When (if ever) will R-W'ers admit to Trump's approval ratings?

Obama who, his nightmare is being signed away daily.

True.......allowing bankers to rip off seniors, and allowing mentally deficient folks to buy guns...and allowing coal mine owners to dump poisons into rivers and streams.....REJOICE.......LOL

Quite a few fries short of a Happy Meal aren't you?
Obama who, his nightmare is being signed away daily.

True.......allowing bankers to rip off seniors, and allowing mentally deficient folks to buy guns...and allowing coal mine owners to dump poisons into rivers and streams.....REJOICE.......LOL

Quite a few fries short of a Happy Meal aren't you?
He keeps going thru the Burger King drive-thru and ordering Happy Meals..
So far you don't have them.....

Actually, that is why I APPROVE of these huge anti-Trump demonstrations....From these events, leadership will emerge....not from those lazy democrats in congress, but from states and local governments.

Those huge demonstrations are reactive.

The left wing of the democratic party has always been a gift to the morons in the GOP.

The democrats are fighting between themselves.

I was a Bernie supporter...but I am not a democrat.

I was not at all surprized to learn of the DNC pushing the institutionalized HRC campaign.

And Bernie supporters probably cost the dems the election.
So, you would have the president elected by a few counties in Cal and NY?

NO......popular vote majority would be nice, don't you think?
Here's a question for ALL you right wing nitwits"

How come you morons, believe in MAJORITY rule in congress, but not in presidential elections?

Wow...I sure wouldn't be shouting it from the rooftops that the concept is beyond your grasp. Can you edit that? It looks kind of goofy.
So, you would have the president elected by a few counties in Cal and NY?

NO......popular vote majority would be nice, don't you think?
Here's a question for ALL you right wing nitwits"

How come you morons, believe in MAJORITY rule in congress, but not in presidential elections?
Republicans do not have a majority rule in Congress either
More people voted for Democrats in both the Senate and the House
So, you would have the president elected by a few counties in Cal and NY?

NO......popular vote majority would be nice, don't you think?
Here's a question for ALL you right wing nitwits"

How come you morons, believe in MAJORITY rule in congress, but not in presidential elections?

Get them to change the law and I'll back you up, until then, this is the system and we must abide by the Constitution. Now get off your ass and get out there and change it!

It will NEVER be changed, NEVER. The whining of the Progressives thinking this could happen would be humorous if it wasn't also so pathetic.
How many campaign promises did Obama keep?

Dumb question to respond to after Obama's 8 years in office......Probably the biggest promise that Obama could NOT keep is the closing of GITMO.......but then, of course, those "sweethearts" in congress just sat on their fat asses worrying about their reelection and decided to do NOTHING to help the country for more than FIVE long years......

Check out all thos great bills that congress passed from 2011. to 2016.....
They didn't have the opportunity. Everything was done by EO.
How do you admit to approval ratings? They are what they are. Didn't we see the entire freaking left wing establishment go into appoplexy when the pre-election polls didn't turn out the way they thought? Were they intentionally skewed to keep republican turnout down. It's not hard to poll a thousand people from a selected demographic and phrase the questions a certain way to get the results you want. It seems that Trump's polls are rising every day regardless of the hostile press, fake news and Soros funded riots. Actually Trump's approval ratings are rising because of them. Every strategy the left is trying (including anarchy) seems to be backfiring and the obstructionist democrat party is drifting into obscurity..
How many campaign promises did Obama keep?

Dumb question to respond to after Obama's 8 years in office......Probably the biggest promise that Obama could NOT keep is the closing of GITMO.......but then, of course, those "sweethearts" in congress just sat on their fat asses worrying about their reelection and decided to do NOTHING to help the country for more than FIVE long years......

Check out all thos great bills that congress passed from 2011. to 2016.....
They didn't have the opportunity. Everything was done by EO.

Obama never intended to close Gitmo, he just told the nutters what they wanted to hear to get votes and the nutters drank it up.
So, you would have the president elected by a few counties in Cal and NY?

NO......popular vote majority would be nice, don't you think?
Here's a question for ALL you right wing nitwits"

How come you morons, believe in MAJORITY rule in congress, but not in presidential elections?

