When was America Great?

We keep hearing that Trump is needed to Make America Great Again.

Ok. So when was America Great? Tell me the year that America was Great and why. I’m honestly curious as to what you’ll answer. Was it 1985 when Reagan was starting his second term with a 49 state landslide re-election? Was it earlier? Later?

Tell me what happened to end that greatness.

It was great before you got here.
WWI, Great Depression, WW2. Yeah those were some really great years.
This is EXACTLY as to what made America great - whether you like it or not.

And WWI + the Great-depression (world depression) brought a huge influx of Western immigrants (who had to work like hell and cheap to make a living and start a new life in the USA) Thus additionally making the elitist circles even more prosperous.

The USA went down the drain in the late 60'ies to 80'ies (unnoticed) (or simply ignored) - when economic growth (GDP) wasn't factually created via work and products - but via government debts and encouraging/promoting private banking loans. The dumb Europeans followed this path in the 90'ies.

And this "fake" economic growth or "great life" led to a 'saturated", lazy and overconfident-complacent population - who stuffed and spoiled their kids - although themselves, turned charity into welfare, whilst allowing their kids freedom all the way - which in turn resulted into millions of Lefty&Lib's. Determined to form laws and regulations that allow them to live of other peoples money whilst eliminating the moral factor of "taking responsibility for own actions".

BTW - this is as to how all former great nations or Empires dug their own graves - it's called decadence of a society
From personal experience.
My boss at the time had a dress code. No pantyhose. Nylons and garters. No pants. Every morning the women in the office had grooming check. We all had to lift our skirts to the waist to show our garters.

On a job interview the man interviewing me asked if I was married when I answered yes he said "how serious are you about that?"

An attorney I was working for was having a terrible time getting a deal from opposing counsel. He told me to go out with this guy and entertain him. Get the concessions and I would get a bonus.

Same attorney was invited to THE party of the year. All very important people. He wanted me as his date. As it turned out I was horribly ill. He told me if I embarrassed him by making him go dateless, I'd be fired. I went. The party was in the game room. I was so sick I layed down on the living room sofa. The household Great Dane cuddled next to me. He showed teeth and growled every time my "date" came near. I had to call a cab in the morning to get home. I quit on Monday.

An attorney in the firm that I was working for lost a very important motion. He came back to the office, picked up a typewriter and threw it at his secretary.

After that I got my own law degree.
Was that typical of treatment of women back then?
Was that typical of treatment of women back then?
Fairly. Some women I knew worked for men that treated them like children. A pat on the head. Good girl. A pat on the ass. Nothing bad meant. Get me, coffee, take the car for a wash. Pick up my cleaning.

I ended up at a criminal defense firm. Two men, myself and another woman. She was very petite and very pretty. As a matter of principle she never took a civil case. Only criminal. One day we were having a major deposition with several attorneys. One of them stopped Trace and gave her $20.00 "Be a Hon and bring us some coffee and donuts". Flashing a brilliant smile, Trace went to one of the other lawyers, gives him the money and says "That guy over there wants you to get coffee and donuts."
America was great until LBJ got America trapped in Viet Nam. Then America slipped even further in 1979 when Jimmy Carter set up the Department of Education and allowed terrorists to take over Iran. Reagan made America great again for 8 years and Trump for four years. Other than that, it's been a shit story.
We keep hearing that Trump is needed to Make America Great Again.

Ok. So when was America Great? . . . .

When we freed all the Nazi Death Camp survivors.
When we Liberated Europe
When we rolled back the Japanese Empire from Pacific domination
When we went to the moon
When we created the first truly free nation in the history of man
When we raised the level of living for the average person from Medieval mud huts to abundant food, housing, transportation and more

Thats off the top of my head. I can come up with hundreds more.

How about you climb your sorry, pathetic retarded ass into a time machine, go back to a time before America existed, and see how you like it you pathetic POS. You would not survive a day without the comforts and conveniences that America has created and used to lift society to a higher standard of living. You make me sick to my stomach.
So I’m what ruined America for you? Ok. I guess you better fix that then.

No, you didn't ruin it for me, dumbass. Your type ruins everything you touch. You are all miserable people whose only purpose in life is to make other people as miserable as you.

You are severely screwed in the head.

Seek help.
We're number one in warring it up around the world, number one with massive military empire in almost every country, number one in pumping out porn around the world. Number two in abortions.

Is that greatness?

Our greatness pretty much ended after WW2 was over and the complacency set in.
No, you didn't ruin it for me, dumbass. Your type ruins everything you touch. You are all miserable people whose only purpose in life is to make other people as miserable as you.

You are severely screwed in the head.

Seek help.

My type? I’m an old Veteran who did nine years in the Army. I am a heavy equipment operator who has worked for the same company for more than two decades. I’m a fellow who voted for Trump in 2016 and sat out the election in 2020. I voted for Kemp in 22 and against Walker.

