When SHTF, which of these weapons would you choose?

Choose one firearm and one hand-to-hand weapon

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Whatever I need to do in order to protect my life and my property, if tshtf.

These people are so hilarious. When the shit hits the fan? You're all sufferening from paranoid delusions. You're as nutty as Charles Manson thinking the US was on the brink of civil war between blacks and whites.
Ah. . . . I see you were listening to that PBS propaganda last Sunday. That was fascinating, wasn't it?

I don't even have PBS where I live. No idea what you are talking about.
what is so funny about having the right to defend yourself

the tshtf all over the place everyday

it happened in a gun free naval shipyard the other day for example

Had there been stricter gun control laws, it would not have happened. A mentally ill person was allowed to buy a gun, to get security access to a naval base, to enter the base with a weapon, etc. That's the problem, not the shit hitting the fan. There would be no need for people to protect themselves if these nuts didn't have guns. Such things no longer happen in countries which have instituted strict gun control laws.

You people don't even reason logically about it. First, when things like the naval base shooting happen, you say it isn't a big deal, that more people are killed and murdered in other ways, that this is a small matter. Then you turn around and call it the shit hitting the fan and say you need to own weapons to protect yourself from such events. You can't have it both ways.
Supposition. Please post proof. I have read nearly ever gun control thread on this forum, and when ever the ivy league and government sponsored studies are rolled out to prove just the opposite, that particular gun grabber shuts up and goes away. Need they be posted yet again for you?

Yes, you are right. Laws and codes already exist that should have prevented this individual from having a weapon, soooo, we must seek to answer the question, why did he have the weapon, and why did he have clearance to get on the base. Perhaps we should just take the discussion directly to the conspiracy zone if you like. For really, that is the only reasonable and logical explanation at this point anyone can expect to explain the shooting. Anyway, why you have to derail and troll a perfectly interesting and intriguing thread? I don't know shit about weapons, but I sure do enjoy reading a good pissing contest. If you can't participate, stop your trollin'


It's perfectly interesting and intriguing to sit around imagining what weapon you'd like to use to kill people when Armageddon comes along? LOL You all belong in loony bins. Yep.. Like it's perfectly interesting and intriguing to sit around and supposition about just when and where you are going to be abducted by aliens. :cuckoo:

You folks are never going to get the use out of your weapons you are just dying to get (pun intended) as long as you stay in America. My best suggestion is move to Yemen or Somalia. :)

And I am not trolling. I am answering the question. I wouldn't choose any weapon because the likelihood of the 'shit hitting the fan,' as you folks seem in envision it, is very small, something like 20 million to one. You guys need to stop drinking that paranoia tea.
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-- And what exactly is "the job"? :eusa_think:

Whatever I need to do in order to protect my life and my property, if tshtf.

-- And what exactly is "whatever"?

You've picked a specific instrument; you must necessarily have some specific function in mind beyond "whatever".
For instance you've cited "accuracy at a good distance". Accuracy for doing what?


The question is all about when one needs to defend home and family, could be anarchy could just be a home invasion. SO to answer your question we are asked what weapons we would use to wound or kill our adversaries.
Whatever I need to do in order to protect my life and my property, if tshtf.

These people are so hilarious. When the shit hits the fan? You're all sufferening from paranoid delusions. You're as nutty as Charles Manson thinking the US was on the brink of civil war between blacks and whites.

This inane thread is in the wrong forum.

Should be in "XBox-Playstation". Until we get a "wackadoodle paranoia" forum.

Of course there has been no occasion where the police have abandoned the citizenry to defend themselves, their home and their businesses from roving gangs of looters, arsonist, and murderers. :eusa_whistle:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=An8LJ_fv0mo]'CLASH OF COLORS' The 1992 Los Angeles Riots from the Korean-American Perspective - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umq0hpAnHrc&list=PL29uzlPUbUd8MClNWSp6_4Mc-D3PUUNOK]1992 LA Riots - Korean Merchants Defend Their Businesses with Firearms - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6tmD0W5r4w]Armed Korean Merchants Protect Stores - 1992 LA Riots - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wc_SgpyJWRY]L.A. Riots Reginald Denny beating - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Csb3TWY3ptQ]1992 Los Angeles Riots - A City Under Fire - YouTube[/ame]
These people are so hilarious. When the shit hits the fan? You're all sufferening from paranoid delusions. You're as nutty as Charles Manson thinking the US was on the brink of civil war between blacks and whites.
You would have huddled in the stinking dark of New Orleans' Superdome after Katrina, sobbing and demanding that the government take care of you.


