When should open the economy? Name a date.

There are studies in California showing that nearly 50% have antibodies there. This thing was all over the west in Nov-Dec and they are looking to see if we can be opened up soon. I will get the blood test next week.

Could you please link us to your "studies" in California. Otherwise, I call bullshit.


What they found was that while the virus had spread rapidly within the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan, there had also been two major population expansions on December 8 and January 6.

Earlier reports by Chinese health authorities and the
World Health Organisation said that the first known patient showed symptoms on December 8, and that most of the subsequent cases had links to the seafood market, which was closed on January 1.

If there were California cases in November, they would predate the Wuhan outbreak.

Informative thanks. I don't believe much of what comes out of China. They were less than honest with the rest of the world and their scientists are pretty much told what their conclusions should be as far as origination.

But this president was warned many months if not YEARS ago. He dithered, downplayed, dissembled, lied, and now we have a freaking multi-trillion dollar mess on our hands.
There are studies in California showing that nearly 50% have antibodies there. This thing was all over the west in Nov-Dec and they are looking to see if we can be opened up soon. I will get the blood test next week.

Could you please link us to your "studies" in California. Otherwise, I call bullshit.


What they found was that while the virus had spread rapidly within the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan, there had also been two major population expansions on December 8 and January 6.

Earlier reports by Chinese health authorities and the
World Health Organisation said that the first known patient showed symptoms on December 8, and that most of the subsequent cases had links to the seafood market, which was closed on January 1.

If there were California cases in November, they would predate the Wuhan outbreak.

Informative thanks. I don't believe much of what comes out of China. They were less than honest with the rest of the world and their scientists are pretty much told what their conclusions should be as far as origination.

But this president was warned many months if not YEARS ago. He dithered, downplayed, dissembled, lied, and now we have a freaking multi-trillion dollar mess on our hands.

Wrong. Again. More emotional goo.
Informative thanks. I don't believe much of what comes out of China. They were less than honest with the rest of the world and their scientists are pretty much told what their conclusions should be as far as origination.

But this president was warned many months if not YEARS ago. He dithered, downplayed, dissembled, lied, and now we have a freaking multi-trillion dollar mess on our hands.
I don't believe China either, or Russia, or Italy or Spain, or even England. That's why we have a vast intelligence community, and why we need to listen to what they find out about the worlds actors. When Russia shot down KAL-007, within a week we declassified and released the actual conversations between the fighter pilot and his Russian ground controllers, giving him the shoot down order.

But President Trump has long declared the intelligence community to be "deep state" and therefore any information from them could be ignored, if it went contrary to his "gut" feelings on the situation.
Informative thanks. I don't believe much of what comes out of China. They were less than honest with the rest of the world and their scientists are pretty much told what their conclusions should be as far as origination.

But this president was warned many months if not YEARS ago. He dithered, downplayed, dissembled, lied, and now we have a freaking multi-trillion dollar mess on our hands.
I don't believe China either, or Russia, or Italy or Spain, or even England. That's why we have a vast intelligence community, and why we need to listen to what they find out about the worlds actors. When Russia shot down KAL-007, within a week we declassified and released the actual conversations between the fighter pilot and his Russian ground controllers, giving him the shoot down order.

But President Trump has long declared the intelligence community to be "deep state" and therefore any information from them could be ignored, if it went contrary to his "gut" feelings on the situation.

Well said! Sad but true - Our president gets his "intel" from Giuliana, Putin, and his pals at Mar-a-Lago and Fox. He only hires people who kiss his ass and tell him what he wants to hear. Not interested in our substantial intelligence capability. Very DANGEROUS
Well said! Sad but true - Our president gets his "intel" from Giuliana, Putin, and his pals at Mar-a-Lago and Fox. He only hires people who kiss his ass and tell him what he wants to hear. Not interested in our substantial intelligence capability. Very DANGEROUS

I responded to President Trump calling himself a "cheerleader" and not a leader, in this war against the pandemic. The president is only reluctantly listening to the experts he has around him, and in his latest on when the country would reopen, saying "the metrics are right here" pointing at his head.

And of course getting the advice from people like Jared Kushner, who famously said that the federal government wasn't responsible for emergency preparedness.

"The notion of the federal stockpile was it's supposed to be our stockpile," he said. "It's not supposed to be states' stockpiles that they then use."

A day after Kushner made his remarks, language on a government website about the national stockpile was changed to more closely reflect his description.

There are studies in California showing that nearly 50% have antibodies there. This thing was all over the west in Nov-Dec and they are looking to see if we can be opened up soon. I will get the blood test next week.

Could you please link us to your "studies" in California. Otherwise, I call bullshit.


