When religion teaches you to hate...

Example: Catholicism teaching that Jews were the "Christ killers".

Religion doesn't teach you to hate. Circumstance does. When your family is blown to red mist and small chunks there is a tendency to react poorly. Religion is just a place for like minded people to gather. When these things happen to enough people there is bound to be someone with enough anger and balls to do something about it.

Let's just put ourselves in someone else's shoes for a second. Let me ask this question: Are Americans the only people on this planet that can act purely on revenge? We attacked Iraq purely on revenge. How many people's lives did we ruin? How many survivors of our arrogant snit fit did we spawn that are hell bent to pay us back?

What do you think we(individually) would do if Iraqis just said "fuck it" and started flying drones around and blowing up innocent Americans? Before you answer try to remember that we have done the very exact thing to them already. But.. But...It's all good because we are Americans and we can do any damned thing we want to..to anybody on the planet?

It isn't the religion you goofs.. It was the bombs and bullets killing their families.
You're right that religion doesn't teach you hate, circumstances do. When a child hears that Jews killed Christ, how can they relate to that? They taunt Jewish children.

I am confused about one thing, Huggy. On the one hand, in this post you seem to be against revenge, but in another place, you seem to be for it.
There's a large Somalia Muslim immigrant community I believe in Minnesota and the white Christians in that community, and their children, treat those immigrants very badly. They'll say that's not Christianity one minute and the next insist this is a Christian nation with Christian values

I lived in Minneapolis MN for a few years. Seems like the Whites didn't discriminate against the Somalis...have things taken a recent turn for the worst?
Example: Catholicism teaching that Jews were the "Christ killers".

Religion doesn't teach you to hate. Circumstance does. When your family is blown to red mist and small chunks there is a tendency to react poorly. Religion is just a place for like minded people to gather. When these things happen to enough people there is bound to be someone with enough anger and balls to do something about it.

Let's just put ourselves in someone else's shoes for a second. Let me ask this question: Are Americans the only people on this planet that can act purely on revenge? We attacked Iraq purely on revenge. How many people's lives did we ruin? How many survivors of our arrogant snit fit did we spawn that are hell bent to pay us back?

What do you think we(individually) would do if Iraqis just said "fuck it" and started flying drones around and blowing up innocent Americans? Before you answer try to remember that we have done the very exact thing to them already. But.. But...It's all good because we are Americans and we can do any damned thing we want to..to anybody on the planet?

It isn't the religion you goofs.. It was the bombs and bullets killing their families.
You're right that religion doesn't teach you hate, circumstances do. When a child hears that Jews killed Christ, how can they relate to that? They taunt Jewish children.

I am confused about one thing, Huggy. On the one hand, in this post you seem to be against revenge, but in another place, you seem to be for it.
There's a large Somalia Muslim immigrant community I believe in Minnesota and the white Christians in that community, and their children, treat those immigrants very badly. They'll say that's not Christianity one minute and the next insist this is a Christian nation with Christian values

I lived in Minneapolis MN for a few years. Seems like the Whites didn't discriminate against the Somalis...have things taken a recent turn for the worst?
I heard a story about them a couple times. The story said the white people are poor too so they justifiably don't understand why the government would flood their town with immigrants. I'm sure you aren't hearing the Somali side of how they've been treated
Example: Catholicism teaching that Jews were the "Christ killers".

Religion doesn't teach you to hate. Circumstance does. When your family is blown to red mist and small chunks there is a tendency to react poorly. Religion is just a place for like minded people to gather. When these things happen to enough people there is bound to be someone with enough anger and balls to do something about it.

Let's just put ourselves in someone else's shoes for a second. Let me ask this question: Are Americans the only people on this planet that can act purely on revenge? We attacked Iraq purely on revenge. How many people's lives did we ruin? How many survivors of our arrogant snit fit did we spawn that are hell bent to pay us back?

What do you think we(individually) would do if Iraqis just said "fuck it" and started flying drones around and blowing up innocent Americans? Before you answer try to remember that we have done the very exact thing to them already. But.. But...It's all good because we are Americans and we can do any damned thing we want to..to anybody on the planet?

It isn't the religion you goofs.. It was the bombs and bullets killing their families.
You're right that religion doesn't teach you hate, circumstances do. When a child hears that Jews killed Christ, how can they relate to that? They taunt Jewish children.

