When religion teaches you to hate...

huh ? the story was contrived to FULFILL PROPHECY------right---I do agree with that contrived story thing
Nope, factual.

they shoved a sword into him-----remember? in any case who wrote the account----those guys who were not even there? Luke? ------the mysterious Mark?
Yes, and the result, water and blood mixed, showed He was already dead. If He was still alive, it would have just been blood.

I have witnessed lots of autopsies-----I never encountered that WATER AND BLOOD PHENOMENON. The one time I saw lots of FLUID just mixed with blood was in the operating room when the abdomen of a person afflicted with a PERFORATING ULCER of the stomach was incised. It was quite dramatic ---a TORRENT of fluid flowed out of the Peritoneum
Have you ever hung a body that died within the hour vertically from the ceiling and punctured the heart? IOW, autopsies are done a long time after death, not within an hour or so.

I do not HANG bodies. Ever try to DRAW BLOOD from a newly dead corpse? I HAVE. Your theory is that WATER AND BLOOD FLOWED from a non beating heart? FLOWED?

You're sounding pretty worked up.

I despise liars. Keep in mind----I grew up in a protestant/catholic town-----
there were no Buddhists, no muslims ----and because of the RACISM of the
protestants and catholics there----there were no blacks. I have been to protestant and catholic churches--------anyone who claims ---no anti-Semitism in Lutheran, Methodist, and Catholic churches is a liar--------I also had a quaker friend---I never
attended a "meeting"-----but I detected no antisemitism amongst THEM (that is --that family) ------friends of mine whose families were EASTERN ORTHODOX---(Balkans)
were INSTENSELY anti-Semitic too
Nope, factual.

they shoved a sword into him-----remember? in any case who wrote the account----those guys who were not even there? Luke? ------the mysterious Mark?
Yes, and the result, water and blood mixed, showed He was already dead. If He was still alive, it would have just been blood.

I have witnessed lots of autopsies-----I never encountered that WATER AND BLOOD PHENOMENON. The one time I saw lots of FLUID just mixed with blood was in the operating room when the abdomen of a person afflicted with a PERFORATING ULCER of the stomach was incised. It was quite dramatic ---a TORRENT of fluid flowed out of the Peritoneum
Have you ever hung a body that died within the hour vertically from the ceiling and punctured the heart? IOW, autopsies are done a long time after death, not within an hour or so.

I do not HANG bodies. Ever try to DRAW BLOOD from a newly dead corpse? I HAVE. Your theory is that WATER AND BLOOD FLOWED from a non beating heart? FLOWED?
Look up a little biology and what happens to a heart when fluid builds up around it as a person dies under extreme stress.
Example: Catholicism teaching that Jews were the "Christ killers".

Luke 14:26
If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.

Matthew 6:24
No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

Qur'an 60:4
Indeed, there is for you a good example in Ibrahim and those with him when they said to their people: Surely we are clear of you and of what you serve besides Allah; we declare ourselves to be clear of you, and enmity and hatred have appeared between us and you forever until you believe in Allah alone--...
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(1) Let's keep score for a minute. Some whack jobs in the Catholic Church USED TO teach that the Jews (collectively) were responsible for "killing" Christ, which undoubtedly led SOME ignorant Catholics to "hate" Jews.

(2) Islam teaches RIGHT NOW that homosexuals, adulterers, non-Muslims, drinkers, and other minor transgressors should be persecuted and even killed.

(3) When artist Robert Mapplethorpe created a "work of art" that consisted of a Crucifix sitting in a jar of urine, Catholics voiced their displeasure by writing letters to the editors of their local papers. When Charly Hedbo published some disrespectful cartoon images of The Prophet Muhammad, more than a hundred people were killed by violent Muslims.

So why, when mentioning religions that "teach hate," do you ignore the most obvious example of hate-mongering on the planet, and focus on something that was an aberration and doesn't exist anymore?

Are you a bigoted asshole?

Just askin'.
I'm glad religions arent as bad as they used to be. Everyone knows Islam is just 500 years behind Christianity. When you look at Islam remember they are your religious cousins.

And remember they pray to the same abrahamic God you pray to.

We not only waged war against the Jews but also other Christians. Christianity has a very bloody history. And we need to kill radical Muslims so religions suck at peace
they shoved a sword into him-----remember? in any case who wrote the account----those guys who were not even there? Luke? ------the mysterious Mark?
Yes, and the result, water and blood mixed, showed He was already dead. If He was still alive, it would have just been blood.

