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When is the time to talk about gun violence?

No…Americans like to be safe from violent criminal attack and use guns…according to bill clinton…1.5 million times a year to stop criminals each year.
That number is garbage, utter.

It is the number bill clinton got when he did the research. So tell him.

Adjusted for current crime rates the number would be much lower.

Moron. 1.5 million….adjusted to population levels today….no….wrong again.

Oh really? How much has population gone up? Crime has come down a lot...

Crime has come down as more people own and carry guns for protection…12.8 million people now carry guns for self defense and the gun murder rate has gone down, not up. And the accidental gun death rate has gone down, not up….and the gun suicide rate has gone down 5%….while suicide with other means has gone up 19%.
The OP lives in a fantasy, to think that congress can stop violence.

gawd another of your selfies.

good thing the OP was addressed here Mods.
I'm ok with that. let's start there. but where you gonna put em? Schools? Universities already have security right? What's been hit most? Universities.

First off, you get the Government to explain to the citizens that they are ultimately responsible for their own safety and security. It is their responsibility to point out potential problens to the authorities. It is their responsibility to be the first responders to these incidents.

Next, you put together appropriate programs to institutionalize the dangerous mentally ill and to take dangerous criminals off the street PERMANENTLY!!!!!

Thirdly you institute legislation to require ALL public locations that restrict or refuse to recognize 2nd Amendment rights to have full-time, trained and armed security along with minimally $3,000,000 of wrongful death insurance for each of the number if occupants alliwed in the building. Max occupancy of a building of 25 = $75 Mil in wrongful death insurance.

The last piece is an updated and streamlined NICS system. A system which doesn't take e minutes, nevermind 3 days. A system that doesn't make gun owners concerned about records being maintained on them. A system where LEOs and Mental Health Professionals are REQUIRED to provide info on Dangerois, Violent people but not on the average individual.

Is,that really too much to ask?
I avoided nothing.
Ok then...
Tell us why you focus on gun violence when better than 70% of violent crime is committed without a gun?

You happy with this chart?
View attachment 51292

are those countries proud of the innocent civilians murdered by their governments……Europe sent 12 million people to death in German death camps…….Russia 25 million, China 70 million, and that doesn't include the Armenian genocide the or any of the other mass murders by governments against unarmed people around the world.

We're not talking about government atrocities. We're talking about citizens killing citizens.

Yeah…you don't want to talk about millions murdered…just the under 80 people killed each year by crazy people…..

When is the time to talk about education, making others aware of the law, teaching tolerance, watching out for others and seek help when there is evidence of erratic behavior or changes in others that might be a sign they are a danger to themselves or others? It should not be about being afraid but of caring for others and just being aware when something seems off or out of place.
I hear people on both sides of the aisle saying, now is not the time to talk about guns. Well, when is the time? What is the answer?

Is it more guns? Is it less guns? Is it more gun restrictions or is it less gun laws?

When will it be time to talk about outlawing Satanism and getting it out of our nation, our government, our school system, etc.? Our political correctness is killing us, people. Our founding fathers never had any intention of making provisions for people to worship Satan and mass murder our people. Wake up already. Enough is enough. Mercer was a hard core satanist following left hand path satanism. Adam Lanza was a hardcore satanist with a webpage dedicated to Satan and Satanism. The Columbine killers were a Satanic coven called Trenchcoat Mafia and there is a pattern here for these mass shootings. They were all involved in Satanism. Time to address the problem and tell the news media to stop covering up the facts on these cases.
Easily. both in terms of simplicity in proving my claim and the level of effort required to amaze you.

Post # 21:
More young people die from guns than die from cars. What other type of violence kills as many of our young people as gun violence?
Appeal to emotion, begging the question. Red herring

Post # 27
I avoided nothing. Why is the NRA afraid to even study what might or might not work to prevent so many deaths?
Argument form dishonesty, red herring

Post #31
Why would anybody need to be given anything before they even consider trying to reduce senseless deaths?
Begging the question, red herring

Post #46
You happy with this chart?
Avoidance of the question, red herring.

Post #57
What kind of scum demands a gift before they agree to reduce senseless deaths?
Appeal to emotion, red herring

All this in just the first 2 pages.
Concern about gun deaths which are more common for young people than car deaths is a perfectly valid point, especially since the subject is gun violence.
#27 Again, The discussion is about Gun Violence. The NRA supported the ban on studying gun violence.
#31. Again, the thread is about discussing gun violence. Gun nuts want some sort of gift to even discuss it. Well before any plans are put forward.
#46 again, inherently relevant.
#57 see 31
All those posts were not within in two pages
Just because rush told you to use that phrase doesn't mean it's appropriate.
and again s0n gun violence will never be stopped as long as a gun exists. And, I highly doubt no country or person will ever be gun free. The OPs questions are unrealistic to debate who should have a gun. And I've explained quite a lot in this thread why. Now you have anything that you have that can overturn any of what I've posted I'm listening. So far I've debunked everything you've thrown out.
You've debunked nothing. All you've done is repeat standard gun nut claims.