I am confused about one thing, Huggy. On the one hand, in this post you seem to be against revenge, but in another place, you seem to be for it.
There's a large Somalia Muslim immigrant community I believe in Minnesota and the white Christians in that community, and their children, treat those immigrants very badly. They'll say that's not Christianity one minute and the next insist this is a Christian nation with Christian values

I lived in Minneapolis MN for a few years. Seems like the Whites didn't discriminate against the Somalis...have things taken a recent turn for the worst?
I heard a story about them a couple times. The story said the white people are poor too so they justifiably don't understand why the government would flood their town with immigrants. I'm sure you aren't hearing the Somali side of how they've been treated

I see...thank you for answering.
Example: Catholicism teaching that Jews were the "Christ killers".
Shuddup you dumb POS, Dhagra wants secular bull dykes teaching children to hate anything to do with christians. I am not a christian but can see the motives of POS people like dhagra, seabytch and Bodey.

How about teaching acceptance and love for all people instead of hate?

Welcome to Christianity.

Christians are very judgmental and label people as sinners and non-sinners. Those who will be saved and those who will be sent to hell.
When people are sick or disfigured, it is god's punishment. If a woman looses a child, she did something to deserve it. Even natural disasters are caused by someone on earth.

Treating people as equals, as normal, like everyone else, is beyond a religion, it begins with good manners and respect. No judgement, no sin, no colour, no race, no gender, just people. No class, no caste, no difference. We are all born, we live and we die. We all feel pain, joy, love and loss. No us or them, just everyone and each unique, a fragment in the giant mosaic that is incomplete without them.

Christians don't even like other christians. It is all "we're right and they're wrong". There has been nearly as much blood spilt between christians as between muslims. How many bodies before people stop the hate?
Example: Catholicism teaching that Jews were the "Christ killers".
Example, Jews that hate Catholicism for things that happened 500 years ago for which the Pope has apologized for. Forgive, Dhara.
I think they knocked him out with that drink of whatever they put in the sponge
Crucified people do not die that fast-------they actually die of exhaustion and respiratory failure-------maybe a chronic smoker would go that fast
He died quickly because they nearly beat Him to death first. Also, to fulfill prophecy that none of His bones were to be broken. Note that they broke the legs of the two hanging with Him to speed their deaths, but not His.

huh ? the story was contrived to FULFILL PROPHECY------right---I do agree with that contrived story thing
Nope, factual.

they shoved a sword into him-----remember? in any case who wrote the account----those guys who were not even there? Luke? ------the mysterious Mark?
Yes, and the result, water and blood mixed, showed He was already dead. If He was still alive, it would have just been blood.

He did not die from the crucifixion but a broken heart.
Example: Catholicism teaching that Jews were the "Christ killers".
Example, Jews that hate Catholicism for things that happened 500 years ago for which the Pope has apologized for. Forgive, Dhara.

Are you kidding? Their synods influenced Nazis treatment of Jews which was also taught to radical Islam through the head Mufti fleeing to Berlin to learn hate propaganda. The
Holocaust was not that long ago, nor was what the Pope who apologized did that long ago.
Pope John Paul ll thwarted a ready to be signed peace deal Arafat was about to sign.
The Pope visiting talked him to hold off to make Jerusalem international controlled so The Vatican would not have to worry about the future Mikdash or prophecy overturning their authority.
Talk about putting your foot where it ought not be, he can be blamed for the mess you see today or at least the continued excuse they use in propaganda that fuels radicalism. The church propaganda leading to Nazis propaganda leading to todays radical Islam propaganda is recent problem results and influence not 500 years ago.
Example: Catholicism teaching that Jews were the "Christ killers".
or like when islam teaches you to subjugate or murder jews, christians, buddhist, etc, etc and you actually go out and do it.

christians don't want gays to go to hell
muslim want to throw them off roof tops and get them there

gee, who would you be most concerned with?
Example: Catholicism teaching that Jews were the "Christ killers".
Example, Jews that hate Catholicism for things that happened 500 years ago for which the Pope has apologized for. Forgive, Dhara.
I have nothing to forgive. It is what it is. I wasn't taught tolerance for people of other faith growing up in the RCC. I had to learn for myself.
Example: Catholicism teaching that Jews were the "Christ killers".
or like when islam teaches you to subjugate or murder jews, christians, buddhist, etc, etc and you actually go out and do it.