I have witnessed lots of autopsies-----I never encountered that WATER AND BLOOD PHENOMENON. The one time I saw lots of FLUID just mixed with blood was in the operating room when the abdomen of a person afflicted with a PERFORATING ULCER of the stomach was incised. It was quite dramatic ---a TORRENT of fluid flowed out of the Peritoneum
Have you ever hung a body that died within the hour vertically from the ceiling and punctured the heart? IOW, autopsies are done a long time after death, not within an hour or so.

I do not HANG bodies. Ever try to DRAW BLOOD from a newly dead corpse? I HAVE. Your theory is that WATER AND BLOOD FLOWED from a non beating heart? FLOWED?
Look up a little biology and what happens to a heart when fluid builds up around it as a person dies under extreme stress.

fluid BUILD UP around the heart does not happen in crucifixtion-----you are alluding to a PERICARDIAL EFFUSION. It does not HAPPEN in an hour----people harbor
pericardial effusions for ------MONTHS-----they build up slowly and are associated with other CHRONIC sicknesses. What can happen in pericardial effusion is
CARDIAC TAMPONADE----- the function of the heart is compromised by being
SQUISHED. What would cause that to happen in a 30 year old man----crucified?---in a matter of hours? EFFUSIONS don't just HAPPEN in a matter of minutes
Example: Catholicism teaching that Jews were the "Christ killers".

Luke 14:26
If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.

Matthew 6:24
No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

Qur'an 60:4
Indeed, you have had a good example in Abraham and those who followed him, when they said unto their [idolatrous] people: "Verily, we are quit of you and of all that you worship instead of God: we deny the truth of whatever you believe; and between us and you there has arisen enmity and hatred, to last until such a time as you come to believe in the One God!"...
Is Luke saying you should hate or hate not?

I'm sorry but I agree with the Qur'an. I deny what you believe because it's so obviously just another holy book of ancient spiritual ramblings. Fairytale. Not our fault we see your religion is all man made up. Even a God wouldn't fault our intelligence.
(1) Let's keep score for a minute. Some whack jobs in the Catholic Church USED TO teach that the Jews (collectively) were responsible for "killing" Christ, which undoubtedly led SOME ignorant Catholics to "hate" Jews.

(2) Islam teaches RIGHT NOW that homosexuals, adulterers, non-Muslims, drinkers, and other minor transgressors should be persecuted and even killed.

(3) When artist Robert Mapplethorpe created a "work of art" that consisted of a Crucifix sitting in a jar of urine, Catholics voiced their displeasure by writing letters to the editors of their local papers. When Charly Hedbo published some disrespectful cartoon images of The Prophet Muhammad, more than a hundred people were killed by violent Muslims.

So why, when mentioning religions that "teach hate," do you ignore the most obvious example of hate-mongering on the planet, and focus on something that was an aberration and doesn't exist anymore?

Are you a bigoted asshole?

Just askin'.
That wasn't Mapplethorpe.
Yes, and the result, water and blood mixed, showed He was already dead. If He was still alive, it would have just been blood.

I have witnessed lots of autopsies-----I never encountered that WATER AND BLOOD PHENOMENON. The one time I saw lots of FLUID just mixed with blood was in the operating room when the abdomen of a person afflicted with a PERFORATING ULCER of the stomach was incised. It was quite dramatic ---a TORRENT of fluid flowed out of the Peritoneum
Have you ever hung a body that died within the hour vertically from the ceiling and punctured the heart? IOW, autopsies are done a long time after death, not within an hour or so.

I do not HANG bodies. Ever try to DRAW BLOOD from a newly dead corpse? I HAVE. Your theory is that WATER AND BLOOD FLOWED from a non beating heart? FLOWED?
Look up a little biology and what happens to a heart when fluid builds up around it as a person dies under extreme stress.

fluid BUILD UP around the heart does not happen in crucifixtion-----you are alluding to a PERICARDIAL EFFUSION. It does not HAPPEN in an hour----people harbor
pericardial effusions for ------MONTHS-----they build up slowly and are associated with other CHRONIC sicknesses. What can happen in pericardial effusion is
CARDIAC TAMPONADE----- the function of the heart is compromised by being
SQUISHED. What would cause that to happen in a 30 year old man----crucified?---in a matter of hours? EFFUSIONS don't just HAPPEN in a matter of minutes
Keep in mind the extreme stress He was under before He died. This was far from an ordinary circumstance. Death by crucifixion was death by suffocation and heart failure. A spear through the side would release fluid built up in the lungs and from around the heart as well as blood. It was evidence that Jesus really was dead.
Example: Catholicism teaching that Jews were the "Christ killers".

Luke 14:26
If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.

