When religion teaches you to hate...

And how did that Peace work out for them?
Why did the new Roman Empire in our day decide to resort back to Solomon's idea and try his peace method whereby kingdoms were married into a union aka United Nations and European Union?
And how did that Peace work out for them?
Why did the new Roman Empire in our day decide to resort back to Solomon's idea and try his peace method whereby kingdoms were married into a union aka United Nations and European Union?

Hey RC worked out well, and Romans, Jews (the apostate elite ones) and Greeks intermarried. Solomon never had an empire, if there was a Solomon.

Rome kept fighting the crusades, if not for Roman Empire and the Holy Roman Empire we would not have Christianity today.
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You don't expect me to believe this do you?
1 Kings 11:1-3New American Bible (Revised Edition) (NABRE)
Chapter 11

The End of Solomon’s Reign. 1 A)'King Solomon loved many foreign women besides the daughter of Pharaoh—Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Sidonians, Hittites— 2from nations of which the Lord had said to the Israelites: You shall not join with them and they shall not join with you, lest they turn your hearts to their gods. But Solomon held them close in love. 3 He had as wives seven hundred princesses and three hundred concubines, and they turned his heart.
Why do you think I want to be king?
No seriously, the marriages were to marry into the kingdoms of all cultures, so there would be peace (which worked).
The reasoning is once they become family they have each others back instead of waring or worrying about the other.
This concept was used to try and bring global peace with the formation of
UNighted Nations. None in the Union war with each other and they have each others back.
Why do you think I want to be king?
No seriously, the marriages were to marry into the kingdoms of all cultures, so there would be peace (which worked).
The reasoning is once they become family they have each others back instead of waring or worrying about the other.
This concept was used to try and bring global peace with the formation of
UNighted Nations. None in the Union war with each other and they have each others back.

Rome did the same. Arranged marriages, everyone did it.
With other kings daughters? s Some European royals have, but source Rome please.
Rome is wonderful according to Penelope... They never stole their neighbours women ... The Sabine women were taken by Rome by force there was even a war about it....At least Solomon did it in a way that was beneficial for both groups... Rome was notorious for taking what they wanted when they wanted how they wanted with little or nothing in return to believe otherwise is popycock or Penelope speak...
Rome is wonderful according to Penelope... They never stole their neighbours women ... The Sabine women were taken by Rome by force there was even a war about it....At least Solomon did it in a way that was beneficial for both groups... Rome was notorious for taking what they wanted when they wanted how they wanted with little or nothing in return to believe otherwise is popycock or Penelope speak...

So the tale goes, but I think Abraham has a slave woman did he not? Those concubines of Solomon were sex slaves.
Rome is wonderful according to Penelope... They never stole their neighbours women ... The Sabine women were taken by Rome by force there was even a war about it....At least Solomon did it in a way that was beneficial for both groups... Rome was notorious for taking what they wanted when they wanted how they wanted with little or nothing in return to believe otherwise is popycock or Penelope speak...

So the tale goes, but I think Abraham has a slave woman did he not? Those concubines of Solomon were sex slaves.

Isn't Solomon the guy who took 666 talents (25 tons) of Gold from the temple treasury every year, not including tributes, tolls, and taxes bled from the population daily.?
Really I don't see either of your points... In the Jewish scriptures all the warts and blemishes of each individual are left out in the open for everyone to see no matter how high their station is in life... Showing they are mere humans with all their frailties and are not perfect sinless gds like we are to believe about Jesus...Solomon was greedy and a glutton he couldn't get enough gold and he couldn't get enough women and probably other things as well.. These warnings are spoken about by Samuel the prophet to the people earlier when they demand to have a king over themselves like other nations... Samuel asks them why they would like to have a slaves labour where they will pay 10 per cent to the men the king places over them... So 10 per cent was considered slaves labour then how far above that are we today... There are lessons here and warnings for us as Solomons kingdom was removed or split because his son followed and was even more greedy or burdensome to his fellow Israelites...just humour nature ...
Really I don't see either of your points... In the Jewish scriptures all the warts and blemishes of each individual are left out in the open for everyone to see no matter how high their station is in life... Showing they are mere humans with all their frailties and are not perfect sinless gds like we are to believe about Jesus...Solomon was greedy and a glutton he couldn't get enough gold and he couldn't get enough women and probably other things as well.. These warnings are spoken about by Samuel the prophet to the people earlier when they demand to have a king over themselves like other nations... Samuel asks them why they would like to have a slaves labour where they will pay 10 per cent to the men the king places over them... So 10 per cent was considered slaves labour then how far above that are we today... There are lessons here and warnings for us as Solomons kingdom was removed or split because his son followed and was even more greedy or burdensome to his fellow Israelites...just humour nature ...

