When was America Great?

Operation Wetback


Not subject to general immigration restrictions until 1965, Mexicans crossed into the United States at rates of about a million per year in the 1950s. This migration was largely unregulated and southwest agricultural interests depended on Mexican labor; however, national concerns regarding employment for returning soldiers and uncontrolled migration across the southern border inspired the Immigration Bureau to crack down on Mexican immigrants in the United States. Even as the bracero program continued to recruit temporary Mexican workers, the Immigration Bureau and Border Patrol led these military-style round ups, claiming to have deported one million Mexicans. Among those deported, included many U.S. citizens of Mexican descent.

I remember that. It was the genesis of Born in East LA.

Well . It's always been a piece of Eurotrash. They had a lil fight ??? 1776 or somethin... They sold their souls in 1913, Movie over.
BTW Jewkrianistan needs more money !
Get to work ! Joey needs your help !
We keep hearing that Trump is needed to Make America Great Again.

Ok. So when was America Great? Tell me the year that America was Great and why. I’m honestly curious as to what you’ll answer. Was it 1985 when Reagan was starting his second term with a 49 state landslide re-election? Was it earlier? Later?

Tell me what happened to end that greatness.
Why don't you move to Ukraine, you limp-wristed cuck? America was great when she declared independence from the tyrant, King George. She became great when she created the Constitution of the United States, which guaranteed men's rights under God. She became screwed with Marxists like fag-boy Obama and pedophile Joe, injected their cancerous ideology into American society.
We keep hearing that Trump is needed to Make America Great Again.

Ok. So when was America Great? Tell me the year that America was Great and why. I’m honestly curious as to what you’ll answer. Was it 1985 when Reagan was starting his second term with a 49 state landslide re-election? Was it earlier? Later?

Tell me what happened to end that greatness.

That was John Kerry's campaign slogan too. I'm not big on that slogan, but yet another leftist double standard. So you first, when was Kerry saying America was great and what ended that greatness? You don't know, do you, racist?
It was and it was also a commentary on Americans being sent to Mexico. Two birds with one stone.
I thought I remembered it was based on real events

"Marin read a story in the L.A. Times about a local kid who got caught in an immigration raid, and he didn’t speak English or Spanish that well. “I think there was some form of autistic spectrum going on,” says Marin, “and he was caught up, and he couldn’t explain himself, and they deported him to Tijuana although he was an American citizen. He was wandering around on the streets of Tijuana for over a month before he contacted anybody. Nobody told his parents where he was; he just disappeared one day.” “Born in the U.S.A.” was playing on the radio at the same time that Marin was reading the story. The idea for the song hit him “in a blinding flash,” he says.

We keep hearing that Trump is needed to Make America Great Again.

Ok. So when was America Great? Tell me the year that America was Great and why. I’m honestly curious as to what you’ll answer. Was it 1985 when Reagan was starting his second term with a 49 state landslide re-election? Was it earlier? Later?

Tell me what happened to end that greatness.
Get ready to piss your pink panties.

“When was America Great?”​

When it almost all white, when it was all heterosexual, when it was all Christian.

I know, I know….the data that proves this is racist…facts and truth are racist.

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That was John Kerry's campaign slogan too. I'm not big on that slogan, but yet another leftist double standard. So you first, when was Kerry saying America was great and what ended that greatness? You don't know, do you, racist?

Well I didn’t vote for Kerry so it obviously didn’t work on me.
Get ready to piss your pink panties.

“When was America Great?”​

When it almost all white, when it was all heterosexual, when it was all Christian.

I know, I know….the data that proves this is racist…facts and truth are racist.


So to make America Great again, we need to make it White again. Out of curiosity. What do you plan on doing to the Minorities? Those who aren’t White? Second question. What about religious minorities?
So to make America Great again, we need to make it White again. Out of curiosity. What do you plan on doing to the Minorities? Those who aren’t White? Second question. What about religious minorities?
There is no “Making America Great Again”…..we’re so FUCKED!
The left has begged far too many filthy, taxpayer dependent, illiterate bottom feeders to invade…they have too much power now.
Through these subhumans the left has taken Mexifornia, Loon York, NV, AZ, NM and much of Texas and Florida. Again, we’re fucked.
We will just migrate around the U.S. until all white areas can no longer be found….Then we’ll eventually migrate to an all white nation.

