When the Trump nightmare ends, will we be able to forgive Trump voters?

Yes I have a very big houses and big boat.

DO YOU? Do you have a very big HOUSES and a bug dick, er, boat?

I've asked you before not to spray your jism all over me. I know it gets you off to be a big dick.

Challenge you real life debate face to face. Or FaceTime. But you are so fucking coward.
Can you meet me in the Tierra Del Fuego where I live? Its not much, but I have lots of sheep and pigs you can wrestle!

No wonder they called you retarded.
I think that was your wife just trying to wake you up to tell you" Hey Retard! Time to go back to Walmart!
Ya know, Charry, I noticed you only post at night, like a guy that just got home from the shop after all the retail stores have closed!

Blah blah blah you cannot even face me face to face. That is how coward you are. I don’t go to Walmart like you. I don’t put gas in my cars. Jealous?

I’ve been posting since noon Dude. How funny can you be using that as your rebuttal. Go back to wrestling a pig dude.
Trust me my friend I guarantee you 100% this will be a very big turn out to kick this moron out of WH.

Then it'll be a Lose-Lose for you either way.

If Trump's reelected, YOU LOSE.

If Bernie, Lizzy, Joey or Mini Mike win, you REALLY lose! :auiqs.jpg:

Any of the democrats presidential candidates are far better than this inept president.
It's unfortunate for you worthless leftist traitors that not a one has a chance against Trump.

Traitors? Did you even know who is Trump puppet master?

That would be Melania. She's in charge of pumping it for Donald..

Wrong again dude. That is Putin.
Yes I have a very big houses and big boat.

DO YOU? Do you have a very big HOUSES and a bug dick, er, boat?

I've asked you before not to spray your jism all over me. I know it gets you off to be a big dick.

Challenge you real life debate face to face. Or FaceTime. But you are so fucking coward.
Can you meet me in the Tierra Del Fuego where I live? Its not much, but I have lots of sheep and pigs you can wrestle!

No wonder they called you retarded.
I think that was your wife just trying to wake you up to tell you" Hey Retard! Time to go back to Walmart!
Ya know, Charry, I noticed you only post at night, like a guy that just got home from the shop after all the retail stores have closed!

Blah blah blah you cannot even face me face to face. That is how coward you are. I don’t go to Walmart like you. I don’t put gas in my cars. Jealous?

I’ve been posting since noon Dude. How funny can you be using that as your rebuttal. Go back to wrestling a pig dude.

You should invest in some on-line courses like "English As A Second Language"......
The sad part of these gullible trump supporters. When Trump lies it’s a real for them.
Trump humping his podium..... Oh Lisa Oh Lisa Lisa Oh Lisa.....

That is goddam disgusting....... Trumpets cheered and clapped. Talking about low class deplorable.

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Funny how those dressed as "neo-nazis" and ANTIFA rode on the same Goerge Soros paid for buses.

Is that the best you got?

Jason Kessler was on "Occupy Wall Street" activist......he is a professional agent provocateur. Funny how leftards never have a bad word to say about ANTIFA......imagine that?

Like I said many times before. You are craving my attention.

I’ll let you know when you are qualified to talk to me. For the mean time go back to your hibernation.


I think we've found a new master of issuing challenges to people then backing away from them that beats IM2!

Where in my post that I back out. Pay attention stupid.

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That would be solid entertainment. Trump vs Biden like entertainment.

We'd have to wear those plastic things in the front row with a hood that cover you to keep the blood and guts from getting all over us.

Go wrestle a pig Dude.
What's a pig dude? Is that a male pig in your medical instramental opinion?

Wrong again dude. I’m talking to toobreak. On separate thread they called him retarded and wrestle a pig is his specialty.

I musta missed that one. It must have been one of those real FAST threads.

You know, SQUEALING fast.

Betcha you don't know what we say about you! :auiqs.jpg:

No you didn’t. Several members blasted your own class scum attitude.
Funny how those dressed as "neo-nazis" and ANTIFA rode on the same Goerge Soros paid for buses.