A post which makes it clear you ignore any logical point made in this thread and continue chanting your pro-gun mantra.

You made a logical point? :confused:

Huh. Guess it got lost in all your emoting and faux superiority.

Nevertheless, my correct characterization of you in the Superdome scenario had nothing to do with guns. It had everything to do with your desired utter dependence on government and absolute inability to take responsibility for yourself.
You would have huddled in the stinking dark of New Orleans' Superdome after Katrina, sobbing and demanding that the government take care of you.


A post which makes it clear you ignore any logical point made in this thread and continue chanting your pro-gun mantra.

You made a logical point? :confused:

Huh. Guess it got lost in all your emoting and faux superiority.

Nevertheless, my correct characterization of you in the Superdome scenario had nothing to do with guns. It had everything to do with your desired utter dependence on government and absolute inability to take responsibility for yourself.

You made a logical point? :confused:

not so much
These people are so hilarious. When the shit hits the fan? You're all sufferening from paranoid delusions. You're as nutty as Charles Manson thinking the US was on the brink of civil war between blacks and whites.

This inane thread is in the wrong forum.

Should be in "XBox-Playstation". Until we get a "wackadoodle paranoia" forum.

Of course there has been no occasion where the police have abandoned the citizenry to defend themselves, their home and their businesses from roving gangs of looters, arsonist, and murderers. :eusa_whistle:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=An8LJ_fv0mo]'CLASH OF COLORS' The 1992 Los Angeles Riots from the Korean-American Perspective - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umq0hpAnHrc&list=PL29uzlPUbUd8MClNWSp6_4Mc-D3PUUNOK]1992 LA Riots - Korean Merchants Defend Their Businesses with Firearms - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6tmD0W5r4w]Armed Korean Merchants Protect Stores - 1992 LA Riots - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wc_SgpyJWRY]L.A. Riots Reginald Denny beating - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Csb3TWY3ptQ]1992 Los Angeles Riots - A City Under Fire - YouTube[/ame]

"There are none so blind as those who refuse to see".
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This inane thread is in the wrong forum.

Should be in "XBox-Playstation". Until we get a "wackadoodle paranoia" forum.

Of course there has been no occasion where the police have abandoned the citizenry to defend themselves, their home and their businesses from roving gangs of looters, arsonist, and murderers. :eusa_whi
"There are none so blind as those who refuse to see".

Yes, and you are the one who is blind. The odds of something like a terrorist attack, your neighborhood exploding into riot, a single shooter massacre, the government turning into a totalitarian state, or your home and family under attack are astronomical, especially if you don't live in a ghetto or in Iraq, Pakistan, North Korea or Afghanistan. The fact is, all you are doing with your kind of thinking is persuading yourself you are justified in keeping guns. No one with any sense and who lacks the paranoia gene agrees with you. As has been noted, although there are many guns in America today, they are all owned by 30% of the population, who all apparently own far more than they need. Bunch of paranoid, delusional nutters.

In fact, you are much, much more likely to die of cancer: you have a one in four chance of dying of some form of cancer. Any sane, intelligent person would be concerned about eating a proper diet and getting good exerise, not about carrying a gun around hoping for a chance to blow someone away while living out a video game/action movie fantasy. And if you own a gun, you are far more likely to accidently or purposely kill yourself, a friend, acquaintance or family member than some stranger who attacks you.
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Of course there has been no occasion where the police have abandoned the citizenry to defend themselves, their home and their businesses from roving gangs of looters, arsonist, and murderers. :eusa_whi
"There are none so blind as those who refuse to see".

Yes, and you are the one who is blind. The odds of something like a terrorist attack, your neighborhood exploding into riot, a single shooter massacre, the government turning into a totalitarian state, or your home and family under attack are astronomical, especially if you don't live in a ghetto or in Iraq, Pakistan, North Korea or Afghanistan. The fact is, all you are doing with your kind of thinking is persuading yourself you are justified in keeping guns. No one with any sense and who lacks the paranoia gene agrees with you. As has been noted, although there are many guns in America today, they are all owned by 30% of the population, who all apparently own far more than they need. Bunch of paranoid, delusional nutters.

