When President Obama wins re-election, how will right-wingers react?

It is an Executive Order. Sheesh. Is there one single aspect not out of it's reach? No.

there's a precedent for executive orders.

Yep, and this one pretty much Declares Government Ownership and Control over Everything and Everyone. It's called Totalitarianism. It's okay though, because it's precedent-ed.

No, it asctually doesn't. You just don't understand it. And that's alright, but no real reason to get all Conspiracied out.


You think the Mandate would be @ the Supreme Court before something that, YOU SAY, means tyhe Government owns everything and everyone? Get real. Try reality.

SCOTUS is right now reviewing a case of whether or not the Government has the Authority to apply a Mandate to buy health insurance, and you still have your little "the gubbamint owns everything and everyone" theories? Does reality ever get to visit, inside of there?
there's a precedent for executive orders.

Yep, and this one pretty much Declares Government Ownership and Control over Everything and Everyone. It's called Totalitarianism. It's okay though, because it's precedent-ed.

No, it asctually doesn't. You just don't understand it. And that's alright, but no real reason to get all Conspiracied out.


You think the Mandate would be @ the Supreme Court before something that, YOU SAY, means tyhe Government owns everything and everyone? Get real. Try reality.

SCOTUS is right now reviewing a case of whether or not the Government has the Authority to apply a Mandate to buy health insurance, and you still have your little "the gubbamint owns everything and everyone" theories? Does reality ever get to visit, inside of there?

Try reading the Actual Executive Order, Idiot.
Yep, and this one pretty much Declares Government Ownership and Control over Everything and Everyone. It's called Totalitarianism. It's okay though, because it's precedent-ed.

No, it asctually doesn't. You just don't understand it. And that's alright, but no real reason to get all Conspiracied out.


You think the Mandate would be @ the Supreme Court before something that, YOU SAY, means tyhe Government owns everything and everyone? Get real. Try reality.

SCOTUS is right now reviewing a case of whether or not the Government has the Authority to apply a Mandate to buy health insurance, and you still have your little "the gubbamint owns everything and everyone" theories? Does reality ever get to visit, inside of there?

Try reading the Actual Executive Order, Idiot.

I have, and in fact, it made me less "skeptical" than the headlines about it.
"If" Barack Obama pulls off a win...and that's highly questionable at this point given his underwhelming record as President but with enough help from a fawning main stream media who knows...I'll simply shake my head at the gullibility of people because that's all you can do. It was bad enough when enough of the electorate fell for "Hope & Change" the first time around but after four years of Barry is there anyone out there who STILL thinks his confused vision of what we should be is a good one? Trillion dollar deficits stacked up to the horizon? Four dollar a gallon gas as the norm with price spikes up to $5 or even $6? 8% unemployment and 15% underemployment for years to come as the norm? Running away from tackling any of the tough issues like how to pay for sky-rocketing entitlement programs?

Bottom line is this...reelecting Barry means a lost DECADE for America. America will come out the other end of it still breathing because our economy is strong enough that it can withstand even someone as clueless as Barack Obama. The question is...why would we want to put ourselves through another four years of "this"?
"If" Barack Obama pulls off a win...and that's highly questionable at this point given his underwhelming record as President but with enough help from a fawning main stream media who knows...I'll simply shake my head at the gullibility of people because that's all you can do. It was bad enough when enough of the electorate fell for "Hope & Change" the first time around but after four years of Barry is there anyone out there who STILL thinks his confused vision of what we should be is a good one? Trillion dollar deficits stacked up to the horizon? Four dollar a gallon gas as the norm with price spikes up to $5 or even $6? 8% unemployment and 15% underemployment for years to come as the norm? Running away from tackling any of the tough issues like how to pay for sky-rocketing entitlement programs?

Bottom line is this...reelecting Barry means a lost DECADE for America. America will come out the other end of it still breathing because our economy is strong enough that it can withstand even someone as clueless as Barack Obama. The question is...why would we want to put ourselves through another four years of "this"?

Good post and I agree.