Is that the best you got?

Jason Kessler was on "Occupy Wall Street" activist......he is a professional agent provocateur. Funny how leftards never have a bad word to say about ANTIFA......imagine that?

Like I said many times before. You are craving my attention.

I’ll let you know when you are qualified to talk to me. For the mean time go back to your hibernation.


I think we've found a new master of issuing challenges to people then backing away from them that beats IM2!

Where in my post that I back out. Pay attention stupid.

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Charwin, my e-mail addy is [email protected] and we can discuss there as to how we can work out the logistics for our debate. I look forward to our correspondence and getting this all set up.
For one example, his response to the death at Chalottesville, was perfect, and the media, just completely lied and told the people a lie that was the exact OPPOSITE of what Trump said.

If everything he did was shit, they would have to make up shit.
Glad he stuck up for the klan

Please provide a quote where he directly "stuck up for the klan"

He could have been overt about it and you'd still defend him.

“People were there protesting the taking down of the monument of Robert E. Lee — everybody knows that,” Trump said of the rally in Charlottesville, which was organized by white supremacists.

“some very fine people on both sides” of the incident.

So he sees white supremists as very fine people. Got it.

He was talking about people in general on both sides of the argument about the Statue. And what incident?

Are you saying everyone who is against the Statue being removed is a Klan member.

Why the hell you people lie? Here’s the complete transcript. Pay attention.

PolitiFact - In Context: Donald Trump’s ‘very fine people on both sides’ remarks (transcript)

In Context: Donald Trump’s ‘very fine people on both sides’ remarks (transcript)

Reporter: "Let me ask you, Mr. President, why did you wait so long to blast neo-Nazis?"

Trump: "I didn’t wait long. I didn’t wait long."

Reporter: "Forty-eight hours."

Politifact...a far-left organization that is owned by the far-left newspaper, the Tampa Bay Times. They use the same facilities, the same editor, and all the same writers.
I know in my gut, I will not be able to stomach anybody that supported Trump once this monster has left our sights. Every time I see these sorry mf's at work, I turn my head in disgust. Unlike the rednecks that forgave the germans, this country should spit on these mf's and drag their ass's to shame. BECAUSE THEY KNEW BETTER!!View attachment 307609View attachment 307610View attachment 307611
What, specifically, about your life changed, personally, for you, between when Obama was president, and when Trump became president.

For me?

I can honestly say?

Not a damn thing changed.

I know some folks have investments, and they credit the stock market doing better. . . so they may have personally profited off of that. . .

BUT I am talking, how it affected YOU PERSONALLY, IN YOUR LIFE.

. . . so I am just curious. Why all the vitriol. :dunno:
And I know you are very jealous. Yes I have a very big houses and big boat.

I FUCKING BLASTED YOU. Challenge you real life debate face to face. Or FaceTime. But you are so fucking coward. And here you are again using the same low class disgusting human scum jealous post. Wipe your mouth.

Go wrestle a pig. No wonder they called you retarded.

I will debate you real time, Charwin........what say ye?


Really? Like I told you before. I don’t fuck around.

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May be you will find a lady with low standards and that could change? Nah........

I didn’t started this low class discussion asshole. Your friend did. Then you came in.

Do you have a car now? Are you paying your taxes? Are you using the road? Do you have medical insurance? I doubt it.

No actually YOU did, dickwad. A stupid basketball player died and everyone here said it was his helicopter, and I said that was a real shame that a mere jock can afford an 18 million dollar chopper when scientists with PhDs don't make anywhere near that and took those poor kids up in it when in fact, it was just a rental and pilot error and you called me a racist then wanted me to give you my ADDRESS because I don't have any buses that run near me!

Then you stalked me all over, called me racist, and now your triggered ass has bit off more than you can chew.

And you have the nerve to call other people retarded. :21:
I will debate you real time, Charwin........what say ye?


Really? Like I told you before. I don’t fuck around.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

May be you will find a lady with low standards and that could change? Nah........

