When This War Is Over - Palestine Will Be Free

You see, in the eyes of the Arab Palestinians, Israel doesn't abandon any land. On the contrary, it takes more and more with the time. In their eyes, what began as a number of scattered settlements turned into an occupational force driving them off of their native land with the clear intention of taking all of 'Palestine' from them.
Yes, that is what the Arab Palestinians see. It is also what many in the "West" see. We've all seen the fake series of maps with "Palestine" being eaten away over time. The problem is that many believe those fake maps, even when provided evidence proving otherwise.

Ironic, since in the quiet battle for Area C, Palestinians are winning, having managed to settle on 25% of that land, sometimes legally, sometimes illegally, while Israel has only expanded by 4% of that same land.

So the question, I guess, is how can we open Arab Palestinian eyes to self-governance and self-determination in Gaza, in Areas A and B, and their settlements in Area C? How can they be encouraged to take that opportunity and build something, instead of "river to the sea" chants that get them nowhere?

Also, having said that, I've been advocating for that for decades, but I don't know that it is possible anymore. Not after October 7. Which is why I brought up the population exchange.
But. You know when the shit really hits the fun? When the guys in sheets and sidelocks will want to establish their rules on the Al Aqsa place. Anything before that is just 'the local fights'.
Yes, this. As far as I am concerned, it is an egregious violation of human rights for the Jewish people not to be permitted to pray or worship at their own Holy site(s). It is also a violation of the peace treaty between Israel and Jordan. There is no reason for the Temple Mount not to be a shared holy site with people of all faiths worshipping together (that was the original idea, after all), or all faiths worshipping at least next to each other. Happens in Israel all the time. But the Muslims are a little sensitive (and by sensitive, I mean violent and murderous) in the you-are-trying-to-take-what-I've-rightfully-stolen sense. But upsetting the delicate status quo on the Temple Mount will certainly lead to a greater war. That is one of the reasons Palestinians keep using Al Aqsa as an excuse for violence - hoping it sparks the greater war. So far, Jordan with its "special role", and the rest of the Muslim world hasn't fallen for that nonsense.
That IMO - depends entirely onto the USA's willingness to support the Zionist policy - whilst facing to further lose their credibility towards the rest of the world.
Israel's greatest mistake was not just treating the Palestinians like their own Arab brothers did & still do.
its already here, and the next bomb will be somewhere in the US thanks to senile joe opening our borders.
And the same conspiracy nuts will turn it into a conspiracy about "them". They always talk about "they" without specifying who "they" are 😂
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Instead of using their money to better the lives of Palestinians, Hamas squandered it for a war effort to kill Israeli's. And now they pay the consequences & bitch about it.
Instead of using their money to better the lives of Palestinians, Hamas squandered it for a war effort to kill Israeli's. And now they pay the consequences & bitch about it.
Imagine how much better their lives would be if they simply "blessed Israel" by living PEACEFULLY " along side Israel and actually used the aid they received for the betterment of their people. Instead it was all squandered on plots to eliminate/curse Israel. Another prophecy of God fulfilled

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