When religion teaches you to hate...

being a NAZARITE----does not remove one from being a PHARISEE----nazarite is just a special vow to follow some special restrictions. I do not see how anyone can conclude that Jesus was NOT a Pharisee. He was entirely consistent with
Pharisee-------socialized with Pharisees and did what Pharisees were supposed to do. ------he just did not display the EVIL CHARACTERISTICS that the Romans who hated the Pharisees _------ASCRIBED TO THEM. For an example of INTRASECT----hatreds that can develope "LATER" ie after a schism-----consider THOMAS CROMWELL--------he was not BORN AN ANGLICAN----He was a baptized CATHOLIC (I believe) ----but he got all excited over PERSECUTING
anything catholic because catholics had resisted the repudiation of the POWER OF
ROME--------------in the NT----the persons who trash the Pharisees-----either new Christians who ---some of them putative jew------who, very much, resent the repudiation of ROMAN DOMINION in Judea. ------and that's about it. Mark
is OBVIOUSLY an apologist for ROMAN RULE----and an ANTI PHARISEE MAN

I understand a Jew could have been both. But having discussed with two Jews (one who is proud to be a Pharisee), here is why they doubted Jesus ever would have been a Pharisee. First, Jesus wasn't concerned about dietary law. Second, the Gospels record times when Jesus healed on the Sabbath--even when such a healing could have waited--i.e., it was not life threatening. There was a third reason as well, but at the moment I can't recall for sure what it was. It may have been equating himself with God.

true if you take the Constantine version and the writings of undetermined persons who never met Jesus -------other than in imagination or dreams. Healing on Sabbath is not contraindicated------I know orthodox (Pharisee) jews who do it all the time

Today there are exceptions for ZAKA (both jews on saturday and muslims on friday), life saving, child birth, police and fire fighters, etc. Hospitals have to maintain minimal staff but no scheduled surgeries, only ER, for the orthodox.

Simple "healing" waits till the next day. Others will usually be scheduled for Saturday work leaving orthodox their day off.

There are exceptions for things like milking animals so they are not in pain, but the milk is not used. If possible, a non-jews is hired for the job. It is not always a universal agreement about what is and is not allowed by farmers.
being a NAZARITE----does not remove one from being a PHARISEE----nazarite is just a special vow to follow some special restrictions. I do not see how anyone can conclude that Jesus was NOT a Pharisee. He was entirely consistent with
Pharisee-------socialized with Pharisees and did what Pharisees were supposed to do. ------he just did not display the EVIL CHARACTERISTICS that the Romans who hated the Pharisees _------ASCRIBED TO THEM. For an example of INTRASECT----hatreds that can develope "LATER" ie after a schism-----consider THOMAS CROMWELL--------he was not BORN AN ANGLICAN----He was a baptized CATHOLIC (I believe) ----but he got all excited over PERSECUTING
anything catholic because catholics had resisted the repudiation of the POWER OF
ROME--------------in the NT----the persons who trash the Pharisees-----either new Christians who ---some of them putative jew------who, very much, resent the repudiation of ROMAN DOMINION in Judea. ------and that's about it. Mark
is OBVIOUSLY an apologist for ROMAN RULE----and an ANTI PHARISEE MAN

I understand a Jew could have been both. But having discussed with two Jews (one who is proud to be a Pharisee), here is why they doubted Jesus ever would have been a Pharisee. First, Jesus wasn't concerned about dietary law. Second, the Gospels record times when Jesus healed on the Sabbath--even when such a healing could have waited--i.e., it was not life threatening. There was a third reason as well, but at the moment I can't recall for sure what it was. It may have been equating himself with God.

true if you take the Constantine version and the writings of undetermined persons who never met Jesus -------other than in imagination or dreams. Healing on Sabbath is not contraindicated------I know orthodox (Pharisee) jews who do it all the time

Today there are exceptions for ZAKA (both jews on saturday and muslims on friday), life saving, child birth, police and fire fighters, etc. Hospitals have to maintain minimal staff but no scheduled surgeries, only ER, for the orthodox.

Simple "healing" waits till the next day. Others will usually be scheduled for Saturday work leaving orthodox their day off.