christians don't want gays to go to hell
muslim want to throw them off roof tops and get them there

gee, who would you be most concerned with?
I'm concerned about ALL misuse of religion. I don't hold one worse or better than another.
Example: Catholicism teaching that Jews were the "Christ killers".
or like when islam teaches you to subjugate or murder jews, christians, buddhist, etc, etc and you actually go out and do it.

christians don't want gays to go to hell
muslim want to throw them off roof tops and get them there

gee, who would you be most concerned with?
I'm concerned about ALL misuse of religion. I don't hold one worse or better than another.
so you consider a christian going *tsk at a woman showing a lot a cleavage the same as a mulsim using that as an excuse to raper her.
Example: Catholicism teaching that Jews were the "Christ killers".
or like when islam teaches you to subjugate or murder jews, christians, buddhist, etc, etc and you actually go out and do it.

christians don't want gays to go to hell
muslim want to throw them off roof tops and get them there

gee, who would you be most concerned with?
Christians in Uganda want gays to die and passed kill gays legislation, with the help of American Christian pastors.
Example: Catholicism teaching that Jews were the "Christ killers".
or like when islam teaches you to subjugate or murder jews, christians, buddhist, etc, etc and you actually go out and do it.

christians don't want gays to go to hell
muslim want to throw them off roof tops and get them there

gee, who would you be most concerned with?
Christians in Uganda want gays to die and passed kill gays legislation, with the help of American Christian pastors.
how many executions?
how many other countries is that in?

none you say?


be careful where you walk at night, make sure a man, of your family is with you, or your rape is justified. every muslim country, carries the death penalty for the raped, and the rapist is considered the victim, and they have executed the raped, lashes.

your hate for christians is fucking ignorant at best
Christians might be less globally obvious, but they are no less hateful of others. "Convert or you are wrong, evil, sinful, going to hell....".... or even killing them outright. Even other christians are not "true" christians.

Hypocrisy is rampant

Just another pharisee
Example: Catholicism teaching that Jews were the "Christ killers".
they were the ones that sold him out.

not that I know of any christian that has a real hate for jews, outside the black community.

what does SOLD HIM OUT mean in the context of the NT-----was Jesus HIDING
from something? if so ------WHAT?
wasn't it judas that snitched on him?
wasn't jewish leaders that said they didn't want him?

you seem to be taking offense to something that's not there.

I am not taking OFFENSE at anything other than lies. The story is that
THE HIGH PRIESTS paid Judas to DELIVER JESUS--- my question is
WHY???? He was PUBLICALLY IN JERUSALEN------why did anyone who wanted him need a BETRAYER and why did the High Priests want him?.
The high priest NAMED----is CAIAPHAS-------a roman shill------which suggests that the ROMANS wanted him. Why would the ROMANS want him? so they could be FORCED against their will to murder him? The only way I can interpret the situation is THE ROMANS and SADDUCEAN SHILLS wanted him----and the
other jews celebrating in Jerusalem were not giving him up-----. My version makes
sense in view of the attack by Jesus on the temple money changers which was ACTUALLY AN ATTACK ON ROME and their sadducean shills---------the Pharisees would have CHEERED that attack

The thing about mythology is that it doesn't have to make sense.
(1) Let's keep score for a minute. Some whack jobs in the Catholic Church USED TO teach that the Jews (collectively) were responsible for "killing" Christ, which undoubtedly led SOME ignorant Catholics to "hate" Jews.

(2) Islam teaches RIGHT NOW that homosexuals, adulterers, non-Muslims, drinkers, and other minor transgressors should be persecuted and even killed.

(3) When artist Robert Mapplethorpe created a "work of art" that consisted of a Crucifix sitting in a jar of urine, Catholics voiced their displeasure by writing letters to the editors of their local papers. When Charly Hedbo published some disrespectful cartoon images of The Prophet Muhammad, more than a hundred people were killed by violent Muslims.

So why, when mentioning religions that "teach hate," do you ignore the most obvious example of hate-mongering on the planet, and focus on something that was an aberration and doesn't exist anymore?

Are you a bigoted asshole?

Just askin'.