Been explained to you and your fellow dems many times. The electoral college gives a proportional voice to the people of every state. National PV would give the big population centers complete control over presidential elections. We understand why you want that, because the big city ghettos are full of democrats, we understand your motives.

But until you get a constitutional amendment through congress and ratified by 38 states, we will elect presidents via the EC.

So rant on and on, nothing is going to change. YOU LOST.

What I find funny is that if Hilly had won you would be praising the EC and celebrating how great it is. Its called hypocrisy and you dems are very good at it.
Population centers do not get control. Cities do not vote, people vote

A person voting in New York City should have the same clout as a person voting in Buttfuck Wyoming

The person voting in New York City has as much clout as anyone in New York State. The person voting in Cheyenne Wyoming has as much clout as anyone in Wyoming. We have fifty states so each state has a say in who represents the fifty states.
How many campaign promises did Obama keep?

Dumb question to respond to after Obama's 8 years in office......Probably the biggest promise that Obama could NOT keep is the closing of GITMO.......but then, of course, those "sweethearts" in congress just sat on their fat asses worrying about their reelection and decided to do NOTHING to help the country for more than FIVE long years......

Check out all thos great bills that congress passed from 2011. to 2016.....
They didn't have the opportunity. Everything was done by EO.

Obama never intended to close Gitmo, he just told the nutters what they wanted to hear to get votes and the nutters drank it up.
Oh, he meant it. It was just that golfing and vacations took priority.
How many campaign promises did Obama keep?

Dumb question to respond to after Obama's 8 years in office......Probably the biggest promise that Obama could NOT keep is the closing of GITMO.......but then, of course, those "sweethearts" in congress just sat on their fat asses worrying about their reelection and decided to do NOTHING to help the country for more than FIVE long years......

Check out all thos great bills that congress passed from 2011. to 2016.....
They didn't have the opportunity. Everything was done by EO.

Obama never intended to close Gitmo, he just told the nutters what they wanted to hear to get votes and the nutters drank it up.

No, petulant, former President Barack Hussein Obama is one the nutters who wanted it closed too. They all live in their fairy tail world of unicorns and rainbows. Just exactly as former President Obama said when he was running in 2008, when he was elected, the Muslim world would see us in a better light.

He was emptying out GITMO and no one noticed that we never had any new prisoners to interrogate. Instead of prisoners, Obama simply sent a million dollar rocket to kill them, civilians, and destroy any information we might have gained. Little wonder we've been losing the War on Terror since Obama assumed the position of Commander in Chief.
If your premise was valid, yes. But its not. Nothing in the EO is unconstitutional. That ruling will be overturned.

Great to hear that from a constitutional scholar.....who knows more than a federal judge appointed by GWB.....Interesting.

The ruling is being appealed. we shall see who wins in the end.

Could you please quote the language in the EO where the word "muslim" is used? No? Then the judge is wrong and will lose the appeal.
Right wingers on here and elsewhere, speak of Trump as representing "the people of America" and that whatever he has done and will do is the "will of the people."

Well, that's typical R-W bullshit.......From such regulations signed by Trump without direct congressional backing, such as repealing the fiduciary rule on investors looking out for client's benefit, or repealing the ban on mentally ill people from owning lethal guns.

The facts are clear regardless of R-Wers insanity and delusions.

RCP has Trump's approval rating at 42%, while DISAPPROVAL at 50%........Buyers' remorse has already set in after only 2 weeks of the demagogue sitting in the oval office.

You're a little self-mislead and confused.
People, myself included make the claim that Trump is acting on behalf of the higher grade citizens, you know, the type who made America great, not the type who fucked it all up. He's not playing fiddle to the whackos, immigrants and bottom feeders like you're used to nor will he allow the tail to wag the dog.
With regard to the approval ratings; unfortunately the scale has tipped in this country and no one would argue that we have more un-American, illegitimate, indecent humans on this soil than ever before and just as a criminals hate law and order the illegitimate un-American's hate leadership that will expect better from citizens.
Not sure where you'd categorize but no illegal, no whack-job, no criminal and no bottom feeding filth should be supportive of the Trump administration and or its actions. If I were a piece of shit I'd hate him as well.
Last edited:
Why bother? Think it's gonna slow him down?