There are exceptions for things like milking animals so they are not in pain, but the milk is not used. If possible, a non-jews is hired for the job. It is not always a universal agreement about what is and is not allowed by farmers.

all true-----SO? the concept is NOT NEW in Judaism and ---FOR THE PHARISEE WAY OF THINKING ----even back then---ANY REASON IS GOOD ENOUGH----
even in Brooklyn. I have to be honest----I never knew that one could not drink
the milk from the goat if it got squirted out on Saturday-----I will ask my sister-in-law----she was the best milker in hubby's sibship ------from a really hard core PHARISEE family. An interesting thinga-majig from the Talmud is---if you do some activity proscribed on Saturday for ----reason-----one does it in a slightly aberrant manner----
From memory (really remote memory) I recall from the NT----that Jesus told some
recently cured person at "Bethesda"----to carry his little mattress "under his arm"---
as he left the area on Saturday.-----this advice relates to "how to carry things on Saturday" from the Talmud---a very Pharisee idea----- (all very remote memory and knda casual reading on my part---don't quote me)
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being a NAZARITE----does not remove one from being a PHARISEE----nazarite is just a special vow to follow some special restrictions. I do not see how anyone can conclude that Jesus was NOT a Pharisee. He was entirely consistent with
Pharisee-------socialized with Pharisees and did what Pharisees were supposed to do. ------he just did not display the EVIL CHARACTERISTICS that the Romans who hated the Pharisees _------ASCRIBED TO THEM. For an example of INTRASECT----hatreds that can develope "LATER" ie after a schism-----consider THOMAS CROMWELL--------he was not BORN AN ANGLICAN----He was a baptized CATHOLIC (I believe) ----but he got all excited over PERSECUTING
anything catholic because catholics had resisted the repudiation of the POWER OF
ROME--------------in the NT----the persons who trash the Pharisees-----either new Christians who ---some of them putative jew------who, very much, resent the repudiation of ROMAN DOMINION in Judea. ------and that's about it. Mark
is OBVIOUSLY an apologist for ROMAN RULE----and an ANTI PHARISEE MAN

I understand a Jew could have been both. But having discussed with two Jews (one who is proud to be a Pharisee), here is why they doubted Jesus ever would have been a Pharisee. First, Jesus wasn't concerned about dietary law. Second, the Gospels record times when Jesus healed on the Sabbath--even when such a healing could have waited--i.e., it was not life threatening. There was a third reason as well, but at the moment I can't recall for sure what it was. It may have been equating himself with God.

true if you take the Constantine version and the writings of undetermined persons who never met Jesus -------other than in imagination or dreams. Healing on Sabbath is not contraindicated------I know orthodox (Pharisee) jews who do it all the time

Today there are exceptions for ZAKA (both jews on saturday and muslims on friday), life saving, child birth, police and fire fighters, etc. Hospitals have to maintain minimal staff but no scheduled surgeries, only ER, for the orthodox.

Simple "healing" waits till the next day. Others will usually be scheduled for Saturday work leaving orthodox their day off.

There are exceptions for things like milking animals so they are not in pain, but the milk is not used. If possible, a non-jews is hired for the job. It is not always a universal agreement about what is and is not allowed by farmers.

all true-----SO? the concept is NOT NEW in Judaism and ---FOR THE PHARISEE WAY OF THINKING ----even back then---ANY REASON IS GOOD ENOUGH----
even in Brooklyn. I have to be honest----I never knew that one could not drink
the milk from the goat if it got squirted out on Saturday-----I will ask my sister-in-law----she was the best milker in hubby's sibship ------from a really hard core PHARISEE family. An interesting thinga-majig from the Talmud is---if you do some activity proscribed on Saturday for ----reason-----one does it in a slightly aberrant manner----
From memory (really remote memory) I recall from the NT----that Jesus told some
recently cured person at "Bethesda"----to carry his little mattress "under his arm"---
as he left the area on Saturday.-----this advice relates to "how to carry things on Saturday" from the Talmud---a very Pharisee idea----- (all very remote memory and knda casual reading on my part---don't quote me)

not supposed to carry, straighten the sheets, wipe the floor, so the dishes.....
different sect treat the rules in their own way, it is not consistent across all jews
NY had parks that were exceptions so they could walk the dog, take the kids to play, push a pram. Used to be marked by color ribbons or threads.

Now houses can run on a timer or computer by voice, floors wash themselves, phones can be answered by voice, dogs can be walked on a tread mill, there are even house robots that fetch and carry and other odd jobs on voice command.

