When was America Great?

Bingo. SavannahMann is so bothered by Republicans personal behavior, far more than he cares what Democrats do to his freedom
What freeeeeedim? Lemme guess - you're still pissed that the government asked you during a pandemic to look out for your fellow man and wear a mask?
What freeeeeedim? Lemme guess - you're still pissed that the government asked you during a pandemic to look out for your fellow man and wear a mask?

Um, yeah, that's it, Gomer. I'd be good but for that. Stupid sticks to you like drool to a baby
Um, yeah, that's it, Gomer. I'd be good but for that. Stupid sticks to you like drool to a baby
That was it for most conholes. They showed their entitlement ass during the worst of Covid
I support Nato but have no interest in defending them for free as you're apparently happy to do. Yes, you do need to list other things since that's the only thing you found to disagree that Biden is the threat to your freedom, not Trump. That while China and Russia have clearly compromised Biden

So much wrong in such a short sentence. Let’s start with compromised by Russia and China.

Biden has been far more aggressive in defending Taiwan than Trump was. Biden has been adamant that we would defend Taiwan. He even signaled a significant shift in our policy.

That angered China who almost immediately declared the entire Taiwan Straight was Chinese territory and ships would cross it at their own peril. Biden sent Naval vessels down that straight. Showing that we see it as international waters. If Biden was compromised by China he isn’t following directions very well.

Russia? Russia is fighting in Ukraine almost a year and a half after their attack. This has dragged on much longer than anyone including me thought it would. This is due in no small part by the dedication of Biden to provide Ukraine with the weapons and materials they need to keep fighting for their survival.

Biden refuses to participate in the demands of both China and Russia to withdraw support and force Ukraine to accept the inevitable.

If China and Russia did bribe Biden they should demand their money back because they ain’t getting anything for their money.

North Korea is now sending weapons to Russia to help them continue the fight.

That is a serious sign of desperation.

By Comparison Trump was issuing orders in his last days to cut troops in Germany by more than half. That would make it a lot easier on Putin to invade our friends there.

And as far as NATO goes. Let’s say we are friends. You ask me to use my truck and trailer to help you move. I agree. I spend the day making trips and at the end of the day you give me some Pizza and some beer. Not worth the gas I burned. Not payment for the hours I spent helping you move. Nor of the lost day.

But it is what friends do to help one another. It isn’t about getting reasonable pay. It’s about helping out a friend. To quote FDR badly. If your neighbors barn is on fire and he asks to borrow your hose you don’t argue over the price of the hose.

Morocco has gotten a lot of offers of help. But they won’t accept it because they want to be pure and proud. So many thousands are dying because Morocco is too proud to accept help. We offered. Many nations offered. And Morocco didn’t say no exactly. They said we’ll get back to you.

Now. I have to wonder. Maybe you’ll answer. But I doubt it. Did you know that Biden had pledged our support to Taiwan no less than three times since taking office? Did you know about all the weapons being sent to Ukraine? If you did know how do you still parrot the obviously false talking point about Biden being compromised by Russia and China? If you didn’t know how can you still think the propaganda sites you are visiting and getting your news from are telling you the truth?
February 22, 1980

So much wrong in such a short sentence. Let’s start with compromised by Russia and China.

Biden has been far more aggressive in defending Taiwan than Trump was. Biden has been adamant that we would defend Taiwan. He even signaled a significant shift in our policy.

That angered China who almost immediately declared the entire Taiwan Straight was Chinese territory and ships would cross it at their own peril. Biden sent Naval vessels down that straight. Showing that we see it as international waters. If Biden was compromised by China he isn’t following directions very well.

Russia? Russia is fighting in Ukraine almost a year and a half after their attack. This has dragged on much longer than anyone including me thought it would. This is due in no small part by the dedication of Biden to provide Ukraine with the weapons and materials they need to keep fighting for their survival.

Biden refuses to participate in the demands of both China and Russia to withdraw support and force Ukraine to accept the inevitable.

If China and Russia did bribe Biden they should demand their money back because they ain’t getting anything for their money.

North Korea is now sending weapons to Russia to help them continue the fight.

That is a serious sign of desperation.

By Comparison Trump was issuing orders in his last days to cut troops in Germany by more than half. That would make it a lot easier on Putin to invade our friends there.

