When This War Is Over - Palestine Will Be Free

Free from Israel's peace offerings, land concessions, water, food, fuel & saving Palestinian lives in Israeli hospitals.
That's not a bad idea. And stop building new Jewish settlements in that territory. I head that's one of the things that pisses them off the most. Jews say they promise they won't then suddenly one day bulldozers appear and apparently their word means nothing.

Reminds me of our promises to the Indians. We lied.
That's not a bad idea. And stop building new Jewish settlements in that territory. I head that's one of the things that pisses them off the most. Jews say they promise they won't then suddenly one day bulldozers appear and apparently their word means nothing.

Reminds me of our promises to the Indians. We lied.
Every time the Palis go on a rampage and kill Israelis with knives, guns, or cars, Israel's answer is to build. P'raps if the Palis decided to actually try to live peacefully, they'd have less building. There are plenty of videos out there showing the total intransigence of Palestinians to even consider peace. They make it clear that they think that ALL the land is theirs and if they fight long enough, they will get it. Fock'em, let them continue dying as long as that is their attitude.
Every time the Palis go on a rampage and kill Israelis with knives, guns, or cars, Israel's answer is to build. P'raps if the Palis decided to actually try to live peacefully, they'd have less building. There are plenty of videos out there showing the total intransigence of Palestinians to even consider peace. They make it clear that they think that ALL the land is theirs and if they fight long enough, they will get it. Fock'em, let them continue dying as long as that is their attitude.
True. Also Israel cares about their citizens whereas Hamas couldn't care less about theirs as long as they kill some Israeli's.
Every time the Palis go on a rampage and kill Israelis with knives, guns, or cars, Israel's answer is to build. P'raps if the Palis decided to actually try to live peacefully, they'd have less building. There are plenty of videos out there showing the total intransigence of Palestinians to even consider peace. They make it clear that they think that ALL the land is theirs and if they fight long enough, they will get it. Fock'em, let them continue dying as long as that is their attitude.
The International Court of Justice has ruled that Israel's settlements in Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, are illegal. The Fourth Geneva Convention prohibits an occupying power from transferring its population to the area it occupies.
Others who have said that Israel's occupation of Palestine is illegal include:
Laws Violated: Israel has violated 28 resolutions of the United Nations Security Council (which are legally binding on member-nations U.N. Charter, Article 25 (1945)
  • United Nations Special Rapporteur: Michael Lynk said in 2017 that the Israeli occupation was illegal
  • Legal Adviser of the Department of State of the United States: In 1978, the Legal Adviser reached the same conclusion
Israel has also violated 28 resolutions of the United Nations Security Council.

Israel has occupied Jerusalem since 1967. Israel administers most of the West Bank, but 42% of it is under autonomous rule by the Palestinian Authority. Hamas controls the Gaza Strip.

About half of Gaza's population of 2.3 million people are children. Since October 7, Israeli attacks have killed at least 5,500 children, according to Palestinian officials. That is one Palestinian child killed every 10 minutes, or about one out of every 200 children in the Gaza Strip.
Every time the Palis go on a rampage and kill Israelis with knives, guns, or cars, Israel's answer is to build. P'raps if the Palis decided to actually try to live peacefully, they'd have less building. There are plenty of videos out there showing the total intransigence of Palestinians to even consider peace. They make it clear that they think that ALL the land is theirs and if they fight long enough, they will get it. Fock'em, let them continue dying as long as that is their attitude.

Perspectives to consider

Jewish Americans. Conservative Republicans in an election year saying Biden isn't supporting Israel enough
Arab American voters. Biden has to make the Jews happy without pissing off Arab Americans. He's failing right now. Arab Americans are mad at Biden

‘He Lost Our Votes’: How Biden’s Israel Policy Is Costing Him Dearly in This Critical Swing State​

Biden says there is “no possibility” of one being brokered, while in Congress, lawmakers on both sides of the aisle express overwhelming approval for Israel’s extensive military assault, which they see as an exercise of its right to defend itself. Recently, a cohort of Republicans introduced a bill to bar Palestinians from obtaining U.S. residency and revoke certain visas and asylum already awarded; and the House, including 22 Democrats, voted to censure Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), the sole Palestinian American member of Congress, for her remarks supporting the Palestinian cause, which many members saw as anti-Jewish.
That's not a bad idea. And stop building new Jewish settlements in that territory. I head that's one of the things that pisses them off the most. Jews say they promise they won't then suddenly one day bulldozers appear and apparently their word means nothing.

Reminds me of our promises to the Indians. We lied.
Strange, it is a proven fact that Isreal left Gaza in 2006, and not a Jew has set foot there since.
Informative. What a mess over there. I'd throw the Palestinians out. Or build a wall and say this is your side stay on it.
They tried that. It failed.

It is not reasonable to kill 2.2 million Gazan Arabs, but they clearly cannot be trusted to govern themselves. They live and breathe hatred of Jews; they teach hatred of Jews in their schools.

For Hamas, there is nothing. They must be exterminated to the last man.

Iran needs to pay a high price, in blood, for their involvement.

This nonsense about pauses in fighting plays into Hamas's hands. They cannot give up all their hostages because they know the moment they hand over the last hostage, Israel is going to flood all the tunnels with the sea, which will, hopefully, kill 99% of them.

Honestly, the Arabs who call themselves Palestinians need to be relocated to Syria or Lebanon and a corridor from Jordan to the Temple Mount/Rock of the Dome opened for Islam worshipers to visit. But those Arabs that call themselves Palestinians have proven they are untrustworthy; they cannot be counted on to keep their agreements and, therefore need to be moved out of Israel.
They tried that. It failed.

