When was America Great?

Between 1900 and 1950

In my humble opinion, and I'm no expert, those decades were the best for America.

No more.
Up until the Philadelphia coup of 1787.
We keep hearing that Trump is needed to Make America Great Again.

Ok. So when was America Great? Tell me the year that America was Great and why. I’m honestly curious as to what you’ll answer. Was it 1985 when Reagan was starting his second term with a 49 state landslide re-election? Was it earlier? Later?

Tell me what happened to end that greatness.
Post-World War II, the American age of prosperity. While other countries were dealing with slavery and brutality. We were prospering people of all colors were having success.

Also, you can see the 1940s when Germany were wiping out Jews sending them to extermination camps… Japan was attempting to take over Asia.

I think I’ve asked you this before you have an answered if you were alive during World War II would you have supported the Germans who were fighting against the allies?

Americans, Soviets, Chinese in British were fighting for freedom.

You go up to any American today who is working some shit hole job at McDonald’s or Walmart. Maybe they’re 18 years old right out of high school. You go back to the 1940s, 50s, 60s or 70s and that same man black or white was working at an auto or steel plant, making incredible money they were set for life. What a tough country we have today in many ways it’s a disgrace to the past.

The misery of today’s America, so many young men stuck on Instagram, staring at the computer all day, playing video games all day, living sexless lives. Women getting abortions all over the place. It’s a very disturbing site. Corporate America controlling our lives. Feeding us garbage jobs. it wasn’t like this in 1951.

Back in the good old days, we had it all… and we will get it back America will make a come back for sure. Because we are one of the ugliest countries in the world today.
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I’m actually serious. Our Military remains the most powerful in the world. We still spend more than the next ten nations combined. Our economy remains powerful.

So in military might we remain number one. In economics we are certainly dominant. While China appears to be catching up, that is a bit of an illusion. The best aircraft are built here. The F-35 is being sold do more than a dozen nations including many first world nations because it is better than anything they could produce domestically.

So what is it that we don’t have? What did we lose from when we were great?
From about the time that asshole Jimmy Carter was president we began to slip.

It was because he opened up immigration to third world welfare queens and we started to get flooded with illegals.

We got a little reprieve from Reagan but lost it with Slick Willy and Queer Barry. Trump turned things around but the Chinese unleashed their bio weapon to undermine him and it worked.

We have been sliding into becoming a Socialist shithole for some time now. Potatohead turning this country into a Banana Republic and stealing an election is doing tremendous structural damage to our country that will never be recovered.
From about the time that asshole Jimmy Carter was president we began to slip.

It was because he opened up immigration to third world welfare queens and we started to get flooded with illegals.

We got a little reprieve from Reagan but lost it with Slick Willy and Queer Barry. Trump turned things around but the Chinese unleashed their bio weapon to undermine him and it worked.

We have been sliding into becoming a Socialist shithole for some time now. Potatohead turning this country into a Banana Republic and stealing an election is doing tremendous structural damage to our country that will never be recovered.
Wow you arent biased in the slightest.
Post-World War II, the American age of prosperity. While other countries were dealing with slavery and brutality. We were prospering people of all colors were having success.

Also, you can see the 1940s when Germany were wiping out Jews sending them to extermination camps… Japan was attempting to take over Asia.

I think I’ve asked you this before you have an answered if you were alive during World War II would you have supported the Germans who were fighting against the allies?

Americans, Soviets, Chinese in British were fighting for freedom.

You go up to any American today who is working some shit hole job at McDonald’s or Walmart. Maybe they’re 18 years old right out of high school. You go back to the 1940s, 50s, 60s or 70s and that same man black or white was working at an auto or steel plant, making incredible money they were set for life. What a tough country we have today in many ways it’s a disgrace to the past.

The misery of today’s America, so many young men stuck on Instagram, staring at the computer all day, playing video games all day, living sexless lives. Women getting abortions all over the place. It’s a very disturbing site. Corporate America controlling our lives. Feeding us garbage jobs. it wasn’t like this in 1951.

