When was America Great?

Oh good for you, neither was mine, my children understand biology, but it is only part of the issue for the decline of the family.


People have been whining about the 'decline of the family' since their were families.

Being aware of, and not persecuting people who do not choose to live a 'traditional family life' does not in anyway cause anyone who wants a 'Traditional Family' from having one. Nothing is declining except ignorance.
If you love America, then the Republicans suck but they aren't the direct threat to your freedom that the open border Democrats are. Democrats turning over our southern border to Mexican cartels doesn't do it for you, Military Man? Prosecuting crime victims not criminals isn't your concern. Slave, drug and sex trafficking isn't enough to actively oppose, huh? Gay porn for six year olds is just a judgement call to you. Parents have to give up control of their kids to government. Another problem that isn't, to you .....

Democrats are going for it. But you don't know what I'm talking about, that's my point. I'm not making you pick sides, they are. You missed that too. If you don't start caring about your freedom pretty soon, there will be nothing left to protect

The Propaganda runs strong in you.

Border Patrol actions under Biden have been double what they were under Trump. Double.

So if Biden is slacking and Trump did half as much at his highest, what does that mean for the Republicans?

Oh yeah. They want to start a war with Mexico.

I am more likely to take advice from and let the Experts who are educated and trained to do something, than some internet douchebag who just rants and races.

The only people restricting rights are Republicans. They restricted abortion within the States they control. They are now working to charge as criminals those who are willing to help women travel to other states to get an abortion. So who is a threat to my freedom? Oh I know. The propaganda spewing RW.

It is obvious I kicked your ass on Foreign Policy. You couldn’t debate it because all you have is talking points. So you double down on the propaganda.

Deportations are up. But you wouldn’t know that to listen to Republicans.

I told you. I look for confirmation before I believe.

And the rest is equally hype. Smoke from burning bullshit.

If that is all you have quit now. You are already thoroughly discredited.
The Propaganda runs strong in you.

Border Patrol actions under Biden have been double what they were under Trump. Double.

Note you said I say propaganda, then you call Biden writing down their names and giving them a trial date in a decade an "action" and then equate it with deportation. That's some funny shit, Military Man.

Go to downtown San Francisco and tell me it's "the same."

You were never in the military, were you? Be honest for once
It doesn’t scare me. But then again I’m reasonable and rational.

I’m not afraid of minorities. I’m not afraid of anyone.

A couple weeks ago I stopped at a store for some Cigarettes. As is my habit I scanned the people looking for any potential threats. A fellow had walked in right in front of me. He was driving a Nissan Truck. He was the only potential threat I saw.

There were two black guys. Both wearing trucker style Bluetooth headsets. The big ones that fit over one ear so they can hear over the noise of the diesel roar when they are accelerating. They didn’t scare me.

There was a black woman with two teenagers. She was in line buying some boxed food or another from the kitchen.

The guy in question was also white. But he was wearing a cheap sports coat and jeans. It was a hundred degrees and he was wearing a coat. He wasn’t a cop. Not even off duty.

He had angry hostile eyes. He had angry mannerisms. I made it a point to never turn my back on him.

The Blacks were harmless. They wouldn’t resort to violence unless they were attacked. The White guy was angry. Hostile. And almost certainly armed. I got my smokes and left.

I grew up in some tough neighborhoods as a kid. Minorities just don’t scare me. Even the thought of them becoming the majority doesn’t scare me. They’re people. Just like everyone else.
Not wanting wanton illegal immigration isn't being afraid of minorities
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People have been whining about the 'decline of the family' since their were families.

Being aware of, and not persecuting people who do not choose to live a 'traditional family life' does not in anyway cause anyone who wants a 'Traditional Family' from having one. Nothing is declining except ignorance.
What are you talking about, who mentioned persecuting non traditional families, who mentioned gays as in your other post, my point is traditional familes are decling thanks to the lack of morality and that morals are in delcine. There is an absolute disreseprect for peoples elders, and those in authority.
What are you talking about, who mentioned persecuting non traditional families, who mentioned gays as in your other post, my point is traditional familes are decling thanks to the lack of morality and that morals are in delcine. There is an absolute disreseprect for peoples elders, and those in authority.

Richard-H is heroically protecting people no one is doing anything to
We keep hearing that Trump is needed to Make America Great Again.

Ok. So when was America Great? Tell me the year that America was Great and why. I’m honestly curious as to what you’ll answer. Was it 1985 when Reagan was starting his second term with a 49 state landslide re-election? Was it earlier? Later?

Tell me what happened to end that greatness.

There is no "time or year America was great". But America used to be great before a lot of things had changed.

When the vast majority of Americans had American values, morals, standards, and pride.

When politicians on the whole, even democrats, put America first and even dumb ideas still had the intention of doing what was best for America.

Before we let foriengers come to america that don't speak our language, don't conform to American society and customs, and so on. Immigration is fine, but you should have to conform to the society you want to be a part of.

Before we started raising generations of weak willed, soft, pussy ass bitches for kids. Before we started catering to their every emotional desire, telling them they are all special, telling them they deserve everything and so on.

