When religion teaches you to hate...

Aren't we all ignoring the fact that Jesus was born Jewish, lived his life Jewish and never claimed to be anything but Jewish?

The religion created by Paul and Peter may represent a branching off from Judaism, but let's not confuse the facts, eh? To say that he was killed by Jews is not only erroneous because it was most obviously Romans who did so, but distracts from the fact he was a Jew, himself.

That aside, the op would have to present a case that it is MAINSTREAM Catholic belief that teaches that Jews killed Jesus. I find it odd how the same person can ignore majority opinions when it concerns Muslims but dredges up minority opinions when it comes to Christians. I've probably seen this same specious pattern thousands of times by now where the double standards demanded by political correctness results in all manner of sophistry comparing apples to ......, well, not even oranges, really. Apples to atom bombs is more like it.
Until 1963, the Jews killed Jesus emphasis was present in Catholic teachings. How children heard and interpreted that varies. rosie reports being taunted as a "Jew killer" by RCC school kids as a child.

I didn't know any Jews personally when I was a kid. They lived in their own ethnic neighborhoods in Brooklyn. I do remember getting in trouble at a very young age for coming home with the term, "Jew bop". Which I know now referred to attacking Jews for fun.

We were taking away their Boogey man and tooth fairies by declaring idols and anthropromorphic worship as worthless.
It's liken to telling a kid santa isn't real.
But also for every act is an equal mirror reaction as per conectivity theorems.
(Bohm and Kohns theorems)

and yes what you said is true, I had a neighbor friend who went to Catholic school and one day him and his cousin started the Jews killed Jesus rant saying they learned it from school that week. So I'm sure it depends who is teaching and influencing these teachings some will grow up with or come to these mistaken conclusions and others will luckily avoid the propaganda spin. I remember another time at a friends neighbors b-day party the b-day boy made such comment and at the end when we left started throwing apples at us which is almost liken to throwing rocks. With friends like these who needs enemas.
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Aren't we all ignoring the fact that Jesus was born Jewish, lived his life Jewish and never claimed to be anything but Jewish?

The religion created by Paul and Peter may represent a branching off from Judaism, but let's not confuse the facts, eh? To say that he was killed by Jews is not only erroneous because it was most obviously Romans who did so, but distracts from the fact he was a Jew, himself.

That aside, the op would have to present a case that it is MAINSTREAM Catholic belief that teaches that Jews killed Jesus. I find it odd how the same person can ignore majority opinions when it concerns Muslims but dredges up minority opinions when it comes to Christians. I've probably seen this same specious pattern thousands of times by now where the double standards demanded by political correctness results in all manner of sophistry comparing apples to ......, well, not even oranges, really. Apples to atom bombs is more like it.

Actually you can't call a forged image a Jew especially since it contradicts much of your own faith's claims.
To answer to your comment in a politically or historically correct manner:
1) When compiling & forging the Jesus character Rome used all the Harlots of the Bible for Jesus' lineage.
One of those Harlots was The lady Rahab who helped Joshua and she was not Jewish. Yet when they plagiarized the OT to create Jesus lineage by mentioning all the famous woman in the Bible they accidentally or spitefully placed Jesus in the lineage of all the Harlots including this Rahab who was a non Jew.
-oops! It's one of a few reasons why the RCC is called the Harlot Church.
There were many christs and they were used for the image called Jesus.
2) the Character Rome the Harlot church favored was "the half Roman" son of the Harlot Mary of 100bc. She had Yeshu after a fling with Roman Soldier Pantheras (Panderas) which is why Matthew said Joseph had a mind to divorce her quietly.
He did not want her to be stoned. In this sin she was thus called Stada (stray) for straying from her husband. Yeshu was thus called Yeshu ben Stada. He was not a Jew by fake or real Lineage.
Now his beliefs started out Jewish.
His mentor was a recorded in history Rabbi Yohoshua ben Perachya who took Yeshu with him to Egypt when fleeing the Jannaeus revolt, which is how we date him in the 100bc era where the widows mite coin comes from (& is in the NT accts).
When he returned, he brought back forbidden maggis and Egyptian underworld beliefs in which case his beliefs and teachings were Luciferous in nature and no longer Jewish.
This is why Yeshu ben Stada was sentenced by stoning and hanging on Passover. So rare to see a sentencing on a holiday that this has to be the same fallen figure used for portions of the Jesus story. However this is not the Galilean(died 6bc) talking about taxes in the time of Herod(died 4bc) and Lysanias(35bc), nor the Jordan river A.D. era christ who's apostles were Martyrs. Neither was it the cross bearer as the NT says Jesus was slew & hanged yet also crucified, this occurs when mixing and compiling figures both hanged and crucified.
All of this can be researched, but people are usually to proud and lazy.
Some sources besides obvious dating of figures contradicting the NT story.

Sources yeshu
following excerpt is from the book:"Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up?"by John Blanchard
The mother of Hyrcanus, Salomè, in spite of her being called by another name, showed favour to Jehoshua and his teaching; that she was a witness of his wonderful works and powers of healing, and tried to save him from the hands of his sacerdotal enemies, because he was related to her;
John was son of Hyrcanus and was despised by the Pharisee, notice this means there is proof of they do connect.