Babies still need to be diapered and fed the old fashion way. Elderly, ill, mothers and children are exempt.
being a NAZARITE----does not remove one from being a PHARISEE----nazarite is just a special vow to follow some special restrictions. I do not see how anyone can conclude that Jesus was NOT a Pharisee. He was entirely consistent with
Pharisee-------socialized with Pharisees and did what Pharisees were supposed to do. ------he just did not display the EVIL CHARACTERISTICS that the Romans who hated the Pharisees _------ASCRIBED TO THEM. For an example of INTRASECT----hatreds that can develope "LATER" ie after a schism-----consider THOMAS CROMWELL--------he was not BORN AN ANGLICAN----He was a baptized CATHOLIC (I believe) ----but he got all excited over PERSECUTING
anything catholic because catholics had resisted the repudiation of the POWER OF
ROME--------------in the NT----the persons who trash the Pharisees-----either new Christians who ---some of them putative jew------who, very much, resent the repudiation of ROMAN DOMINION in Judea. ------and that's about it. Mark
is OBVIOUSLY an apologist for ROMAN RULE----and an ANTI PHARISEE MAN

I understand a Jew could have been both. But having discussed with two Jews (one who is proud to be a Pharisee), here is why they doubted Jesus ever would have been a Pharisee. First, Jesus wasn't concerned about dietary law. Second, the Gospels record times when Jesus healed on the Sabbath--even when such a healing could have waited--i.e., it was not life threatening. There was a third reason as well, but at the moment I can't recall for sure what it was. It may have been equating himself with God.

true if you take the Constantine version and the writings of undetermined persons who never met Jesus -------other than in imagination or dreams. Healing on Sabbath is not contraindicated------I know orthodox (Pharisee) jews who do it all the time

Today there are exceptions for ZAKA (both jews on saturday and muslims on friday), life saving, child birth, police and fire fighters, etc. Hospitals have to maintain minimal staff but no scheduled surgeries, only ER, for the orthodox.

Simple "healing" waits till the next day. Others will usually be scheduled for Saturday work leaving orthodox their day off.

There are exceptions for things like milking animals so they are not in pain, but the milk is not used. If possible, a non-jews is hired for the job. It is not always a universal agreement about what is and is not allowed by farmers.

all true-----SO? the concept is NOT NEW in Judaism and ---FOR THE PHARISEE WAY OF THINKING ----even back then---ANY REASON IS GOOD ENOUGH----
even in Brooklyn. I have to be honest----I never knew that one could not drink
the milk from the goat if it got squirted out on Saturday-----I will ask my sister-in-law----she was the best milker in hubby's sibship ------from a really hard core PHARISEE family. An interesting thinga-majig from the Talmud is---if you do some activity proscribed on Saturday for ----reason-----one does it in a slightly aberrant manner----
From memory (really remote memory) I recall from the NT----that Jesus told some
recently cured person at "Bethesda"----to carry his little mattress "under his arm"---
as he left the area on Saturday.-----this advice relates to "how to carry things on Saturday" from the Talmud---a very Pharisee idea----- (all very remote memory and knda casual reading on my part---don't quote me)

not supposed to carry, straighten the sheets, wipe the floor, so the dishes.....
different sect treat the rules in their own way, it is not consistent across all jews
NY had parks that were exceptions so they could walk the dog, take the kids to play, push a pram. Used to be marked by color ribbons or threads.

Now houses can run on a timer or computer by voice, floors wash themselves, phones can be answered by voice, dogs can be walked on a tread mill, there are even house robots that fetch and carry and other odd jobs on voice command.

Babies still need to be diapered and fed the old fashion way. Elderly, ill, mothers and children are exempt.

right----but there are and ALWAYS were a myriad of exceptions ------the "ribbons"---are a very old BANDAGE--------once a continuous string is placed around an area---
even a whole village-----that village is considered ONE DWELLING------so that things can be carried WITHIN the area surrounded by the string just as dishes or
other stuff is carried thru ones house-----ie it is not considered ACTUAL CARRYING in the sense of TRANSPORTING stuff. THUS pushing baby prams in the streets BECOMES ok-----sorta. ----the example in the old literature usually beings up transporting food to neighbors-----the timers are for electrical stuff because some
people consider tuning electricity on akin to making a FIRE (proscribed).
People discuss the "finer points" for hours in excrutiating detail. Hospitals have---
at least one elevator that just goes up and down and stops at every floor ---ALL DAY. ------doctors do answer the phone----YA NEVAH KNOW. -----IMPORTANT---with all the technology----do not even think of sewing a button on your shirt unless doing so will SAVE A LIFE
KKK were evangelicals? You must have gone to college to learn to be that misinformed.