And all you spout are irrational, anti gun talking points.

That's interesting.

Not really. You're actually pretty boring. With a little work though you could actually add something new. I would appreciate that.
I'm ok with that. let's start there. but where you gonna put em? Schools? Universities already have security right? What's been hit most? Universities.

First off, you get the Government to explain to the citizens that they are ultimately responsible for their own safety and security. It is their responsibility to point out potential problens to the authorities. It is their responsibility to be the first responders to these incidents.

Next, you put together appropriate programs to institutionalize the dangerous mentally ill and to take dangerous criminals off the street PERMANENTLY!!!!!

Thirdly you institute legislation to require ALL public locations that restrict or refuse to recognize 2nd Amendment rights to have full-time, trained and armed security along with minimally $3,000,000 of wrongful death insurance for each of the number if occupants alliwed in the building. Max occupancy of a building of 25 = $75 Mil in wrongful death insurance.

The last piece is an updated and streamlined NICS system. A system which doesn't take e minutes, nevermind 3 days. A system that doesn't make gun owners concerned about records being maintained on them. A system where LEOs and Mental Health Professionals are REQUIRED to provide info on Dangerois, Violent people but not on the average individual.

Is,that really too much to ask?
all rational points. the problem is it ain't gonna do anything. You must really be delusional to think that security can be everywhere. When the inner cities suffer death daily with paid for police to do surveillance of areas that they know violence exists. If you think you know mentally disturbed people, how do you get them admitted? What about the normal people who just crack? That's the ones were discussing.

And again, the purchase of a weapon isn't the issue. how many fnnnnnnnnnnnnnn flipppnnnnnnn times must i say this. THAT IS NOT THE PROBLEM STOP LISTENING TO LIBERALS......

Oh, and someone can look very rational and have a plan that is whacked out. And you won't know it. Can't stop everyone.
Ok then...
Tell us why you focus on gun violence when better than 70% of violent crime is committed without a gun?

You happy with this chart?
View attachment 51292

are those countries proud of the innocent civilians murdered by their governments……Europe sent 12 million people to death in German death camps…….Russia 25 million, China 70 million, and that doesn't include the Armenian genocide the or any of the other mass murders by governments against unarmed people around the world.

We're not talking about government atrocities. We're talking about citizens killing citizens.

Yeah…you don't want to talk about millions murdered…just the under 80 people killed each year by crazy people…..

When is the time to talk about education, making others aware of the law, teaching tolerance, watching out for others and seek help when there is evidence of erratic behavior or changes in others that might be a sign they are a danger to themselves or others? It should not be about being afraid but of caring for others and just being aware when something seems off or out of place.
what are you going to do with the information? you can't hold them, they didn't hurt anyone, and you can't follow them. again, folks like you think you can control someone. funny. YOU CAN'T.
no it hasn't. You haven't provided one place that has eliminated guns. you tried with Japan, but that ain't so, so take 2.
Japan is a good as it gets. If the US was that good there would be five gun deaths a year here. Perfectly acceptable, if you aren't some unreasonable asshole in love with deadly toys like you that is.
well then you haven't proven your statement. Again. The OP information remember? So your plan fails, so back to the drawing board for you.
Two deaths per year for 127 million people and dumbfuck here says gun control doesn't work. Fuck I hate Americans, dumb as dog shit.
If it worked there'd be zero. So, you fail again in yet another attempt to prove that two deaths are less than zero. LOL.
You are a total fucking moron. Should we not fly in planes because one crashes here or there? How about no laws limiting the speed cars travel at because people still disobey? What a useless fucking idiot you are. Get out of my damn country.

Oh! It's YOUR country! Thanks for clearing that up! I thought it was Trump's. My bad. I'm pretty sure the Waltons or the Koch brothers sincerely think it's theirs. You could probably find a few Chinese that think THEY own America.
You happy with this chart?
View attachment 51292

are those countries proud of the innocent civilians murdered by their governments……Europe sent 12 million people to death in German death camps…….Russia 25 million, China 70 million, and that doesn't include the Armenian genocide the or any of the other mass murders by governments against unarmed people around the world.

We're not talking about government atrocities. We're talking about citizens killing citizens.

Yeah…you don't want to talk about millions murdered…just the under 80 people killed each year by crazy people…..

When is the time to talk about education, making others aware of the law, teaching tolerance, watching out for others and seek help when there is evidence of erratic behavior or changes in others that might be a sign they are a danger to themselves or others? It should not be about being afraid but of caring for others and just being aware when something seems off or out of place.
what are you going to do with the information? you can't hold them, they didn't hurt anyone, and you can't follow them. again, folks like you think you can control someone. funny. YOU CAN'T.

Actually, they can be put under 72 hr psychological evaluation to determine their mental state. They can also be held for making threats or inciting hate if something they say is reported by a person they hears them or read posts online that seems threatening. Their home and car can be searched. They can be questioned.