What they found was that while the virus had spread rapidly within the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan, there had also been two major population expansions on December 8 and January 6.

Earlier reports by Chinese health authorities and the
World Health Organisation said that the first known patient showed symptoms on December 8, and that most of the subsequent cases had links to the seafood market, which was closed on January 1.

If there were California cases in November, they would predate the Wuhan outbreak.

WHO has ZERO credibility. Like the democrats, the WHO are just lackies for the Communist Chinese Government.

Regardless, the Wuhan virus was devastating California around Christmas and through January. We just didn't know what to call it. Also, until it got into nursing homes, people weren't dying, just miserable with lingering respiratory illness.
Well said! Sad but true - Our president gets his "intel" from Giuliana, Putin, and his pals at Mar-a-Lago and Fox. He only hires people who kiss his ass and tell him what he wants to hear. Not interested in our substantial intelligence capability. Very DANGEROUS

I responded to President Trump calling himself a "cheerleader" and not a leader, in this war against the pandemic. The president is only reluctantly listening to the experts he has around him, and in his latest on when the country would reopen, saying "the metrics are right here" pointing at his head.

And of course getting the advice from people like Jared Kushner, who famously said that the federal government wasn't responsible for emergency preparedness.

"The notion of the federal stockpile was it's supposed to be our stockpile," he said. "It's not supposed to be states' stockpiles that they then use."

A day after Kushner made his remarks, language on a government website about the national stockpile was changed to more closely reflect his description.

About the only experience that pasty, incompetent, self-entitled butthole has in dealing with ANYTHING is that apparently he's a successful slumlord.
Interesting changes - Bet he made them himself after the outcry. :mad:
There are studies in California showing that nearly 50% have antibodies there. This thing was all over the west in Nov-Dec and they are looking to see if we can be opened up soon. I will get the blood test next week.

Could you please link us to your "studies" in California. Otherwise, I call bullshit.


What they found was that while the virus had spread rapidly within the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan, there had also been two major population expansions on December 8 and January 6.

Earlier reports by Chinese health authorities and the
World Health Organisation said that the first known patient showed symptoms on December 8, and that most of the subsequent cases had links to the seafood market, which was closed on January 1.

If there were California cases in November, they would predate the Wuhan outbreak.

The "reported" Wuhan outbreak occurred in December but you cannot trust the data from China (or their sock puppets at the WHO). Truth is , nobody really knows when this all started. Everyone knows that the Chinese government lies and deceives as a standard cultural practice- must SAVE FACE!! You'd have to be a complete nincompoop to trust their data.

Anecdotally, I live in Southern California and was having the exterior of my house painted in early to mid November and the entire crew of 6 came down with, according to them, "the worst flu ever". The were all sick, and one (fat) guy was bed ridden for 2 weeks. Was that a Covid-19 outbreak? Nobody knows, There were literally dozens of other folks that I know who were also very sick around the same time.
About the only experience that pasty, incompetent, self-entitled butthole has in dealing with ANYTHING is that apparently he's a successful slumlord.
Interesting changes - Bet he made them himself after the outcry. :mad:
The old adage of you get what you pay for certainly applies. Whether it's Jared Kushner, or Paul Manafort. When somebody works for "free", you need to keep a close eye on the silverware.

Manafort was giving privileged information to the Ukraines, and Kushner classified information to the Saudis.
I think we should end these lock downs now. Let people get back to work. They are smart enough to take care of themselves. Taking care of your health has always been a PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.
The problem is that it's not people protecting themselves, but instead for the protection of others, which people in general are not willing to do. Just like the junkie will do anything for a "fix" some people will do anything for a "job", and we've seen them as the cause of epidemic disease spread because of their behavior.

Back to work / back to normal before we have ways of stopping the spread, is the formula for the original death toll estimates.
There are studies in California showing that nearly 50% have antibodies there. This thing was all over the west in Nov-Dec and they are looking to see if we can be opened up soon. I will get the blood test next week.

Could you please link us to your "studies" in California. Otherwise, I call bullshit.


What they found was that while the virus had spread rapidly within the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan, there had also been two major population expansions on December 8 and January 6.

Earlier reports by Chinese health authorities and the
World Health Organisation said that the first known patient showed symptoms on December 8, and that most of the subsequent cases had links to the seafood market, which was closed on January 1.

If there were California cases in November, they would predate the Wuhan outbreak.

Informative thanks. I don't believe much of what comes out of China. They were less than honest with the rest of the world and their scientists are pretty much told what their conclusions should be as far as origination.

But this president was warned many months if not YEARS ago. He dithered, downplayed, dissembled, lied, and now we have a freaking multi-trillion dollar mess on our hands.

