When religion teaches you to hate...

The point is Catholic children taunting and bullying Jewish children as "Christ killers'.

Never happened where I was from, if anything it was the KKK and they were evangelicals, so lets get history straight.
KKK were evangelicals? You must have gone to college to learn to be that misinformed.

Who were they? Christian zealots?
They were people who used religion for power. No Christian can hate Jews for the death of Christ.

Well they didn't like RC's or Blacks either.
And every Christian knows we are all created in the image of God.
Never happened where I was from, if anything it was the KKK and they were evangelicals, so lets get history straight.
KKK were evangelicals? You must have gone to college to learn to be that misinformed.

Who were they? Christian zealots?
They were people who used religion for power. No Christian can hate Jews for the death of Christ.

Well they didn't like RC's or Blacks either.
And every Christian knows we are all created in the image of God.

So ok, the KKK only thought they were Protestants. I guess they were not really Christian, just pretended to be with their righteous indignation, lovely.
In about 30 C.E., the Great Sanhedrin lost its authority to inflict capital punishment. After the Temple was destroyed, so was the Great Sanhedrin. A Sanhedrin in Yavneh took over many of its functions, under the authority of Rabban Gamliel. The rabbis in the Sanhedrin served as judges and attracted students who came to learn their oral traditions and scriptural interpretations. From Yavneh, the Sanhedrin moved to different cities in the Galilee, eventually ending up in Tiberias.
ok you have a theory------after awhile-----death is obvious----and that is actually how it was USUALLY DONE and took days----just leave them there. What was the HURRY. The romans who left people wiggling around on crosses for days----SUDDENLY HAD A SINGULAR sense of-------"lets be nice"?. I find this account to be one of the MANY holes in the story----pro-roman sophistry
with Jesus?

Two Gospel accounts (Mark and John) relate that a prominent member of the Sanhedrin (Joseph of Arimathea, who is also said to have been extremely rich) asked and received permission from Pilate to remove the body. After confirming with a centurion Jesus was dead, Pilate granted permission.

so true----this is where THE PLOT THICKENS------a factoid that your catechism teacher never told you------Joseph of Arimathea was a Pharisee and a member
of the SANHEDRIN. Sophists turn themselves INSIDE OUT and TWIST THEM-
SELVES into knots to try to EXPLAIN THIS FACT AWAY. Jesus ended up in a
PHARISEE TOMB----why? ---well--easy----because he was a Pharisee. The
sophistry that that developed under CONSTANTINE includes that idea that
JOSEPH was not "REALLY" a Pharisee-----he was sorta an undercover agent
for the VATICAN (of course since Sanhedrin members were logically mostly
Pharisees-----and everyone knew who was who------the story sorta falls apart unless
YOU DO NOT KNOW----which---of course----most of the people of the ROMAN EMPIRE----did not)
In about 30 C.E., the Great Sanhedrin lost its authority to inflict capital punishment. After the Temple was destroyed, so was the Great Sanhedrin. A Sanhedrin in Yavneh took over many of its functions, under the authority of Rabban Gamliel. The rabbis in the Sanhedrin served as judges and attracted students who came to learn their oral traditions and scriptural interpretations. From Yavneh, the Sanhedrin moved to different cities in the Galilee, eventually ending up in Tiberias.

the Sanhedrin did not lose is power to CONVICT-----according to the NT-----the Sanhedrin refused to convict Jesus of "BLASPHEMY" The Jews of Judea did
not lose THEIR ability to kill people. There were incidents (albeit rare) of
Flow, gush, burst. It obviously did not mean that blood and water pumped out of Jesus' body for 5 minutes after He was pierced. It means that the soldier stuck the spear into Him, pulled it out, and saw blood mixed with water run out, and he knew Jesus was dead. It's really not a big deal to get hung up on.

