When religion teaches you to hate...

Example: Catholicism teaching that Jews were the "Christ killers".
they were the ones that sold him out.

not that I know of any christian that has a real hate for jews, outside the black community.

what does SOLD HIM OUT mean in the context of the NT-----was Jesus HIDING
from something? if so ------WHAT?
wasn't it judas that snitched on him?
wasn't jewish leaders that said they didn't want him?

you seem to be taking offense to something that's not there.
Is Luke saying you should hate or hate not?

I'm sorry but I agree with the Qur'an. I deny what you believe because it's so obviously just another holy book of ancient spiritual ramblings. Fairytale. Not our fault we see your religion is all man made up. Even a God wouldn't fault our intelligence.

The point Luke is trying to get across is how difficult it is to give first place to two separate entities. When push comes to shove when the two favorites face off, one wins; the other loses. In this day and age, we would say of the two favorites, "One is the winner, the other the loser." In his day and age, instead of using winner/loser, Luke (in the language of his culture and time) uses love (for winner) and hate (for loser).
Example: Catholicism teaching that Jews were the "Christ killers".

Luke 14:26
If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.

Matthew 6:24
No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

Qur'an 60:4
Indeed, you have had a good example in Abraham and those who followed him, when they said unto their [idolatrous] people: "Verily, we are quit of you and of all that you worship instead of God: we deny the truth of whatever you believe; and between us and you there has arisen enmity and hatred, to last until such a time as you come to believe in the One God!"...
Is Luke saying you should hate or hate not?

I'm sorry but I agree with the Qur'an. I deny what you believe because it's so obviously just another holy book of ancient spiritual ramblings. Fairytale. Not our fault we see your religion is all man made up. Even a God wouldn't fault our intelligence.

I'm not a member of any religion. And, I have recently lost faith in "God."
Lost faith or stop believing one exists?

Because it's possible there's some creator and it doesn't give a damn about you.

I hope things are OK in your life. Please try to fix whatever it is that is wrong if that is possible. I'm all about making the most of this life.

We are very lucky we were born especially if we lived a good life. My mom is suffering from Alzheimer's. My dad asks why to God. But never in the first 60 years did he question why he had it so good. I remind him there are kids dying of cancer. If he wants to ask God why, get in line.

They say whatever doesn't kill us makes us stronger. I will hope for you. I'd pray but I don't believe in God. Hoping is just as effective.

Two hands doing can do more than 1000 praying
It's beyond just teaching hate through demonizing the people you are supressing.
Hate also stems from creating gang like mentalities using affiliation pride.
Rome did this to many cultures not just the Jews. To swallow up their revolts and Rome's enemies Rome makes themselves the new authority of all cultures religions, so you pay tithes to Rome in the guise of your gods. I many times posted about the Roman treatment of the Veiians with their godess Juno and how it mirrors what they did with the Jews and Yhwh. They slayed the people then told them their godess no longer favored them by their humiliating defeat, thus claiming to be the new authority of Juno erecting her statue and temple in Rome.
They demonized Herod using a sadistic killing babies story to fuel hatred for Jewish authority while making themselves look like the good guys. They demonized Judas to represent Jews, But also to keep people from suspecting the Galilean christ used the same name Yehuda(Judas) the Galilean tax revolting christ died 6bc and was used for the Galilean figures image in the time of Herod and Lysanias accounts (not the AD era with apostles accts).
So there is multiple ways Rome switches good cop bad cop around just like
Al Sharpton demonizing our police while speaking on behalf of his criminal clients=creating hatred but also a result of gang mentality and propaganda fueling that flame.
Is Luke saying you should hate or hate not?

I'm sorry but I agree with the Qur'an. I deny what you believe because it's so obviously just another holy book of ancient spiritual ramblings. Fairytale. Not our fault we see your religion is all man made up. Even a God wouldn't fault our intelligence.

The point Luke is trying to get across is how difficult it is to give first place to two separate entities. When push comes to shove when the two favorites face off, one wins; the other loses. In this day and age, we would say of the two favorites, "One is the winner, the other the loser." In his day and age, instead of using winner/loser, Luke (in the language of his culture and time) uses love (for winner) and hate (for loser).
No he isn't. The point is if you have hate in your heart you can't be a decipal. Where did you get any of that?

See why the bible is just full of mumbo jumbo. It is a book of ramblings for fools to disect and debate. It is honestly the greatest bullshit story ever told. I read it and then read the red letter bibles after. Just brainwashing material. How many times did they repeat the same story? And that all made sense? OK!
Example: Catholicism teaching that Jews were the "Christ killers".

