When Trump goes to court, he will be found guilty

Either contribute or your ass is out of here, You have to contribute, and I won't let you high jack this thread, Got it ace.
Your ass is out of here. You have to contribute and I won't let you hijack this thread. Don't let these clowns' hi Jack your thread or fill the pages with I don't like you, you are dumb or stupid lies that mean nothing.

I'm still waiting for you to kick me out of this thread, as you said you were going to do more than three years ago.

I'm still there.

I'm beginning to suspect that you don't actually have any power to kick anyone out of any thread on this forum.
Oh. Well, now that you’ve posted in all caps, we can tell that you’re really serious.

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :rofl::rofl::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

You better watch it, or he'll kick you out of this thread, just like he kicked AzogtheDefiler and me out of this thread more than three years ago.

Comey testified not one vote was switched from Hillary to Trump due to Russian collusion.
The point wasn't 'switching votes' like you claim happened in 2020.
The point was Russian influence to sway voters to vote for trump, (or NOT Hilary) NOT the actual switching of votes after voting. Like you guys keep screaming happened, when you have ZERO evidence.

Did Russia influence voters?
That's the question.
Now, you certainly can say NO, but there is evidence of Russian influence, not changing of votes after the fact, but influence before voting.

Did the constant Benghazi hearings influence the voters?
Ask Kevin McCarthy.
Did Russian misinformation influence voters?
Of Course it did.
Not one prosecution in Muller was for colluding with Russians…..That’s a fact loser…
Here is another fact. Nobody in the history of the United States of America, has ever been charged with a Federal indictment of the crime of collusion, in our entire history. There is no Federal collusion statute in the US Penal Code, and never has been.
Total: 333 (members: 153, guests: 180)
Robots: 511

Wow, the bots are as thick as fleas on a Louisiana bayou junkyard dog today.
Your ass is out of here. You have to contribute and I won't let you hijack this thread. Don't let these clowns' hi Jack your thread or fill the pages with I don't like you, you are dumb or stupid lies that mean nothing.

You've done it now, BackAgain . You're out in the cornfield with everyone else jblunder has been owned by.

Yup the sky is falling and the one worlders are in charge and the TRI laterals are attacking, and the Masons are taking over the country. What a hoot.
Masons, do they have any power, or did they ever. I really dont know much about them.
Learn the difference between “civil” and “criminal” dummy.

wasn't the point of the conversation at all, Anger Issues.

Someone claimed that a jury would never find against Hump. But a jury already has.

If the evidence is clear enough, only the most fanatical Branch Trumpidian can ignore it.
wasn't the point of the conversation at all, Anger Issues.

Someone claimed that a jury would never find against Hump. But a jury already has.

In a Civil case, you fucking moron.
If the evidence is clear enough, only the most fanatical Branch Trumpidian can ignore it.
Whereas all you libtards advocate for a presumption of guilt, a guilty verdict and maybe then a trial. Lack of evidence be damned. Lack of a coherent prosecutorial legal theory be damned.
In a Civil case, you fucking moron.

Whereas all you libtards advocate for a presumption of guilt, a guilty verdict and maybe then a trial. Lack of evidence be damned. Lack of a coherent prosecutorial legal theory be damned.

Except the evidence is pretty clear on a number of fronts... which any reasonable person could see.

He had sex with Stormy Daniels.
He paid her to keep quiet about it.
He then lied about the payment by disguising it as "legal fees", which is a violation of the law.

Is it petty? I guess. So was going after Clinton for lying about a consensual affair with an intern.

When Trump goes to court, he will be found guilty​

Link? Proof? LIKE YOU WOULD THE FUCK KNOW. Who gives a flying crap what you think, JBender? But thanks for admitting the trial like your elections are all rigged like the J6 show trial with guilt determined well in advance. Whatever happens, Trump will appeal and be found innocent in a higher court outside of leftist worthless NYC. Trump will walk, but you'll STIll suck the Big One. You are after all just one big anti-American, seditionist horsecock donkeydick, aren't you?
Except the evidence is pretty clear on a number of fronts... which any reasonable person could see.

He had sex with Stormy Daniels.
Oh. You were there, eh?
He paid her to keep quiet about it.
Nope. His scumbag lawyer did. And there is no crime in asking some Ho to stfu via an nda even if it’s paid for.
He then lied about the payment by disguising it as "legal fees",
False. He maintains it was at least in part legal fees. What’s your alleged basis for knowing otherwise? Ah. Exactly. Nothing but your jaundiced speculation.
which is a violation of the law.
No it’s not. It is claimed to be under Therese alleged circumstances, but this theory of the case by Bragg is ridiculous.
Is it petty?
That’s all you’re capable of.
So was going after Clinton for lying about a consensual affair with an intern.
No. Perjury actually is a crime.
Link? Proof? LIKE YOU WOULD THE FUCK KNOW. Who gives a flying crap what you think, JBender? But thanks for admitting the trial like your elections are all rigged like the J6 show trial with guilt determined well in advance. Whatever happens, Trump will appeal and be found innocent in a higher court outside of leftist worthless NYC. Trump will walk, but you'll STIll suck the Big One. You are after all just one big anti-American, seditionist horsecock donkeydick, aren't you?

^ ^ ^ ^ ^


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