Who were they? Christian zealots?

Christian zealots does seem to "more accurate" than EVANGELICALS------
I am not sure what people mean by "evangelical"-----I thought that EVANGELIZE
refers to attempts to PROMULGATE one's religion----usually --specifically the
CHRISTIAN religion (or a sect thereof)
Evangelical seems to mean conservative Christian which can translate into "narrow minded" but isn't necessarily. It's more like fundamentalist I think. RW Christian.

For your edification since you apparently don't know.

What is an Evangelical? - National Association of Evangelicals
My edification? I guess you don't agree with my post.

I never agree with incorrect and misinformed opinions. That's why I offered you a chance to educate yourself. You're welcome.
being a NAZARITE----does not remove one from being a PHARISEE----nazarite is just a special vow to follow some special restrictions. I do not see how anyone can conclude that Jesus was NOT a Pharisee. He was entirely consistent with
Pharisee-------socialized with Pharisees and did what Pharisees were supposed to do. ------he just did not display the EVIL CHARACTERISTICS that the Romans who hated the Pharisees _------ASCRIBED TO THEM. For an example of INTRASECT----hatreds that can develope "LATER" ie after a schism-----consider THOMAS CROMWELL--------he was not BORN AN ANGLICAN----He was a baptized CATHOLIC (I believe) ----but he got all excited over PERSECUTING
anything catholic because catholics had resisted the repudiation of the POWER OF
ROME--------------in the NT----the persons who trash the Pharisees-----either new Christians who ---some of them putative jew------who, very much, resent the repudiation of ROMAN DOMINION in Judea. ------and that's about it. Mark
is OBVIOUSLY an apologist for ROMAN RULE----and an ANTI PHARISEE MAN

I understand a Jew could have been both. But having discussed with two Jews (one who is proud to be a Pharisee), here is why they doubted Jesus ever would have been a Pharisee. First, Jesus wasn't concerned about dietary law. Second, the Gospels record times when Jesus healed on the Sabbath--even when such a healing could have waited--i.e., it was not life threatening. There was a third reason as well, but at the moment I can't recall for sure what it was. It may have been equating himself with God.

true if you take the Constantine version and the writings of undetermined persons who never met Jesus -------other than in imagination or dreams. Healing on Sabbath is not contraindicated------I know orthodox (Pharisee) jews who do it all the time

Today there are exceptions for ZAKA (both jews on saturday and muslims on friday), life saving, child birth, police and fire fighters, etc. Hospitals have to maintain minimal staff but no scheduled surgeries, only ER, for the orthodox.

Simple "healing" waits till the next day. Others will usually be scheduled for Saturday work leaving orthodox their day off.

There are exceptions for things like milking animals so they are not in pain, but the milk is not used. If possible, a non-jews is hired for the job. It is not always a universal agreement about what is and is not allowed by farmers.

all true-----SO? the concept is NOT NEW in Judaism and ---FOR THE PHARISEE WAY OF THINKING ----even back then---ANY REASON IS GOOD ENOUGH----
even in Brooklyn. I have to be honest----I never knew that one could not drink
the milk from the goat if it got squirted out on Saturday-----I will ask my sister-in-law----she was the best milker in hubby's sibship ------from a really hard core PHARISEE family. An interesting thinga-majig from the Talmud is---if you do some activity proscribed on Saturday for ----reason-----one does it in a slightly aberrant manner----
From memory (really remote memory) I recall from the NT----that Jesus told some
recently cured person at "Bethesda"----to carry his little mattress "under his arm"---
as he left the area on Saturday.-----this advice relates to "how to carry things on Saturday" from the Talmud---a very Pharisee idea----- (all very remote memory and knda casual reading on my part---don't quote me)

I asked----they milked the goat before Saturday started and right after it ended
Hey dhara, do you think christians should be allowed to teach in public schools?

depends .... are they bigoted wackjobs like you or normal people of faith who aren't going to bring it into the classroom?