At this point, I can't see arguing the relevance of where it came from or how it got here. The Chinese cannot be relied upon to the tell the truth about anything. But the crisis is loose and the priority has to be to deal with it and effectively shut it down, as quickly as possible so as not to overwhelm the health care system, and we can pretty much declare the virus has defeated Donald Trump in that regard and he has given up.

Trump abdicated the leadership role to Mike Pence, which was the only smart move he has made in this crisis, because doesn't know what to do first here, and and therefore done nothing prior to appointing Pence. No supplies ordered. No strategy planned, no staff assigned to the crisis.

But I am enjoying the press conferences for their sheer awfulness and the manner in which puts his lack of humanity on display for the world to view. He only shows emotion when talks about the economy. When he talks about the deaths, he reads woodenly from a script.

Corrupt, incompetent, and stupid.
About the only experience that pasty, incompetent, self-entitled butthole has in dealing with ANYTHING is that apparently he's a successful slumlord.
Interesting changes - Bet he made them himself after the outcry. :mad:
The old adage of you get what you pay for certainly applies. Whether it's Jared Kushner, or Paul Manafort. When somebody works for "free", you need to keep a close eye on the silverware.

Manafort was giving privileged information to the Ukraines, and Kushner classified information to the Saudis.

No to mention when the government refuses to issue security clearances, it's for good and valid reasons.
Anecdotally, I live in Southern California and was having the exterior of my house painted in early to mid November and the entire crew of 6 came down with, according to them, "the worst flu ever". The were all sick, and one (fat) guy was bed ridden for 2 weeks. Was that a Covid-19 outbreak? Nobody knows, There were literally dozens of other folks that I know who were also very sick around the same time.

All of what you said, can be used to track the outbreaks origin. We need widespread testing, both or the coronavirus, and for the anti-bodies in order to deter,mine the situation. Until then we're just dangerously speculating.

The biggest failure of the federal government is their failure to come out with enough tests, which is why other draconian measures (shutdowns social distancing etc) had to be enacted until the testing could catch up.
I think we should end these lock downs now. Let people get back to work. They are smart enough to take care of themselves. Taking care of your health has always been a PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.

The only way a person can "take care of their health" is to stay at home and not expose themselves to the virus, but the poor people can't afford to do that because they have the "personal responsibility" of paying the rent and buying groceries to consider. The poorest among you get the sickest. Poor people are dying, not rich people.

So as long as the poor people who need their jobs the most, are also the ones most likely to get sick and spread the disease, you have a Catch 22 situation here. You have to take of the poorest people first, and I know how much Republicans hate to do that.
About the only experience that pasty, incompetent, self-entitled butthole has in dealing with ANYTHING is that apparently he's a successful slumlord.
Interesting changes - Bet he made them himself after the outcry. :mad:
The old adage of you get what you pay for certainly applies. Whether it's Jared Kushner, or Paul Manafort. When somebody works for "free", you need to keep a close eye on the silverware.

Manafort was giving privileged information to the Ukraines, and Kushner classified information to the Saudis.

Little Jared couldn't get a security clearance. And then he goes and uses the extremely unsecured "WhatsApp" to share classified info with his murderous prince pal. He's despicable and should be removed immediately of further duty.

Also let me add those that were infected or were proven asymptomatic should be allow back to work as long as they are no longer carriers.

Economy should open slowly for the next sixty days with people being tested and if not infected they should be allow to work and travel.

That's the rub. Medical experts have long said that the only way to control the pandemic was three simple words. "Testing ... testing ... testing ..." That's the basis for reopening, and the since biggest failure currently.

We're a country of over 300 million people, and have only done 2 million tests.

If the government can mail out checks they can mail out tests for people to do at home and send back to be read. I imagine businesses will have testing trucks come for employees to be tested, schools could start doing the same by offering testing for select areas on a daily bases.

I know they keep talking about testing and having millions of tests ready, but I'm not sure if they have said the back up is in reading the tests. I'm also not sure if they don't want to do random testing because they think if people get a test result that shows they don't have CV if people would start to blow off on the hand washing and social distancing, not understanding that if they don't have CV they still can be infected.
There's a chance we never should have closed for business, so I can't logically respond less what someone else has, November 5th.
Manafort was giving privileged information to the Ukraines, and Kushner classified information to the Saudis.
Not to mention when the government refuses to issue security clearances, it's for good and valid reasons.
This is also when we find out the system is entrusted to those in charge of it. That the president is the authority under which executive branch security clearances are issued, has the power to override the judgement of the people he put in charge of the process.
This wold normally not be a problem, since few presidents wanted to inject themselves into the process. Leaving it up to the experts.

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