Back in the good old days, we had it all… and we will get it back America will make a come back for sure. Because we are one of the ugliest countries in the world today.
You're absolutely absurd.
Every era was more progressive than the one before.
Yes, and this is a good thing, which most folks, including many conservative, have no problem with. The first progressive movement in America, came from Teddy's Bullmoose Party, as a way to short cut the socialists.

I was alarmed by the rise of, and popularity of Critical Theory, Critical Race Theory, 4th wave feminism, etc. in college. They started making segregated lounges, for women and minorities, this, to me, seemed to be antithetical to Enlightenment values, and everything it means to be America.

It was regressive. Little did I know, it would only get worse, so much worse, as I would go on to have a family later on, and as the decades would pass. We have only gone backwards since the nineties.

the last time an actual middle class existed

. . and this? I think both the left and right can agree on.
Americans have always known, the best way to stave off extremists, from the left and right, is a healthy middle class.

Extreme regulation, and government control, Big government, being controlled by big business, destroys entrepreneurship and the opportunity for labor, small farmers, and small businesses . . .

Our middle class is disappearing.

We should all be able to agree, that both political parties, are controlling the game, and there is no longer any room, for the voice of the people. The big corporate parties are being controlled by the big donors, the judges, the lawyers, the lobbyists and the courts.

How the American middle class has changed in the past five decades​



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I’m actually serious. Our Military remains the most powerful in the world. We still spend more than the next ten nations combined. Our economy remains powerful.

So in military might we remain number one. In economics we are certainly dominant. While China appears to be catching up, that is a bit of an illusion. The best aircraft are built here. The F-35 is being sold do more than a dozen nations including many first world nations because it is better than anything they could produce domestically.

So what is it that we don’t have? What did we lose from when we were great?
The 1980s, when you didn't have massive inflation, you still had normal shit like 2 sexes, patriotism, before NAFTA And the gutting of our blue collar jobs. Prior to that, the Eisenhower years.
We were great till globalism took hold and the politicians (both sides) allowed our manufacturing to go overseas while at the same time making people like Mitt Romney rich slicing-up the companies that remained and turn us into a service economy of low-paying and "iffy" jobs with few if any benefits.

Yep, a man could take a manufacturing job and stay with, rising through the company structure till retirement while raising a nuclear family at the same time while enjoying job security, decent pay, and benefits.

When his time was up he could retire with a decent pension. All that is gone and we are a lesser nation because of it.
I was a huge women's libber. I marched and protested. Barged my way into law school. Women were treated horribly in the workplace. Now, I'm sorry we did any of it. Women not only turned out to be not worth it, but squandered everything we gave them.

Women were treated horribly in the workplace.

I’m curious as to what regard? How were women in the workplace treated back then?
Is that your vision of the 1950s?

I think for the most part, yeah. I mean, every time period has bad things about it, but, my impression of that time period seems like there was a higher standard of morality.

Are you going to disagree? If you are, please at least give some feedback as to why, rather than just say “it sucks”
We keep hearing that Trump is needed to Make America Great Again.

Ok. So when was America Great? Tell me the year that America was Great and why. I’m honestly curious as to what you’ll answer. Was it 1985 when Reagan was starting his second term with a 49 state landslide re-election? Was it earlier? Later?

Tell me what happened to end that greatness.
I’d say the late 80’s early 90’s. It was pretty damn good right up to obie. Then it went to shit.
Post-World War II, the American age of prosperity. While other countries were dealing with slavery and brutality. We were prospering people of all colors were having success.

Also, you can see the 1940s when Germany were wiping out Jews sending them to extermination camps… Japan was attempting to take over Asia.

I think I’ve asked you this before you have an answered if you were alive during World War II would you have supported the Germans who were fighting against the allies?

Americans, Soviets, Chinese in British were fighting for freedom.