In fact, you are much, much more likely to die of cancer: you have a one in four chance of dying of some form of cancer. Any sane, intelligent person would be concerned about eating a proper diet and getting good exerise, not about carrying a gun around hoping for a chance to blow someone away while living out a video game/action movie fantasy. And if you own a gun, you are far more likely to accidently or purposely kill yourself, a friend, acquaintance or family member than some stranger who attacks you.

That, and the inane shortsighted premise of the OP that "when the SHTF" (whatever that means), the way to deal with it is, naturally, violence. :cuckoo:

What a maroon. No wonder he abandoned this mindless thread.
Of course there has been no occasion where the police have abandoned the citizenry to defend themselves, their home and their businesses from roving gangs of looters, arsonist, and murderers. :eusa_whi
"There are none so blind as those who refuse to see".

Yes, and you are the one who is blind. The odds of something like a terrorist attack, your neighborhood exploding into riot, a single shooter massacre, the government turning into a totalitarian state, or your home and family under attack are astronomical, especially if you don't live in a ghetto or in Iraq, Pakistan, North Korea or Afghanistan. The fact is, all you are doing with your kind of thinking is persuading yourself you are justified in keeping guns. No one with any sense and who lacks the paranoia gene agrees with you. As has been noted, although there are many guns in America today, they are all owned by 30% of the population, who all apparently own far more than they need. Bunch of paranoid, delusional nutters.

In fact, you are much, much more likely to die of cancer: you have a one in four chance of dying of some form of cancer. Any sane, intelligent person would be concerned about eating a proper diet and getting good exerise, not about carrying a gun around hoping for a chance to blow someone away while living out a video game/action movie fantasy. And if you own a gun, you are far more likely to accidently or purposely kill yourself, a friend, acquaintance or family member than some stranger who attacks you.

thanks for making the point of no need for more gun control since the odds are so low
"There are none so blind as those who refuse to see".

Yes, and you are the one who is blind. The odds of something like a terrorist attack, your neighborhood exploding into riot, a single shooter massacre, the government turning into a totalitarian state, or your home and family under attack are astronomical, especially if you don't live in a ghetto or in Iraq, Pakistan, North Korea or Afghanistan. The fact is, all you are doing with your kind of thinking is persuading yourself you are justified in keeping guns. No one with any sense and who lacks the paranoia gene agrees with you. As has been noted, although there are many guns in America today, they are all owned by 30% of the population, who all apparently own far more than they need. Bunch of paranoid, delusional nutters.

In fact, you are much, much more likely to die of cancer: you have a one in four chance of dying of some form of cancer. Any sane, intelligent person would be concerned about eating a proper diet and getting good exerise, not about carrying a gun around hoping for a chance to blow someone away while living out a video game/action movie fantasy. And if you own a gun, you are far more likely to accidently or purposely kill yourself, a friend, acquaintance or family member than some stranger who attacks you.

That, and the inane shortsighted premise of the OP that "when the SHTF" (whatever that means), the way to deal with it is, naturally, violence. :cuckoo:

What a maroon. No wonder he abandoned this mindless thread.

as opposed to curling up in a ball and dying
Of course there has been no occasion where the police have abandoned the citizenry to defend themselves, their home and their businesses from roving gangs of looters, arsonist, and murderers. :eusa_whi
"There are none so blind as those who refuse to see".

Yes, and you are the one who is blind. The odds of something like a terrorist attack, your neighborhood exploding into riot, a single shooter massacre, the government turning into a totalitarian state, or your home and family under attack are astronomical, especially if you don't live in a ghetto or in Iraq, Pakistan, North Korea or Afghanistan. The fact is, all you are doing with your kind of thinking is persuading yourself you are justified in keeping guns. No one with any sense and who lacks the paranoia gene agrees with you. As has been noted, although there are many guns in America today, they are all owned by 30% of the population, who all apparently own far more than they need. Bunch of paranoid, delusional nutters.

In fact, you are much, much more likely to die of cancer: you have a one in four chance of dying of some form of cancer. Any sane, intelligent person would be concerned about eating a proper diet and getting good exerise, not about carrying a gun around hoping for a chance to blow someone away while living out a video game/action movie fantasy. And if you own a gun, you are far more likely to accidently or purposely kill yourself, a friend, acquaintance or family member than some stranger who attacks you.

