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When is the time to talk about gun violence?

I can prove it just from your posts in this thread.
Oh please amaze me.
Easily. both in terms of simplicity in proving my claim and the level of effort required to amaze you.

Post # 21:
More young people die from guns than die from cars. What other type of violence kills as many of our young people as gun violence?
Appeal to emotion, begging the question. Red herring

Post # 27
I avoided nothing. Why is the NRA afraid to even study what might or might not work to prevent so many deaths?
Argument form dishonesty, red herring

Post #31
Why would anybody need to be given anything before they even consider trying to reduce senseless deaths?
Begging the question, red herring

Post #46
You happy with this chart?
Avoidance of the question, red herring.

Post #57
What kind of scum demands a gift before they agree to reduce senseless deaths?
Appeal to emotion, red herring

All this in just the first 2 pages.
Concern about gun deaths which are more common for young people than car deaths is a perfectly valid point, especially since the subject is gun violence.
#27 Again, The discussion is about Gun Violence. The NRA supported the ban on studying gun violence.
#31. Again, the thread is about discussing gun violence. Gun nuts want some sort of gift to even discuss it. Well before any plans are put forward.
#46 again, inherently relevant.
#57 see 31
All those posts were not within in two pages
Just because rush told you to use that phrase doesn't mean it's appropriate.
and again s0n gun violence will never be stopped as long as a gun exists. And, I highly doubt no country or person will ever be gun free. The OPs questions are unrealistic to debate who should have a gun. And I've explained quite a lot in this thread why. Now you have anything that you have that can overturn any of what I've posted I'm listening. So far I've debunked everything you've thrown out.
You've debunked nothing. All you've done is repeat standard gun nut claims.
so again, if you wish to start over, let's do it again. I say you can't stop the crazy. That was in response to the OP. Now your position is?
Oh please amaze me.
Easily. both in terms of simplicity in proving my claim and the level of effort required to amaze you.

Post # 21:
More young people die from guns than die from cars. What other type of violence kills as many of our young people as gun violence?
Appeal to emotion, begging the question. Red herring

Post # 27
I avoided nothing. Why is the NRA afraid to even study what might or might not work to prevent so many deaths?
Argument form dishonesty, red herring

Post #31
Why would anybody need to be given anything before they even consider trying to reduce senseless deaths?
Begging the question, red herring

Post #46
You happy with this chart?
Avoidance of the question, red herring.

Post #57
What kind of scum demands a gift before they agree to reduce senseless deaths?
Appeal to emotion, red herring

All this in just the first 2 pages.
Concern about gun deaths which are more common for young people than car deaths is a perfectly valid point, especially since the subject is gun violence.
accident due to texting while driving. Got that stat? Who do you supposed is more likely to die by that? young drivers. So outlaw cell phones. See how the crazy can go? i say put chips in cars that disable the phone while the engine is on. Crazy?
Texting is certainly one of the ways, but I'm talking about all deaths in cars by people under 26 years. All of them weren't texting.
I know, some are illegal drinking with friends in the car and they all died. Distractions with looking for things in glove boxes believe it or not. weather conditions like fog, happened near my house kids from Aurora, IL football night. hit a semi. Happens almost weekly around me. Please don't minimize the fatalities of these poor young people. Hell even the last two to three weeks three high school football players died after a hit on the field. Crazy people will always exist, and if they wish death to someone, they will do their damnedest to do fullfill their rage.

So you think it is not worth the effort to study ways to reduce the number of people killed by guns? You're satisfied with accepting as many gun deaths as we have?
Start over? No need. You have made it clear that you have no concern about the number of people that die from guns each year. The right demands concessions before they even discuss finding ways to help the problem. Gun nuts are just gun nuts. Nothing reasonable can be expected from those people.
Easily. both in terms of simplicity in proving my claim and the level of effort required to amaze you.

Post # 21:
More young people die from guns than die from cars. What other type of violence kills as many of our young people as gun violence?
Appeal to emotion, begging the question. Red herring

Post # 27
I avoided nothing. Why is the NRA afraid to even study what might or might not work to prevent so many deaths?
Argument form dishonesty, red herring

Post #31
Why would anybody need to be given anything before they even consider trying to reduce senseless deaths?
Begging the question, red herring

Post #46
You happy with this chart?
Avoidance of the question, red herring.

