When Our Government Allowed to Raid an Attorney’s Office

The Government is allowed to raid when they have a search warrant

It is in the fourth amendment
It only applies to a clients attorney if they can proof that a crime was committed
No, the govt only needs probable cause to believe the attorney has information that is not privileged and more likely than not relevant to proving a crime.

Your snowflake komrades keep telling us how there is a much higher standard for such warrants, but you just told us that the standard is the same as for any other warrant.

any DA can issue a warrant .. in this case the AUSDA issued the warrant ... thats not standard

stupidity for you is standard ..
no because the FBI hasn't told us what the crime was is what makes it unconstitutional. thanks for asking me though.

What? Show me in the Constitution or in case law where a warrant is deemed “unconstitutional” if law enforcement doesn’t divulge that information to the public?

Never mind that this is a state matter, not federal

The 4th Amendment applies to the states, numskull. The 4th amendment says

Amendment IV
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

How do we know if the government is complying with it if the information is not made public? The idea that you're trying to put over on us, that we are supposed to trust that government officials are complying with the 4th amendment, doesn't pass the laugh test.
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The Government is allowed to raid when they have a search warrant

It is in the fourth amendment
but like another poster said--it is very rare....and this was not to investigate a murder/rape/stolen nuke/kidnapping/etc......nothing near as serious
so--there is a legitimate concern about it
They are investigating a crime
A judge approved the warrant
well--MOST[ all ?? ] attorneys representing a suspect for committing a crime are in a criminal investigation!!!!!!!!!!!! ???????!!
and they don't raid these attorneys
that's because those lawyers are not the lawyer who did the alleged unlawful deed.....in this case it is Cohen who is suspect of doing that based on the statements made to the entire world....by Cohen himself..... his clients are not the suspects, Cohen is himself, the suspect.
ok--still it is rare ....
The Government is allowed to raid when they have a search warrant

It is in the fourth amendment
but like another poster said--it is very rare....and this was not to investigate a murder/rape/stolen nuke/kidnapping/etc......nothing near as serious
so--there is a legitimate concern about it
They are investigating a crime
A judge approved the warrant
well--MOST[ all ?? ] attorneys representing a suspect for committing a crime are in a criminal investigation!!!!!!!!!!!! ???????!!
and they don't raid these attorneys
that's because those lawyers are not the lawyer who did the alleged unlawful deed.....in this case it is Cohen who is suspect of doing that based on the statements made to the entire world....by Cohen himself..... his clients are not the suspects, Cohen is himself, the suspect.
what is the alleged unlawful deed? you all keep saying there was a law broken. which law? why can't you define it?
I agree--if it was serious, important, clear, etc, we should know SOMETHING--
but no one has any clue
and if they come up with something, it will be a loooooong stretch to find him guilty
Wait, so you think because you and I were not given a copy of the warrant and told the crime that the warrant does not list one?

Do you hold that same view for the thousands of warrants issued every day all around the country? That with each of them you should personally be informed of the crime?

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you know, I hate when people like you that got nothing think you got the entire workbook. You have no idea of anything here, and you just admitted it. so you don't know that they provided a crime. Do you?

They had to to get a warrant, dope.

You're asserting a conspiracy wherin the judge signed off without just cause.
Prove that.

you dont honestly think that idiot knows what it takes to get a warrant do you ?
you don't that's for sure. you can't name the crime.

still waiting for you to prove there was no crime ..
Living in America is the proof that you need. We don't have to prove ourselves innocent
no because the FBI hasn't told us what the crime was is what makes it unconstitutional. thanks for asking me though.

What? Show me in the Constitution or in case law where a warrant is deemed “unconstitutional” if law enforcement doesn’t divulge that information to the public?