Right--- ....saw blood mixed with water...... knew jesus was dead...<<< is a statement that actually makes no sense-------somehow that trivial point came
under question. No one has addressed the more MAJOR point which is
WHO WANTED JESUS DEAD AND WHY ----------some brain dead people have
WERE MAKING MONEY. Lets pretend that idiot statement is true and-----
maybe someone can EXPLAIN it to me

People were maimed and killed by the Roman oppressors on a daily basis for trivial reasons.

roman misunderstanding about the meaning and purpose of the Jewish messiah that Jesus openly claimed to be could have easily made it seem like he was fomenting sedition.

so true------lots of "messiahs" were executed by the romans during that era.
I do not recall jesus OPENLY declaring himself "the messiah"---as reported by
any person who actually hung out with him. For that matter----I do not recall any
of the people that OTHER people suspected of being a messiah as so SELF-REPORTING in that era. Jesus enacted a PHARISEE action in the temple courtyard----he overturned the tables of the money changers-----THAT WAS AN
ACT OF SEDITION AGAINST ROME<< a fact that is not taught in sunday school
How is it sedition against Rome to act in the Jewish temple? The money changers were not Romans, they were Jews.

disruption of the peace, protest of roman rule/organization, large followings, calling himself king

God and Jesus wanted his death, everyone else was just carrying out their will.
Christians used the stories if his death for their religion. Stories became embellished and changed in the telling till written down, edited and codexed. Even every translation alters the story.

Jesus actions intentionally set the stage for his sacrifice. He knew, could have left and didn't.

Washing hand as innocence was a jewish traditions, for romans it was a finality, and end to the issue. The story of pilate was probably more the writer for roman audience than fact.

OK aris----your take is reasonable------at the very least not at all idiotic -----I have
to admit that your take is kinda distressing------ in view of the "bitter cup" soliloquy
Example: Catholicism teaching that Jews were the "Christ killers".

most catholics no longer teach that because it's stupid
Yes, it's stupid. I certainly heard it as a child but never said it myself. There was plenty anti-semitic sentiment in my Irish Catholic neighborhood in Brooklyn, how that was transmitted to me as a child I don't exactly remember. I did have to actively confront it in myself as a young adult.

Painful to look at.
The point is Catholic children taunting and bullying Jewish children as "Christ killers'.

Never happened where I was from, if anything it was the KKK and they were evangelicals, so lets get history straight.
KKK were evangelicals? You must have gone to college to learn to be that misinformed.

Who were they? Christian zealots?
They were people who used religion for power. No Christian can hate Jews for the death of Christ.

Well they didn't like RC's or Blacks either.
Plenty of intolerance to go around. My neighborhood was so white Irish Catholic, Italians were exotic.
it may have never been said by Jesus he was the son of God or that he was a messiah that would make sense why the Romans put him on trial for simply teaching love as a threat to their tyranny and later rescinded but for the same subtle reason the Jews insisted on his crucifixion.

and why Jesus was left wondering -

Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani 'My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?'

Romans crucified 250,000+ jews. They did not need an excuse.

Claims of being king, of creating crowds and mass followers, disruption of the temple during passover which was already time of high tension as holy week of celebrating their freedom from slavery, inciting the masses.............

Pilate was already cited for his excessive cruelty and executions.

Spitting at a roman would be enough cause to crucify. Some took days to die. Jesus took four hours.

I think they knocked him out with that drink of whatever they put in the sponge
Crucified people do not die that fast-------they actually die of exhaustion and respiratory failure-------maybe a chronic smoker would go that fast

Er..no, they gave him vinegar on the sponge because it had a curative effect on people dying of crucifixion.

vinegar means sour wine-----he was THIRSTY because he was dying of respiratory and circulatory collapse-----it is the cause of death in crucifixtion------, The people
there KNEW how crucifixtions progressed-----the romans did them by the THOUSANDS---both before and after Jesus. In Judea it was the PHARISEES
who were the usual victims and it was the Pharisees who witnessed them-----all
correctly detailed in the NT EXCEPT that putative "CHEER"----CRUCIFY HIM!!!! that shit happened in the ampitheatres when romans fed lunch to the
LIONS and happily watched men kill each other

None of that is really true.

could you be more specific? just what of "that" is not "really" true?
Example: Catholicism teaching that Jews were the "Christ killers".

most catholics no longer teach that because it's stupid
Yes, it's stupid. I certainly heard it as a child but never said it myself. There was plenty anti-semitic sentiment in my Irish Catholic neighborhood in Brooklyn, how that was transmitted to me as a child I don't exactly remember. I did have to actively confront it in myself as a young adult.

Painful to look at.

good of you to be honest-----I did not grow up in New York City but in adulthood
did come to know lots of Brooklyn Jews.--------children PICK up everthing around
them like SPONGES. PS----of course I also came to know lots of Brooklyn Irish---and Italians and Polish too-------things have improved. ------uhm ------sorry all you
Polish catholics out there-----you seem to be the second to the last frontier
KKK were evangelicals? You must have gone to college to learn to be that misinformed.

