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When is the time to talk about gun violence?

Want to stop 99.9999% of gun murders?
Very simple.
Assemble ten thousand NG and do a house by house sweep of every inner city shithole in the country. Literally no stone left unturned.
Tens of thousands of illegal handguns will be confiscated.
Pass a Federal law stating anyone found in possession of an illegal handgun will be sentenced to twenty years in Federal prison. The prisons to be located in Death Valley Nevada. No excuses. No 'appeal'. Just a one way trip to your fucking tent in the desert. Temp. averaging 130 F.
Don't worry. The inner city murder rate won't go down.
The Tree Dwellers will just murder each other with hatchets.

Oddly, that's what you gun nuts claim to be afraid of. Of course that will never happen, but that doesn't stop your childish claims.
Like I said, I have guns. Love to hunt. I believe only an idiot wouldn't want to do anything required to make sure guns are only used safely. Prancing around in public with one strapped to your hip is not using one safely.

Sooo, cops with guns strapped to their hip are not using their firearms safely? Well apparently lots of them don't...but that's beside the point (I'd much rather teach housewives to shoot than cops).

If you can't walk around in public armed without hurting yourself or someone else, you have a personal problem...but luckily all of us don't share your handicap.

I didn't say cops always pranced, and there is a reason why they are armed. Gun nuts don't have that purpose, and they usually do prance.
oh come now, show us a video, I need a laugh. BTW, guns are allowed in many states now on private citizens. Hmm, here in Illinois, Florida.......

I'm from Texas. I'm well aware of the dickless goobers prancing around with a gun as a replacement penis.
wow s0n/ daughter..... you got yourself some problems there then don't ya. Seems you is on the minority side of that issue then? Been that way for some time. You should find yourself a state that doesn't allow that so you feel comfortable. Oregon?
My position is, and always has been, if we eliminate guns we eliminate gun violence. Got it now, dumbass?
HOW exactly do you eliminate firearms? You have some super secret special magic trick that will make them all disappear?
Hard work. It's been done.
no it hasn't. You haven't provided one place that has eliminated guns. you tried with Japan, but that ain't so, so take 2.
Japan is a good as it gets. If the US was that good there would be five gun deaths a year here. Perfectly acceptable, if you aren't some unreasonable asshole in love with deadly toys like you that is.
well then you haven't proven your statement. Again. The OP information remember? So your plan fails, so back to the drawing board for you.
Two deaths per year for 127 million people and dumbfuck here says gun control doesn't work. Fuck I hate Americans, dumb as dog shit.
BTW, I own no gun.
Good, people like you should never be allowed to...
hahahhhahaha, i choose to not own one. I don't need to kill anything. I go to the grocery store for my food. I have dogs to protect my home, and I feel quite comfortable with my own defensive skills. So you, you are the fraudulent person making statements from the OP and then actually having a gun. Know the word for that? HYPOCRITE
Yes... an anti-gun loon, able to argue only from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
Like I said, I have guns.
Even if true, it doesn't change the fact that you only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
That is a pretty broad statement. What do you base it on?
I can prove it just from your posts in this thread.
Oh please amaze me.
Easily. both in terms of simplicity in proving my claim and the level of effort required to amaze you.

Post # 21:
More young people die from guns than die from cars. What other type of violence kills as many of our young people as gun violence?
Appeal to emotion, begging the question. Red herring

Post # 27
I avoided nothing. Why is the NRA afraid to even study what might or might not work to prevent so many deaths?
Argument form dishonesty, red herring

Post #31
Why would anybody need to be given anything before they even consider trying to reduce senseless deaths?
Begging the question, red herring

Post #46
You happy with this chart?
Avoidance of the question, red herring.

Post #57
What kind of scum demands a gift before they agree to reduce senseless deaths?
Appeal to emotion, red herring

All this in just the first 2 pages.
BTW, I own no gun.
Good, people like you should never be allowed to...
hahahhhahaha, i choose to not own one. I don't need to kill anything. I go to the grocery store for my food. I have dogs to protect my home, and I feel quite comfortable with my own defensive skills. So you, you are the fraudulent person making statements from the OP and then actually having a gun. Know the word for that? HYPOCRITE
I have guns because where I live there is a need to kill things. That's what guns are for, dumbass.
Other countries don't have gun rights protected in their constitution, the US does.