Did you piss yourself yet?

There is no “Making America Great Again”…..we’re so FUCKED!
The left has begged far too many filthy, taxpayer dependent, illiterate bottom feeders to invade…they have too much power now.
Through these subhumans the left has taken Mexifornia, Loon York, NV, AZ, NM and much of Texas and Florida. Again, we’re fucked.
We will just migrate around the U.S. until all white areas can no longer be found….Then we’ll eventually migrate to an all white nation.

Did you piss yourself yet?


It doesn’t scare me. But then again I’m reasonable and rational.

I’m not afraid of minorities. I’m not afraid of anyone.

A couple weeks ago I stopped at a store for some Cigarettes. As is my habit I scanned the people looking for any potential threats. A fellow had walked in right in front of me. He was driving a Nissan Truck. He was the only potential threat I saw.

There were two black guys. Both wearing trucker style Bluetooth headsets. The big ones that fit over one ear so they can hear over the noise of the diesel roar when they are accelerating. They didn’t scare me.

There was a black woman with two teenagers. She was in line buying some boxed food or another from the kitchen.

The guy in question was also white. But he was wearing a cheap sports coat and jeans. It was a hundred degrees and he was wearing a coat. He wasn’t a cop. Not even off duty.

He had angry hostile eyes. He had angry mannerisms. I made it a point to never turn my back on him.

The Blacks were harmless. They wouldn’t resort to violence unless they were attacked. The White guy was angry. Hostile. And almost certainly armed. I got my smokes and left.

I grew up in some tough neighborhoods as a kid. Minorities just don’t scare me. Even the thought of them becoming the majority doesn’t scare me. They’re people. Just like everyone else.
You were too young huh. So why would you have agreed with Kerry then? When would Kerry say we weren't great and what made us great again?

Actually I joined the Army in 1988. Reagan was President. Next was HW Bush. I ended up getting out while Clinton was President and the economy looked good for getting a Civilian career going.
Actually I joined the Army in 1988. Reagan was President. Next was HW Bush. I ended up getting out while Clinton was President and the economy looked good for getting a Civilian career going.

So why did you join the Army of a country you didn't consider great? When did we start being great again?

And again, I've never been a fan of that slogan. But I don't change my view like you do based on which party says it
It doesn’t scare me. But then again I’m reasonable and rational.

I’m not afraid of minorities. I’m not afraid of anyone.

A couple weeks ago I stopped at a store for some Cigarettes. As is my habit I scanned the people looking for any potential threats. A fellow had walked in right in front of me. He was driving a Nissan Truck. He was the only potential threat I saw.

There were two black guys. Both wearing trucker style Bluetooth headsets. The big ones that fit over one ear so they can hear over the noise of the diesel roar when they are accelerating. They didn’t scare me.

There was a black woman with two teenagers. She was in line buying some boxed food or another from the kitchen.

The guy in question was also white. But he was wearing a cheap sports coat and jeans. It was a hundred degrees and he was wearing a coat. He wasn’t a cop. Not even off duty.

He had angry hostile eyes. He had angry mannerisms. I made it a point to never turn my back on him.

The Blacks were harmless. They wouldn’t resort to violence unless they were attacked. The White guy was angry. Hostile. And almost certainly armed. I got my smokes and left.

I grew up in some tough neighborhoods as a kid. Minorities just don’t scare me. Even the thought of them becoming the majority doesn’t scare me. They’re people. Just like everyone else.
Super cool story….thanks for sharing.
Shit…we should probably let your story negate all the data and facts related to dark communities, cities, states and nations and their behavioral traits as we know them.
So why did you join the Army of a country you didn't consider great? When did we start being great again?

And again, I've never been a fan of that slogan. But I don't change my view like you do based on which party says it

Allow me to reiterate. I didn’t vote for Kerry. As for why I voted for Trump. That has more to do with Hillary.

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