Post #57
What kind of scum demands a gift before they agree to reduce senseless deaths?
Appeal to emotion, red herring

All this in just the first 2 pages.
Concern about gun deaths which are more common for young people than car deaths is a perfectly valid point, especially since the subject is gun violence.
accident due to texting while driving. Got that stat? Who do you supposed is more likely to die by that? young drivers. So outlaw cell phones. See how the crazy can go? i say put chips in cars that disable the phone while the engine is on. Crazy?
Texting is certainly one of the ways, but I'm talking about all deaths in cars by people under 26 years. All of them weren't texting.
I know, some are illegal drinking with friends in the car and they all died. Distractions with looking for things in glove boxes believe it or not. weather conditions like fog, happened near my house kids from Aurora, IL football night. hit a semi. Happens almost weekly around me. Please don't minimize the fatalities of these poor young people. Hell even the last two to three weeks three high school football players died after a hit on the field. Crazy people will always exist, and if they wish death to someone, they will do their damnedest to do fullfill their rage.

So you think it is not worth the effort to study ways to reduce the number of people killed by guns? You're satisfied with accepting as many gun deaths as we have?
no, I don't want to see anyone die of anything. But to make outlandish statements that can't be backed up seems like a lot of politics and inaction. The fact remains, crazy people will almost never be found ahead of their outrage. Inner city violence is my real problem. And do you know that the majority of cities with inner city gun violence are governed by the left. i live in the outskirts of Chicago, and as I already mentioned in here, every night there is a shooting in those neighborhoods. I'd like that stopped. PERIOD. I thought black lives mattered, yet the dems do nothing to stop inner city black death. Go look at this week in Chicago, it'll make you sick. And you know what sweetie? No gun law in the world will stop that, since all the guns are illegal guns. Chief McCarthy is exactly right, there must be more severe punishment for carrying an illegal gun. let's start there ok? Or do you support shooters?
Start over? No need. You have made it clear that you have no concern about the number of people that die from guns each year. The right demands concessions before they even discuss finding ways to help the problem. Gun nuts are just gun nuts. Nothing reasonable can be expected from those people.
well if you would have waited so I could answer your previous post you'd of learned my position. want to try again?

BTW, do you have any proof of law abiding citizen with a legal gun killing illegally? Just post me up one.
huh? that wasn't the OP. again, for the second or third time, you can't stop crazy. You can't, why is it you feel you can? What proof do you have that that is achievable?

You can't stop crazy. I agree. Thats,why we need increased security, mire personal responsibility without interference from the State and better controls on the people in our society..... so you can LIMIT crazy and be prepared to Stop It when ut dies,happen.
huh? that wasn't the OP. again, for the second or third time, you can't stop crazy. You can't, why is it you feel you can? What proof do you have that that is achievable?

You can't stop crazy. I agree. Thats,why we need increased security, mire personal responsibility without interference from the State and better controls on the people in our society..... so you can LIMIT crazy and be prepared to Stop It when ut dies,happen.
I'm ok with that. let's start there. but where you gonna put em? Schools? Universities already have security right? What's been hit most? Universities.

President Kennedy got shot and had one of the best security teams one could buy and he died. I'm not opposed to nothing, but please come to the table with a reasonable position.
Guns are not violent, people are.
Yep...let's not talk about this at all. The only people who care are those personally affected. Let's hope that no one here is ever personally affected.
so again, what is it you'd like to discuss? Why is it you can't debate the issue and instead act like a spoiled little brat? The OP asked a question and it was answered. You don't like the answer so you post up this kind of shite.
What is wrong about what I said?
Guns are not violent, people are.
Yep...let's not talk about this at all. The only people who care are those personally affected. Let's hope that no one here is ever personally affected.
so again, what is it you'd like to discuss? Why is it you can't debate the issue and instead act like a spoiled little brat? The OP asked a question and it was answered. You don't like the answer so you post up this kind of shite.
What is wrong about what I said?
plenty. The OP asked a question. there was quite a lot of banter, and out of it, nothing that the left provided was reasonable. so it's discussed, but you all wish to control people and that isn't possible. I feel for those affected. but it is tragic and tragic happens all the time. Guns are not the problem and stating otherwise is simply wrong. And again, I posted in here why.
The right demands concessions before they even discuss finding ways to help the problem.
This is a lie, and another example of you only arguing from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.

If the anti-gun loons seek compromise from gun owners, they must, by definition, offer gun owners something in exchange for what they give up.

