When Our Government Allowed to Raid an Attorney’s Office

When Our Government-Authorized Thugs Break Into An Aattorney's Office to Impound Confidential Files in an On going Politically-Motivated Investigation
Then I’m sorry to say that the UNITED STATES of AMERICA
must be declared
What more can possibly be done to damage this country?

Posts like this make me think there should be a special section devoted to crying like a bitch. You have to be really dumb to claim that a lawyer's office is supposed to be some kind of magical sanctuary where the rule of law becomes suspended.
When Our Government-Authorized Thugs Break Into An Aattorney's Office to Impound Confidential Files in an On going Politically-Motivated Investigation
Then I’m sorry to say that the UNITED STATES of AMERICA
must be declared
What more can possibly be done to damage this country?

Raw emotional fear, you are the bread and butter of Fake Fox News and every right wing radio show. They salivate knowing you are out there.
From NBC News:

" A person familiar with the matter told NBC News that this was not a subpoena requesting documents from Cohen. Instead, the source said, this was a court-authorized search, which means there was sufficient probable cause for a federal judge to agree that a search involving the president's personal attorney could occur without any advance notice to Cohen. "

I'd like to know which federal judge authorized that search and on what grounds.
Well you have heard all the Stalins you need today
Innocent until proven guilty is "utter horseshit " and one needs to "prove themselves innocent"

yet not one RW dipshit can prove Cohen didnt offer enough probable cause to have a warrant executed ....

people have to tell you when you shit in your pants dont they?

there is no guilt or innocence you dubmass, there was probable cause sufficient to issue a F'n WARRANT ..

From NBC News:

" A person familiar with the matter told NBC News that this was not a subpoena requesting documents from Cohen. Instead, the source said, this was a court-authorized search, which means there was sufficient probable cause for a federal judge to agree that a search involving the president's personal attorney could occur without any advance notice to Cohen. "

I'd like to know which federal judge authorized that search and on what grounds. And WTF does this have to do with the investigation into Russian collusion?
It has nothing to do with collusion. That's why it was turned over to the New York prosecutor.

The grounds for the search have been explained several times. Catch up! Stop parroting your propagandists. You sound stupid.

By the way, "collusion" is a fake Fox News obsession. The word "collusion" appears nowhere in the letter appointing Mueller as special counsel.
Well you have heard all the Stalins you need today
Innocent until proven guilty is "utter horseshit " and one needs to "prove themselves innocent"

yet not one RW dipshit can prove Cohen didnt offer enough probable cause to have a warrant executed ....
Igor-we don't have to prove ourselves innocent in the USA. That burden is on the legal system to prove us guilty . The fact that you do not know that yet are posting here is a giveaway as to your origin and intent
Right now Trump controls the executive branch. They're the one's who went for the warrant. Trump appointed people approved the request.
Yes. Trump controls the executive. So, when Trump fired Comey. he was not obstructing justice. He was exercising his constitutional power.

People are talking out of both sides of their asses on all of this. The main offenders are those who want to get Trump so bad, they don't care about the cost.
Well you have heard all the Stalins you need today
Innocent until proven guilty is "utter horseshit " and one needs to "prove themselves innocent"

yet not one RW dipshit can prove Cohen didnt offer enough probable cause to have a warrant executed ....
Igor-we don't have to prove ourselves innocent in the USA. That burden is on the legal system to prove us guilty . The fact that you do not know that yet are posting here is a giveaway as to your origin and intent

READ POST #246 -- then KMA .. CUPCAKE.
Application for such a warrant takes the approval of the top officials of the DOJ. So the career folks have to approve it, the political appointees have to approve it, the judge has to approve it.

Lots of layers of due process.
I agree, but the DOJ has proved to be very loose on one side and have stonewalled on the other. Career people are likely covering their asses. So, I give zero credibility to the DOJ.

It comes down to the Judge/Magistrate and the evidence presented.

WE have the right to see it. We have the right to know. It directly affects us.
SINCE trump's persistent bashing of the FBI, and justice dept, they have been dotting all i's, crossing all T's, and keeping their nose clean.... no one is going to go outside of the law for any searches related to trump, you can bet your booty on it! :eek:
Well you have heard all the Stalins you need today
Innocent until proven guilty is "utter horseshit " and one needs to "prove themselves innocent"

yet not one RW dipshit can prove Cohen didnt offer enough probable cause to have a warrant executed ....
Igor-we don't have to prove ourselves innocent in the USA. That burden is on the legal system to prove us guilty . The fact that you do not know that yet are posting here is a giveaway as to your origin and intent

READ POST #246 -- then KMA .. CUPCAKE.
"Igor-we don't have to prove ourselves innocent in the USA. That burden is on the legal system to prove us guilty . The fact that you do not know that yet are posting here is a giveaway as to your origin and intent" LMAO
Application for such a warrant takes the approval of the top officials of the DOJ. So the career folks have to approve it, the political appointees have to approve it, the judge has to approve it.

Lots of layers of due process.
I agree, but the DOJ has proved to be very loose on one side and have stonewalled on the other. Career people are likely covering their asses. So, I give zero credibility to the DOJ.

It comes down to the Judge/Magistrate and the evidence presented.

WE have the right to see it. We have the right to know. It directly affects us.
SINCE trump's persistent bashing of the FBI, and justice dept, they have been dotting all i's, crossing all T's, and keeping their nose clean.... no one is going to go outside of the law for any searches related to trump, you can bet your booty on it! :eek:
no they aren't, in fact they aren't complying with congressional request to prove their sorry asses.
Application for such a warrant takes the approval of the top officials of the DOJ. So the career folks have to approve it, the political appointees have to approve it, the judge has to approve it.

Lots of layers of due process.
I agree, but the DOJ has proved to be very loose on one side and have stonewalled on the other. Career people are likely covering their asses. So, I give zero credibility to the DOJ.

It comes down to the Judge/Magistrate and the evidence presented.

WE have the right to see it. We have the right to know. It directly affects us.
SINCE trump's persistent bashing of the FBI, and justice dept, they have been dotting all i's, crossing all T's, and keeping their nose clean.... no one is going to go outside of the law for any searches related to trump, you can bet your booty on it! :eek:

Trumps name wasnt even on the warrant and these RW asshats are crapping ALL OVER THEMSELVES.
In four days, jc456 will once again ask what laws Cohen might have violated.
Tthe next time one of these tards feigns ignorance as to which laws Cohen may have violated, bitch slap them.

And I can guarantee they will do this.

It cracks me up whenever a Trump Chump pretends to be thinking critically.

"Show me the evidence!"

Evidence is for chumps. We all know that Cohen conspired to collude to obstruct Hillary's Inevitable ascent to the White House!

"First the verdict, then the trial!"

Progressives have turned the USA in Orwell's Fucking Bizzaroland
I didn't say it was in the constitution to tell me. I said it's within the constitution to issue a warrant. and until they tell me as a citizen why, I already know the illegal warrant to spy on Carter Page has been issued. I'll take that confirmation they did it again with their trump syndrome full press.

Please provide the proof the warrant for Page was illegal

There is no proof. Only wishful thinking.
yet not one RW dipshit can prove Cohen didnt offer enough probable cause to have a warrant executed ....
I don't give a rat-fuck about Trump, but that's why I want to see what they had.

This affects all of us. We can't let government just waltz into our attorneys' offices and grab all our communications unless doing so is PROVED to be just and reasonable, with the highest level of scrutiny by the issuing Judge or Magistrate.

Leftists' masturbatory obsession with impeaching Trump has clouded their judgment. They are going to fuck themselves over in the process.

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