And look who's wrong yet again. I've been through two major earthquakes and one major firestorm where I lost my home. I also was visiting a colleague at USC when the King riots broke out. In all of those cases I was armed and able to go about my business because of it.

I exercise (I'm almost 70, how old are you monkey boy?) and have drawn down on three people without ever pulling the trigger. I did actually shoot near some bandits in Morocco back in the 1970's but made sure not to hit anyone as I didn't want them pursuing a vendetta against me. It kept them at distance though and we were able to make our escape so no, I have no desire to kill anyone either.

And your bullshit figures about my guns killing me or a loved one were PROVEN false over two decades ago, do try and get more current...your propaganda is cute but that's all it is propaganda.

Finally, people like me who actually DO stuff often find ourselves in places where there are bad people or dangerous critters. We do fine while you become lunch. Just don't ever whine to us if a disaster ever hits your area and you are left bereft of government help.
"There are none so blind as those who refuse to see".

Yes, and you are the one who is blind. The odds of something like a terrorist attack, your neighborhood exploding into riot, a single shooter massacre, the government turning into a totalitarian state, or your home and family under attack are astronomical, especially if you don't live in a ghetto or in Iraq, Pakistan, North Korea or Afghanistan. The fact is, all you are doing with your kind of thinking is persuading yourself you are justified in keeping guns. No one with any sense and who lacks the paranoia gene agrees with you. As has been noted, although there are many guns in America today, they are all owned by 30% of the population, who all apparently own far more than they need. Bunch of paranoid, delusional nutters.

In fact, you are much, much more likely to die of cancer: you have a one in four chance of dying of some form of cancer. Any sane, intelligent person would be concerned about eating a proper diet and getting good exerise, not about carrying a gun around hoping for a chance to blow someone away while living out a video game/action movie fantasy. And if you own a gun, you are far more likely to accidently or purposely kill yourself, a friend, acquaintance or family member than some stranger who attacks you.

That, and the inane shortsighted premise of the OP that "when the SHTF" (whatever that means), the way to deal with it is, naturally, violence. :cuckoo:

What a maroon. No wonder he abandoned this mindless thread.

No, the maroon is you. There is a very old saying "peace through superior firepower". Amazingly enough bad guys don't like to get shot, so when disasters occur they prey on weaklings like you and they leave people like me alone.
Yes, and you are the one who is blind. The odds of something like a terrorist attack, your neighborhood exploding into riot, a single shooter massacre, the government turning into a totalitarian state, or your home and family under attack are astronomical, especially if you don't live in a ghetto or in Iraq, Pakistan, North Korea or Afghanistan. The fact is, all you are doing with your kind of thinking is persuading yourself you are justified in keeping guns. No one with any sense and who lacks the paranoia gene agrees with you. As has been noted, although there are many guns in America today, they are all owned by 30% of the population, who all apparently own far more than they need. Bunch of paranoid, delusional nutters.

In fact, you are much, much more likely to die of cancer: you have a one in four chance of dying of some form of cancer. Any sane, intelligent person would be concerned about eating a proper diet and getting good exerise, not about carrying a gun around hoping for a chance to blow someone away while living out a video game/action movie fantasy. And if you own a gun, you are far more likely to accidently or purposely kill yourself, a friend, acquaintance or family member than some stranger who attacks you.

That, and the inane shortsighted premise of the OP that "when the SHTF" (whatever that means), the way to deal with it is, naturally, violence. :cuckoo:

What a maroon. No wonder he abandoned this mindless thread.

No, the maroon is you. There is a very old saying "peace through superior firepower". Amazingly enough bad guys don't like to get shot, so when disasters occur they prey on weaklings like you and they leave people like me alone.

LMAO You people just don't get that you are total paranoids. Stop worrying about a great disaster that is most likely not going to happen to you, where anarchy will run wild, and start thinking about your one in four chance of dying of one or another form of cancer: stop smoking, started eating right and exercising and taking care of your mental health. That will give you a better chance of avoiding what you are really at risk for.

Oh, and Pogo, stop being such a maroon. :) Divertido.
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That, and the inane shortsighted premise of the OP that "when the SHTF" (whatever that means), the way to deal with it is, naturally, violence. :cuckoo:

What a maroon. No wonder he abandoned this mindless thread.