Sources for the history of (Yeshu) Jesus: philosopher Celsus (178 CE) Christian writer Epiphanius (c.320-403 CE), the Christian apologist Origen (c.185-254 CE) Within the Talmud Shabbos 104, the gemara explicitly discusses the mother being Stada and the father being Pandera. Jerusalem Talmud (Avodah Zerah II 40d)and in the Tosefta on Hullin II, and (Sanhedrin 43a & 67a). This story is further expanded upon in the Tosefta and Baraitas.
2 accounts:
-Dr. Franz Hartman -
& Gerald Massey's Lectures Originally published in a private edition c. 1900

According to the Babylonian Gemara to the Mishna of Tract "Shabbath," this Jehoshua, the son of Pandira and Stada, was stoned to death as a wizard, in the city of Lud, or Lydda,

Jesus ben Stada (or Pandera) was placedin the time period of about 90 B.C. in Lydda, a town Peter is said tohave visited in ACTS.interestingly the early church father Epiphanius around 400 said Pandera was the grandfather of Jesus.

Yehuda of Galilee and Theudas by the Jordan is in Josephus books and book of Acts, but the NT suspiciously twists & mistakens the sequence of their existance and death to throw people off the historical truth.
I didn't click the link, so I used the generalized statement to answer; The Hebrews were trying to bring a more enlightened way of viewing how things are and in doing so were challenging the idol worshiping human sacrificing germ ridden cultures who thus felt challenged and hurt in pride,cinadequate and all those other excuses for the hate lashing out...see forum social behavior in responses to similar and see one righteous act beggets an equal opposite reaction thus good attracts the attack of evil just like evil attracts the attack of good.
It does not make sense----FLOW happens when fluid is under TENSION or it is FLOWING FROM A "PUMPING" SOURCE-------such is not the case in a dead lung and a dead heart and a dead person. Where did the OVERFILL come from? Was someone PUMPING fluid into Jesus?
Flow, gush, burst. It obviously did not mean that blood and water pumped out of Jesus' body for 5 minutes after He was pierced. It means that the soldier stuck the spear into Him, pulled it out, and saw blood mixed with water run out, and he knew Jesus was dead. It's really not a big deal to get hung up on.

Right--- ....saw blood mixed with water...... knew jesus was dead...<<< is a statement that actually makes no sense-------somehow that trivial point came
under question. No one has addressed the more MAJOR point which is
WHO WANTED JESUS DEAD AND WHY ----------some brain dead people have
WERE MAKING MONEY. Lets pretend that idiot statement is true and-----
maybe someone can EXPLAIN it to me

People were maimed and killed by the Roman oppressors on a daily basis for trivial reasons.

roman misunderstanding about the meaning and purpose of the Jewish messiah that Jesus openly claimed to be could have easily made it seem like he was fomenting sedition.

so true------lots of "messiahs" were executed by the romans during that era.
I do not recall jesus OPENLY declaring himself "the messiah"---as reported by
any person who actually hung out with him. For that matter----I do not recall any
of the people that OTHER people suspected of being a messiah as so SELF-REPORTING in that era. Jesus enacted a PHARISEE action in the temple courtyard----he overturned the tables of the money changers-----THAT WAS AN
ACT OF SEDITION AGAINST ROME<< a fact that is not taught in sunday school
How is it sedition against Rome to act in the Jewish temple? The money changers were not Romans, they were Jews.

disruption of the peace, protest of roman rule/organization, large followings, calling himself king

God and Jesus wanted his death, everyone else was just carrying out their will.
Christians used the stories if his death for their religion. Stories became embellished and changed in the telling till written down, edited and codexed. Even every translation alters the story.

Jesus actions intentionally set the stage for his sacrifice. He knew, could have left and didn't.

Washing hand as innocence was a jewish traditions, for romans it was a finality, and end to the issue. The story of pilate was probably more the writer for roman audience than fact.
Jewish deicide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

When Pilate saw that he was getting nowhere, but that instead an uproar was starting, he took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd. 'I am innocent of this man's blood,' he said. 'It is your responsibility!' All the people answered, 'His blood is on us and on our children!'

it may have never been said by Jesus he was the son of God or that he was a messiah that would make sense why the Romans put him on trial for simply teaching love as a threat to their tyranny and later rescinded but for the same subtle reason the Jews insisted on his crucifixion.

and why Jesus was left wondering -

Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani 'My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?'

Romans crucified 250,000+ jews. They did not need an excuse.

Claims of being king, of creating crowds and mass followers, disruption of the temple during passover which was already time of high tension as holy week of celebrating their freedom from slavery, inciting the masses.............

Pilate was already cited for his excessive cruelty and executions.

Spitting at a roman would be enough cause to crucify. Some took days to die. Jesus took four hours.

