When the truth is leaked about democrats, the msm blames the person who leaked it.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Of course if and when anything is leaked about the republicans, they praise the person who leaked it.

Refer to the fact that they still blame Russia and Assange for revealing the TRUTH about the cheating lying clintons.

Now, something is leaked about Australia and obama's deal to accept 1000 refugees that Australia does not want.

So, instead of blaming Australia for not wanting those refugees, they blame Trump for not wanting them.

I mean of course they do.

That is also not the point. They are pathetic blobs and I blame virtually everything on the msm and how pathetic they all are.
Agreed. The ridiculous BS presented as news by the MSM, explains why leftists are so uninformed. The MSM inflames them with lies and distortions, to purposely divide Americans.

If only lefties could see this fundamental truth.

The MSM is the fifth column.
Brainwashing works.

First the MSM went into full-force to convince the sheep that Russia hacked voting machines in three states. When that didn't work out so well for them, they switched to the emails which most voters didn't even know (or care) what was in them. They kept using the term "hacking the election" because they know liberals mostly read headlines and not the story. So in spite of the voting machines, most liberals believed (and still do) that Russia hacked the actual election.

Instead of blaming their leadership (Obama) the media was able to brainwash liberals into believing it was all Trump's fault. Trump was not in charge of cyber security for the DNC. Trump did not tell Podesta to use the letters P-A-S-S-W-O-R-D as his actual password. Some media even advanced that it was Trump who invited Putin to hack those emails as if Russia wouldn't have acted unless they had an invitation. And the liberals just ate these lies all up.
Brainwashing works.

First the MSM went into full-force to convince the sheep that Russia hacked voting machines in three states. When that didn't work out so well for them, they switched to the emails which most voters didn't even know (or care) what was in them. They kept using the term "hacking the election" because they know liberals mostly read headlines and not the story. So in spite of the voting machines, most liberals believed (and still do) that Russia hacked the actual election.

Instead of blaming their leadership (Obama) the media was able to brainwash liberals into believing it was all Trump's fault. Trump was not in charge of cyber security for the DNC. Trump did not tell Podesta to use the letters P-A-S-S-W-O-R-D as his actual password. Some media even advanced that it was Trump who invited Putin to hack those emails as if Russia wouldn't have acted unless they had an invitation. And the liberals just ate these lies all up.
The full irony is the left wing sheep don't blame the media for their false reporting with the false polls.

They reported that the liar in a pants suit was assured the wins in all of the battle ground states. Even her campaign believed the fake news and she did not campaign correctly.

They are as much to blame, even more so. The ironies.

Then Jill Stein took a bunch of socialist votes and after the election she endeared herself to the left wing sheep by doing the fake recount and built up a treasure chest by "hating Trump enough. "

The morons are too stupid so they can't care that they were fleeced and used.

There is really no excuse for us not to make millions off of these white guilt trust fund losers. All you need to do is hate Trump enough and be a good enough socialist.
Brainwashing works.

First the MSM went into full-force to convince the sheep that Russia hacked voting machines in three states. When that didn't work out so well for them, they switched to the emails which most voters didn't even know (or care) what was in them. They kept using the term "hacking the election" because they know liberals mostly read headlines and not the story. So in spite of the voting machines, most liberals believed (and still do) that Russia hacked the actual election.

Instead of blaming their leadership (Obama) the media was able to brainwash liberals into believing it was all Trump's fault. Trump was not in charge of cyber security for the DNC. Trump did not tell Podesta to use the letters P-A-S-S-W-O-R-D as his actual password. Some media even advanced that it was Trump who invited Putin to hack those emails as if Russia wouldn't have acted unless they had an invitation. And the liberals just ate these lies all up.
The full irony is the left wing sheep don't blame the media for their false reporting with the false polls.

They reported that the liar in a pants suit was assured the wins in all of the battle ground states. Even her campaign believed the fake news and she did not campaign correctly.

They are as much to blame, even more so. The ironies.

Then Jill Stein took a bunch of socialist votes and after the election she endeared herself to the left wing sheep by doing the fake recount and built up a treasure chest by "hating Trump enough. "

The morons are too stupid so they can't care that they were fleeced and used.

There is really no excuse for us not to make millions off of these white guilt trust fund losers. All you need to do is hate Trump enough and be a good enough socialist.

It's amazing that they believe Obama's FBI suspecting Russia had anything to do with it, but refuse to believe the source (Wikileaks) when they said Russia had absolutely no involvement.

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