Who were they? Christian zealots?
They were people who used religion for power. No Christian can hate Jews for the death of Christ.

Well they didn't like RC's or Blacks either.
And every Christian knows we are all created in the image of God.

So ok, the KKK only thought they were Protestants. I guess they were not really Christian, just pretended to be with their righteous indignation, lovely.
To say the KKK was Christian is like saying people going to a steak house are vegetarian because they have a salad side dish. Their actions and Christianity can not be reconciled.
Who were they? Christian zealots?
They were people who used religion for power. No Christian can hate Jews for the death of Christ.

Well they didn't like RC's or Blacks either.
And every Christian knows we are all created in the image of God.

So ok, the KKK only thought they were Protestants. I guess they were not really Christian, just pretended to be with their righteous indignation, lovely.
To say the KKK was Christian is like saying people going to a steak house are vegetarian because they have a salad side dish. Their actions and Christianity can not be reconciled.

It is correct to say that they SELF IDENTIFIED THEMSELVES AS CHRISTIAN----and considered only those who agreed with their "ethos" to be REAL CHRISTIANS-------face facts------does not mean YOU ACCEPT THE IDEA.
SHEEEEESH PS-----I grew up in what had been a completely RESTRICED
town before about 1950-------some jewish veterans trickled in because they had VA mortgages----no blacks until the 1970s. Jackie Robinson could not play golf
in the local "country club" (such as it was) --------neither could I, or my father or my brother----- My brother could not even "caddy" at that place so he ended up
about 20 miles away------where he got to caddy now and then for Jackie Robinson.
I went swimming twice as a guest at the local "country club"----but under an ASSUMED NAME (as a kid of about ten ----I found the situation COMICAL)
Example: Catholicism teaching that Jews were the "Christ killers".

most catholics no longer teach that because it's stupid
Yes, it's stupid. I certainly heard it as a child but never said it myself. There was plenty anti-semitic sentiment in my Irish Catholic neighborhood in Brooklyn, how that was transmitted to me as a child I don't exactly remember. I did have to actively confront it in myself as a young adult.

Painful to look at.

good of you to be honest-----I did not grow up in New York City but in adulthood
did come to know lots of Brooklyn Jews.--------children PICK up everthing around
them like SPONGES. PS----of course I also came to know lots of Brooklyn Irish---and Italians and Polish too-------things have improved. ------uhm ------sorry all you
Polish catholics out there-----you seem to be the second to the last frontier
My grandfather taught my younger sister to say, "I am a Polack". Now why he laughed at her when she said may have had as much to do with the way she talks as anything else.

I don't have strong memories of bigoted statements my family would make until I was a teenager and old enough to reject them.

I do remember befriending a black boy and that ended up a HUGE threatening deal. Called into the principals office about it.
Example: Catholicism teaching that Jews were the "Christ killers".
It's a well documented fact the Jews were behind the death of Jesus Christ. So what's your point? He wasn't supposed to die on the cross?
The point is Catholic children taunting and bullying Jewish children as "Christ killers'.

Never happened where I was from, if anything it was the KKK and they were evangelicals, so lets get history straight.
KKK were evangelicals? You must have gone to college to learn to be that misinformed.

Who were they? Christian zealots?

Christian zealots does seem to "more accurate" than EVANGELICALS------
I am not sure what people mean by "evangelical"-----I thought that EVANGELIZE
refers to attempts to PROMULGATE one's religion----usually --specifically the
CHRISTIAN religion (or a sect thereof)
Who were they? Christian zealots?
They were people who used religion for power. No Christian can hate Jews for the death of Christ.

Well they didn't like RC's or Blacks either.
And every Christian knows we are all created in the image of God.

So ok, the KKK only thought they were Protestants. I guess they were not really Christian, just pretended to be with their righteous indignation, lovely.
To say the KKK was Christian is like saying people going to a steak house are vegetarian because they have a salad side dish. Their actions and Christianity can not be reconciled.

I would quite agree, though they may not.
It's a well documented fact the Jews were behind the death of Jesus Christ. So what's your point? He wasn't supposed to die on the cross?
The point is Catholic children taunting and bullying Jewish children as "Christ killers'.

Never happened where I was from, if anything it was the KKK and they were evangelicals, so lets get history straight.
KKK were evangelicals? You must have gone to college to learn to be that misinformed.

Who were they? Christian zealots?