I do believe you need some sources to back up these allegations.
Jewish deicide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

When Pilate saw that he was getting nowhere, but that instead an uproar was starting, he took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd. 'I am innocent of this man's blood,' he said. 'It is your responsibility!' All the people answered, 'His blood is on us and on our children!'

it may have never been said by Jesus he was the son of God or that he was a messiah that would make sense why the Romans put him on trial for simply teaching love as a threat to their tyranny and later rescinded but for the same subtle reason the Jews insisted on his crucifixion.

and why Jesus was left wondering -

Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani 'My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?'

Romans crucified 250,000+ jews. They did not need an excuse.

Claims of being king, of creating crowds and mass followers, disruption of the temple during passover which was already time of high tension as holy week of celebrating their freedom from slavery, inciting the masses.............

Pilate was already cited for his excessive cruelty and executions.

Spitting at a roman would be enough cause to crucify. Some took days to die. Jesus took four hours.

I think they knocked him out with that drink of whatever they put in the sponge
Crucified people do not die that fast-------they actually die of exhaustion and respiratory failure-------maybe a chronic smoker would go that fast

Er..no, they gave him vinegar on the sponge because it had a curative effect on people dying of crucifixion.

vinegar means sour wine-----he was THIRSTY because he was dying of respiratory and circulatory collapse-----it is the cause of death in crucifixtion------, The people
there KNEW how crucifixtions progressed-----the romans did them by the THOUSANDS---both before and after Jesus. In Judea it was the PHARISEES
who were the usual victims and it was the Pharisees who witnessed them-----all
correctly detailed in the NT EXCEPT that putative "CHEER"----CRUCIFY HIM!!!! that shit happened in the ampitheatres when romans fed lunch to the
LIONS and happily watched men kill each other

None of that is really true.
Example: Catholicism teaching that Jews were the "Christ killers".
It's a well documented fact the Jews were behind the death of Jesus Christ. So what's your point? He wasn't supposed to die on the cross?
The point is Catholic children taunting and bullying Jewish children as "Christ killers'.

Never happened where I was from, if anything it was the KKK and they were evangelicals, so lets get history straight.
Example: Catholicism teaching that Jews were the "Christ killers".
It's a well documented fact the Jews were behind the death of Jesus Christ. So what's your point? He wasn't supposed to die on the cross?
The point is Catholic children taunting and bullying Jewish children as "Christ killers'.

Never happened where I was from, if anything it was the KKK and they were evangelicals, so lets get history straight.
Evangelicals get blamed for everything.

Evangelicals have never hated Jews. They view Jews as the chosen people and they know exactly what their role is in the history of the world. They are the Chosen People and as such evangelicals treat them with respect..even when they don't deserve it.

KKK, yeah, I could see it being in some of their fucked up rhetoric. The thing with the KKK is it's such a small pool of crazy loons that you never know what they're going to be declaring as a justification. They're like any other authoritarian group. They'll say anything.
Example: Catholicism teaching that Jews were the "Christ killers".
It's a well documented fact the Jews were behind the death of Jesus Christ. So what's your point? He wasn't supposed to die on the cross?
The point is Catholic children taunting and bullying Jewish children as "Christ killers'.

Never happened where I was from, if anything it was the KKK and they were evangelicals, so lets get history straight.
KKK were evangelicals? You must have gone to college to learn to be that misinformed.
Example: Catholicism teaching that Jews were the "Christ killers".
It's a well documented fact the Jews were behind the death of Jesus Christ. So what's your point? He wasn't supposed to die on the cross?
The point is Catholic children taunting and bullying Jewish children as "Christ killers'.

Never happened where I was from, if anything it was the KKK and they were evangelicals, so lets get history straight.
KKK were evangelicals? You must have gone to college to learn to be that misinformed.

Who were they? Christian zealots?
Example: Catholicism teaching that Jews were the "Christ killers".
It's a well documented fact the Jews were behind the death of Jesus Christ. So what's your point? He wasn't supposed to die on the cross?
The point is Catholic children taunting and bullying Jewish children as "Christ killers'.

Never happened where I was from, if anything it was the KKK and they were evangelicals, so lets get history straight.
KKK were evangelicals? You must have gone to college to learn to be that misinformed.

Who were they? Christian zealots?
They were people who used religion for power. No Christian can hate Jews for the death of Christ.
Example: Catholicism teaching that Jews were the "Christ killers".

most catholics no longer teach that because it's stupid

It says it right in the NT. That like blaming the people who administer the fatal meds to the convicted killer who got the death sentence. All the Romans did was carry it out, BECAUSE the Jews were not allowed to hand out capital punishment anymore.
It's a well documented fact the Jews were behind the death of Jesus Christ. So what's your point? He wasn't supposed to die on the cross?
The point is Catholic children taunting and bullying Jewish children as "Christ killers'.

Never happened where I was from, if anything it was the KKK and they were evangelicals, so lets get history straight.
KKK were evangelicals? You must have gone to college to learn to be that misinformed.

Who were they? Christian zealots?
They were people who used religion for power. No Christian can hate Jews for the death of Christ.

Well they didn't like RC's or Blacks either.

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