When President Obama wins re-election, how will right-wingers react?


did you really HAVE to come back? It was so peaceful without you around.
I'm not a right winger, whatever the fuck that is, but I will be scared for this country. How will the left wingers feel when Obama lets them down yet again? I wondered how many felt disappointed when they didn't get gas put in their tank or their mortgages paid. Oh, well, at least they got free cell phones, illegals got a free pass and Obama has promised them much more.

You really are an idiot. Left wingers do not expect gas to be put in their tanks or to have their rent or mortgages paid. Most of us work for a living moron.

You have to forgive these Redstaters. Most are so used to we liberals in the blue states supporting their lazy asses that they just think we should go on doing that.

Red States vs. Blue States Comparison Summary
If obama wins, it would certainly make the Chinese a more viable alternative.

obama DID get rid of DADT, and if everyone who objected to his action votes against him, he will be the ex-president obama.

Many Americans actually supported "Don't Ask, Don't Tell", WHY?
The right will do as they have always done, accept the outcome of the election, hold their head high, and do what ever they can to insure the rights and freedoms of the country are preserved. Only the left protests, files frivolous law suits, flames discontent, and sicks their lap dog media on the attack. The key is how long will it take for the people of the country to realize that once again they drank the cool aide, were screwed, and elects the GOP as the majority in both houses, hopefully it won't be too long because the financial fuse has Been lit and time is running out on the dollar bubble.
When Obama wins reelection I expect the right wingers to seek second amendment remedies.

Be afraid America, be very afraid
When Obama wins reelection I expect the right wingers to seek second amendment remedies.

Be afraid America, be very afraid

oh my goodness..the dramatics are hilarious.
I think we need to be more afraid of you obamabots, IF HE LOSES..
Will they accept the "Constitutional" will of the people, or will there be riots and violence? President Obama’s re-election seems inevitable, as was further confirmed by Joe Scarborough on Wednesday:

Joe Scarborough: Nobody Thinks Romney Is Going To Win | Mediaite

by James Crugnale

“Nobody thinks Romney’s going to win,” Scarborough said candidly. “Let’s just be honest. Can we just say this for everybody at home? Let me just say this for everybody at home.”

“The Republican establishment — I’ve yet to meet a single person in the Republican establishment that thinks Mitt Romney is going to win the general election this year,” Scarborough continued. “They won’t say it on TV because they’ve got to go on TV and they don’t want people writing them nasty emails. I obviously don’t care. But I have yet to meet anybody in the Republican establishment that worked for George W. Bush, that works in the Republican congress, that worked for Ronald Reagan that thinks Mitt Romney is going to win the general election.”

Scarborough is a MORON. And OP? Word up...YOU assume much for buying into it.
What will the right do ?

Seeing as how the right will hold the house and might win the senate....there is lots of opportunity.

If nothing else, they will just jam up the works in D.C. which is fine.

Then we start a nice long 4 year freaking $%^&*$ election cycle getting ready for 2016.

That happens even if we give BHO the boot.

I can hardly wait.
When Obama wins reelection I expect the right wingers to seek second amendment remedies.

Be afraid America, be very afraid

oh my goodness..the dramatics are hilarious.
I think we need to be more afraid of you obamabots, IF HE LOSES..

When Obama wins reelection, I expect untold carnage from Republicans as they take to the streets wrecking havoc, shooting puppies and kittens, insulting gays, stripping drugstores of condoms and birth control pills and water boarding welfare recipients
When Obama wins reelection I expect the right wingers to seek second amendment remedies.

Be afraid America, be very afraid

oh my goodness..the dramatics are hilarious.
I think we need to be more afraid of you obamabots, IF HE LOSES..

When Obama wins reelection, I expect untold carnage from Republicans as they take to the streets wrecking havoc, shooting puppies and kittens, insulting gays, stripping drugstores of condoms and birth control pills and water boarding welfare recipients

You are talking about what the OWS are going to do, right?...oh wait, they are doing that NOW
What will the right do ?

Seeing as how the right will hold the house and might win the senate....there is lots of opportunity.

If nothing else, they will just jam up the works in D.C. which is fine.

Then we start a nice long 4 year freaking $%^&*$ election cycle getting ready for 2016.

That happens even if we give BHO the boot.

I can hardly wait.
The less legislation passed...the better off we will all be. The only legislation I want to see are cutbacks to Government spending and cutting agencies all together.
What happens? If he wins re-election? Tons of executive orders because he won't have control of the house or senate anymore.
He might wig out entirely! He's so close now to a total breakdown, I expect it anyday.
I don't think Obama will win. He doesn't have that magic, messianic aura he had in 2008. He's not the hope and change guy anymore. There's nothing new or exciting about him anymore. What areI his acomplishments as president? Most americans want Obamacare repealed. The economy is still bad, unemployment is still high and the debt is much bigger than it was before. He doesn't seen to be very honest or loyal as a president, that episode in which he was caught asking the Russian president to give him more "space" until he's reelected is very telling. I think the only big thing that happened in his presidency was finding and killing Osama bin Laden.

But I still think it's not enough for someone who was once seen as the savior of the american nation.

Anyway, if he's elected, I'll be disapointed. Obama and the democrats have the wrong ideas and policies, which only lead to more suffering. When the US decides it has suffered enough, than a Republican will come to save the day. It happened with Reagan, right? But eventually people will get tired of the republicans and give the power back to the democrats. If it has been this way for more than one hundred years, why would it be different now?
Don't be so retarded. I never said I have ever seen a right winger riot. I was asking a question...

Oh... Now Lakhota.... We've seen enough of them rant and wave their Virtual Internet Arsenals around to know that it's possible. Hell, they actually believe that Democrats are Marxist Commies that are here to take over "THEIR" country.

So while "slobber on my pillows" willow tries to claim their pacifism... We know better, don't we?

That's OK... I have guns too and will protect my family from the drooling, masturbating horde of Beckians and Limbots if/when the next election doesn't turn out the way they want it to.

Newsflash: It is 'their' country. It is 'yours' too. No side owns it.... it belongs to us all. One of our major issues these days is that we appear to have forgotten that fact.

Yeah....I know your side has forgotten it. It was obvious the moment McCain ceded the election to Obama.
When President Obama wins re-election, how will right-wingers react?

They’ll react just fine, as they knew the outcome all along.

It will give them four more years of joyful hate for ‘The Muslim.’

Hey, this is all moot anyway, since "Mitt Romney is Coming On Strong":

The American Spectator : Romney Is Coming On Strong

Great example of how ideology distorts reality. All Romney has managed to do so far is outlast a terribly weak field by spending them into the ground.


Unfortunately, it's all they've got, really.

Now, I'm not a fan of President Obama, and don't think much good will come out of a second term of him, but Romney would be worse.

I think the GOP needs to seriously do some soul searching and rethinking what it is about.

Unfortunately, five minutes after Romney calls President Obama to concede in November, these same people will be here blaming him for everything.

And not a one of them will apologize for what a bad idea it was to start with.
If republicans were smart they’d shake-off the loss this November quickly and focus on not screwing up 2016 – it’s their election to lose.

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