And as far as NATO goes. Let’s say we are friends. You ask me to use my truck and trailer to help you move. I agree. I spend the day making trips and at the end of the day you give me some Pizza and some beer. Not worth the gas I burned. Not payment for the hours I spent helping you move. Nor of the lost day.

But it is what friends do to help one another. It isn’t about getting reasonable pay. It’s about helping out a friend. To quote FDR badly. If your neighbors barn is on fire and he asks to borrow your hose you don’t argue over the price of the hose.

Morocco has gotten a lot of offers of help. But they won’t accept it because they want to be pure and proud. So many thousands are dying because Morocco is too proud to accept help. We offered. Many nations offered. And Morocco didn’t say no exactly. They said we’ll get back to you.

Now. I have to wonder. Maybe you’ll answer. But I doubt it. Did you know that Biden had pledged our support to Taiwan no less than three times since taking office? Did you know about all the weapons being sent to Ukraine? If you did know how do you still parrot the obviously false talking point about Biden being compromised by Russia and China? If you didn’t know how can you still think the propaganda sites you are visiting and getting your news from are telling you the truth?

What a bunch of blather. Biden is obviously under China's control, most everything else is minor compared to that. That is a real problem. They clearly have something on him. You're pro-American and pro-defense and you don't know that? Bull, you're lying about one or the other
America was great up until it lost its overwhelmingly majority monoculture government, culture, and society.
Once "diversity" and "multiculturalism" got a toehold, it's been heading to the gutter that it is now.

The demonic Hart/Cellar Act, was the turning point, and our downfall. In addition of course, the lack of any decent birthrate by European/Americans has greatly accelerated the fall.
I should also add, that Johnson's 'Great Society' programs has helped destroy the nuclear family, thus creating a few generations now of fatherless ferals roaming the streets, engaging in criminal activity.
What a bunch of blather. Biden is obviously under China's control, most everything else is minor compared to that. That is a real problem. They clearly have something on him. You're pro-American and pro-defense and you don't know that? Bull, you're lying about one or the other

Ok. Why did China blow off the G-20?
Sounds like as soon as the gays came out of the closet, your family was destroyed.

Mine wasn't.
Oh good for you, neither was mine, my children understand biology, but it is only part of the issue for the decline of the family.
They were two steaming piles of shit, but only one of those steaming piles of shit was a threat to your freedom. You're pretty weak minded you were wrapped up in who you personally like
he thinks with his party rather than his pocket book, family and friends.
  • Thanks
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When you figure out who's side you're on, let me know

I’m on the side of America. It’s why I joined the Army. I recognized that America had some flaws, and many things that needed to be addressed, but it was home and it was the best around.

That does not mean I swallow any propaganda shoveled my way. If someone says Biden is compromised or controlled by China I go looking for independent verification. I can’t find any.

Biden has pissed off China royally three times. Majorly pissed them off the third time. Let me explain.

China considers Taiwan a breakaway province. The Chinese position is that Taiwan is really part of China and not independent. This has been the semi official policy of America, in that we have toned back our position that Taiwan is independent from thirty years ago.

We had a treaty with Taiwan to come to their side if they were attacked. In the interest of better relations we canceled it officially and maintained that position unofficially since that time. We sell Taiwan weapons and planes as one example.

We almost always have a ship from our navy there. The idea is that if China attacks the ship will start fighting. We usually have a Carrier within a couple days sailing if being in range. We have a several home ported in Japan as one example.

But we have not mentioned Taiwanese independence in decades. We have maintained the official fiction that Taiwan is and isn’t independent.

Biden’s speech where he answered the reporters question about Taiwan independence was a watershed moment. It means that we are closer to recognizing Taiwan as an independent nation if they declare it. Which they have not done in decades.

This move pushes us closer to war with China. It is a slap in the face to China. And that is why Xi didn’t go to the G-20 meeting. It would have been intolerable to sit for pictures with someone who had just kneecapped Chinese policy like that.

Now. I don’t like Biden. I’ve said more times than I can count that I refused to vote in 2020 because I refused to pretend that one steaming pile of shit was in any way preferable to the other one.

I disagree with Biden on several issues. I’d like to see him push harder on Veterans Benefits but I know it isn’t in the cards. It never is. I’d like to see him working more towards real reform of the Criminal Justice System. I am interested in a number of issues I’d like someone to pay attention to.