Licensing, required testing every few years, inspection of firearms every few years, better tracking of gun sold by private owners or sun shows, limiting concealed carry permits, not permitting military armaments and ammo to certain collectors or ranges (most people don't need tanks and artillery in their front yard nor machine gun for hunting)

It is one thing to own guns, but most people do not need an armory in their home, nor armor piercing ammo.

Those know to have certain mental health issue should not be permitted to own guns, or more than one gun for hunting in rural areas for food. Not all mental health issues makes one a danger to himself of others.

Doctor patient confidentiality should only go so far, the conditions for reporting a potential danger to authorities should be broader. Maybe the patient could be evaluated by another doctor or a board of doctors. Patients that work in certain professions where others might be endangered (accidently or intentionally) should be reported. Those on certain medicines, should perhaps be listed and more frequently evaluated by other doctors or authorities.

There are measure that can be taken without unnecessarily restricting the rights of the majority of the population.
how do you check for future mental health issues? That sir is the issue.
No, they were as dumb as you, with your faith in God and Guns.

Which made them smarter than you then, Walter Mitty.
Yeah, they died so smartly. Dumbfucks here, total dumbfucks.

and your fate will be the same...only faster. If I could I would slow it down so I could enjoy it, but oh well, I probably won't have time to get over there before some MZB makes you his bitch and goes all necrophiliac on you.
Like I said, I have guns. Love to hunt. I believe only an idiot wouldn't want to do anything required to make sure guns are only used safely. Prancing around in public with one strapped to your hip is not using one safely.

Sooo, cops with guns strapped to their hip are not using their firearms safely? Well apparently lots of them don't...but that's beside the point (I'd much rather teach housewives to shoot than cops).

If you can't walk around in public armed without hurting yourself or someone else, you have a personal problem...but luckily all of us don't share your handicap.

I didn't say cops always pranced, and there is a reason why they are armed. Gun nuts don't have that purpose, and they usually do prance.
oh come now, show us a video, I need a laugh. BTW, guns are allowed in many states now on private citizens. Hmm, here in Illinois, Florida.......

I'm from Texas. I'm well aware of the dickless goobers prancing around with a gun as a replacement penis.
wow s0n/ daughter..... you got yourself some problems there then don't ya. Seems you is on the minority side of that issue then? Been that way for some time. You should find yourself a state that doesn't allow that to feel comfortable. Oh Oregon?

Not really that much of a minority. Gerrymandering has pretty much let the crazies take over state government for a while, but demographics will soon change that and Texans can be proud again. Plenty of sane people here, but not many of them are in state government.
The solution is easy but I'm afraid its a secret.

Ask what the pro gun nuts suggestion for preventing these type of events. When they refuse to answer or call you Mao Mao reincarnated you'll understand that they have no suggestion at all.

If you want proof of that go search the thread by M14 I think thats called "Liberals whats your plan for guns?" Its like 300 pages and the pro any gun anytime crowd just shot down any and all suggestions
see, the OP didn't know and now it appears you don't either. There is no solution. Deal with it. Look s0n, I'm open to any suggestion you have, but ten minutes after you post it, I'll be able to literally oppose it. But hey, go for it. What's your idea?
No, they were as dumb as you, with your faith in God and Guns.

Which made them smarter than you then, Walter Mitty.
Yeah, they died so smartly. Dumbfucks here, total dumbfucks.

and your fate will be the same...only faster. If I could I would slow it down so I could enjoy it, but oh well, I probably won't have time to get over there before some MZB makes you his bitch and goes all necrophiliac on you.
Once dead I couldn't care less. Dead is dead, little Christian, even for you until Jesus returns, and he's almost 2,000 years overdue.
Want to stop 99.9999% of gun murders?
Very simple.
Assemble ten thousand NG and do a house by house sweep of every inner city shithole in the country. Literally no stone left unturned.
Tens of thousands of illegal handguns will be confiscated.
Pass a Federal law stating anyone found in possession of an illegal handgun will be sentenced to twenty years in Federal prison. The prisons to be located in Death Valley Nevada. No excuses. No 'appeal'. Just a one way trip to your fucking tent in the desert. Temp. averaging 130 F.
Don't worry. The inner city murder rate won't go down.
The Tree Dwellers will just murder each other with hatchets.
Hey,,Now here you go, this could work!!!!!!!!! Still ain't going to get the nut job crazies though.
Want to stop 99.9999% of gun murders?
Very simple.
Assemble ten thousand NG and do a house by house sweep of every inner city shithole in the country. Literally no stone left unturned.
Tens of thousands of illegal handguns will be confiscated.
Pass a Federal law stating anyone found in possession of an illegal handgun will be sentenced to twenty years in Federal prison. The prisons to be located in Death Valley Nevada. No excuses. No 'appeal'. Just a one way trip to your fucking tent in the desert. Temp. averaging 130 F.
Don't worry. The inner city murder rate won't go down.
The Tree Dwellers will just murder each other with hatchets.