I have a concealed weapons license in Georgia. I support the rational interpretation of the Second Amendment. That would include licensed concealed carry. I support education for weapons carriers so they understand the laws they will answer for after a shooting. I encourage people to call attorneys before talking to police.
We're number one in warring it up around the world, number one with massive military empire in almost every country, number one in pumping out porn around the world. Number two in abortions.

Is that greatness?

Our greatness pretty much ended after WW2 was over and the complacency set in.

Interesting. Most here have pegged it to the 1950’s. You seem to ignore a lot since then. Complacency is another interesting accusation.
Interesting. Most here have pegged it to the 1950’s. You seem to ignore a lot since then. Complacency is another interesting accusation.

Since the 1950s, we have fallen. Nation building, abortions, empire, never ending wars, trillions in debt, can't figure out if you're a man or woman, pumping porn to the world etc. There's nothing great about any of that.
Since the 1950s, we have fallen. Nation building, abortions, empire, never ending wars, trillions in debt, can't figure out if you're a man or woman, pumping porn to the world etc. There's nothing great about any of that.

Well then you need to study some more history. Abortions have been around longer than the nation has existed. Wilson was interested, some may say consumed by building Mexico. When asked of his goals as one example, he said he was going to teach the Mexicans to elect good men.

The Spanish American War was really the end of the era of Empires. We never went anywhere near Spain, we just ran around seizing their Colonies by force and declaring them ours.

World War II was successful because we spent more money building the nations we had conquered rather than just leaving them in ruins.

Since that time Fiscal Conservatives have been more interested in going cheap. Half the reason we had so much trouble in Korea is the fact that our military was cut to the bone, and then they kept cutting through the bone. As one example. Brigades were reduced from three battalions or more, to two battalions. Nothing in reserve. The same was true of battalions and even Armies.

The total strength of the Marines was about One Division of the war that had ended just five years before. There had been six of those divisions during the Second World War. That’s why the first unit deployed was a “Provisional Marine Brigade” and the Army hadn’t been training. No money for it.

Fiscal Conservatives decided all we really needed was Atomic and Nuclear Bombs and some planes to deliver them. There was actually discussion about getting rid of the Marines. Why does the Navy need its own Army?
Well then you need to study some more history. Abortions have been around longer than the nation has existed. Wilson was interested, some may say consumed by building Mexico. When asked of his goals as one example, he said he was going to teach the Mexicans to elect good men.

The Spanish American War was really the end of the era of Empires. We never went anywhere near Spain, we just ran around seizing their Colonies by force and declaring them ours.

World War II was successful because we spent more money building the nations we had conquered rather than just leaving them in ruins.

Since that time Fiscal Conservatives have been more interested in going cheap. Half the reason we had so much trouble in Korea is the fact that our military was cut to the bone, and then they kept cutting through the bone. As one example. Brigades were reduced from three battalions or more, to two battalions. Nothing in reserve. The same was true of battalions and even Armies.

The total strength of the Marines was about One Division of the war that had ended just five years before. There had been six of those divisions during the Second World War. That’s why the first unit deployed was a “Provisional Marine Brigade” and the Army hadn’t been training. No money for it.

Fiscal Conservatives decided all we really needed was Atomic and Nuclear Bombs and some planes to deliver them. There was actually discussion about getting rid of the Marines. Why does the Navy need its own Army?

Talk about revisionist history. Truman was a democrat who dropped nuclear bombs on hiroshima and nagasaki.
Talk about revisionist history. Truman was a democrat who dropped nuclear bombs on hiroshima and nagasaki.

Yes he did. And he lost the election in 1952 because primarily propaganda. Republicans painted him as soft on Communism since he wouldn’t drop the Bomb on North Korea and fired MacArthur.

Utterly ignoring the fact that he sent Military Assistance into Greece to stop the Communists and pushed the Korean War through the UN.
Yes he did. And he lost the election in 1952 because primarily propaganda. Republicans painted him as soft on Communism since he wouldn’t drop the Bomb on North Korea and fired MacArthur.

Utterly ignoring the fact that he sent Military Assistance into Greece to stop the Communists and pushed the Korean War through the UN.

He didn't lose the election. He didn't run and that was because his domestic policy was horrid, price controls were implemented, there was high inflation, and joblessness was huge around the country.
A long long time ago.

Great Scott!
Astros clinch NL West with no-hitter

From about the time that asshole Jimmy Carter was president we began to slip.

It was because he opened up immigration to third world welfare queens and we started to get flooded with illegals.

Operation Wetback


Not subject to general immigration restrictions until 1965, Mexicans crossed into the United States at rates of about a million per year in the 1950s. This migration was largely unregulated and southwest agricultural interests depended on Mexican labor; however, national concerns regarding employment for returning soldiers and uncontrolled migration across the southern border inspired the Immigration Bureau to crack down on Mexican immigrants in the United States. Even as the bracero program continued to recruit temporary Mexican workers, the Immigration Bureau and Border Patrol led these military-style round ups, claiming to have deported one million Mexicans. Among those deported, included many U.S. citizens of Mexican descent.


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