"bigoted wackjobs"

You just described half of my son's secular college professors.



Clearly you've never been to college or you would know better.

Sorry if education offends you but that's nothing new for rightwingnuts.
Hey dhara, do you think christians should be allowed to teach in public schools?

depends .... are they bigoted wackjobs like you or normal people of faith who aren't going to bring it into the classroom?

"bigoted wackjobs"

You just described half of my son's secular college professors.



Clearly you've never been to college or you would know better.

Sorry if education offends you but that's nothing new for rightwingnuts.

I have a bachelors and a masters, so yes I've "been to college". My son graduated this past May. Many college professors are liberal bigoted whackjobs that kids have to play the game for in order to get a passing grade. Unless you've been living off world for the past 30 years, you'd know this.
this is y Christianity is the best nd only tru religion. stuped religions like muslim tells u 2 hate on ppl who arnt muslim nd spred sharia law
Christianity only tell u 2 hate bad ppl like muslim followers &homofag scum
this is y Christianity is the best nd only tru religion. stuped religions like muslim tells u 2 hate on ppl who arnt muslim nd spred sharia law
Christianity only tell u 2 hate bad ppl like muslim followers &homofag scum

No, that is not what Christianity teaches. Let's take a look at 1 John 4:19-21:

We love because he first loved us. If anyone says, “I love God,” yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen. And he has given us this command: Whoever loves God must also love his brother.

When we truly understand the magnificence of God and the love He has for you and I individually, with it comes the understanding that is how God loves all. It is dumbfounding. God. Loves. Us. All. With God as our example we can test the elasticity of our own love. How far will it stretch? How much can it cover?

Scripture tells us not to act on homosexual urges, not because God hates homosexuals, but because He loves them and in the grander scheme of things, it's best not to act on them. God has an entire list of commands that out of love for us, He advises us not to act on them. It's kind of like a person, knowing the dangers of quicksand, posting a sign that quicksand is up ahead. If we see a person in quicksand, do we start to throw stones? Of course not. If we see a person in what scripture has identified as sin, the last thing we should be doing is throwing stones at them. That's going to hurt them (as well as our own souls) and help no one. God can help me with my sins, and he can help others with theirs.

God loves.
this is y Christianity is the best nd only tru religion. stuped religions like muslim tells u 2 hate on ppl who arnt muslim nd spred sharia law
Christianity only tell u 2 hate bad ppl like muslim followers &homofag scum

Hate is wrong. If you hate others who are different, you are wrong.
"Pray no more for these people,
Jeremiah 11:14
Jeremiah 7:16 do not pray for these people
Jeremiah 14:11 Do not pray for these people anymore.
But they do not fall within the teaching of John in this verse. ...
1 John 5:16-17
Therefore, do not pray for this people, nor lift up a cry or prayer for them

guess who their talking about.


"THEY"??? ----that is JEREMIAH----interesting guy. Very important in dealing with the problems of exile
Yes just posted in reference to something forgot ,oh does the bible teach hate?That`s what those post were to.
"Pray no more for these people,
Jeremiah 11:14
Jeremiah 7:16 do not pray for these people
Jeremiah 14:11 Do not pray for these people anymore.
But they do not fall within the teaching of John in this verse. ...
1 John 5:16-17
Therefore, do not pray for this people, nor lift up a cry or prayer for them

guess who their talking about.


"THEY"??? ----that is JEREMIAH----interesting guy. Very important in dealing with the problems of exile
Yes just posted in reference to something forgot ,oh does the bible teach hate?That`s what those post were to.

Jeremiah? he was kinda pessimistic
lol,ima have to take your word on it.
"Pray no more for these people,
Jeremiah 11:14
Jeremiah 7:16 do not pray for these people
Jeremiah 14:11 Do not pray for these people anymore.
But they do not fall within the teaching of John in this verse. ...
1 John 5:16-17
Therefore, do not pray for this people, nor lift up a cry or prayer for them

guess who their talking about.


"THEY"??? ----that is JEREMIAH----interesting guy. Very important in dealing with the problems of exile
Yes just posted in reference to something forgot ,oh does the bible teach hate?That`s what those post were to.

Jeremiah? he was kinda pessimistic

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