Christian zealots does seem to "more accurate" than EVANGELICALS------
I am not sure what people mean by "evangelical"-----I thought that EVANGELIZE
refers to attempts to PROMULGATE one's religion----usually --specifically the
CHRISTIAN religion (or a sect thereof)
Evangelical seems to mean conservative Christian which can translate into "narrow minded" but isn't necessarily. It's more like fundamentalist I think. RW Christian.
Example: Catholicism teaching that Jews were the "Christ killers".

most catholics no longer teach that because it's stupid
Yes, it's stupid. I certainly heard it as a child but never said it myself. There was plenty anti-semitic sentiment in my Irish Catholic neighborhood in Brooklyn, how that was transmitted to me as a child I don't exactly remember. I did have to actively confront it in myself as a young adult.

Painful to look at.

good of you to be honest-----I did not grow up in New York City but in adulthood
did come to know lots of Brooklyn Jews.--------children PICK up everthing around
them like SPONGES. PS----of course I also came to know lots of Brooklyn Irish---and Italians and Polish too-------things have improved. ------uhm ------sorry all you
Polish catholics out there-----you seem to be the second to the last frontier
My grandfather taught my younger sister to say, "I am a Polack". Now why he laughed at her when she said may have had as much to do with the way she talks as anything else.

I don't have strong memories of bigoted statements my family would make until I was a teenager and old enough to reject them.

I do remember befriending a black boy and that ended up a HUGE threatening deal. Called into the principals office about it.

people of a group mocked OFTEN play with the terms the mockers use.
I have Irish friends who refer to themselves as "shanty irish" ------etc etc etc....
I refuse to supply MORE examples
The point is Catholic children taunting and bullying Jewish children as "Christ killers'.

Never happened where I was from, if anything it was the KKK and they were evangelicals, so lets get history straight.
KKK were evangelicals? You must have gone to college to learn to be that misinformed.

Who were they? Christian zealots?

Christian zealots does seem to "more accurate" than EVANGELICALS------
I am not sure what people mean by "evangelical"-----I thought that EVANGELIZE
refers to attempts to PROMULGATE one's religion----usually --specifically the
CHRISTIAN religion (or a sect thereof)
Evangelical seems to mean conservative Christian which can translate into "narrow minded" but isn't necessarily. It's more like fundamentalist I think. RW Christian.
Evangelical means to let people know what John 3:16 says. What people do with that knowledge is up to them.
Example: Catholicism teaching that Jews were the "Christ killers".
Shuddup you dumb POS, Dhagra wants secular bull dykes teaching children to hate anything to do with christians. I am not a christian but can see the motives of POS people like dhagra, seabytch and Bodey.

How about teaching acceptance and love for all people instead of hate?

Welcome to Christianity.

Christians are very judgmental and label people as sinners and non-sinners. Those who will be saved and those who will be sent to hell.
When people are sick or disfigured, it is god's punishment. If a woman looses a child, she did something to deserve it. Even natural disasters are caused by someone on earth.

Treating people as equals, as normal, like everyone else, is beyond a religion, it begins with good manners and respect. No judgement, no sin, no colour, no race, no gender, just people. No class, no caste, no difference. We are all born, we live and we die. We all feel pain, joy, love and loss. No us or them, just everyone and each unique, a fragment in the giant mosaic that is incomplete without them.

Christians don't even like other christians. It is all "we're right and they're wrong". There has been nearly as much blood spilt between christians as between muslims. How many bodies before people stop the hate?

What a load. I've been a Christian for 51 years with a degree in religion. I don't recognize what you describe and have a strong suspicion that your intolerant view is because you are on the outside looking in and describing something you have no real experience with.
Never happened where I was from, if anything it was the KKK and they were evangelicals, so lets get history straight.
KKK were evangelicals? You must have gone to college to learn to be that misinformed.

Who were they? Christian zealots?

Christian zealots does seem to "more accurate" than EVANGELICALS------
I am not sure what people mean by "evangelical"-----I thought that EVANGELIZE
refers to attempts to PROMULGATE one's religion----usually --specifically the
CHRISTIAN religion (or a sect thereof)
Evangelical seems to mean conservative Christian which can translate into "narrow minded" but isn't necessarily. It's more like fundamentalist I think. RW Christian.
Evangelical means to let people know what John 3:16 says. What people do with that knowledge is up to them.

I had to google John 3:16----only to come upon what seems to me one of the
most UNACCEPTABLE verses of the NT--------kinda like the TINKERBELLE---
approach to reality "say "I believe in fairies three times or TINK WILL DIE"

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