When is someone a minority to you?

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I would say if he has minority ancestry, even if only partial and usually it is a little visible on him/her or if it is not visible a parent is a minority or a grandparent and it is visible. Do you agree? I ask because Peace insists im Serbian, but in Europe interracial marriage between Roma and Non-Roma is taboo and not accepeted, and mixed people are placed as roma, if they do not want to be roma, they face a struggle for acceptance they can not win, they can be offended but someone will always remind they are roma from time to time, like your mum is a roma whore, or your the son of a gypsy.

I dont know if that is the case in the United States, but in Serbia I would not be a Serbian, Serbia understands itself as multiethnic country, and not everyone is Serbian born in Serbia, like not everyone is Appalachian born in the USA, but some are black or mexican.

I dont think of people as minorities or majorities, but thats just me. When I grew up, my "skin color" must have told liberals that I was part of the majority, but i grew up in a family where I was surrounded by other people who had "skin color" that would have told liberals around me that they were part of a minority.
Like many people, I was too busy trying to figure out life and where I fit in, to think about ANY of that crap about other people and whos minority, whos majority.... .
It could just be that in this world there are some people who are more judgmental than others, and are looking for every little reason to come down on someone else. For those of us who like to live and let live it never really makes much sense.
I would say if he has minority ancestry, even if only partial and usually it is a little visible on him/her or if it is not visible a parent is a minority or a grandparent and it is visible.
But you're a racist.
Why did I gave you the impression that Im in your face and racist? I dont understand why you are so defensive, I never said it is wrong to be white.

Not talking about you specifically, just clarifying my position on that stuff. If people don't like being a minority they can move to where they aren't one.
I dont think of people as minorities or majorities, but thats just me. When I grew up, my "skin color" must have told liberals that I was part of the majority, but i grew up in a family where I was surrounded by other people who had "skin color" that would have told liberals around me that they were part of a minority.
Like many people, I was too busy trying to figure out life and where I fit in, to think about ANY of that crap about other people and whos minority, whos majority.... .
It could just be that in this world there are some people who are more judgmental than others, and are looking for every little reason to come down on someone else. For those of us who like to live and let live it never really makes much sense.

Race is very important to most people.
Not talking about you specifically, just clarifying my position on that stuff. If people don't like being a minority they can move to where they aren't one.
So minorities should have no represantation and participation they should just obey the will of the majority or leave sometimes a minority is more autochton or equally as the majority though as is the case with displaced indigenous people around the world and this still does not answer what makes a person a minority
I dont think of people as minorities or majorities, but thats just me. When I grew up, my "skin color" must have told liberals that I was part of the majority, but i grew up in a family where I was surrounded by other people who had "skin color" that would have told liberals around me that they were part of a minority.
Like many people, I was too busy trying to figure out life and where I fit in, to think about ANY of that crap about other people and whos minority, whos majority.... .
It could just be that in this world there are some people who are more judgmental than others, and are looking for every little reason to come down on someone else. For those of us who like to live and let live it never really makes much sense.

I can't think of anything much more stupid than obsessing about race.

I could not begin to care LESS what % of me is from whatever region or whatever region. Like those DNA tests, for example. Does the DNA come back human? Okay then.

We had a Black girl in school a few years ago with the darkest skin I had ever seen. I thought it was a wonder. She could wear EVERY COLOR and it looked amazing. Here's how clueless I am. I learned in the Black community people with darker skin are often looked down on. Like lighter skin is preferred or something. I'm looking at her skin like...um...what?

It's like some social gene I'm missing. Because I don't get it at all. Not a brag or even a humble brag. I work with special needs kids. I know what it is to miss social cues or whatever. That's me with race. *shrug*
So minorities should have no represantation and participation they should just obey the will of the majority or leave sometimes a minority is more autochton or equally as the majority though as is the case with displaced indigenous people around the world and this still does not answer what makes a person a minority
I once gave an Uber ride to a Serbian guy. He said he did fundraiser for Chicago's Rod Blagojevich, showed me.a.picture of his wife and his mistress, that Serbian women like black guys, and his gun fell out of his pants when leaving my car. Interesting guy.
I would say if he has minority ancestry, even if only partial and usually it is a little visible on him/her or if it is not visible a parent is a minority or a grandparent and it is visible. Do you agree? I ask because Peace insists im Serbian, but in Europe interracial marriage between Roma and Non-Roma is taboo and not accepeted, and mixed people are placed as roma, if they do not want to be roma, they face a struggle for acceptance they can not win, they can be offended but someone will always remind they are roma from time to time, like your mum is a roma whore, or your the son of a gypsy.

