When was America Great?

I think it still is. Are there problems? Is there room for improvement?
Yes, of course. I am reminded of an old saying, "et Caesar pedit"
The greatness shows itself in the desire and ability to improve.
Are you retired?
Odd. They don’t show the Heroin, or the abuses that Americans including Veterans endured because they were black.

You can look at any time period and find atrocities, but overall, that time period “seemed” like a pretty good era.
We keep hearing that Trump is needed to Make America Great Again.

Ok. So when was America Great? Tell me the year that America was Great and why. I’m honestly curious as to what you’ll answer. Was it 1985 when Reagan was starting his second term with a 49 state landslide re-election? Was it earlier? Later?

Tell me what happened to end that greatness.

Probably the 1990's was the last time an actual middle class existed so I'll go with that. Just off the top of my head.
Ok, so if my view of that time period is inaccurate
We both can't know the accuracy of a decade we weren't born in. That's just stupid.
it still doesn’t change that what my vision of that time period is, would have been a great time
That wasn't under any debate, it's irrelevant, and I have no idea why you brought it up. :dunno:
You say my view is sanitized, then please, educate me on the REAL 1950’s
I already illustrated to you several times, I can't. Do you have some sort of reading comprehension problem? :dunno:
When the Russians beat us into space and had a better fighter in the Mig-15 than we had in the F-86.

When the Soviets had spies in every single division of the US Government.

Got it.
That had zero impact on Americans and it spurred JFK to push the American space program to achieve far beyond what anyone thought possible.
We both can't know the accuracy of a decade we weren't born in. That's just stupid.

That wasn't under any debate, it's irrelevant, and I have no idea why you brought it up. :dunno:

I already illustrated to you several times, I can't. Do you have some sort of reading comprehension problem? :dunno:

Ok, so if you can’t articulate why the 50’s were a bad time, then why say my “fantasy sucks”? You obviously have some sort of input, otherwise, why say that?
Now we see the real purpose of your thread. Low quality bait to get some material against which you can spew your anti-American rhetoric.

Actually. It is reality. I was reading one of those sites where they lamented the loss of America. They were always vague. After my playlist got to the song We Didn’t Start the Fire by Billy Joel I realized that everyone was romanticizing the history.

As an example of scandals and disasters of the 1950’s. Thalidomide. It was introduced in the late 1950’s and cause more than 10,000 birth defects.

Rock and Roll was opposed.

My point was and remains. Every era has had issues. And those issues were very serious to those who endured it. And something else to consider. Every era was more progressive than the one before.
Actually. It is reality. I was reading one of those sites where they lamented the loss of America. They were always vague. After my playlist got to the song We Didn’t Start the Fire by Billy Joel I realized that everyone was romanticizing the history.

As an example of scandals and disasters of the 1950’s. Thalidomide. It was introduced in the late 1950’s and cause more than 10,000 birth defects.

Rock and Roll was opposed.

My point was and remains. Every era has had issues. And those issues were very serious to those who endured it. And something else to consider. Every era was more progressive than the one before.
You stand fully exposed. I just called it very early.

You’re not original. You’re not clever.
Plus everyones definition and reasons for greatness is different. Hard question to answer.
Well, my idea of greatness is America being respected in the world, but also that people could live well, and make a good life, people had values and stood for something, kids would spend the day outside playing, hanging out with their friends…socializing. Morality was a thing and people stood up for what was right.

That’s my vision of a “great” america…more or less….
Actually. It is reality. I was reading one of those sites where they lamented the loss of America. They were always vague. After my playlist got to the song We Didn’t Start the Fire by Billy Joel I realized that everyone was romanticizing the history.

As an example of scandals and disasters of the 1950’s. Thalidomide. It was introduced in the late 1950’s and cause more than 10,000 birth defects.

Rock and Roll was opposed.

My point was and remains. Every era has had issues. And those issues were very serious to those who endured it. And something else to consider. Every era was more progressive than the one before.
Ok, but your question was to the forum “what is YOUR idea of what makes America great, that’s what people are doing….
We keep hearing that Trump is needed to Make America Great Again.

Ok. So when was America Great? Tell me the year that America was Great and why. I’m honestly curious as to what you’ll answer. Was it 1985 when Reagan was starting his second term with a 49 state landslide re-election? Was it earlier? Later?

Tell me what happened to end that greatness.
Slogan. Like hope/change.
Also, and again, I wasn’t there then, but it seemed like, even though the woman stayed home, men didn’t look down on them for it. Women were loved and revered by their husbands. A woman being a homemaker was respected, not scoffed at.

Again, not that I’m trying to suggest a woman’s place is in the home, but, it seemed like it was a highly regarded thing. Maybe women silently hated it? I don’t know. How did most women feel about the women’s lib movement?
I was a huge women's libber. I marched and protested. Barged my way into law school. Women were treated horribly in the workplace. Now, I'm sorry we did any of it. Women not only turned out to be not worth it, but squandered everything we gave them.
Well, my idea of greatness is America being respected in the world, but also that people could live well, and make a good life, people had values and stood for something, kids would spend the day outside playing, hanging out with their friends…socializing. Morality was a thing and people stood up for what was right.

That’s my vision of a “great” america…more or less….
Is that your vision of the 1950s?
That had zero impact on Americans and it spurred JFK to push the American space program to achieve far beyond what anyone thought possible.

It had a huge impact on America. The reality was shown with a little metal sphere going beep, beep, beep. The energy that it took to put that little sphere in orbit was equal to what it would take to deliver an atomic bomb to our cities.

That was a huge impact.

The space program also revealed how unreliable our missiles were. The Soviets knew that if we gave the order about 40% of the missiles would explode long before they got anywhere near the Soviet Union.

These were the rockets we were putting our warheads on. The same rockets. And they were not reliable.

NASA Engineers practically redesigned the entire system to make it reliable.

Those changes and improvements were in turn shared with the Air Force.

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