Never mind that this is a state matter, not federal
ask Carter Page. not me. it didn't affect me.
You’re the one making the claim. Prove it
Carter Page made the claim and I am just letting you know.
The Government is allowed to raid when they have a search warrant

It is in the fourth amendment
but like another poster said--it is very rare....and this was not to investigate a murder/rape/stolen nuke/kidnapping/etc......nothing near as serious
so--there is a legitimate concern about it
They are investigating a crime
A judge approved the warrant
well--MOST[ all ?? ] attorneys representing a suspect for committing a crime are in a criminal investigation!!!!!!!!!!!! ???????!!
and they don't raid these attorneys
that's because those lawyers are not the lawyer who did the alleged unlawful deed.....in this case it is Cohen who is suspect of doing that based on the statements made to the entire world....by Cohen himself..... his clients are not the suspects, Cohen is himself, the suspect.
what is the alleged unlawful deed? you all keep saying there was a law broken. which law? why can't you define it?

until you prove there was no crime you got nothing - so either prove here was no crime or STFU
you know, I hate when people like you that got nothing think you got the entire workbook. You have no idea of anything here, and you just admitted it. so you don't know that they provided a crime. Do you?

They had to to get a warrant, dope.

You're asserting a conspiracy wherin the judge signed off without just cause.
Prove that.

you dont honestly think that idiot knows what it takes to get a warrant do you ?
you don't that's for sure. you can't name the crime.

still waiting for you to prove there was no crime ..
Living in America is the proof that you need. We don't have to prove ourselves innocent
he thinks you do. until his sorry ass is arrested without a crime.
The Government is allowed to raid when they have a search warrant

It is in the fourth amendment
but like another poster said--it is very rare....and this was not to investigate a murder/rape/stolen nuke/kidnapping/etc......nothing near as serious
so--there is a legitimate concern about it
They are investigating a crime
A judge approved the warrant
well--MOST[ all ?? ] attorneys representing a suspect for committing a crime are in a criminal investigation!!!!!!!!!!!! ???????!!
and they don't raid these attorneys
that's because those lawyers are not the lawyer who did the alleged unlawful deed.....in this case it is Cohen who is suspect of doing that based on the statements made to the entire world....by Cohen himself..... his clients are not the suspects, Cohen is himself, the suspect.
what is the alleged unlawful deed? you all keep saying there was a law broken. which law? why can't you define it?
Jesus fucking Christ. I showed you what law on Monday, asshole. Why do you fucking willfully blind monkeys keep acting so fucking obtuse?

You need it again, idiot?

Here: 11 CFR 114.2 - Prohibitions on contributions, expenditures and electioneering communications.
but like another poster said--it is very rare....and this was not to investigate a murder/rape/stolen nuke/kidnapping/etc......nothing near as serious
so--there is a legitimate concern about it
They are investigating a crime
A judge approved the warrant
well--MOST[ all ?? ] attorneys representing a suspect for committing a crime are in a criminal investigation!!!!!!!!!!!! ???????!!
and they don't raid these attorneys
that's because those lawyers are not the lawyer who did the alleged unlawful deed.....in this case it is Cohen who is suspect of doing that based on the statements made to the entire world....by Cohen himself..... his clients are not the suspects, Cohen is himself, the suspect.
what is the alleged unlawful deed? you all keep saying there was a law broken. which law? why can't you define it?

until you prove there was no crime you got nothing - so either prove here was no crime or STFU
I already did, you can't post one. Proof of no crime.
The Government is allowed to raid when they have a search warrant

It is in the fourth amendment
but like another poster said--it is very rare....and this was not to investigate a murder/rape/stolen nuke/kidnapping/etc......nothing near as serious
so--there is a legitimate concern about it
They are investigating a crime
A judge approved the warrant
well--MOST[ all ?? ] attorneys representing a suspect for committing a crime are in a criminal investigation!!!!!!!!!!!! ???????!!
and they don't raid these attorneys
that's because those lawyers are not the lawyer who did the alleged unlawful deed.....in this case it is Cohen who is suspect of doing that based on the statements made to the entire world....by Cohen himself..... his clients are not the suspects, Cohen is himself, the suspect.
what is the alleged unlawful deed? you all keep saying there was a law broken. which law? why can't you define it?
Because there is not one
This is an aimless, hunt and peck to see if some dirt can be found while acting as if it already has
you know, I hate when people like you that got nothing think you got the entire workbook. You have no idea of anything here, and you just admitted it. so you don't know that they provided a crime. Do you?