There are some out there who think this dufus is doing a good job. They blame the GOP. The GOP is blocking him therefore everything that has gone wrong is their fault. Not his.

Guy is in way over his head. He got elected because folks were sick of Bush and the Reps and Hope and Change rang a bell for lots of folks.

Don't think he's gonna make it in Nov. He now has a record and it ain't to good. His "signature legislation" HC reform, minus the reform, is on its way to the curb courtesy of the SC.

Barry really doesn't have much to brag about so it will be divide and conquer and its all the Reps fault.

However that doesn't mean he can't win that second term. There are enough clueless morons out there who will still buy into his Hope and Change BS and lets give the guy another 4 years.

I'm sure we'll survive it but one has to wonder how much deeper the hole we have to crawl out of will be.
I urge all my conservative pals to tune in to MSNBC on election night for the the hoot of your life. Did it on the night of the mid-terms and spent the night laughing my ass off watching the k00ks over there falling further and further into a state of perpetual misery. Those 4 anchors looked like they were sitting on a white hot tuning fork the whole night and I couldnt have ben laughing any harder. Its cant miss TV..............


still a small little man, i see.

same shit different day with you. ill bet you didnt watch fox in the '08 election to see the same whine. n'aw.

Im laughing...........many of the k00k lefties on this site are still living in 2008.:D

Listen s0n........make sure to show up on here on election night as a roll out volumes of gayMSPAINT Photobucket Classics. Been waiting for this for over 2 years. Rubbing salt in the wound wont aptly describe it...........it'll be like pouring a whole canister of Diamond Crystal into the wound. Oh..........and with wound will indeed be tremendous. Think about it.........a whole ideology goes from top of the world to being mothballed inside of 4 years!!! THATS pretty fucking amazing s0ns!!!
"If" Barack Obama pulls off a win...and that's highly questionable at this point given his underwhelming record as President but with enough help from a fawning main stream media who knows...I'll simply shake my head at the gullibility of people because that's all you can do. It was bad enough when enough of the electorate fell for "Hope & Change" the first time around but after four years of Barry is there anyone out there who STILL thinks his confused vision of what we should be is a good one? Trillion dollar deficits stacked up to the horizon? Four dollar a gallon gas as the norm with price spikes up to $5 or even $6? 8% unemployment and 15% underemployment for years to come as the norm? Running away from tackling any of the tough issues like how to pay for sky-rocketing entitlement programs?

Bottom line is this...reelecting Barry means a lost DECADE for America. America will come out the other end of it still breathing because our economy is strong enough that it can withstand even someone as clueless as Barack Obama. The question is...why would we want to put ourselves through another four years of "this"?

Good post and I agree.

There are some out there who think this dufus is doing a good job. They blame the GOP. The GOP is blocking him therefore everything that has gone wrong is their fault. Not his.

Guy is in way over his head. He got elected because folks were sick of Bush and the Reps and Hope and Change rang a bell for lots of folks.

Don't think he's gonna make it in Nov. He now has a record and it ain't to good. His "signature legislation" HC reform, minus the reform, is on its way to the curb courtesy of the SC.

Barry really doesn't have much to brag about so it will be divide and conquer and its all the Reps fault.

However that doesn't mean he can't win that second term. There are enough clueless morons out there who will still buy into his Hope and Change BS and lets give the guy another 4 years.

I'm sure we'll survive it but one has to wonder how much deeper the hole we have to crawl out of will be.

What I find amusing about Barry's perpetual whine about GOP "obstructionism" is that if Congress (both Republican and moderate Democrats) hadn't refused to pass the Cap & Trade legislation that Obama wanted so badly...we'd be looking at not only $4 a gallon gasoline but also much higher electricity bills as well, something that would have REALLY pissed off the electorate. The truth is...if Barry had gotten his way...we'd be in much worse shape than we are now.
they will probably find 2 to 5 incidents of Voter fraud out of millions of voters and call the election illegitimate,

crusaderfrank will continue to be a birther and believe that we've colonized the moon
willow will say on a daily basis that we're all doomed
the t will cry about liberty

meanwhile, everyday life will be juuuuust about........................the same.