It is not reasonable to kill 2.2 million Gazan Arabs, but they clearly cannot be trusted to govern themselves. They live and breathe hatred of Jews; they teach hatred of Jews in their schools.

For Hamas, there is nothing. They must be exterminated to the last man.

Iran needs to pay a high price, in blood, for their involvement.

This nonsense about pauses in fighting plays into Hamas's hands. They cannot give up all their hostages because they know the moment they hand over the last hostage, Israel is going to flood all the tunnels with the sea, which will, hopefully, kill 99% of them.

Honestly, the Arabs who call themselves Palestinians need to be relocated to Syria or Lebanon and a corridor from Jordan to the Temple Mount/Rock of the Dome opened for Islam worshipers to visit. But those Arabs that call themselves Palestinians have proven they are untrustworthy; they cannot be counted on to keep their agreements and, therefore need to be moved out of Israel.

That will be interesting if they flood the tunnels. Wow.

I was so happy this morning to hear hostages were freed.

I can't believe Hamas negotiated and is okay knowing that as soon as they have nothing to negotiate, Israel is going to hit them hard.

Did you see what's going around? People are accusing the Arabs of fake news. I was saying that a month ago. I said, "they always show some guy who looks like he is a member of Hamas, rushing a baby out of a bombed building. But the baby just looks dirty. Not blown up. Show me a blown up baby"

That was just a hunch but I wouldn't be surprised if it's true.

I also saw the doctors denied that there were tunnels below the hospital. They lied. So they are on the side of Hamas.
That will be interesting if they flood the tunnels. Wow.

I was so happy this morning to hear hostages were freed.

I can't believe Hamas negotiated and is okay knowing that as soon as they have nothing to negotiate, Israel is going to hit them hard.

Did you see what's going around? People are accusing the Arabs of fake news. I was saying that a month ago. I said, "they always show some guy who looks like he is a member of Hamas, rushing a baby out of a bombed building. But the baby just looks dirty. Not blown up. Show me a blown up baby"

That was just a hunch but I wouldn't be surprised if it's true.

I also saw the doctors denied that there were tunnels below the hospital. They lied. So they are on the side of Hamas.
The evidence of the tunnels cannot be refuted. The number of dead Arabs in Gaza, however, can be refuted, and it is a sad sack that believes anything that Hamas says.
Perspectives to consider

Jewish Americans. Conservative Republicans in an election year saying Biden isn't supporting Israel enough
Arab American voters. Biden has to make the Jews happy without pissing off Arab Americans. He's failing right now. Arab Americans are mad at Biden

‘He Lost Our Votes’: How Biden’s Israel Policy Is Costing Him Dearly in This Critical Swing State​

Biden says there is “no possibility” of one being brokered, while in Congress, lawmakers on both sides of the aisle express overwhelming approval for Israel’s extensive military assault, which they see as an exercise of its right to defend itself. Recently, a cohort of Republicans introduced a bill to bar Palestinians from obtaining U.S. residency and revoke certain visas and asylum already awarded; and the House, including 22 Democrats, voted to censure Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), the sole Palestinian American member of Congress, for her remarks supporting the Palestinian cause, which many members saw as anti-Jewish.
Look at the bright side. With Palestinian supporters never again voting for Biden, he will lose in our next election & they will have Trump or some other republican to vote for.
Look at the bright side. With Palestinian supporters never again voting for Biden, he will lose in our next election & they will have Trump or some other republican to vote for.
Isn't that crazy? Don't they realize Trump/Republicans don't give a rats ass about the civilians in GAZA being killed?

Here's what I think. Just like we over reacted after 9-11, everyone is hot right now. So the Arab Americans say they aren't going to vote for Biden. I don't believe it. That's a threat. That's the power they have over the Democrats. And the Democrats must serve those constituents without alienating Jews. It's a fine line. How would Trump handle it? He'd say there are good people on both sides of this issue. Right?

Isn't that crazy? Don't they realize Trump/Republicans don't give a rats ass about the civilians in GAZA being killed?

Here's what I think. Just like we over reacted after 9-11, everyone is hot right now. So the Arab Americans say they aren't going to vote for Biden. I don't believe it. That's a threat. That's the power they have over the Democrats. And the Democrats must serve those constituents without alienating Jews. It's a fine line. How would Trump handle it? He'd say there are good people on both sides of this issue. Right?

You & your Pali friends & supporters just don't get it. Whether they would again vote for Biden or not over a republican, disgruntled democrats will vote republican next election making sure Biden will lose.
You & your Pali friends & supporters just don't get it. Whether they would again vote for Biden or not over a republican, disgruntled democrats will vote republican next election making sure Biden will lose.
Which disgruntled democrats are voting Trump next time?

What about all the old Trump supporters who are dead? Now add to that all the pro choice women voting for the first time. Have you not been paying attention to the last midterm and the last election 22 days ago where Ohio, Kentucky and Virginia went blue? Wake up.
You & your Pali friends & supporters just don't get it. Whether they would again vote for Biden or not over a republican, disgruntled democrats will vote republican next election making sure Biden will lose.
OMG, I did a search of all your posts for the last couple/few weeks. It's all GAZA GAZA GAZA. What are you are Republican Jew?
You & your Pali friends & supporters just don't get it. Whether they would again vote for Biden or not over a republican, disgruntled democrats will vote republican next election making sure Biden will lose.
Since Nov 21 all you have talked about is Israel. You must feel this is a winning issue for Republicans politically. You seem laser focused on this one issue. Maybe 7 different threads on the issue. Are you

Just Hate Arabs
Just a Republican playing politics with this

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