You refuse to understand this, like the good little anti-gun loon you are.
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hey leftists, let's start with tv and movies and get the trash off the screens. You ok with that?
Guns are not violent, people are.
Yep...let's not talk about this at all. The only people who care are those personally affected. Let's hope that no one here is ever personally affected.
so again, what is it you'd like to discuss? Why is it you can't debate the issue and instead act like a spoiled little brat? The OP asked a question and it was answered. You don't like the answer so you post up this kind of shite.
What is wrong about what I said?
plenty. The OP asked a question. there was quite a lot of banter, and out of it, nothing that the left provided was reasonable. so it's discussed, but you all wish to control people and that isn't possible. I feel for those affected. but it is tragic and tragic happens all the time. Guns are not the problem and stating otherwise is simply wrong. And again, I posted in here why.
You might want to look at my post again. I'm not wanting to control anyone. I am sadly resigned to the flow of blood in this country...and hope that it doesn't affect me personally ever. That's pretty much all I can do.
The right demands concessions before they even discuss finding ways to help the problem.
This is a lie, and another example of you only arguing from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
If the anti-gun loons seek compromise from gun owners, they must, by definition, offer gun owners something in exchange for what they give up.
You refuse to understand this, like the good little anti-gun loon you are.
The OP lives in a fantasy, to think that congress can stop violence. It is the leftist position. Why not start with the silver screen and take violence of the screens? I'm good with that, i'm very sick of that, and that is daily on TV. Get the zombie grossness off the air, ain't needed. Let's see some more head shots and beheadings and then say let's make gun laws. stop planting the ideas.

Hey one other thought, John Wayne Gacy, never used a gun. how many kids died at his hands?
We all know progressives don't care about people being shot because they celebrate thousands of babies being killed a year.... what they are afraid of is freedom and if you have a gun you are more free then if you don't....hard to control a man when the man has the means to say no

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You lost the means to say no decades, and for that you need a lawyer, not a gun.
And that's why you are so eager to be a slave. Well unlike you I refuse to be a bitch

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
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hey leftists, let's start with tv and movies and get the trash off the screens. You ok with that?
Works for me. Who do you have in mind to make the call whether something is "trash" or not?
who you tell me. you think zombie beheading a good thing for TV shots to the head every episode repeatedly?
The OP lives in a fantasy, to think that congress can stop violence.

Guns are not violent, people are.
Yep...let's not talk about this at all. The only people who care are those personally affected. Let's hope that no one here is ever personally affected.
so again, what is it you'd like to discuss? Why is it you can't debate the issue and instead act like a spoiled little brat? The OP asked a question and it was answered. You don't like the answer so you post up this kind of shite.
What is wrong about what I said?
plenty. The OP asked a question. there was quite a lot of banter, and out of it, nothing that the left provided was reasonable. so it's discussed, but you all wish to control people and that isn't possible. I feel for those affected. but it is tragic and tragic happens all the time. Guns are not the problem and stating otherwise is simply wrong. And again, I posted in here why.
You might want to look at my post again. I'm not wanting to control anyone. I am sadly resigned to the flow of blood in this country...and hope that it doesn't affect me personally ever. That's pretty much all I can do.
so you agree crazy will always be crazy and no level of security can stop it right? Let's start there.
I like how you avoided my point and proved my point at the same time. Nicely done.
I avoided nothing.
Ok then...
Tell us why you focus on gun violence when better than 70% of violent crime is committed without a gun?

You happy with this chart?
View attachment 51292

are those countries proud of the innocent civilians murdered by their governments……Europe sent 12 million people to death in German death camps…….Russia 25 million, China 70 million, and that doesn't include the Armenian genocide the or any of the other mass murders by governments against unarmed people around the world.

We're not talking about government atrocities. We're talking about citizens killing citizens.

Yeah…you don't want to talk about millions murdered…just the under 80 people killed each year by crazy people…..
Ok then...
Tell us why you focus on gun violence when better than 70% of violent crime is committed without a gun?

You happy with this chart?
View attachment 51292

are those countries proud of the innocent civilians murdered by their governments……Europe sent 12 million people to death in German death camps…….Russia 25 million, China 70 million, and that doesn't include the Armenian genocide the or any of the other mass murders by governments against unarmed people around the world.

Europe? That isn't a country. And your claim is obviously false.

France and other countries handed over their citizens to Germans to be murdered in their death camps……almost all of them did……..to the tune of 12 million people.

France isn't almost all of them. And france was completely taken over by the Germans.

Yes…because they disarmed their citizens after World War 1 and after the French military was defeated the people were helpless to resist the Germans, and surrendered their Jewish citizens, and others, to be murdered in German death camps….Switzerland…with over 400,000 people with rifles and pistols…not invaded or conquered…...

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