Probably not......Trump is not too sane anyway and his delusions would not allow reality to sink in....
However, right wingers in congress are fully aware of their reelection chances.
Now that's where it can matter.

The most important polls to me are the internals being run by vulnerable Republican congresspeople.

I take it that you have no clue as to how many vulnerable Democrats, in states won in previous years by petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama and won by President Donald Trump this election.

By EMILY SCHULTHEIS CBS NEWS November 21, 2016, 6:00 AM
Democrats face tough Senate map in 2018


Democrats in Republican territory: West Virginia, North Dakota, Montana, Missouri, Indiana
Right off the bat, there are five states where Democrats have incumbent Senators who face very steep odds of re-election: the traditionally deeply Republican states in which Mr. Trump won by double digits this November.

Take West Virginia, for example: Democrat Joe Manchin is running in 2018 for a second full term in office. In 2012, he won his race with just over 60 percent of the vote -- but just four years later, his state voted for Mr. Trump by a whopping 42-point margin.

North Dakota, where incumbent Democrat Heidi Heitkamp is up again is almost equally as deep red: the state voted for Trump by a 36-point margin earlier this month. And while Trump won by slightly smaller margins in the other three states in this category, it still wasn’t pretty for Democrats this fall: Trump won Montana, Indiana and Missouri by 21 points, 19 points and 19 points, respectively.

These states were to Democrats what Pennsylvania and Wisconsin were supposed to be to Republicans in 2016: states where they had unexpected victories back in 2012, in a presidential year, but must now contend with the fact that their incumbents there face tough odds. Heitkamp’s victory in North Dakota, for example, was a surprise -- as was Sen. Jon Tester’s in Montana.

And two of the Democrats who won in GOP-leaning states in 2012 benefited greatly from the missteps of their opponents: Sen. Claire McCaskill was seen as highly vulnerable in Missouri until her GOP opponent, Todd Akin, made a comment about “legitimate rape” that had echoes far beyond the state. Similarly, Indiana’s Joe Donnelly found an opening when his opponent, Richard Mourdock, said during a debate that a pregnancy resulting from rape is “something that God intended to happen.”


Democrats face tough Senate map in 2018
That's all correct, but it has nothing to do with my point.

If a Republican congressperson's internal polling indicates to them that they can't vote too far to the Right, they'll be less likely to do so.

An example would be Collins & Murkowski saying they'll vote against DeVos. That might happen here and there.

That's the best the Democrats can hope for right now.

With Trump polling in the low 40s, Republicans can oppose him and claim the people are against him
Guys like McCain, who will never run again will be a pain in the ass

yeah, right. when you take a poll in east LA and south Chitown--------------------guess what.

But as proven last November-------------POLLSTERS LIE.
You might want to run some descent candidates too.

True.......and the term is "decent" not "descent".....

Keep at in Nattie......

So far you don't have them.....

Lizzy Warren will go down in flames....

And right now, the democrats at the state level are to busy fighting with each other to do anything collectively capable of beating the GOP.

What's funny is that the GOP is a mess....have been for years. How do you think Trump got through ?

And they still kicked your asses.......

So, you would have the president elected by a few counties in Cal and NY?

NO......popular vote majority would be nice, don't you think?
Here's a question for ALL you right wing nitwits"

How come you morons, believe in MAJORITY rule in congress, but not in presidential elections?

Been explained to you and your fellow dems many times. The electoral college gives a proportional voice to the people of every state. National PV would give the big population centers complete control over presidential elections. We understand why you want that, because the big city ghettos are full of democrats, we understand your motives.

But until you get a constitutional amendment through congress and ratified by 38 states, we will elect presidents via the EC.

So rant on and on, nothing is going to change. YOU LOST.

What I find funny is that if Hilly had won you would be praising the EC and celebrating how great it is. Its called hypocrisy and you dems are very good at it.
Population centers do not get control. Cities do not vote, people vote

A person voting in New York City should have the same clout as a person voting in Buttfuck Wyoming

I wonder, would you be ranting about that if Hilly had won the EC and Trump the PV? Of course not. You would be praising the EC as a wonderful constitutional guarantee put in place by our brilliant founders.

You are a hypocrite, winger. a fricken hypocrite.
Why on earth do you think approval polls matter outside an election year when polls can easily been manipulated? Who cares? It doesn't change things

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