When Our Government Allowed to Raid an Attorney’s Office

The Government is allowed to raid when they have a search warrant

It is in the fourth amendment
It only applies to a clients attorney if they can proof that a crime was committed
No, the govt only needs probable cause to believe the attorney has information that is not privileged and more likely than not relevant to proving a crime.

Your snowflake komrades keep telling us how there is a much higher standard for such warrants, but you just told us that the standard is the same as for any other warrant.
it's the same as far as needing a probable cause for a crime to have been committed,

the processing of the information collection, specific to the warrant requests with probable cause, is handled differently, with protections keeping client/attorney privilege correspondences from the prosecutor's investigators.
no because the FBI hasn't told us what the crime was is what makes it unconstitutional. thanks for asking me though.

What? Show me in the Constitution or in case law where a warrant is deemed “unconstitutional” if law enforcement doesn’t divulge that information to the public?

Never mind that this is a state matter, not federal

The 4th Amendment applies to the states, numskull. The 4th amendment says

Amendment IV
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

How do we know if the government is complying with it if the information is not made public? The idea that you're trying to put over on us that we are supposed to trust the government officials are complying with the 4th amendment doesn't pass the laugh test.
Where does it state that you have a right to know the crime that a citizen is being charged with?

How can you retards make this argument with a straight face? You’re seriously desperate and in panic mode.
Denny Hastert committed fraud which violated the Patriot Act when he paid hush money to the guy he molested when his victim was a kid. What's really funny about that is Hastert is the one who passed the Patriot Act. :lol:

Looks like Cohen may have just been caught doing the same crime when he paid hush money to the porn star Trump fucked.
When Our Government-Authorized Thugs Break Into An Aattorney's Office to Impound Confidential Files in an On going Politically-Motivated Investigation
Then I’m sorry to say that the UNITED STATES of AMERICA
must be declared
What more can possibly be done to damage this country?
What more?
Listen to uninformed like you.
You do know the intense legalities they had To go through?
Just spewing redneck bile?
Because it takes two separate branches of government to issue a warrant.
But it only takes one party within those two branches to Uganda-fuck somebody's rights.

A search and seizure was done in one of the most sensitive areas imaginable. We THE PEOPLE deserve to know why it was reasonable and justified.

I would be willing to bet that fucking District Judge/Magistrate just signed off on it without a thorough inquiry. If so, it's his ass.
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They had to to get a warrant, dope.

You're asserting a conspiracy wherin the judge signed off without just cause.
Prove that.

you dont honestly think that idiot knows what it takes to get a warrant do you ?
you don't that's for sure. you can't name the crime.

still waiting for you to prove there was no crime ..
Living in America is the proof that you need. We don't have to prove ourselves innocent

no it isn't the law broken is illegal warrant issued by a judge.
Clearly, you're excited at the possibility of having an opportunity to kill your fellow Americans. Only a truy damaged mind would think of doing so over Trump. That's actually way dumber and more morally questionable than fighting to preserve slavery.

Me? No! You're think of Jake and Nat. I don't believe a large scale war is even necessary.

You're right about one thing. It would never be a large scale war. As soon as a few dozen of you dopes assembled, you'd be droned to bits.

You're as sick as your goose stepping friend Jake. Droned to bits, you mean by the FBI Gestapo?

By our military, fool. Who do you imagine you'd be fighting in your civil war?

If ordered to fire on US citizens, I think most of the military would mutiny.
Washington and the Pentagon have VERY low credibility these days.

The Starkeys believe the military is like the FBI and is only there to support Progressive Fascism
Tthe next time one of these tards feigns ignorance as to which laws Cohen may have violated, bitch slap them.

And I can guarantee they will do this.

It cracks me up whenever a Trump Chump pretends to be thinking critically.

"Show me the evidence!"
but like another poster said--it is very rare....and this was not to investigate a murder/rape/stolen nuke/kidnapping/etc......nothing near as serious
so--there is a legitimate concern about it
They are investigating a crime
A judge approved the warrant
well--MOST[ all ?? ] attorneys representing a suspect for committing a crime are in a criminal investigation!!!!!!!!!!!! ???????!!
and they don't raid these attorneys
that's because those lawyers are not the lawyer who did the alleged unlawful deed.....in this case it is Cohen who is suspect of doing that based on the statements made to the entire world....by Cohen himself..... his clients are not the suspects, Cohen is himself, the suspect.
what is the alleged unlawful deed? you all keep saying there was a law broken. which law? why can't you define it?
Jesus fucking Christ. I showed you what law on Monday, asshole. Why do you fucking willfully blind monkeys keep acting so fucking obtuse?

You need it again, idiot?

Here: 11 CFR 114.2 - Prohibitions on contributions, expenditures and electioneering communications.
To be fair, he is borderline retarded.

The other day, he was convinced that by protesting for more restrictive gun laws, gun control advocates were violating his 2nd Amendment right.

:lol: I kid you not
Well you have heard all the Stalins you need today
Innocent until proven guilty is "utter horseshit " and one needs to "prove themselves innocent"

yet not one RW dipshit can prove Cohen didnt offer enough probable cause to have a warrant executed ....
When Our Government-Authorized Thugs Break Into An Aattorney's Office to Impound Confidential Files in an On going Politically-Motivated Investigation
Then I’m sorry to say that the UNITED STATES of AMERICA
must be declared
What more can possibly be done to damage this country?