Was pretty standard teaching before WWII. Been marginalized since, the odd Mel Gibson notwithstanding.
I think like blacks Jews would tell you still things aren't perfect for them. My Jewish buddies have to put up with the occasional " you Jew" at the poker table. We're drunk. The N word slips out too
Example: Catholicism teaching that Jews were the "Christ killers".
they were the ones that sold him out.

not that I know of any christian that has a real hate for jews, outside the black community.

what does SOLD HIM OUT mean in the context of the NT-----was Jesus HIDING
from something? if so ------WHAT?
wasn't it judas that snitched on him?
wasn't jewish leaders that said they didn't want him?

you seem to be taking offense to something that's not there.

I am not taking OFFENSE at anything other than lies. The story is that
THE HIGH PRIESTS paid Judas to DELIVER JESUS--- my question is
WHY???? He was PUBLICALLY IN JERUSALEN------why did anyone who wanted him need a BETRAYER and why did the High Priests want him?.
The high priest NAMED----is CAIAPHAS-------a roman shill------which suggests that the ROMANS wanted him. Why would the ROMANS want him? so they could be FORCED against their will to murder him? The only way I can interpret the situation is THE ROMANS and SADDUCEAN SHILLS wanted him----and the
other jews celebrating in Jerusalem were not giving him up-----. My version makes
sense in view of the attack by Jesus on the temple money changers which was ACTUALLY AN ATTACK ON ROME and their sadducean shills---------the Pharisees would have CHEERED that attack
fluid BUILD UP around the heart does not happen in crucifixtion-----you are alluding to a PERICARDIAL EFFUSION. It does not HAPPEN in an hour----people harbor
pericardial effusions for ------MONTHS-----they build up slowly and are associated with other CHRONIC sicknesses. What can happen in pericardial effusion is
CARDIAC TAMPONADE----- the function of the heart is compromised by being
SQUISHED. What would cause that to happen in a 30 year old man----crucified?---in a matter of hours? EFFUSIONS don't just HAPPEN in a matter of minutes
Keep in mind the extreme stress He was under before He died. This was far from an ordinary circumstance. Death by crucifixion was death by suffocation and heart failure. A spear through the side would release fluid built up in the lungs and from around the heart as well as blood. It was evidence that Jesus really was dead.

right ---respiratory failure MOSTLY-------not enough time to develop a PERICARDIAL EFFUSION which is kinda an OSMOSIS thing As to RESPIRATORY FAILURE-------a punch in the side would not cause FLUID
TO SPILL OUT------the fluid in a congested lung is HELD IN THE LUNG TISSUE
Not a punch, a spear opening a gaping hole through lung and heart tissue. Regardless, what is your problem with it?

It does not make sense----FLOW happens when fluid is under TENSION or it is FLOWING FROM A "PUMPING" SOURCE-------such is not the case in a dead lung and a dead heart and a dead person. Where did the OVERFILL come from? Was someone PUMPING fluid into Jesus?

There is evidence from Scripture that Jesus experienced hypovolemic shock as a result of being flogged. As Jesus carried His own cross to Golgotha (John 19:17), He collapsed, and a man named Simon was forced to either carry the cross or help Jesus carry the cross the rest of way to the hill (Matthew 27:32–33; Mark 15:21–22; Luke 23:26). This collapse indicates Jesus had low blood pressure. Another indicator that Jesus suffered from hypovolemic shock was that He declared He was thirsty as He hung on the cross (John 19:28), indicating His body’s desire to replenish fluids.

Prior to death, the sustained rapid heartbeat caused by hypovolemic shock also causes fluid to gather in the sack around the heart and around the lungs. This gathering of fluid in the membrane around the heart is called pericardial effusion, and the fluid gathering around the lungs is called pleural effusion. This explains why, after Jesus died and a Roman soldier thrust a spear through Jesus’ side, piercing both the lungs and the heart, blood and water came from His side just as John recorded in his Gospel (John 19:34).

right hypovolemic shock------does not result in a HUGE PERICARDIAL EFFUSION
Right, Christians can do no wrong.:420:

Just because you think Christians can do no right and judge them by a yardstick completely different than any other people, that does not mean those who defend against your extreme double standards think they can do no wrong.
Example: Catholicism teaching that Jews were the "Christ killers".


Yes, the Jews are the Christ killers.
Because Recovery is so on my mind, I'm wondering how to heal some injuries so many of us have and how to leave the "Drama Triangle--Victim, Perpetrator, Rescuer???