No, the maroon is you. There is a very old saying "peace through superior firepower". Amazingly enough bad guys don't like to get shot, so when disasters occur they prey on weaklings like you and they leave people like me alone.

LMAO You people just don't get that you are total paranoids. Stop worrying about a great disaster that is most likely not going to happen to you, where anarchy will run wild, and start thinking about your one in four chance of dying of one or another form of cancer: stop smoking, started eating right and exercising and taking care of your mental health. That will give you a better chance of avoiding what you are really at risk for.

Oh, and Pogo, stop being such a maroon. :) Divertido.

I can do all that AND contemplate the zombie apocalypse at the same time. :D

Seriously...I'm buying the gun anyway...why not take all the possibilities into account.

Sure, the chances I'm going to need it are miniscule.

I haven't had a flat in fifteen years, but I still carry a spare tire.

I'm probably not going to die in the next 10 years, but I still pay my term life premiums.

A certain amount of paranoia is healthy.

Planning for uncertainty is healthy.

Being prepared is healthy.
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Yes, and you are the one who is blind. The odds of something like a terrorist attack, your neighborhood exploding into riot, a single shooter massacre, the government turning into a totalitarian state, or your home and family under attack are astronomical, especially if you don't live in a ghetto or in Iraq, Pakistan, North Korea or Afghanistan. The fact is, all you are doing with your kind of thinking is persuading yourself you are justified in keeping guns. No one with any sense and who lacks the paranoia gene agrees with you. As has been noted, although there are many guns in America today, they are all owned by 30% of the population, who all apparently own far more than they need. Bunch of paranoid, delusional nutters.

In fact, you are much, much more likely to die of cancer: you have a one in four chance of dying of some form of cancer. Any sane, intelligent person would be concerned about eating a proper diet and getting good exerise, not about carrying a gun around hoping for a chance to blow someone away while living out a video game/action movie fantasy. And if you own a gun, you are far more likely to accidently or purposely kill yourself, a friend, acquaintance or family member than some stranger who attacks you.

That, and the inane shortsighted premise of the OP that "when the SHTF" (whatever that means), the way to deal with it is, naturally, violence. :cuckoo:

What a maroon. No wonder he abandoned this mindless thread.

No, the maroon is you. There is a very old saying "peace through superior firepower". Amazingly enough bad guys don't like to get shot, so when disasters occur they prey on weaklings like you and they leave people like me alone.

Uh -- yeah right. I'm saying the idea of coping with life by blowing things away is mindlessly simplistic, and that makes ME the maroon and a "weakling". :cuckoo:

I'd say the weakling is the cretin who can't think of anything deeper than rerunning the old cowboys and indians script, don't you think?

There is a very old saying "peace through superior firepower".

No, there isn't. You just made it up.
Hand to hand weapon? It might be a fantasy to some people to defend themselves with the skillful use of a blade but it ain't gonna happen. Chances are that once you realize that you are in trouble the perp will kill you with a firearm.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=xMLVMEQmhTQ]Argentina's Economic Collapse Part 1 of 12 - YouTube[/ame]

Economic collapse of Argentina, 2001.

I believe that when the IMF refused to loan Argentina money, their deficit to GDP was 2.5% and their external debt was 50% of GDP

Our current deficit to GDP is 8.7...US Federal Deficit as Percentage of GDP

Our current external debt to GDP is 106%...List of countries by external debt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Our current public debt to GDP is 67.7%...US Federal Debt as Percentage of GDP
That, and the inane shortsighted premise of the OP that "when the SHTF" (whatever that means), the way to deal with it is, naturally, violence. :cuckoo:

What a maroon. No wonder he abandoned this mindless thread.

No, the maroon is you. There is a very old saying "peace through superior firepower". Amazingly enough bad guys don't like to get shot, so when disasters occur they prey on weaklings like you and they leave people like me alone.

LMAO You people just don't get that you are total paranoids. Stop worrying about a great disaster that is most likely not going to happen to you, where anarchy will run wild, and start thinking about your one in four chance of dying of one or another form of cancer: stop smoking, started eating right and exercising and taking care of your mental health. That will give you a better chance of avoiding what you are really at risk for.
Or you could just mind your own business, and stop trying to tell other people how to live their lives.

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