I dont know if that is the case in the United States, but in Serbia I would not be a Serbian, Serbia understands itself as multiethnic country, and not everyone is Serbian born in Serbia, like not everyone is Appalachian born in the USA, but some are black or mexican.
If Gypsies ever learned how to assimilate things would be better. The reputation of your clans is well earned.
Because some people are too small-minded and limited, to get past judging race itself is primary consideration across the board, dealing with everyone they meet based on race instead of seeing the individual and individual characteristics. It is a lazy habit, in my opinion, for saving time, as generalization often are. Also, there is a certain xenophobic fear, their way of life is under attack. You meet all kinds and it takes all kind, though some in minority cultures and a minority of the majority culture, to this day, act horribly and are held, as model of everybody of a given race in general to other cultures.
I have the right to dislike anyone who I want and the individual you are allowing to call me into a conversation is against Zone One rules and a violation which for some reason I was given a warning but Mortimer can do whatever he wants without any rebuke!

First off being Serbian isn’t a race but a nation of people and he is trying to bait me into a flame attack based on his lies that you Moderator are allowing!

So why am I being paged into this thread?

Simple, the individual that posts threads about Nazism and ask all the time are they White want to accuse me of racism while this board allows such nonsense!

So either enforce the rules properly or just permanently ban me because I HAVE TIRED OF THE RACR BAITING ON THIS BOARD!
I would say if he has minority ancestry, even if only partial and usually it is a little visible on him/her or if it is not visible a parent is a minority or a grandparent and it is visible. Do you agree? I ask because Peace insists im Serbian, but in Europe interracial marriage between Roma and Non-Roma is taboo and not accepeted, and mixed people are placed as roma, if they do not want to be roma, they face a struggle for acceptance they can not win, they can be offended but someone will always remind they are roma from time to time, like your mum is a roma whore, or your the son of a gypsy.

I dont know if that is the case in the United States, but in Serbia I would not be a Serbian, Serbia understands itself as multiethnic country, and not everyone is Serbian born in Serbia, like not everyone is Appalachian born in the USA, but some are black or mexican.
Walmart shopperz
You admitted you are from Serbia and grew up in Austria, so shut up for once and stop lying about things!

You are a known Pro-Nazi individual that writes racist nonsense on this board and even have been told you can’t post your nonsense on YouTube, so why are you calling me into a thread in race relations when it is a clear violation of the rules?

Why hasn’t a moderator stating they will enforce the rules allowing this?

Simple, you are a pet for the moderation team!

Being Serbian isn’t a race and most are White and still worthless trash to me, so do you an issue with that?

As for disliking you personally it is because you spew pro-Nazi nonsense and hate minorities because if you didn’t hate minorities then you wouldn’t post such nonsense.

Seeing I will get the warning while you are given a free pass tell me this board is pure nonsense and their new mod is allowing race baiting threads and personal attacks as long as it is done by pet posters…

Now let me be clear you being Roma is no issue with me but like everyone in Europe will tell you Serbians are not welcome…
Like you say it it is not the case at all or true for me. Im concerned only about my own race and my own people and how i am and my family are perceived and i have the experience for it, i do not care what race someone else is, and do not judge someone else for his race instead of his individual characteristics big difference.
That is a lie and you have countless of threads showing you are a Pro-Nazi poster, so I do not understand why you are making false claims…

That is for the board to view your opinion on Blacks…

Let stop with your fake victim hood and just admit you are someone that shouldn’t be liked but because you post Pro-Nazi propaganda on this board this board will welcome you with open arms…
Call out threads, where you call out other members in the OP, belong in Badlands. Closed.
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