When Our Government Allowed to Raid an Attorney’s Office

When Our Government-Authorized Thugs Break Into An Aattorney's Office to Impound Confidential Files in an On going Politically-Motivated Investigation
Then I’m sorry to say that the UNITED STATES of AMERICA
must be declared
What more can possibly be done to damage this country?

Feel free to pack up and find another place to live

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so you agree with injustice-unfairness
so you would let hitler destroy Germany --you would not be one of the brave, intelligent. common sense Germans who tried to fight hitler
you would tell the Jews ''feel free to pack up and find another place to live''

I do not see the “raiding” of a lawyers office as unfair or an example of injustice. If a lawyer is engaged in unlawful actions they are subject to the law also.

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see post # 15
The Government is allowed to raid when they have a search warrant

It is in the fourth amendment
but like another poster said--it is very rare....and this was not to investigate a murder/rape/stolen nuke/kidnapping/etc......nothing near as serious
so--there is a legitimate concern about it
They are investigating a crime
A judge approved the warrant
Ever hear about Laws?

List for us the laws that were broken by this raid.

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American justice can be great sometimes. This is one of them. Even the President and his corrupt lawyer can be bich slapped.

It's most interesting that Alan Dershowitz and Jonathan Turley both, two of the short group of competent and honest liberal Constitutional scholars currently in the public eye, have serious Constitutional problems with this raid.
Hey righties . Tell me if this sounds familiar . “Lock her up! Lock her up!!!”

Ain’t karma a bitch?
When Our Government-Authorized Thugs Break Into An Aattorney's Office to Impound Confidential Files in an On going Politically-Motivated Investigation
Then I’m sorry to say that the UNITED STATES of AMERICA
must be declared
What more can possibly be done to damage this country?

Feel free to pack up and find another place to live

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so you agree with injustice-unfairness
so you would let hitler destroy Germany --you would not be one of the brave, intelligent. common sense Germans who tried to fight hitler
you would tell the Jews ''feel free to pack up and find another place to live''

I do not see the “raiding” of a lawyers office as unfair or an example of injustice. If a lawyer is engaged in unlawful actions they are subject to the law also.

Unlawful actions? And just what may those unlawful actions be?

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When Our Government-Authorized Thugs Break Into An Aattorney's Office to Impound Confidential Files in an On going Politically-Motivated Investigation
Then I’m sorry to say that the UNITED STATES of AMERICA
must be declared
What more can possibly be done to damage this country?

Is it ever ok to investigate any attorney in your opinion?
unless they find something super important, this is un-American-unlawful/etc
the judge/etc is not perfect --he can make mistakes
When Our Government-Authorized Thugs Break Into An Aattorney's Office to Impound Confidential Files in an On going Politically-Motivated Investigation
Then I’m sorry to say that the UNITED STATES of AMERICA
must be declared
What more can possibly be done to damage this country?
An attorney and his client, however, do not have privilege to conspire to cover up a crime nor conspire to commit further crimes.
When Our Government-Authorized Thugs Break Into An Aattorney's Office to Impound Confidential Files in an On going Politically-Motivated Investigation
Then I’m sorry to say that the UNITED STATES of AMERICA
must be declared
What more can possibly be done to damage this country?

Feel free to pack up and find another place to live

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so you agree with injustice-unfairness
so you would let hitler destroy Germany --you would not be one of the brave, intelligent. common sense Germans who tried to fight hitler
you would tell the Jews ''feel free to pack up and find another place to live''

I do not see the “raiding” of a lawyers office as unfair or an example of injustice. If a lawyer is engaged in unlawful actions they are subject to the law also.

Unlawful actions? And just what may those unlawful actions be?

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Learn to use the quote function properly.

I have no idea what the unlawful actions were as I am not part of the FBI or the judge that signed the warrant.

The fact that you and I are not privy to that information does not mean it does not exist

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unless they find something super important, this is un-American-unlawful/etc
the judge/etc is not perfect --he can make mistakes

What's the legal standard for meeting the "super important" threshold? :cuckoo:
as stated in previous post--this is not a murder/rape/stolen nuke/kidnap case
super important would be like the Nixon tapes/cover up for a serious crime
The Government is allowed to raid when they have a search warrant

It is in the fourth amendment
but like another poster said--it is very rare....and this was not to investigate a murder/rape/stolen nuke/kidnapping/etc......nothing near as serious
so--there is a legitimate concern about it
They are investigating a crime
A judge approved the warrant
Ever hear about Laws?

List for us the laws that were broken by this raid.

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The 4th, 5th Amendments and 6th Amendments.
The Government is allowed to raid when they have a search warrant

It is in the fourth amendment
but like another poster said--it is very rare....and this was not to investigate a murder/rape/stolen nuke/kidnapping/etc......nothing near as serious
so--there is a legitimate concern about it
They are investigating a crime
A judge approved the warrant
Ever hear about Laws?

List for us the laws that were broken by this raid.

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The 4th, 5th Amendments and 6th Amendments.