Recovering From the Victim Identity

"There is generally a deep sorrow within the person who identifies as Victim. Often that sorrow is related to real traumas, real heartbreak that occured in childhood, real tragedies. Sometimes the person who unconsciously identifies as Victim is ill or physically challenged in some way. Sometimes this person has literally been victimized in some way.

But the Victim identity is not based on those heartbreaks, traumas, or challenges--though the Victim may successfully convince himself and others that they are. Rather, the Victim identity is based on an identification with victim-ness. This identification unconsciously insists that the person so identified can be nothing else but victim. Life-all of life-becomes defined by the thoughts and emotions of a pervasive as-if victim-ness, even when the Victim is not being victimized."
Example: Catholicism teaching that Jews were the "Christ killers".
Another example. Did you see that softball size hail that pelted Texas today on the news? When natural disasters like that happen outside the bible belt they think it's gods punishment for our sins. They think we deserve the natural disaster.
Then how do they explain the Arkansas lightening bolt enhilating that church yesterday? Which one of these lovely forum posters belong to that baptist church?
Example: Catholicism teaching that Jews were the "Christ killers".

Luke 14:26
If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.

Matthew 6:24
No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

Qur'an 60:4
Indeed, you have had a good example in Abraham and those who followed him, when they said unto their [idolatrous] people: "Verily, we are quit of you and of all that you worship instead of God: we deny the truth of whatever you believe; and between us and you there has arisen enmity and hatred, to last until such a time as you come to believe in the One God!"...
Is Luke saying you should hate or hate not?

I'm sorry but I agree with the Qur'an. I deny what you believe because it's so obviously just another holy book of ancient spiritual ramblings. Fairytale. Not our fault we see your religion is all man made up. Even a God wouldn't fault our intelligence.

I'm not a member of any religion. And, I have recently lost faith in "God."
Lost faith or stop believing one exists?

Because it's possible there's some creator and it doesn't give a damn about you.

I hope things are OK in your life. Please try to fix whatever it is that is wrong if that is possible. I'm all about making the most of this life.

We are very lucky we were born especially if we lived a good life. My mom is suffering from Alzheimer's. My dad asks why to God. But never in the first 60 years did he question why he had it so good. I remind him there are kids dying of cancer. If he wants to ask God why, get in line.

They say whatever doesn't kill us makes us stronger. I will hope for you. I'd pray but I don't believe in God. Hoping is just as effective.

Two hands doing can do more than 1000 praying

Thank you for your well wishes :) .

I meant the Bible God and I believe he or it may exist. I just stopped believing after thinking about how he ordered the Israelites to murder or kill little children.
Example: Catholicism teaching that Jews were the "Christ killers".
they were the ones that sold him out.

not that I know of any christian that has a real hate for jews, outside the black community.

what does SOLD HIM OUT mean in the context of the NT-----was Jesus HIDING
from something? if so ------WHAT?
wasn't it judas that snitched on him?
wasn't jewish leaders that said they didn't want him?

you seem to be taking offense to something that's not there.

I am not taking OFFENSE at anything other than lies. The story is that
THE HIGH PRIESTS paid Judas to DELIVER JESUS--- my question is
WHY???? He was PUBLICALLY IN JERUSALEN------why did anyone who wanted him need a BETRAYER and why did the High Priests want him?.
The high priest NAMED----is CAIAPHAS-------a roman shill------which suggests that the ROMANS wanted him. Why would the ROMANS want him? so they could be FORCED against their will to murder him? The only way I can interpret the situation is THE ROMANS and SADDUCEAN SHILLS wanted him----and the
other jews celebrating in Jerusalem were not giving him up-----. My version makes
sense in view of the attack by Jesus on the temple money changers which was ACTUALLY AN ATTACK ON ROME and their sadducean shills---------the Pharisees would have CHEERED that attack
I was talking about the op, you're prattling on about something else, reading in more than is really there.
Example: Catholicism teaching that Jews were the "Christ killers".

Religion doesn't teach you to hate. Circumstance does. When your family is blown to red mist and small chunks there is a tendency to react poorly. Religion is just a place for like minded people to gather. When these things happen to enough people there is bound to be someone with enough anger and balls to do something about it.

Let's just put ourselves in someone else's shoes for a second. Let me ask this question: Are Americans the only people on this planet that can act purely on revenge? We attacked Iraq purely on revenge. How many people's lives did we ruin? How many survivors of our arrogant snit fit did we spawn that are hell bent to pay us back?