Matthew 6:24
No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

Qur'an 60:4
Indeed, you have had a good example in Abraham and those who followed him, when they said unto their [idolatrous] people: "Verily, we are quit of you and of all that you worship instead of God: we deny the truth of whatever you believe; and between us and you there has arisen enmity and hatred, to last until such a time as you come to believe in the One God!"...
Is Luke saying you should hate or hate not?

I'm sorry but I agree with the Qur'an. I deny what you believe because it's so obviously just another holy book of ancient spiritual ramblings. Fairytale. Not our fault we see your religion is all man made up. Even a God wouldn't fault our intelligence.

LUKE wrote in greek and never met Jesus-------It is possible that "HATE" is really
"reject" ---or "repudiate non Christians"??? ??? why would anyone quote LUKE?
Example: Catholicism teaching that Jews were the "Christ killers".

Luke 14:26
If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.

Matthew 6:24
No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

Qur'an 60:4
Indeed, you have had a good example in Abraham and those who followed him, when they said unto their [idolatrous] people: "Verily, we are quit of you and of all that you worship instead of God: we deny the truth of whatever you believe; and between us and you there has arisen enmity and hatred, to last until such a time as you come to believe in the One God!"...
Is Luke saying you should hate or hate not?

I'm sorry but I agree with the Qur'an. I deny what you believe because it's so obviously just another holy book of ancient spiritual ramblings. Fairytale. Not our fault we see your religion is all man made up. Even a God wouldn't fault our intelligence.

I'm not a member of any religion. And, I have recently lost faith in "God."
I have witnessed lots of autopsies-----I never encountered that WATER AND BLOOD PHENOMENON. The one time I saw lots of FLUID just mixed with blood was in the operating room when the abdomen of a person afflicted with a PERFORATING ULCER of the stomach was incised. It was quite dramatic ---a TORRENT of fluid flowed out of the Peritoneum
Have you ever hung a body that died within the hour vertically from the ceiling and punctured the heart? IOW, autopsies are done a long time after death, not within an hour or so.

I do not HANG bodies. Ever try to DRAW BLOOD from a newly dead corpse? I HAVE. Your theory is that WATER AND BLOOD FLOWED from a non beating heart? FLOWED?
Look up a little biology and what happens to a heart when fluid builds up around it as a person dies under extreme stress.

fluid BUILD UP around the heart does not happen in crucifixtion-----you are alluding to a PERICARDIAL EFFUSION. It does not HAPPEN in an hour----people harbor
pericardial effusions for ------MONTHS-----they build up slowly and are associated with other CHRONIC sicknesses. What can happen in pericardial effusion is
CARDIAC TAMPONADE----- the function of the heart is compromised by being
SQUISHED. What would cause that to happen in a 30 year old man----crucified?---in a matter of hours? EFFUSIONS don't just HAPPEN in a matter of minutes
Keep in mind the extreme stress He was under before He died. This was far from an ordinary circumstance. Death by crucifixion was death by suffocation and heart failure. A spear through the side would release fluid built up in the lungs and from around the heart as well as blood. It was evidence that Jesus really was dead.

right ---respiratory failure MOSTLY-------not enough time to develop a PERICARDIAL EFFUSION which is kinda an OSMOSIS thing As to RESPIRATORY FAILURE-------a punch in the side would not cause FLUID
TO SPILL OUT------the fluid in a congested lung is HELD IN THE LUNG TISSUE
Have you ever hung a body that died within the hour vertically from the ceiling and punctured the heart? IOW, autopsies are done a long time after death, not within an hour or so.

I do not HANG bodies. Ever try to DRAW BLOOD from a newly dead corpse? I HAVE. Your theory is that WATER AND BLOOD FLOWED from a non beating heart? FLOWED?
Look up a little biology and what happens to a heart when fluid builds up around it as a person dies under extreme stress.

fluid BUILD UP around the heart does not happen in crucifixtion-----you are alluding to a PERICARDIAL EFFUSION. It does not HAPPEN in an hour----people harbor
pericardial effusions for ------MONTHS-----they build up slowly and are associated with other CHRONIC sicknesses. What can happen in pericardial effusion is
CARDIAC TAMPONADE----- the function of the heart is compromised by being
SQUISHED. What would cause that to happen in a 30 year old man----crucified?---in a matter of hours? EFFUSIONS don't just HAPPEN in a matter of minutes
Keep in mind the extreme stress He was under before He died. This was far from an ordinary circumstance. Death by crucifixion was death by suffocation and heart failure. A spear through the side would release fluid built up in the lungs and from around the heart as well as blood. It was evidence that Jesus really was dead.