Well, the thread is about when religion teaches hate and the OP gave one example. Islam would have plenty of examples, as would most other religions in the world. it's why I don't like religion.
Look up a little biology and what happens to a heart when fluid builds up around it as a person dies under extreme stress.

fluid BUILD UP around the heart does not happen in crucifixtion-----you are alluding to a PERICARDIAL EFFUSION. It does not HAPPEN in an hour----people harbor
pericardial effusions for ------MONTHS-----they build up slowly and are associated with other CHRONIC sicknesses. What can happen in pericardial effusion is
CARDIAC TAMPONADE----- the function of the heart is compromised by being
SQUISHED. What would cause that to happen in a 30 year old man----crucified?---in a matter of hours? EFFUSIONS don't just HAPPEN in a matter of minutes
Keep in mind the extreme stress He was under before He died. This was far from an ordinary circumstance. Death by crucifixion was death by suffocation and heart failure. A spear through the side would release fluid built up in the lungs and from around the heart as well as blood. It was evidence that Jesus really was dead.

right ---respiratory failure MOSTLY-------not enough time to develop a PERICARDIAL EFFUSION which is kinda an OSMOSIS thing As to RESPIRATORY FAILURE-------a punch in the side would not cause FLUID
TO SPILL OUT------the fluid in a congested lung is HELD IN THE LUNG TISSUE
Not a punch, a spear opening a gaping hole through lung and heart tissue. Regardless, what is your problem with it?

It does not make sense----FLOW happens when fluid is under TENSION or it is FLOWING FROM A "PUMPING" SOURCE-------such is not the case in a dead lung and a dead heart and a dead person. Where did the OVERFILL come from? Was someone PUMPING fluid into Jesus?
Flow, gush, burst. It obviously did not mean that blood and water pumped out of Jesus' body for 5 minutes after He was pierced. It means that the soldier stuck the spear into Him, pulled it out, and saw blood mixed with water run out, and he knew Jesus was dead. It's really not a big deal to get hung up on.
fluid BUILD UP around the heart does not happen in crucifixtion-----you are alluding to a PERICARDIAL EFFUSION. It does not HAPPEN in an hour----people harbor
pericardial effusions for ------MONTHS-----they build up slowly and are associated with other CHRONIC sicknesses. What can happen in pericardial effusion is
CARDIAC TAMPONADE----- the function of the heart is compromised by being
SQUISHED. What would cause that to happen in a 30 year old man----crucified?---in a matter of hours? EFFUSIONS don't just HAPPEN in a matter of minutes
Keep in mind the extreme stress He was under before He died. This was far from an ordinary circumstance. Death by crucifixion was death by suffocation and heart failure. A spear through the side would release fluid built up in the lungs and from around the heart as well as blood. It was evidence that Jesus really was dead.

right ---respiratory failure MOSTLY-------not enough time to develop a PERICARDIAL EFFUSION which is kinda an OSMOSIS thing As to RESPIRATORY FAILURE-------a punch in the side would not cause FLUID
TO SPILL OUT------the fluid in a congested lung is HELD IN THE LUNG TISSUE
Not a punch, a spear opening a gaping hole through lung and heart tissue. Regardless, what is your problem with it?

It does not make sense----FLOW happens when fluid is under TENSION or it is FLOWING FROM A "PUMPING" SOURCE-------such is not the case in a dead lung and a dead heart and a dead person. Where did the OVERFILL come from? Was someone PUMPING fluid into Jesus?

There is evidence from Scripture that Jesus experienced hypovolemic shock as a result of being flogged. As Jesus carried His own cross to Golgotha (John 19:17), He collapsed, and a man named Simon was forced to either carry the cross or help Jesus carry the cross the rest of way to the hill (Matthew 27:32–33; Mark 15:21–22; Luke 23:26). This collapse indicates Jesus had low blood pressure. Another indicator that Jesus suffered from hypovolemic shock was that He declared He was thirsty as He hung on the cross (John 19:28), indicating His body’s desire to replenish fluids.