It is a possibility to hold them short term. It can be enough to deny them legal guns, especially when they have ten or more. If a gun dealer thinks something is not quite right, the back ground check can be delayed or the sale refuse by police.

It might not be a final solution but it can give officials and psychologist a bit more time to see if there area any obvious signs of trouble. Neighbors, friends and family can at least have police talk to the person. FBI and justice can investigate online or public threats or associations with particular groups.

It won't catch every nut case, but it might catch someone acting irrational or is some way threatening. It might keep guns out of their hands long enough to get more information on the person. There are certain tell that might alert and trac the suspect.

A few hunting guns and a personal hand gun for reasons of defense or in some cases for work, but a closet full of automatic and semi automatic should raise red flags and at least slow the process down a bit.

Maybe delay the back ground check by a week, require buyers take a course before a sale is approved. Require the registration of all arms be present at the time of the back ground check and if they have sold any of the guns listed in their name.

Anyone with suggestion and idea should share them and maybe write a letter to representatives for consideration. In a forum we can weight the idea and modify them.
are those countries proud of the innocent civilians murdered by their governments……Europe sent 12 million people to death in German death camps…….Russia 25 million, China 70 million, and that doesn't include the Armenian genocide the or any of the other mass murders by governments against unarmed people around the world.

We're not talking about government atrocities. We're talking about citizens killing citizens.

Yeah…you don't want to talk about millions murdered…just the under 80 people killed each year by crazy people…..

When is the time to talk about education, making others aware of the law, teaching tolerance, watching out for others and seek help when there is evidence of erratic behavior or changes in others that might be a sign they are a danger to themselves or others? It should not be about being afraid but of caring for others and just being aware when something seems off or out of place.
what are you going to do with the information? you can't hold them, they didn't hurt anyone, and you can't follow them. again, folks like you think you can control someone. funny. YOU CAN'T.

Actually, they can be put under 72 hr psychological evaluation to determine their mental state. They can also be held for making threats or inciting hate if something they say is reported by a person they hears them or read posts online that seems threatening. Their home and car can be searched. They can be questioned.

It is a possibility to hold them short term. It can be enough to deny them legal guns, especially when they have ten or more. If a gun dealer thinks something is not quite right, the back ground check can be delayed or the sale refuse by police.

It might not be a final solution but it can give officials and psychologist a bit more time to see if there area any obvious signs of trouble. Neighbors, friends and family can at least have police talk to the person. FBI and justice can investigate online or public threats or associations with particular groups.

It won't catch every nut case, but it might catch someone acting irrational or is some way threatening. It might keep guns out of their hands long enough to get more information on the person. There are certain tell that might alert and trac the suspect.

A few hunting guns and a personal hand gun for reasons of defense or in some cases for work, but a closet full of automatic and semi automatic should raise red flags and at least slow the process down a bit.

Maybe delay the back ground check by a week, require buyers take a course before a sale is approved. Require the registration of all arms be present at the time of the back ground check and if they have sold any of the guns listed in their name.

Anyone with suggestion and idea should share them and maybe write a letter to representatives for consideration. In a forum we can weight the idea and modify them.

Careful how you use the term..."final solution."
CNN Turns Mixed Race Oregon Shooter into a White Man
According to The Gateway Pundit and Conservative Treehouse, CNN altered a photo of Chris Harper-Mercer, the Oregon shooter, to make him look white.
“On the left is the selfie Christopher Mercer uploaded to his social media,” the Conservative Treehouse reports. “On the right is how CNN presented the same selfie in broadcast stories about him. Why did CNN need to change the complexion (color) of their broadcast?”

CNN also did not show photos of Mercer’s mother, who is black.
Black lives matter, unless it is a black man or 1/2 black man(like Obama) who takes the lives of White Christians who were just living their lives in peace. There has been a call for war from the liberals like Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan where blacks need to kill whites. Mega Racist Louis Farrakhan Shouts "White People Deserve To Die" And "Allah Akbar!" In Latest Sermon (Video)
You won’t want to watch it but right around the 3 hour and 15 minute mark is where Farrakhan says Whites are going to die.
Why is the liberal lickspittle lapdog media not giving out all the information? Doesn't fit the liberal agenda.
When the progressives/the federal government stop throwing rocks in their own glass houses... Wait, that will never happen.

More laws will never change the behavior and actions of the crazy violent... It has to start at the family level. Right now we have killed unborn babies by the millions human life means nothing to the village(Hillarys term), it does not take a village. It takes a traditional God fearing family.
You know the ones you read about in the bible.

Till then... Buy more guns and ammo.
According to The Gateway Pundit andConservative Treehouse, CNN altered a photo of Chris Harper-Mercer, the Oregon shooter, to make him look white.

According to bloggers? LMAO
well was it or not? Is he white?

You have to do better than "according to bloggers" and have something more reputable.
wasn't what I asked. i asked you is he white?

Why? Are your eyes fucked up?

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