They had to to get a warrant, dope.

You're asserting a conspiracy wherin the judge signed off without just cause.
Prove that.

you dont honestly think that idiot knows what it takes to get a warrant do you ?
you don't that's for sure. you can't name the crime.

still waiting for you to prove there was no crime ..
Living in America is the proof that you need. We don't have to prove ourselves innocent

The Government is allowed to raid when they have a search warrant

It is in the fourth amendment
It only applies to a clients attorney if they can proof that a crime was committed
No, the govt only needs probable cause to believe the attorney has information that is not privileged and more likely than not relevant to proving a crime.

Your snowflake komrades keep telling us how there is a much higher standard for such warrants, but you just told us that the standard is the same as for any other warrant.

any DA can issue a warrant .. in this case the AUSDA issued the warrant ... thats not standard

stupidity for you is standard ..
The AUSDA doesn't issue warrants? How does he do his job? The claim is that the standard for issuing the warrant is higher, not that only certain people can do it.

Contradicting yourself and then not understanding that even after you have been told is the ultimate stupidity.
How do we know if the government is complying with it if the information is not made public? The idea that you're trying to put over on us that we are supposed to trust the government officials are complying with the 4th amendment doesn't pass the laugh test.

Because it takes two separate branches of government to issue a warrant.
They had to to get a warrant, dope.

You're asserting a conspiracy wherin the judge signed off without just cause.
Prove that.

you dont honestly think that idiot knows what it takes to get a warrant do you ?
you don't that's for sure. you can't name the crime.

still waiting for you to prove there was no crime ..
Living in America is the proof that you need. We don't have to prove ourselves innocent


Utter horseshit.
They are investigating a crime
A judge approved the warrant
well--MOST[ all ?? ] attorneys representing a suspect for committing a crime are in a criminal investigation!!!!!!!!!!!! ???????!!
and they don't raid these attorneys
that's because those lawyers are not the lawyer who did the alleged unlawful deed.....in this case it is Cohen who is suspect of doing that based on the statements made to the entire world....by Cohen himself..... his clients are not the suspects, Cohen is himself, the suspect.
what is the alleged unlawful deed? you all keep saying there was a law broken. which law? why can't you define it?

until you prove there was no crime you got nothing - so either prove here was no crime or STFU
I already did, you can't post one. Proof of no crime.

SLAP DAB BRAIN DEAD MORON ^^^^^^^^^^^^ patti too ^^^^^^^
The emails, documents, and texts in possession by law enforcement will reveal if the women Trump fucked were paid to be silent in order to help Trump win the election.

The emails, documents, and texts in possession by law enforcement will reveal if Cohen violated campaign finance laws to cover up Trump's infidelities.

The emails, documents, and texts in possession by law enforcement will reveal if Cohen lied on Patriot Act disclosure forms.
I see so many liberal progressive federal judges obstructing Trump at every possible turn, it's almost obscene. Yeah,maybe sometimes it's warranted but I think sometimes not. Especially when I find out that W and Obama did the same effing thing and nobody bitched then.

I don't know the particulars but I have the feeling this is a fishing expedition authorized by a Trump hater without enough real evidence to support the invasion of attorney/client privilege. As I say, I don't know but the toxic political atmosphere in this country is destroying the last vestiges of faith and trust in all of our gov't institutions which now includes federal judges. God help us.
How do we know if the government is complying with it if the information is not made public? The idea that you're trying to put over on us that we are supposed to trust the government officials are complying with the 4th amendment doesn't pass the laugh test.

Because it takes two separate branches of government to issue a warrant.

That doesn't gaurantee jack shit when the same party controls both branches.
Well you have heard all the Stalins you need today
Innocent until proven guilty is "utter horseshit " and one needs to "prove themselves innocent"

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