Raw emotional fear, you are the bread and butter of Fake Fox News and every right wing radio show. They salivate knowing you are out there.

Thousands of warrants just like this one have been served on attorneys and their files confiscated as they have committed crimes. You need to research what a warrant is.

Cons seem to think being president exempts someone, or their attorney, from the law. It doesn't. Cohen is facing 20+ years in prison for bank and mail fraud if convicted. And he and his client's need to talk in public has already proven he lied to the bank about the $130,000 he took out to pay Stormy Daniels. That's bank fraud and if he sent the check to her in the US mail that is mail fraud.
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They are investigating a crime
A judge approved the warrant
well--MOST[ all ?? ] attorneys representing a suspect for committing a crime are in a criminal investigation!!!!!!!!!!!! ???????!!
and they don't raid these attorneys
that's because those lawyers are not the lawyer who did the alleged unlawful deed.....in this case it is Cohen who is suspect of doing that based on the statements made to the entire world....by Cohen himself..... his clients are not the suspects, Cohen is himself, the suspect.
what is the alleged unlawful deed? you all keep saying there was a law broken. which law? why can't you define it?
Jesus fucking Christ. I showed you what law on Monday, asshole. Why do you fucking willfully blind monkeys keep acting so fucking obtuse?

You need it again, idiot?

Here: 11 CFR 114.2 - Prohibitions on contributions, expenditures and electioneering communications.
To be fair, he is borderline retarded.

The other day, he was convinced that by protesting for more restrictive gun laws, gun control advocates were violating his 2nd Amendment right.

:lol: I kid you not
still insulting the less advanced in mental, physical, or social development than is usual for one's age.
you dont honestly think that idiot knows what it takes to get a warrant do you ?
you don't that's for sure. you can't name the crime.
So, because some anonymous person on the internet can’t “name the crime”, then the raid is unconstitutional?

no because the FBI hasn't told us what the crime was is what makes it unconstitutional. thanks for asking me though.

Please provide the section of the Constitution that requires the FBI to tell you the crime listed on the warrant for another person

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I didn't say it was in the constitution to tell me. I said it's within the constitution to issue a warrant. and until they tell me as a citizen why, I already know the illegal warrant to spy on Carter Page has been issued. I'll take that confirmation they did it again with their trump syndrome full press.

Please provide the proof the warrant for Page was illegal

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Co servative cincerns were set aside with the assurance that "this is an effort to make sure our sacred election process was not compromised by foreign/Russian interference"
Now look at the tawdry, unrelated, directionless, never ending mess it has become
We won the believe you nextvtimecsnd thevwheels are well in motion to end this witch hunt. Mueller will be gone Way Before Trump
A four year investigation into Whitewater ended with a blowjob impeachment.

The precedent was set 20 years ago, dipshit.
you always respond to every post with a personally attacking, name calling response. You are a pus*y and I fuc* up people like you for free
Moderators, after this gets reported to you as a threat how about looking at the last 10 posts and see what the history is with that poster and what you would like to do about it

Do you need a tissue and a safe space?

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When Our Government-Authorized Thugs Break Into An Aattorney's Office to Impound Confidential Files in an On going Politically-Motivated Investigation
Then I’m sorry to say that the UNITED STATES of AMERICA
must be declared
What more can possibly be done to damage this country?

It’s kind of correct. Muller ain’t a special counsel. The lack of any crimes since he started this is proof. Na, Muller is nothing but a thug incharge of a goon squad. Look at his team, no one there has any type of stepper career. They were picked because they play dirty. They can convict or impeach Trump, so they will assassinate his charactor and make it impossible to repeal the half-negro and chiefs agenda.
1/2 negro?
Say no more.
Which KKK group do you go to?
You have a list with their histories?
Or just spewing info wars?
And your legal degree again?
How can you assassinate a perfect low life's character?
You do know "to be trumped" in NY is to be stiffed as a contractor?
Application for such a warrant takes the approval of the top officials of the DOJ. So the career folks have to approve it, the political appointees have to approve it, the judge has to approve it.

Lots of layers of due process.
I agree, but the DOJ has proved to be very loose on one side and have stonewalled on the other. Career people are likely covering their asses. So, I give zero credibility to the DOJ.

It comes down to the Judge/Magistrate and the evidence presented.

WE have the right to see it. We have the right to know. It directly affects us.
you don't that's for sure. you can't name the crime.
So, because some anonymous person on the internet can’t “name the crime”, then the raid is unconstitutional?

no because the FBI hasn't told us what the crime was is what makes it unconstitutional. thanks for asking me though.

Please provide the section of the Constitution that requires the FBI to tell you the crime listed on the warrant for another person

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I didn't say it was in the constitution to tell me. I said it's within the constitution to issue a warrant. and until they tell me as a citizen why, I already know the illegal warrant to spy on Carter Page has been issued. I'll take that confirmation they did it again with their trump syndrome full press.

Please provide the proof the warrant for Page was illegal

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we would if the DOJ would ever send the paperwork over that congress is deserved. So the mere fact they won't abide by the subpoena, I assume it. so why don't they want to show the american people they did it all above board? hmmmmm protecting their asses.....ts
When Our Government-Authorized Thugs Break Into An Aattorney's Office to Impound Confidential Files in an On going Politically-Motivated Investigation
Then I’m sorry to say that the UNITED STATES of AMERICA
must be declared
What more can possibly be done to damage this country?

Feel free to pack up and find another place to live

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Other countries have IQ requirements

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