Oddly, that's what you gun nuts claim to be afraid of. Of course that will never happen, but that doesn't stop your childish claims.
what is it we're afraid of exactly? Go ask the inner city families who can't go out at night. Come back after that interview. Oh and do the interview at night, let's see how safe you'll feel. OP.
HOW exactly do you eliminate firearms? You have some super secret special magic trick that will make them all disappear?
Hard work. It's been done.
no it hasn't. You haven't provided one place that has eliminated guns. you tried with Japan, but that ain't so, so take 2.
Japan is a good as it gets. If the US was that good there would be five gun deaths a year here. Perfectly acceptable, if you aren't some unreasonable asshole in love with deadly toys like you that is.
well then you haven't proven your statement. Again. The OP information remember? So your plan fails, so back to the drawing board for you.
Two deaths per year for 127 million people and dumbfuck here says gun control doesn't work. Fuck I hate Americans, dumb as dog shit.
If it worked there'd be zero. So, you fail again in yet another attempt to prove that two deaths are less than zero. LOL.
Hard work. It's been done.
no it hasn't. You haven't provided one place that has eliminated guns. you tried with Japan, but that ain't so, so take 2.
Japan is a good as it gets. If the US was that good there would be five gun deaths a year here. Perfectly acceptable, if you aren't some unreasonable asshole in love with deadly toys like you that is.
well then you haven't proven your statement. Again. The OP information remember? So your plan fails, so back to the drawing board for you.
Two deaths per year for 127 million people and dumbfuck here says gun control doesn't work. Fuck I hate Americans, dumb as dog shit.
If it worked there'd be zero. So, you fail again in yet another attempt to prove that two deaths are less than zero. LOL.
You are a total fucking moron. Should we not fly in planes because one crashes here or there? How about no laws limiting the speed cars travel at because people still disobey? What a useless fucking idiot you are. Get out of my damn country.
BTW, I own no gun.
Good, people like you should never be allowed to...
hahahhhahaha, i choose to not own one. I don't need to kill anything. I go to the grocery store for my food. I have dogs to protect my home, and I feel quite comfortable with my own defensive skills. So you, you are the fraudulent person making statements from the OP and then actually having a gun. Know the word for that? HYPOCRITE
I have guns because where I live there is a need to kill things. That's what guns are for, dumbass.
things = People? things = animal? things= any non living being? what is it you're afraid of?
BTW, I own no gun.
Good, people like you should never be allowed to...
hahahhhahaha, i choose to not own one. I don't need to kill anything. I go to the grocery store for my food. I have dogs to protect my home, and I feel quite comfortable with my own defensive skills. So you, you are the fraudulent person making statements from the OP and then actually having a gun. Know the word for that? HYPOCRITE
I have guns because where I live there is a need to kill things. That's what guns are for, dumbass.
things = People? things = animal? things= any non living being? what is it you're afraid of?
I'm afraid of nothing, but I sometimes have to kill living things.
Want to stop 99.9999% of gun murders?
Very simple.
Assemble ten thousand NG and do a house by house sweep of every inner city shithole in the country. Literally no stone left unturned.
Tens of thousands of illegal handguns will be confiscated.
Pass a Federal law stating anyone found in possession of an illegal handgun will be sentenced to twenty years in Federal prison. The prisons to be located in Death Valley Nevada. No excuses. No 'appeal'. Just a one way trip to your fucking tent in the desert. Temp. averaging 130 F.
Don't worry. The inner city murder rate won't go down.
The Tree Dwellers will just murder each other with hatchets.
Hey,,Now here you go, this could work!!!!!!!!! Still ain't going to get the nut job crazies though.
True. There will always be crazies.
But at least the inner city negro shit holes run by fucking LIBs won't be kept awake all night listening gun fire and wondering if their 'young negro' grandson has just been shot.

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