But I won’t gin up lies and I won’t base my positions on those lies told by others. I have no issue with Biden on foreign policy. His support of Ukraine is exactly what I think is needed. His position on Taiwan is right IMO. I even approve of him offering assistance to Morocco. I’ve heard that we might be transferring some nuclear warheads back to our bases in England. I think that is a wise precaution given Russia’s mad military actions of late.

That is why you guys tell so many lies. Other than Border Security and Fentanyl Biden’s policies are generally speaking in line with public opinion polls.
I’m on the side of America. It’s why I joined the Army. I recognized that America had some flaws, and many things that needed to be addressed, but it was home and it was the best around.

That does not mean I swallow any propaganda shoveled my way. If someone says Biden is compromised or controlled by China I go looking for independent verification. I can’t find any.

Biden has pissed off China royally three times. Majorly pissed them off the third time. Let me explain.

China considers Taiwan a breakaway province. The Chinese position is that Taiwan is really part of China and not independent. This has been the semi official policy of America, in that we have toned back our position that Taiwan is independent from thirty years ago.

We had a treaty with Taiwan to come to their side if they were attacked. In the interest of better relations we canceled it officially and maintained that position unofficially since that time. We sell Taiwan weapons and planes as one example.

We almost always have a ship from our navy there. The idea is that if China attacks the ship will start fighting. We usually have a Carrier within a couple days sailing if being in range. We have a several home ported in Japan as one example.

But we have not mentioned Taiwanese independence in decades. We have maintained the official fiction that Taiwan is and isn’t independent.

Biden’s speech where he answered the reporters question about Taiwan independence was a watershed moment. It means that we are closer to recognizing Taiwan as an independent nation if they declare it. Which they have not done in decades.

This move pushes us closer to war with China. It is a slap in the face to China. And that is why Xi didn’t go to the G-20 meeting. It would have been intolerable to sit for pictures with someone who had just kneecapped Chinese policy like that.

Now. I don’t like Biden. I’ve said more times than I can count that I refused to vote in 2020 because I refused to pretend that one steaming pile of shit was in any way preferable to the other one.

I disagree with Biden on several issues. I’d like to see him push harder on Veterans Benefits but I know it isn’t in the cards. It never is. I’d like to see him working more towards real reform of the Criminal Justice System. I am interested in a number of issues I’d like someone to pay attention to.

But I won’t gin up lies and I won’t base my positions on those lies told by others. I have no issue with Biden on foreign policy. His support of Ukraine is exactly what I think is needed. His position on Taiwan is right IMO. I even approve of him offering assistance to Morocco. I’ve heard that we might be transferring some nuclear warheads back to our bases in England. I think that is a wise precaution given Russia’s mad military actions of late.

That is why you guys tell so many lies. Other than Border Security and Fentanyl Biden’s policies are generally speaking in line with public opinion polls.

If you love America, then the Republicans suck but they aren't the direct threat to your freedom that the open border Democrats are. Democrats turning over our southern border to Mexican cartels doesn't do it for you, Military Man? Prosecuting crime victims not criminals isn't your concern. Slave, drug and sex trafficking isn't enough to actively oppose, huh? Gay porn for six year olds is just a judgement call to you. Parents have to give up control of their kids to government. Another problem that isn't, to you .....

Democrats are going for it. But you don't know what I'm talking about, that's my point. I'm not making you pick sides, they are. You missed that too. If you don't start caring about your freedom pretty soon, there will be nothing left to protect
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If you love America, then the Republicans suck but they aren't the direct threat to your freedom that the open border Democrats are. Democrats turning over our southern border to Mexican cartels doesn't do it for you, Military Man? Prosecuting crime victims not criminals isn't your concern. Slave, drug and sex trafficking isn't enough to actively oppose, huh? Gay porn for six year olds is just a judgement call to you. Parents have to give up control of their kids to government. Another problem that isn't, to you .....

Democrats are going for it. But you don't know what I'm talking about, that's my point. I'm not making you pick sides, they are. You missed that too. If you don't start caring about your freedom pretty soon, there will be nothing left to protect


Fake news? Exactly, your morality is fluid. That's my point. When you figure out what side you're on, let me know

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