We have in excess of a thousand over votes every election.

Gt do some reading.
Gonna have to call BS on that right wingers don't riot line. I'm old enough to remember school desegregation. I also have to point out that it went down more peacefully in Memphis than it did in Boston. {Take that Neil Young} Bottom line is that for all the sanctimonius, self-righteous posturing, even the extremists on the far right and on the far left have more in common than they have seperating them - Whether they'll admit it or not.

What a load of bullshit. I was born in west TN in 1934. The only difference in what was happening then and 1863 was they called them sharecroppers instead of slaves. If a Black even showed up in town on election day he was beaten and locked up. If a Black man even glanced at a White woman much less speak to her he was whipped by at least five or six White men. Many towns in TN had a sign at the City or Town limits boldly stating, "Niqqer Don't Let The Sun Set On You Here!" Have you forgotten tnat Memphis is where ML King was gunned down......
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"If" Barack Obama pulls off a win...and that's highly questionable at this point given his underwhelming record as President but with enough help from a fawning main stream media who knows...I'll simply shake my head at the gullibility of people because that's all you can do. It was bad enough when enough of the electorate fell for "Hope & Change" the first time around but after four years of Barry is there anyone out there who STILL thinks his confused vision of what we should be is a good one? Trillion dollar deficits stacked up to the horizon? Four dollar a gallon gas as the norm with price spikes up to $5 or even $6? 8% unemployment and 15% underemployment for years to come as the norm? Running away from tackling any of the tough issues like how to pay for sky-rocketing entitlement programs?

Bottom line is this...reelecting Barry means a lost DECADE for America. America will come out the other end of it still breathing because our economy is strong enough that it can withstand even someone as clueless as Barack Obama. The question is...why would we want to put ourselves through another four years of "this"?

Good post and I agree.

There are some out there who think this dufus is doing a good job. They blame the GOP. The GOP is blocking him therefore everything that has gone wrong is their fault. Not his.

Guy is in way over his head. He got elected because folks were sick of Bush and the Reps and Hope and Change rang a bell for lots of folks.

Don't think he's gonna make it in Nov. He now has a record and it ain't to good. His "signature legislation" HC reform, minus the reform, is on its way to the curb courtesy of the SC.

Barry really doesn't have much to brag about so it will be divide and conquer and its all the Reps fault.

However that doesn't mean he can't win that second term. There are enough clueless morons out there who will still buy into his Hope and Change BS and lets give the guy another 4 years.

I'm sure we'll survive it but one has to wonder how much deeper the hole we have to crawl out of will be.

What I find amusing about Barry's perpetual whine about GOP "obstructionism" is that if Congress (both Republican and moderate Democrats) hadn't refused to pass the Cap & Trade legislation that Obama wanted so badly...we'd be looking at not only $4 a gallon gasoline but also much higher electricity bills as well, something that would have REALLY pissed off the electorate. The truth is...if Barry had gotten his way...we'd be in much worse shape than we are now.

All I can say is Thank God they were there to obstruct where they could.

Guy could have gotten all his bs through in his first few months at POTUS if he hadn't wasted all that time on his clusterfuck HC bill.

Glad he wasted the time myself.
say his BC is fake thats how the racist whites get started.

only whites say blacks are not born here
I'm not a right winger, whatever the fuck that is, but I will be scared for this country. How will the left wingers feel when Obama lets them down yet again? I wondered how many felt disappointed when they didn't get gas put in their tank or their mortgages paid. Oh, well, at least they got free cell phones, illegals got a free pass and Obama has promised them much more.

Let's us down "again"?

How so?

He got rid of DADT...WOOT!

He got rid of OBL...WOOT!

Two off the top of my head that I do NOT feel let down over.
If obama wins, it would certainly make the Chinese a more viable alternative.

obama DID get rid of DADT, and if everyone who objected to his action votes against him, he will be the ex-president obama.
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