When should open the economy? Name a date.

So why did Obama fail to restock the emergency supplies? We would not have faced the shortage had he done his job.

And why did Trump fail to restock? We would not have faced the shortage had he done his job. They both failed, if the president is the one responsible for restocking the federal emergency stockpile.

"Last one to drive the car, refills the tank"

It sucks when the last driver didn't fill the tank. It sucks more when you didn't either, and it's you who runs out of gas.
I think we should end these lock downs now. Let people get back to work. They are smart enough to take care of themselves. Taking care of your health has always been a PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.

The only way a person can "take care of their health" is to stay at home and not expose themselves to the virus, but the poor people can't afford to do that because they have the "personal responsibility" of paying the rent and buying groceries to consider. The poorest among you get the sickest. Poor people are dying, not rich people.

So as long as the poor people who need their jobs the most, are also the ones most likely to get sick and spread the disease, you have a Catch 22 situation here. You have to take of the poorest people first, and I know how much Republicans hate to do that.

Stay home then. That is your choice. But you cannot deny others their choice.
It's time to get back to normal life.
I think we should end these lock downs now. Let people get back to work. They are smart enough to take care of themselves. Taking care of your health has always been a PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.
The problem is that it's not people protecting themselves, but instead for the protection of others, which people in general are not willing to do. Just like the junkie will do anything for a "fix" some people will do anything for a "job", and we've seen them as the cause of epidemic disease spread because of their behavior.

Back to work / back to normal before we have ways of stopping the spread, is the formula for the original death toll estimates.
The original death toll estimate was pure propaganda. It worked. We shut down the economy over what appears to be less that the deaths of an average flu season. They're desperately trying to inflate the death toll now. It's so blatant that if you got hit by a bus and killed, if they thought you had Covid 19, that would be listed as the cause.
I think we should end these lock downs now. Let people get back to work. They are smart enough to take care of themselves. Taking care of your health has always been a PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.
The problem is that it's not people protecting themselves, but instead for the protection of others, which people in general are not willing to do. Just like the junkie will do anything for a "fix" some people will do anything for a "job", and we've seen them as the cause of epidemic disease spread because of their behavior.

Back to work / back to normal before we have ways of stopping the spread, is the formula for the original death toll estimates.
The original death toll estimate was pure propaganda. It worked. We shut down the economy over what appears to be less that the deaths of an average flu season. They're desperately trying to inflate the death toll now. It's so blatant that if you got hit by a bus and killed, if they thought you had Covid 19, that would be listed as the cause.

How did it go so quickly from having COVID-19 and pre-existing conditions being treated as a COVID-19 death to any death with COVID-19 is a COVID-19 death?

The current deaths have occurred in far less time than a flu season, so it's a bit disingenuous to compare them as if they happen over the same amount of time.
Back to work / back to normal before we have ways of stopping the spread, is the formula for the original death toll estimates.
The original death toll estimate was pure propaganda. It worked. We shut down the economy over what appears to be less that the deaths of an average flu season. They're desperately trying to inflate the death toll now. It's so blatant that if you got hit by a bus and killed, if they thought you had Covid 19, that would be listed as the cause.
You don't understand the numbers. They were based on the conditions on the ground as input points to an epidemic model. Factors like R0 determine the exponential expansion of the curve, with the area under the curve the total cases, and or fatalities.

The original R0 estimates wre in the 2.5 to 3.5 range, hence a total of 100K to 240K fatalities.

With the closure of schools the R0 was reduced by a third. Closing down non-essential business, another third. Social distancing another third. Bringing the R0 down near or below 1.0

Reversing any of the mitigating elements under the current case load, would return us to the original trajectory, virtually where we left off.
June 1st let's take a serious look. The economy will survive just fine. Send out round #2 and #3 of stimulus checks.
The current deaths have occurred in far less time than a flu season, so it's a bit disingenuous to compare them as if they happen over the same amount of time.

That's the point. Coronavirus deaths after 2 months have equaled the swine flu deaths after 12-18 months. And swine flu actually had a lower mortality rate than the seasonal flu did because a vaccine was developed and widely distributed.
I think we should end these lock downs now. Let people get back to work. They are smart enough to take care of themselves. Taking care of your health has always been a PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.
The problem is that it's not people protecting themselves, but instead for the protection of others, which people in general are not willing to do. Just like the junkie will do anything for a "fix" some people will do anything for a "job", and we've seen them as the cause of epidemic disease spread because of their behavior.

Back to work / back to normal before we have ways of stopping the spread, is the formula for the original death toll estimates.
The original death toll estimate was pure propaganda. It worked. We shut down the economy over what appears to be less that the deaths of an average flu season. They're desperately trying to inflate the death toll now. It's so blatant that if you got hit by a bus and killed, if they thought you had Covid 19, that would be listed as the cause.

Yep....to crush the economy before the election.

Social distancing does not account for their new numbers.......they either lied, or are complete morons.......the first should land them in jail, the second should ban them from all research jobs going forward.....
Actually we should have never closed down as much as we did and should have enacted social distancing, face masks and maybe just shutting down hot zones.

Rest of the Nation could have kept going while requiring no interstate travel unless it is shipping of goods for sixty days...

Yeah, great idea! My daughter just was transferred from Texas to Virginia. I'm sure the Army would not miss her sitting at my house for two months.
Smart people will tree lightly, NOT eating out(a good thing), avoiding crowds, avoiding stores(a good thing), and will wear masks and gloves even if their ill begotten horrible idiotic bosses stipulate otherwise. It's going to be a very very slow recovery but that's only smart.
June 1st yes we should not have endangered workers....that's why we have the stimulus. The economy is way down the line in comparison to lives.
I hope I'm wrong about this, but I don't think we're ever going back to "normal." We're in a global financial reset. We're heading toward a new monetary system / cashless society and RFID2020. The beast system is here.
Yep....to crush the economy before the election.

Social distancing does not account for their new numbers.......they either lied, or are complete morons.......the first should land them in jail, the second should ban them from all research jobs going forward.....
New York closed the schools, the non-essential businesses, the parks, they limit the number of people in a supermarket or pharmacy at any time, and the employees enforce strict social distancing. Everybody is wearing a mask.

After all those restrictions New York is finally at a stage where the number of people released from the hospital approaches the new admissions. As Andrew Cuomo explained. Things weren't working as he closed the valve tighter and tighter, so he shut it down completely.
About the only experience that pasty, incompetent, self-entitled butthole has in dealing with ANYTHING is that apparently he's a successful slumlord.
Interesting changes - Bet he made them himself after the outcry. :mad:
The old adage of you get what you pay for certainly applies. Whether it's Jared Kushner, or Paul Manafort. When somebody works for "free", you need to keep a close eye on the silverware.

Manafort was giving privileged information to the Ukraines, and Kushner classified information to the Saudis.

No to mention when the government refuses to issue security clearances, it's for good and valid reasons.

How do you know that was refused a security clearance and why?

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