right ---respiratory failure MOSTLY-------not enough time to develop a PERICARDIAL EFFUSION which is kinda an OSMOSIS thing As to RESPIRATORY FAILURE-------a punch in the side would not cause FLUID
TO SPILL OUT------the fluid in a congested lung is HELD IN THE LUNG TISSUE
Not a punch, a spear opening a gaping hole through lung and heart tissue. Regardless, what is your problem with it?
I do not HANG bodies. Ever try to DRAW BLOOD from a newly dead corpse? I HAVE. Your theory is that WATER AND BLOOD FLOWED from a non beating heart? FLOWED?
Look up a little biology and what happens to a heart when fluid builds up around it as a person dies under extreme stress.

fluid BUILD UP around the heart does not happen in crucifixtion-----you are alluding to a PERICARDIAL EFFUSION. It does not HAPPEN in an hour----people harbor
pericardial effusions for ------MONTHS-----they build up slowly and are associated with other CHRONIC sicknesses. What can happen in pericardial effusion is
CARDIAC TAMPONADE----- the function of the heart is compromised by being
SQUISHED. What would cause that to happen in a 30 year old man----crucified?---in a matter of hours? EFFUSIONS don't just HAPPEN in a matter of minutes
Keep in mind the extreme stress He was under before He died. This was far from an ordinary circumstance. Death by crucifixion was death by suffocation and heart failure. A spear through the side would release fluid built up in the lungs and from around the heart as well as blood. It was evidence that Jesus really was dead.

right ---respiratory failure MOSTLY-------not enough time to develop a PERICARDIAL EFFUSION which is kinda an OSMOSIS thing As to RESPIRATORY FAILURE-------a punch in the side would not cause FLUID
TO SPILL OUT------the fluid in a congested lung is HELD IN THE LUNG TISSUE
Not a punch, a spear opening a gaping hole through lung and heart tissue. Regardless, what is your problem with it?

It does not make sense----FLOW happens when fluid is under TENSION or it is FLOWING FROM A "PUMPING" SOURCE-------such is not the case in a dead lung and a dead heart and a dead person. Where did the OVERFILL come from? Was someone PUMPING fluid into Jesus?
Look up a little biology and what happens to a heart when fluid builds up around it as a person dies under extreme stress.

fluid BUILD UP around the heart does not happen in crucifixtion-----you are alluding to a PERICARDIAL EFFUSION. It does not HAPPEN in an hour----people harbor
pericardial effusions for ------MONTHS-----they build up slowly and are associated with other CHRONIC sicknesses. What can happen in pericardial effusion is
CARDIAC TAMPONADE----- the function of the heart is compromised by being
SQUISHED. What would cause that to happen in a 30 year old man----crucified?---in a matter of hours? EFFUSIONS don't just HAPPEN in a matter of minutes
Keep in mind the extreme stress He was under before He died. This was far from an ordinary circumstance. Death by crucifixion was death by suffocation and heart failure. A spear through the side would release fluid built up in the lungs and from around the heart as well as blood. It was evidence that Jesus really was dead.

right ---respiratory failure MOSTLY-------not enough time to develop a PERICARDIAL EFFUSION which is kinda an OSMOSIS thing As to RESPIRATORY FAILURE-------a punch in the side would not cause FLUID
TO SPILL OUT------the fluid in a congested lung is HELD IN THE LUNG TISSUE
Not a punch, a spear opening a gaping hole through lung and heart tissue. Regardless, what is your problem with it?

It does not make sense----FLOW happens when fluid is under TENSION or it is FLOWING FROM A "PUMPING" SOURCE-------such is not the case in a dead lung and a dead heart and a dead person. Where did the OVERFILL come from? Was someone PUMPING fluid into Jesus?

There is evidence from Scripture that Jesus experienced hypovolemic shock as a result of being flogged. As Jesus carried His own cross to Golgotha (John 19:17), He collapsed, and a man named Simon was forced to either carry the cross or help Jesus carry the cross the rest of way to the hill (Matthew 27:32–33; Mark 15:21–22; Luke 23:26). This collapse indicates Jesus had low blood pressure. Another indicator that Jesus suffered from hypovolemic shock was that He declared He was thirsty as He hung on the cross (John 19:28), indicating His body’s desire to replenish fluids.

Prior to death, the sustained rapid heartbeat caused by hypovolemic shock also causes fluid to gather in the sack around the heart and around the lungs. This gathering of fluid in the membrane around the heart is called pericardial effusion, and the fluid gathering around the lungs is called pleural effusion. This explains why, after Jesus died and a Roman soldier thrust a spear through Jesus’ side, piercing both the lungs and the heart, blood and water came from His side just as John recorded in his Gospel (John 19:34).

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