10% of everything everyone makes for their entire lives is hardly slave wages.

And I think you have misunderstood the meaning of sinless, which technically just means righteous. And you have failed to include in your speculations that in the Gospels Jesus was portrayed as anything but sinless, a glutton and a drunk, partying with sinners and prostitutes etc., an embarrassment to his family and friends, showing no deference to the authority of the religious establishment which presents a riddle of sorts.

And yes, there are lessons and a warning.

Don't defile yourselves with the work of human hands, build a temple and then dedicate it to slaughtering farm animals in the name of God.
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(1) Let's keep score for a minute. Some whack jobs in the Catholic Church USED TO teach that the Jews (collectively) were responsible for "killing" Christ, which undoubtedly led SOME ignorant Catholics to "hate" Jews.

(2) Islam teaches RIGHT NOW that homosexuals, adulterers, non-Muslims, drinkers, and other minor transgressors should be persecuted and even killed.

(3) When artist Robert Mapplethorpe created a "work of art" that consisted of a Crucifix sitting in a jar of urine, Catholics voiced their displeasure by writing letters to the editors of their local papers. When Charly Hedbo published some disrespectful cartoon images of The Prophet Muhammad, more than a hundred people were killed by violent Muslims.

So why, when mentioning religions that "teach hate," do you ignore the most obvious example of hate-mongering on the planet, and focus on something that was an aberration and doesn't exist anymore?

Are you a bigoted asshole?

Just askin'.

While official church doctrine has changed, there are still SOME Catholics who believe that. Some even make a movie about it, and then have a drunk and disorderly arrest where they rant about such things.
I know what righteous is Hobe... No one was sinless and 10 percent was considered a slave labour because it was being forced upon the populace and as we know it may start there but where does it end if I recollect properly the original taxation in this country for example was to just pay for the costs of the First World War but government lied and kept collecting and increasing it...As for the temple we have discussed this before and I hear you regarding your fears in this regard ..
..As for the temple we have discussed this before and I hear you regarding your fears in this regard ..

I don't think you do.

A Temple made by human hands dedicated to killing farm animals in the name of God is a perversion and desecration as disgusting as that of Antiochus. Who would want to be a party to that?

A Temple in Jerusalem would have no value for anything but silent prayer open to anyone since the sanctuary of God is already in existence and accessible to anyone wherever they live worldwide as long as they enter by the narrow gate as revealed by the deeper implications of the divine commands as taught by the Messiah..
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Rome is wonderful according to Penelope... They never stole their neighbours women ... The Sabine women were taken by Rome by force there was even a war about it....At least Solomon did it in a way that was beneficial for both groups... Rome was notorious for taking what they wanted when they wanted how they wanted with little or nothing in return to believe otherwise is popycock or Penelope speak...

So the tale goes, but I think Abraham has a slave woman did he not? Those concubines of Solomon were sex slaves.

are you trying to make a point? It is not clear to me that they were "ENSLAVED" If Hagar was a "slave" to Sarah---then she was "enslaved" in accordance with meoptamian law. Could you explain the "point" that you are STRUGGLING to convey?
Sorry Irosie for interrupting but I forgot to mention .. Today we have social safety nets to look after the poor so they do not starve or their children in the time of Solomon men with means would take extra wives not for sex as Penelope misinterprets in either stupidity or on purpose but so these people would be looked after.. For example if my brother was to die Gd forbid it was my obligation to take in his wife and children so they were looked after.. It was their version of out social safety net today...
Rome is wonderful according to Penelope... They never stole their neighbours women ... The Sabine women were taken by Rome by force there was even a war about it....At least Solomon did it in a way that was beneficial for both groups... Rome was notorious for taking what they wanted when they wanted how they wanted with little or nothing in return to believe otherwise is popycock or Penelope speak...

So the tale goes, but I think Abraham has a slave woman did he not? Those concubines of Solomon were sex slaves.

Isn't Solomon the guy who took 666 talents (25 tons) of Gold from the temple treasury every year, not including tributes, tolls, and taxes bled from the population daily.?

So he got that every year?
13 The gold that came to Solomon in one year weighed six hundred and sixty-six gold talents, 14 in addition to what came from the tolls on travelers and what the merchants brought. All the kings of Arabia also, and the governors of the country, brought gold and silver to Solomon.

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