When should open the economy? Name a date.

I know they keep talking about testing and having millions of tests ready, but I'm not sure if they have said the back up is in reading the tests. I'm also not sure if they don't want to do random testing because they think if people get a test result that shows they don't have CV if people would start to blow off on the hand washing and social distancing, not understanding that if they don't have CV they still can be infected.

Tests are not ESP, they do not tell if you will get the virus in the future (that's a function of the yet to be deployed anti-body tests). Their purpose is to find those currently infected, so they can be isolated in order to contain the spread.
I don't think we'll ever have enough tests to use them to "clear" somebody for work since they would need to be administered every day, or every few days in order to be effective.
Well said! Sad but true - Our president gets his "intel" from Giuliana, Putin, and his pals at Mar-a-Lago and Fox. He only hires people who kiss his ass and tell him what he wants to hear. Not interested in our substantial intelligence capability. Very DANGEROUS

I responded to President Trump calling himself a "cheerleader" and not a leader, in this war against the pandemic. The president is only reluctantly listening to the experts he has around him, and in his latest on when the country would reopen, saying "the metrics are right here" pointing at his head.

And of course getting the advice from people like Jared Kushner, who famously said that the federal government wasn't responsible for emergency preparedness.

"The notion of the federal stockpile was it's supposed to be our stockpile," he said. "It's not supposed to be states' stockpiles that they then use."

A day after Kushner made his remarks, language on a government website about the national stockpile was changed to more closely reflect his description.

About the only experience that pasty, incompetent, self-entitled butthole has in dealing with ANYTHING is that apparently he's a successful slumlord.
Interesting changes - Bet he made them himself after the outcry. :mad:

Speaking of buttholes

{The national shortage of N95 respirator masks can be traced back to 2009 after the H1N1 swine flu pandemic, when the Obama administration was advised to replenish a national stockpile but did not, according to reports from Bloomberg News and the Los Angeles Times.

The Trump administration is scrambling to replenish a stockpile of protective medical gear for healthcare workers and patients as the coronavirus sweeps across the nation. N95 respirator masks are one of the most needed medical supplies amid the outbreak.

The George W. Bush administration published the National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza plan in 2005, which called on the federal government to distribute medical supplies from the Strategic National Stockpile governed by the Health and Human Services Department in the event of an outbreak.

In 2009, the H1N1 outbreak hit the United States, leading to 274,304 hospitalizations, 12,469 deaths, and a depletion of N95 respirator masks.}

Obama was too busy trying to suck every single cock on the eastern seaboard to be bothered with doing his job.
Tests are not ESP, they do not tell if you will get the virus in the future (that's a function of the yet to be deployed anti-body tests). Their purpose is to find those currently infected, so they can be isolated in order to contain the spread.
I don't think we'll ever have enough tests to use them to "clear" somebody for work since they would need to be administered every day, or every few days in order to be effective.

Yet you democrats have made such a big deal about the tests...
In 2009, the H1N1 outbreak hit the United States, leading to 274,304 hospitalizations, 12,469 deaths, and a depletion of N95 respirator masks.}

The H1N1 numbers represent the final tolls at the end of two flu seasons covering aroudn 18 months.

The current numbers are approaching that total after only two months.
There are studies in California showing that nearly 50% have antibodies there. This thing was all over the west in Nov-Dec and they are looking to see if we can be opened up soon. I will get the blood test next week.

Could you please link us to your "studies" in California. Otherwise, I call bullshit.


What they found was that while the virus had spread rapidly within the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan, there had also been two major population expansions on December 8 and January 6.

Earlier reports by Chinese health authorities and the
World Health Organisation said that the first known patient showed symptoms on December 8, and that most of the subsequent cases had links to the seafood market, which was closed on January 1.

If there were California cases in November, they would predate the Wuhan outbreak.
So far the evidence is anecdotal. Blood work taken at 7 major hospitals on the west coast are showing the 30- 50% antibody presence.