I didn’t started this low class discussion asshole. Your friend did. Then you came in.

Do you have a car now? Are you paying your taxes? Are you using the road? Do you have medical insurance? I doubt it.

No actually YOU did, dickwad. A stupid basketball player died and everyone here said it was his helicopter, and I said that was a real shame that a mere jock can afford an 18 million dollar chopper when scientists with PhDs don't make anywhere near that and took those poor kids up in it when in fact, it was just a rental and pilot error and you called me a racist then wanted me to give you my ADDRESS because I don't have any buses that run near me!

Then you stalked me all over, called me racist, and now your triggered ass has bit off more than you can chew.

And you have the nerve to call other people retarded. :21:

Let's see if Charwin contacts me.......I sincerely hope he does because if he doesn't? His board life is all but over as he will never live this down.
I know in my gut, I will not be able to stomach anybody that supported Trump once this monster has left our sights. Every time I see these sorry mf's at work, I turn my head in disgust. Unlike the rednecks that forgave the germans, this country should spit on these mf's and drag their ass's to shame. BECAUSE THEY KNEW BETTER!!View attachment 307609View attachment 307610View attachment 307611

Are you are implying that we care what evil people like you think of us?

By all means, don't forgive us for being better people than you. That's fine.
I will debate you real time, Charwin........what say ye?


Really? Like I told you before. I don’t fuck around.

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May be you will find a lady with low standards and that could change? Nah........

I didn’t started this low class discussion asshole. Your friend did. Then you came in.

Do you have a car now? Are you paying your taxes? Are you using the road? Do you have medical insurance? I doubt it.

I pay all constitutional taxes, Charwin......we can discuss this and any other questions you have when you come to the DFW area (like you said you would) so we can have a debate to be aired on this forum via youtube.

Blah blah you talk too much. Read my post #281. I already gave you the location and some specifics.
I never said I will travel DFW.

Why should I travel to DFW, I challenged you live via conferencing?

Read my post 281. Don’t stare at it. Let me know when you are ready because I have to make an appointment with that hotel.
We'd have to wear those plastic things in the front row with a hood that cover you to keep the blood and guts from getting all over us.

Go wrestle a pig Dude.
What's a pig dude? Is that a male pig in your medical instramental opinion?

Wrong again dude. I’m talking to toobreak. On separate thread they called him retarded and wrestle a pig is his specialty.

I musta missed that one. It must have been one of those real FAST threads.

You know, SQUEALING fast.

Betcha you don't know what we say about you! :auiqs.jpg:

Charwin seems rather flustered........I wonder why that is???

Notice how his story and conditions constantly changes?

Maybe he got called away on his satellite phone to his attorneys in Geneva on a last minute bid to buy up some property in Namaqualand!
I will debate you real time, Charwin........what say ye?


Really? Like I told you before. I don’t fuck around.

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May be you will find a lady with low standards and that could change? Nah........

I didn’t started this low class discussion asshole. Your friend did. Then you came in.

Do you have a car now? Are you paying your taxes? Are you using the road? Do you have medical insurance? I doubt it.

No actually YOU did, dickwad. A stupid basketball player died and everyone here said it was his helicopter, and I said that was a real shame that a mere jock can afford an 18 million dollar chopper when scientists with PhDs don't make anywhere near that and took those poor kids up in it when in fact, it was just a rental and pilot error and you called me a racist then wanted me to give you my ADDRESS because I don't have any buses that run near me!

Then you stalked me all over, called me racist, and now your triggered ass has bit off more than you can chew.

And you have the nerve to call other people retarded. :21:

Dude again you are full of shit..... because you never stop lying Dude. You attacked me with your usual low class disgusting human scum attitude.

What is PhD or scientist that you are babbling has anything to do with with your ignorance and jealousy of Kobe? What is Walmart has anything to do with me? I don’t go to Walmart.

Really? Like I told you before. I don’t fuck around.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

May be you will find a lady with low standards and that could change? Nah........

I didn’t started this low class discussion asshole. Your friend did. Then you came in.