Prior to death, the sustained rapid heartbeat caused by hypovolemic shock also causes fluid to gather in the sack around the heart and around the lungs. This gathering of fluid in the membrane around the heart is called pericardial effusion, and the fluid gathering around the lungs is called pleural effusion. This explains why, after Jesus died and a Roman soldier thrust a spear through Jesus’ side, piercing both the lungs and the heart, blood and water came from His side just as John recorded in his Gospel (John 19:34).
Ultimately, it's really not a big deal to get hung up on.
Keep in mind the extreme stress He was under before He died. This was far from an ordinary circumstance. Death by crucifixion was death by suffocation and heart failure. A spear through the side would release fluid built up in the lungs and from around the heart as well as blood. It was evidence that Jesus really was dead.

right ---respiratory failure MOSTLY-------not enough time to develop a PERICARDIAL EFFUSION which is kinda an OSMOSIS thing As to RESPIRATORY FAILURE-------a punch in the side would not cause FLUID
TO SPILL OUT------the fluid in a congested lung is HELD IN THE LUNG TISSUE
Not a punch, a spear opening a gaping hole through lung and heart tissue. Regardless, what is your problem with it?

It does not make sense----FLOW happens when fluid is under TENSION or it is FLOWING FROM A "PUMPING" SOURCE-------such is not the case in a dead lung and a dead heart and a dead person. Where did the OVERFILL come from? Was someone PUMPING fluid into Jesus?

There is evidence from Scripture that Jesus experienced hypovolemic shock as a result of being flogged. As Jesus carried His own cross to Golgotha (John 19:17), He collapsed, and a man named Simon was forced to either carry the cross or help Jesus carry the cross the rest of way to the hill (Matthew 27:32–33; Mark 15:21–22; Luke 23:26). This collapse indicates Jesus had low blood pressure. Another indicator that Jesus suffered from hypovolemic shock was that He declared He was thirsty as He hung on the cross (John 19:28), indicating His body’s desire to replenish fluids.

Prior to death, the sustained rapid heartbeat caused by hypovolemic shock also causes fluid to gather in the sack around the heart and around the lungs. This gathering of fluid in the membrane around the heart is called pericardial effusion, and the fluid gathering around the lungs is called pleural effusion. This explains why, after Jesus died and a Roman soldier thrust a spear through Jesus’ side, piercing both the lungs and the heart, blood and water came from His side just as John recorded in his Gospel (John 19:34).

right hypovolemic shock------does not result in a HUGE PERICARDIAL EFFUSION
It doesn't have to be huge. Remember, the soldiers were professionals at this, and had seen many, many people die from crucifixion. What they saw in Jesus was what they were looking for, evidence that He was dead.
Keep in mind the extreme stress He was under before He died. This was far from an ordinary circumstance. Death by crucifixion was death by suffocation and heart failure. A spear through the side would release fluid built up in the lungs and from around the heart as well as blood. It was evidence that Jesus really was dead.

right ---respiratory failure MOSTLY-------not enough time to develop a PERICARDIAL EFFUSION which is kinda an OSMOSIS thing As to RESPIRATORY FAILURE-------a punch in the side would not cause FLUID
TO SPILL OUT------the fluid in a congested lung is HELD IN THE LUNG TISSUE
Not a punch, a spear opening a gaping hole through lung and heart tissue. Regardless, what is your problem with it?

It does not make sense----FLOW happens when fluid is under TENSION or it is FLOWING FROM A "PUMPING" SOURCE-------such is not the case in a dead lung and a dead heart and a dead person. Where did the OVERFILL come from? Was someone PUMPING fluid into Jesus?

There is evidence from Scripture that Jesus experienced hypovolemic shock as a result of being flogged. As Jesus carried His own cross to Golgotha (John 19:17), He collapsed, and a man named Simon was forced to either carry the cross or help Jesus carry the cross the rest of way to the hill (Matthew 27:32–33; Mark 15:21–22; Luke 23:26). This collapse indicates Jesus had low blood pressure. Another indicator that Jesus suffered from hypovolemic shock was that He declared He was thirsty as He hung on the cross (John 19:28), indicating His body’s desire to replenish fluids.

Prior to death, the sustained rapid heartbeat caused by hypovolemic shock also causes fluid to gather in the sack around the heart and around the lungs. This gathering of fluid in the membrane around the heart is called pericardial effusion, and the fluid gathering around the lungs is called pleural effusion. This explains why, after Jesus died and a Roman soldier thrust a spear through Jesus’ side, piercing both the lungs and the heart, blood and water came from His side just as John recorded in his Gospel (John 19:34).
Ultimately, it's really not a big deal to get hung up on.

Right. The practice was common to show that the person really was dead before the body could be taken down and turned over to whoever claimed the body for burial. If no one came the body would have been left there to rot.

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