Ok, now offer the evidence for how each of those were violated for Cohen

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ok--we all know this is a rare thing to do--and for what???
paying off a mistress? this IS bullshit
The Government is allowed to raid when they have a search warrant

It is in the fourth amendment
but like another poster said--it is very rare....and this was not to investigate a murder/rape/stolen nuke/kidnapping/etc......nothing near as serious
so--there is a legitimate concern about it
They are investigating a crime
A judge approved the warrant
Ever hear about Laws?
Yes, that is why we have judges

Trump will trot out the best (sleaziest) lawyers in the business to try to get the evidence thrown out

My money is on Mueller knows what he is doing
ok--we all know this is a rare thing to do--and for what???
paying off a mistress? this IS bullshit
Campaign finance violation at the least. We don’t know what else he was looking for.
The lack of any crimes since he started this is proof.
:lol: Try again, clown.

Who has been charged in
the Russia probe and why


Paul Manafort

Manafort, a political consultant and Trump’s former campaign chairman, was charged in an indictment with 18 counts of financial crimes, including bank fraud, filing false tax forms and failing to report foreign bank accounts. He also faces a separate, smaller set of charges from an indictment filed in October. He has denied the charges. A new 32-page indictment filed against Manafort and his deputy Rick Gates on Feb. 22 alleges both men lied on their income-tax returns and conspired to commit bank fraud. If convicted, Manafort faces a de facto life prison sentence.

Conspiracy against the United States
Conspiracy to launder money
Failure to file reports of foreign bank and financial accounts (eleven counts)
Unregistered agent of a foreign principal
False and misleading FARA statements
False statements
Bank fraud and bank fraud conspiracy (nine counts)
Subscribing to false United States individual income tax returns (five counts)
Read more about the charges


Yevgeniy Vikotorovich Prigozhin and others

Prigozhin was one of 13 Russians indicted Feb. 16 on conspiracy charges stemming from what U.S. officials say was a years-long effort to create division among Americans and bolster Trump’s chances of winning the presidential election. Prigozhin has been identified by Russian media as an oligarch and the financial backer of the Internet Research Agency, a troll farm in St. Petersburg that carried out the propaganda campaign. He has been nicknamed “Putin’s chef” because of his close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin. After his indictment, Prigozhin told a Russian news outlet that Americans “see what they want to see… If they want to see the devil, let them.” He has denied any involvement with the Internet Research Agency.

Conspiracy to defraud the United States
Conspiracy to commit wire fraud and bank fraud
Aggravated identity theft (six counts)
Read more about the charges


Rick Gates Cooperating

Gates has been Paul Manafort’s business associate since 2006 and worked as his deputy during Trump's presidential campaign. He also helped lead a nonprofit called America First Policies to bolster Trump’s agenda. Gates was charged in the special counsel’s 12-count indictment with conspiracy to launder money, making false statements and other charges. He pleaded guilty to two charges on Feb. 23.

Conspiracy to defraud the United States
False statements
Read more about the charges


Michael FlynnCooperating

Former national security adviser Michael Flynn pleaded guilty on Dec. 1, 2017, to making false statements to the FBI about his discussions with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak on sanctions on Russia and a U.N. resolution on Israel. According to court documents filed by the special counsel, Flynn had a conversation with Kislyak on Dec. 22 requesting Russia vote or delay a vote on a U.N. resolution about Israeli settlements. A week later, court documents say Flynn called Kislyak suggesting Russia to not retaliate for sanctions imposed by the Obama administration. The Russian ambassador called back saying Russia would not retaliate, records say.

Making false statements
Read more about the charges


George PapadopoulosCooperating

Papadopoulos is a former foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign. He pleaded guilty on Oct. 5 to lying to FBI agents about his interactions with Russians who claimed to have political “dirt” on Hillary Clinton. Documents released in late October showed that the White House was aware of his months-long efforts to arrange a meeting between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin. The White House has attempted to distance itself from Papadopoulos, claiming he was a “low level volunteer” on the campaign.

Making a false statement to FBI investigators
Read more about the charges


Richard PinedoCooperating

Pinedo, a 28-year-old businessman from California, pleaded guilty on Feb. 16 to identity fraud. Pinedo told prosecutors he created hundreds of bank accounts with stolen identities and sold those accounts to unidentified offshore users, which may include suspects connected with the Russia investigation. Pinedo has agreed to cooperate with investigators.

Identity theft
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Alex Van Der Zwaan

The 33-year-old lawyer pleaded guilty on Feb. 20 to lying to the FBI over his contacts with former Trump campaign adviser Rick Gates, another defendant in the Mueller probe. Van der Zwaan was a London-based lawyer for the prestigious law firm Skadden, Arps, Slate Meagher & Flom, which worked with Paul Manafort and Gates when they served as political consultants in Ukraine. He is the son-in-law of German Khan, a billionaire and an owner of Alfa Group, Russia’s largest financial and industrial investment group. Van der Zwaan’s plea does not include any conditions for him to cooperate against others ensnared in the probe.

On April 3 Van der Zwaan was sentenced to 30 days in prison, the first sentence handed out in the Mueller probe.

Making false statements
Read more about the charges
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