When There Are No Rules

That's simply one more of those lies you are trained to accept.
There is one thing, though…to be part of the great No-Rules Club, you must never question, only follow their agenda….it’s kinda like the club has that one rule.
No, the republicans have more than 1 rule and the republicans want power and they do anything to get elected.

It's nothing I would go to jail for .;)

I was recently fined for littering for leaving 'conservative' messaging flyers lying around. Once you've read my message you can't get it out of yer head.
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May you, your party and all people who support this burn in Hell. And you will burn.

I don't believe your link!!
No, the republicans have more than 1 rule and the republicans want power and they do anything to get elected.
Not true all the democrats supported Obama care and got slaughtered the next election cycle
hmm. and then what happens when one member stands in the way of another members desires and wants. Thats rhetorical but something to think about. Reasonable, sane, thinking people can figure that out.

"While the liberal mob engages in the kind of violence that one expects of a mob, there is also a species of intellectual mob that relies on praise and ridicule to enforce its views: they rely on the axiom that large segments of the population would rather be punched in the face than be sneered at by the elites. We call them liberals."

But don't forget, that party has a historty of putting American citizens in concentration camps.
It's because they hate God, and hate that He created them. It's a rebellion against God lead by Satan himself.
What's weird is that we all know that Satan has only the power that each individual gives him. All of these evil people, at some point in their lives, had the choice to deny Satan power over them, and they chose evil.
You get to do whatever you like at the moment.
Is that good??

1.That, in fact, may be the greatest attraction of Progressivism, the Left. No rules. That means no self-discipline, no responsibilities, nothing to hold one back from accommodating any and all of one’s ‘appetites.’ Even those that, in earlier times, one might not be willing to discuss.

There is one thing, though…to be part of the great No-Rules Club, you must never question, only follow their agenda….it’s kinda like the club has that one rule. But it’s not one that would prevent the fulfilling of any and all of one’s feeling, whims, caprices….even those that would get you in hot water in earlier times.

2. And subscribing to the above one must, obviously, give up religion, the Judeo-Christian version which America’s Founders embraced. You simply substitute the religion of Rousseau, Hegel and Marx, one which could be described as Militant Secularism.

Perhaps ‘substitute’ is too mild a term: the previous one need be abolished, at least made to be an embarrassment.

3. But the ‘good news’ for ‘converts’ to the No Rules Club is that there are no moral debts, anything that feels good is accepted, one owes nothing to anyone else, and if another human being stands in the way of one’s enjoyment….well, as I said, there are no restrictions (cough…abortions…)

4. Melanie Phillips spoke of the change as regrettable.

" When morality became privatized, the questions “what is right” became “what is right for me.” Feelings... became the arbiters of behavior. Rather than traditional taboos, only religiously based moral judgment was deemed taboo. The harm caused to abandoned spouses or children by adultery or desertion- harm that can be objectively documented in rates of ill health, depression, educational underachievement, criminal behavior- was all but ignored, while damage done to people’s feelings by condemnation of their adultery or desertion was considered unforgiveable."
"The World Turned Upside Down," Melanie Phillips, chapter 14

5. Read item #4 above, and apply that message to this problem:

With respect to the education gap, how is it that 'racism' is responsible for these areas in which black students fall short when compared to white and Asian students:

The number of days absent from school

The number of hours spent watching TV

The number of pages read for homework

Quantity and quality of reading material in the home

The presence of two parents in the home.

It isn’t racism…..it’s folks having joined the “No Rules Club".........

....and these are some of the consequences.
Excellent post and topic, as usual. I'm going to look into getting that book, thanks!

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