I don't think we'll ever have enough tests to use them to "clear" somebody for work since they would need to be administered every day, or every few days in order to be effective.

Yet you democrats have made such a big deal about the tests...

If you want to reopen before a vaccine can be widely deployed, that's the only other alternative.
You need either widespread testing, or widespread vaccinations. And right now neither choice is available, but testing is the closest available choice.
May 1st, May Day.

And let it coincide with a nuclear barrage against China since they have not proven that the Wuhanvirus WAS NOT biowarfare!
That date will be fitting!
May 1st, May Day.

And let it coincide with a nuclear barrage against China since they have not proven that the Wuhanvirus WAS NOT biowarfare!
That date will be fitting!

Don't leave out California. People have been posting southern California as the starting point of the coronavirus back in November and December of 2019.
In 2009, the H1N1 outbreak hit the United States, leading to 274,304 hospitalizations, 12,469 deaths, and a depletion of N95 respirator masks.}

The H1N1 numbers represent the final tolls at the end of two flu seasons covering aroudn 18 months.

The current numbers are approaching that total after only two months.

So why did Obama fail to restock the emergency supplies? We would not have faced the shortage had he done his job.
May 1st, May Day.

And let it coincide with a nuclear barrage against China since they have not proven that the Wuhanvirus WAS NOT biowarfare!
That date will be fitting!

Don't leave out California. People have been posting southern California as the starting point of the coronavirus back in November and December of 2019.

The Wuhan virus started in Wuhan, China (well DUH!)

Whether in the level 4 bioweapons lab or not is debatable. It showed up in California about Christmas.
So why did Obama fail to restock the emergency supplies? We would not have faced the shortage had he done his job.

Had Obama stocked the shelves or not, it's up to the following administration to check inventory. Same with administration officials. Obama left a fully staffed executive branch, yet Trump chose to leave over 3,000 positions permanently unfilled.

Every administration chooses what they want on hand. And president Trump had three years to restock, and failed to. But you can't directly blame the president, since he oversaw the disbanding of the white house office in charge of that stuff, so you didn't have any high level people to tell him the cupboards were bare.
Don't leave out California. People have been posting southern California as the starting point of the coronavirus back in November and December of 2019.

The Wuhan virus started in Wuhan, China (well DUH!)

Do you think the 1918 Spanish flu started in Spain (careful, trick question)

It started with the Ottomans, but was first reported in Spain.

The Wuhan virus though, started in Wuhan.

China has no trouble with Hong Kong protesters anymore.....
Do you think the 1918 Spanish flu started in Spain (careful, trick question)

It started with the Ottomans, but was first reported in Spain.

The Wuhan virus though, started in Wuhan.

China has no trouble with Hong Kong protesters anymore.....

The Spanish flu probably started in an UK staging camp and field hospital in France. It was called the Spanish flu, since as a neutral country in WWI, reporters were able to report on the outbreak there, while reports from war countries were restricted.
Do you think the 1918 Spanish flu started in Spain (careful, trick question)

It started with the Ottomans, but was first reported in Spain.

The Wuhan virus though, started in Wuhan.

China has no trouble with Hong Kong protesters anymore.....

The Spanish flu probably started in an UK staging camp and field hospital in France. It was called the Spanish flu, since as a neutral country in WWI, reporters were able to report on the outbreak there, while reports from war countries were restricted.

Yes, I saw the Wikipedia entry. But it most likely originated in the Ottoman empire. The Brits had the most contact and brought it back from WWI
So where did the Spanish flu of 1918 come from?
Yes, I saw the Wikipedia entry. But it most likely originated in the Ottoman empire. The Brits had the most contact and brought it back from WWI

So the Spanish Flu wasn't from Spain

And the coronavirus?

The Wuhan virus though, started in Wuhan.

China has no trouble with Hong Kong protesters anymore.....

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