What do you think we(individually) would do if Iraqis just said "fuck it" and started flying drones around and blowing up innocent Americans? Before you answer try to remember that we have done the very exact thing to them already. But.. But...It's all good because we are Americans and we can do any damned thing we want to..to anybody on the planet?

It isn't the religion you goofs.. It was the bombs and bullets killing their families.
Example: Catholicism teaching that Jews were the "Christ killers".

Luke 14:26
If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.

Matthew 6:24
No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

Qur'an 60:4
Indeed, you have had a good example in Abraham and those who followed him, when they said unto their [idolatrous] people: "Verily, we are quit of you and of all that you worship instead of God: we deny the truth of whatever you believe; and between us and you there has arisen enmity and hatred, to last until such a time as you come to believe in the One God!"...
Is Luke saying you should hate or hate not?

I'm sorry but I agree with the Qur'an. I deny what you believe because it's so obviously just another holy book of ancient spiritual ramblings. Fairytale. Not our fault we see your religion is all man made up. Even a God wouldn't fault our intelligence.

I'm not a member of any religion. And, I have recently lost faith in "God."
Lost faith or stop believing one exists?

Because it's possible there's some creator and it doesn't give a damn about you.

I hope things are OK in your life. Please try to fix whatever it is that is wrong if that is possible. I'm all about making the most of this life.

We are very lucky we were born especially if we lived a good life. My mom is suffering from Alzheimer's. My dad asks why to God. But never in the first 60 years did he question why he had it so good. I remind him there are kids dying of cancer. If he wants to ask God why, get in line.

They say whatever doesn't kill us makes us stronger. I will hope for you. I'd pray but I don't believe in God. Hoping is just as effective.

Two hands doing can do more than 1000 praying

Thank you for your well wishes :) .

I meant the Bible God and I believe he or it may exist. I just stopped believing after thinking about how he ordered the Israelites to murder or kill little children.
I came to the same conclusion Joseph Smith did only I didn't start my own religion.

There is no way Joseph Smith didn't make all that up. Therefore he must have made it all up. I wish I had that much ambition
Example: Catholicism teaching that Jews were the "Christ killers".

Religion doesn't teach you to hate. Circumstance does. When your family is blown to red mist and small chunks there is a tendency to react poorly. Religion is just a place for like minded people to gather. When these things happen to enough people there is bound to be someone with enough anger and balls to do something about it.

Let's just put ourselves in someone else's shoes for a second. Let me ask this question: Are Americans the only people on this planet that can act purely on revenge? We attacked Iraq purely on revenge. How many people's lives did we ruin? How many survivors of our arrogant snit fit did we spawn that are hell bent to pay us back?

What do you think we(individually) would do if Iraqis just said "fuck it" and started flying drones around and blowing up innocent Americans? Before you answer try to remember that we have done the very exact thing to them already. But.. But...It's all good because we are Americans and we can do any damned thing we want to..to anybody on the planet?

It isn't the religion you goofs.. It was the bombs and bullets killing their families.
You're right that religion doesn't teach you hate, circumstances do. When a child hears that Jews killed Christ, how can they relate to that? They taunt Jewish children.

I am confused about one thing, Huggy. On the one hand, in this post you seem to be against revenge, but in another place, you seem to be for it.
Example: Catholicism teaching that Jews were the "Christ killers".

Religion doesn't teach you to hate. Circumstance does. When your family is blown to red mist and small chunks there is a tendency to react poorly. Religion is just a place for like minded people to gather. When these things happen to enough people there is bound to be someone with enough anger and balls to do something about it.

Let's just put ourselves in someone else's shoes for a second. Let me ask this question: Are Americans the only people on this planet that can act purely on revenge? We attacked Iraq purely on revenge. How many people's lives did we ruin? How many survivors of our arrogant snit fit did we spawn that are hell bent to pay us back?

What do you think we(individually) would do if Iraqis just said "fuck it" and started flying drones around and blowing up innocent Americans? Before you answer try to remember that we have done the very exact thing to them already. But.. But...It's all good because we are Americans and we can do any damned thing we want to..to anybody on the planet?

It isn't the religion you goofs.. It was the bombs and bullets killing their families.
You're right that religion doesn't teach you hate, circumstances do. When a child hears that Jews killed Christ, how can they relate to that? They taunt Jewish children.

I am confused about one thing, Huggy. On the one hand, in this post you seem to be against revenge, but in another place, you seem to be for it.
There's a large Somalia Muslim immigrant community I believe in Minnesota and the white Christians in that community, and their children, treat those immigrants very badly. They'll say that's not Christianity one minute and the next insist this is a Christian nation with Christian values

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