventually go with a good flush!

"US President Donald Trump received the lowest approval rating — and highest disapproval rating — for a new president in recent history, according to a survey released Friday."
~~ Trump just received the lowest approval rating in recent history for a new president ~~


Obama's awesome ratings still lost 63 Dem House seats in 2010.
And that has what to do with the price of potatoes? As much as Bush 43's approval rating around 25% in his last months! Not a fucking thing in the here and now of it, shit for brains!

And that has what to do with the price of potatoes?

Did Obama's high approval save the Dem majority once the people saw his actions?
Obviously not. Trump's actions will decide what happens in the future, not his poll ratings today.
Nobody cares. Except for whining losers.......ahem.

You just don't fucking get it do you? GAWD DAMN but you're thick as a bloody brick! Find the thread about the 2010 Congressional elections and post your idiot's drivel there, dimwit!

You posted a chart with Obama's approval rating in the past. He was a failed president, so who cares about his fucking approval rating? Fucking moron!

Oh come on now, you can't talk about a black Muslim like that and you know it. You are not allowed to be raw and totally truthful, you have to beat around the bush a little...haven't you seen his race card?
I think we all owe Hussein a giant round of applause for singing-handedly creating the unprecedented mass divide in this country that he did...he woke the sleeping giant, good quality American's!
If it wasn't for his constant pandering to illegals, criminals, bottom feeders and the lower class we may have continued to allow this country to decay at the hands of Democrats....Instead we own all of Washington! Hahaha
Obama never intended to close Gitmo, he just told the nutters what they wanted to hear to get votes and the nutters drank it up.

True, because Obama liked spending half a million dollars PER prisoner at GITMO.......Versus promising coal miners' jobs back to poor Kentuckians.......YOU judge.

No Obama didn't want to close Gitmo. Money was never a determent to Obama doing what he wanted.
You really believe that?...2018 will see more GOP candidates in congress and probably the senate, if that happens and the above is true then that will validate trumps policies...and then of course the republicans will have a larger majority control over redistricting in 2020 which will give them even greater majorities...I would be careful with these kinds of posts, lest they reappear like your Nov.2 thread/posts did.

Sure, and then Papa Bear.........

Meez thinks the "Nov.2" thing may be a sore spot for you...my bad

Now, moron, judging by Trump's approval ratings and large demonstration throughout the nation and the world....

WHO do you think elected republicans will side with in the next 20 months??

lol...calm down, It all depends on how many of the folks in those "demonstrations throughout the nation and the world" are in their districts.

if they side with a failed demagogue.....they may be in trouble.....

With who? the same folks you claim never learn because they keep voting republican?...how much would you say you've learned since election night?

However, if your ilk "wins".....Its ALL yours to defend the future fuck ups.

And would also mean that this thread will become your new "Nov.2" nightmare
You might want to run some descent candidates too.

True.......and the term is "decent" not "descent".....

Keep at in Nattie......

So far you don't have them.....

Lizzy Warren will go down in flames....

And right now, the democrats at the state level are to busy fighting with each other to do anything collectively capable of beating the GOP.

What's funny is that the GOP is a mess....have been for years. How do you think Trump got through ?

And they still kicked your asses.......



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your picture makes me wonder how Trump ever got enough EV to beat Hillary, nat.

Looks like she won far more states then he did.
A lot of right-wingers will admit to it eventually, but the hardcore Trump supporters won't.
If the 2016 election taught us anything:
1. Polls are total bullshit
2. Elections have consequences
3. We vote again in 2018 and 2020, so STFU until then
How many campaign promises did Obama keep?

Dumb question to respond to after Obama's 8 years in office......Probably the biggest promise that Obama could NOT keep is the closing of GITMO.......but then, of course, those "sweethearts" in congress just sat on their fat asses worrying about their reelection and decided to do NOTHING to help the country for more than FIVE long years......

Check out all thos great bills that congress passed from 2011. to 2016.....
They didn't have the opportunity. Everything was done by EO.

Obama never intended to close Gitmo, he just told the nutters what they wanted to hear to get votes and the nutters drank it up.
Obama dropped the population from 280 to around 80. Best he could do with congressional obstruction

Trump wants to open a new torture cell
Democrats are working very hard to eliminate the slightest chance they will win anything in 2018 much less 2020.

They think they do. They only talk to one another. A dissent in squashed then they pretend it never existed. They go to their own parties, they read their own media. They only speak to their friends. The whole world looks liberal. That's why the election came as such a surprise.
Why on earth do you think approval polls matter outside an election year when polls can easily been manipulated? Who cares? It doesn't change things
Do they matter?

They matter if Trump is battling Congress and thinks he can claim the people are behind him
They matter to our allies who wonder how much political strength he has at home
They matter to global adversaries who can consider him a paper (tweet) tiger
Right wingers on here and elsewhere, speak of Trump as representing "the people of America" and that whatever he has done and will do is the "will of the people."

Well, that's typical R-W bullshit.......From such regulations signed by Trump without direct congressional backing, such as repealing the fiduciary rule on investors looking out for client's benefit, or repealing the ban on mentally ill people from owning lethal guns.

The facts are clear regardless of R-Wers insanity and delusions.

RCP has Trump's approval rating at 42%, while DISAPPROVAL at 50%........Buyers' remorse has already set in after only 2 weeks of the demagogue sitting in the oval office.

You're a little self-mislead and confused.
People, myself included make the claim that Trump is acting on behalf of the higher grade citizens, you know, the type who made America great, not the type who fucked it all up. He's not playing fiddle to the whackos, immigrants and bottom feeders like you're used to nor will he allow the tail to wag the dog.
With regard to the approval ratings; unfortunately the scale has tipped in this country and no one would argue that we have more un-American, illegitimate, indecent humans on this soil than ever before and just as a criminals hate law and order the illegitimate un-American's hate leadership that will expect better from citizens.
Not sure where you'd categorize but no illegal, no whack-job, no criminal and no bottom feeding filth should be supportive of the Trump administration and or its actions. If I were a piece of shit I'd hate him as well.

Trump is in the toilet and about to fall further into that abyss where all turd eventually go with a good flush!

"US President Donald Trump received the lowest approval rating — and highest disapproval rating — for a new president in recent history, according to a survey released Friday."
~~ Trump just received the lowest approval rating in recent history for a new president ~~


Please see post #116 for total enlightenment. I charge nothing for the lesson. You're welcome!
So you're a self proclaimed elitist, have risen far above "the others" and now sit beside your fellows with Trump beside the pool gazing at your fair and wonderful appearance! Yeah, I get it! You're another narcissist just as your role model, Thrump!

Jesus, Mary and Joseph! What a pathetic, small minded little prig!

Well, I'm a prideful American, I speak English, I believe I'm a man because I have a penis, I believe my penis belongs in vaginas, I'm educated, parenting is my most paramount responsibility, I don't give life to children I can't afford or don't have time for, I pull my own weight and don't steal from hard working Americans. I have a functioning moral compass.
Elitist...I don't know? I guess I'm a real piece of shit in the eye of todays un-American Liberal. I'm convinced they'd much prefer me to be a 180-degree opposite.
I'm laughing at an idiotic chart. The only hurt is on the lib side.

You find the chart funny??? Fine, look up yourself (or have a grown up help you) to see what Obama's CURRENT approvals are.....then you can laugh at your own delusions.

You find the chart funny???

When I look at the results of the 2010 midterms, the chart is hilarious!

see what Obama's CURRENT approvals are

Are you surprised his approvals are higher since he was stopped, by Congress, from doing more damage?
He was so popular, he couldn't help Hillary, or most he campaigned with, to win.

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