Do you have a car now? Are you paying your taxes? Are you using the road? Do you have medical insurance? I doubt it.

I pay all constitutional taxes, Charwin......we can discuss this and any other questions you have when you come to the DFW area (like you said you would) so we can have a debate to be aired on this forum via youtube.

Blah blah you talk too much. Read my post #281. I already gave you the location and some specifics.
I never said I will travel DFW.

Why should I travel to DFW, I challenged you live via conferencing?

Read my post 281. Don’t stare at it. Let me know when you are ready because I have to make an appointment with that hotel.

You have skype, correct? We can just debate through that venue and I can record the entire conversation for youtube which I will give a link for the board masses. What I will debate and challenge you on will be backed by facts and data.....make no mistake about that.
Yes I have a very big houses and big boat.

DO YOU? Do you have a very big HOUSES and a bug dick, er, boat?

I've asked you before not to spray your jism all over me. I know it gets you off to be a big dick.

Challenge you real life debate face to face. Or FaceTime. But you are so fucking coward.
Can you meet me in the Tierra Del Fuego where I live? Its not much, but I have lots of sheep and pigs you can wrestle!

No wonder they called you retarded.
I think that was your wife just trying to wake you up to tell you" Hey Retard! Time to go back to Walmart!
Ya know, Charry, I noticed you only post at night, like a guy that just got home from the shop after all the retail stores have closed!

Blah blah blah you cannot even face me face to face.
Lessee, you can't come to DFW, but you want me to fly to California? You don't even know where I am!

I don’t put gas in my cars. Jealous?
Yes I am. I don't have a butler to charge up my electric Kia!
Last edited:
Go wrestle a pig Dude.
What's a pig dude? Is that a male pig in your medical instramental opinion?

Wrong again dude. I’m talking to toobreak. On separate thread they called him retarded and wrestle a pig is his specialty.

I musta missed that one. It must have been one of those real FAST threads.

You know, SQUEALING fast.

Betcha you don't know what we say about you! :auiqs.jpg:

Charwin seems rather flustered........I wonder why that is???

Notice how his story and conditions constantly changes?

Maybe he got called away on his satellite phone to his attorneys in Geneva on a last minute bid to buy up some property in Namaqualand!

Where in my post where I changed my story and conditions? Where?

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Go wrestle a pig Dude.
What's a pig dude? Is that a male pig in your medical instramental opinion?

Wrong again dude. I’m talking to toobreak. On separate thread they called him retarded and wrestle a pig is his specialty.

I musta missed that one. It must have been one of those real FAST threads.

You know, SQUEALING fast.

Betcha you don't know what we say about you! :auiqs.jpg:

Charwin seems rather flustered........I wonder why that is???

Yeah, he went from wanting...BEGGING to meet "face to face" to just by video....fine with me. I will kick his ass either way.

Notice how his story and conditions constantly changes?

Maybe he got called away on his satellite phone to his attorneys in Geneva on a last minute bid to buy up some property in Namaqualand!
Yes I have a very big houses and big boat.

DO YOU? Do you have a very big HOUSES and a bug dick, er, boat?

I've asked you before not to spray your jism all over me. I know it gets you off to be a big dick.

Challenge you real life debate face to face. Or FaceTime. But you are so fucking coward.
Can you meet me in the Tierra Del Fuego where I live? Its not much, but I have lots of sheep and pigs you can wrestle!

No wonder they called you retarded.
I think that was your wife just trying to wake you up to tell you" Hey Retard! Time to go back to Walmart!
Ya know, Charry, I noticed you only post at night, like a guy that just got home from the shop after all the retail stores have closed!

Blah blah blah you cannot even face me face to face.
Lessee, you can't come to DFW, but you want me to fly to California? You don't even know where I am!

I don’t put gas in my cars. Jealous?
Yes. I am I don't have a butler to charge up my electric Kia!

Now you prove your self a big LIAR.
Where in my post that I want you come here to California?

Where in my post that I want to go to DFW?

Show me. YOU are retarded.

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