You go up to any American today who is working some shit hole job at McDonald’s or Walmart. Maybe they’re 18 years old right out of high school. You go back to the 1940s, 50s, 60s or 70s and that same man black or white was working at an auto or steel plant, making incredible money they were set for life. What a tough country we have today in many ways it’s a disgrace to the past.

The misery of today’s America, so many young men stuck on Instagram, staring at the computer all day, playing video games all day, living sexless lives. Women getting abortions all over the place. It’s a very disturbing site. Corporate America controlling our lives. Feeding us garbage jobs. it wasn’t like this in 1951.

Back in the good old days, we had it all… and we will get it back America will make a come back for sure. Because we are one of the ugliest countries in the world today.

First. The Soviets were not fighting for freedom. There wasn’t a dimes worth of difference between the Nazi’s and the Soviets. Second. I joined the Army and did nine years. So I think my willingness to fight for my country is established fact at this point.

Second. How did those workers get such good wages? It wasn’t from the kindness of the hearts of the owners. FDR and the Congress passed laws establishing Unions and making it illegal to do the Union busting tactics of the earlier days.
We keep hearing that Trump is needed to Make America Great Again.

Ok. So when was America Great? Tell me the year that America was Great and why. I’m honestly curious as to what you’ll answer. Was it 1985 when Reagan was starting his second term with a 49 state landslide re-election? Was it earlier? Later?

Tell me what happened to end that greatness.
Nov 22nd 1963, we became a banana republic with our right to freely elect our leaders taken from us thay day when the deep state took out the greatest president of the 20th century.Americans were inspired by a great hope fir a great future back then,thst all vanished thst fateful day when America became a banana republic that day and has been ever sense,it impacted and changed the world for the worst.
America was great before we outsourced all our jobs to third world countries.

America was great when politicians answered to the people.

America was great when a family could live on a single income.

America was great when we had charity...not welfare.

America was great before our cities looked like this...

Indeed.so very true.
I’m actually serious. Our Military remains the most powerful in the world. We still spend more than the next ten nations combined. Our economy remains powerful.

So in military might we remain number one. In economics we are certainly dominant. While China appears to be catching up, that is a bit of an illusion. The best aircraft are built here. The F-35 is being sold do more than a dozen nations including many first world nations because it is better than anything they could produce domestically.

So what is it that we don’t have? What did we lose from when we were great?
Yeah a military thst goes around starting wars with other countries and has coups installing dictaters.powerful at murdering innocent civilians,what a wonderful military.
I’m curious as to what regard? How were women in the workplace treated back then?
From personal experience.
My boss at the time had a dress code. No pantyhose. Nylons and garters. No pants. Every morning the women in the office had grooming check. We all had to lift our skirts to the waist to show our garters.

On a job interview the man interviewing me asked if I was married when I answered yes he said "how serious are you about that?"

An attorney I was working for was having a terrible time getting a deal from opposing counsel. He told me to go out with this guy and entertain him. Get the concessions and I would get a bonus.

Same attorney was invited to THE party of the year. All very important people. He wanted me as his date. As it turned out I was horribly ill. He told me if I embarrassed him by making him go dateless, I'd be fired. I went. The party was in the game room. I was so sick I layed down on the living room sofa. The household Great Dane cuddled next to me. He showed teeth and growled every time my "date" came near. I had to call a cab in the morning to get home. I quit on Monday.

An attorney in the firm that I was working for lost a very important motion. He came back to the office, picked up a typewriter and threw it at his secretary.

After that I got my own law degree.

I almost forgot one. A friend of mine went on an interview with a medical supply company. The office manager showed her around then gave her the talk. " Our home office is in Japan. We frequently have executives here. On our tour you might have noticed that every desk has an ash tray. Every ashtray is from a different hotel. Above all, our secretaries are agreeable. Can you be agreeable?"

My friend walked out. Not agreeable.
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