Before we let dopeheads, crazy people and criminals run free and in a lot of cases encourage them.

There is too much to list but the point is America has never been perfect, ever. No country is perfect but pretty much in every single way America was a lot better off across the board 20 years ago and backwards than it is now.

America as a societies last good decade was the 1990s. 2010s were ok but many this one is pretty shitty
1945 to 1963 was the Golden Era of America's White Working Class. When white blue collar workers were discharged from the military they came home to wives and girl friends who had been untouched by allies and enemies. The economy began to grow because the Second World War destroyed the factories of our trade rivals, while leaving ours intact.

The Immigration Reform Act of 1924 restricted immigration. Those entering the job market had been born when the birth rate was low.

American manufacturers enjoyed buyers' markets for natural resources, and sellers' markets for what they produced. They had to compete for employees, but they could afford to be generous with pay checks and benefits. In addition, the economic reforms of the New Deal of the Roosevelt Administration during the 1930's directed much of the economic growth to white blue collar workers.

In 1945, and for a long time afterwards the average house cost twice the average year's wages.

All of this began to change in 1964. The black ghetto riots that began that year threatened white working class neighborhoods, which were often next to effected black neighborhoods. Efforts to achieve equal rights for Negroes and women meant that white blue collar workers had to compete with blacks and women for jobs. The Immigration Reform Act of 1965 had the opposite effect of the Immigration Reform Act of 1924, and opened America to high rates of immigration. Immigrants competed with white blue collar workers for jobs.

By the inflationary recession of 1974 baby boomers were joining the job market, depressing wages. To an extent the United States never recovered from the recession of 1974. There are higher rewards at the top, but there are fewer of those rewards. The U.S. economy has become less forgiving of bad luck, bad decisions, and failure.

Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump appealed to nostalgia for the time from 1945 to 1963. Nevertheless, neither wanted to restore the high taxes for rich people and corporations that existed back then. Neither wanted to restore strong labor unions. Those also benefited white blue collar workers.
When mindless media-brainwashed internet dwelling dipshits didn't sport Ukrainian flags on their ugly avatars.

Well.....it was at least greater.
Note you said I say propaganda, then you call Biden writing down their names and giving them a trial date in a decade an "action" and then equate it with deportation. That's some funny shit, Military Man.

Go to downtown San Francisco and tell me it's "the same."

You were never in the military, were you? Be honest for once

No I didn’t. I differentiated. Deportations are also up as well as actions. In every category the Border Patrol is more active than before.
No I didn’t. I differentiated. Deportations are also up as well as actions. In every category the Border Patrol is more active than before.

You're just a joke. You weren't in the military, that was a lie.. I wasn't either but I come from a military family. On the good side, you finally answered what side you're on. Unfortunately you're on the side of evil
Note you said I say propaganda, then you call Biden writing down their names and giving them a trial date in a decade an "action" and then equate it with deportation. That's some funny shit, Military Man.

You were never in the military, were you? Be honest for once

I was a 12B2P assigned to the 307th Engineer Battalion, 82nd Airborne. Our Barracks were located at the end of Yadkin Extension. I would do my drinking with buddies at John J’s. A bar outside of Pope AFB. They were separate back then. I would find suddenly single wives with out of town husbands st a bar called the Sugar Shack. I would occasionally drink in Hey Street. But I usually went to other strip clubs back in those days.

I’d get some stuff at the Drop Zone surplus or General Jackson’s.

I was injured on a jump into Fort Stewart in a mass exeval.

I was the squad driver of a Hummer during Desert Shield/Storm. I was also the gunner for the M-67 90MM Recoilless Rifle. After I passed the Hummer to another and trained him up I was sent to the Machine Gunners Development Course for two weeks. I attended Sapper School at Fort Leonard Wood, where I also did Basic and AIT as an OSUT.

I was promoted to Sergeant E-5 after I had reenlisted but before I had headed out to be reclassified due to some problems with that jump Injury I mentioned above.

After 9 years it was obvious my physical condition wasn’t improving and I declined to reenlist again. Instead taking an early out to free up a slot for someone else to get promoted.

I got my Honorable Discharge in July 1997 and started getting a small amount of money from the VA in appreciation of my sacrifice.

I did two turns as a training aide at Robin Sage. The final exam for Green Beret trainees. We played the part of the indigenous locals who were to be trained and organized by the Special Forces team under direction of the instructors.

I attended Jungle Warfare School at Fort Sherman Panama. After they eliminated the award but before they shut down the school.

I got very drunk off of some green concoction they were serving at a bar in Panama City when we had a 24 hour pass to go to town.

I had surgery performed at Fort Gordon in Georgia when a broken bone didn’t heal properly which happened while in training at Fort Stewart.

I tried out for the 82nd Airborne Pistol team. I was instructed by a man who shot a Possible. For those who don’t know. Fifty rounds with ten point maximum per round at fifty yards. The instructor had put all fifty rounds in the ten ring. Thus earning the maximum possible score of 500 in a competition.

We fired the M-9 Beretta pistols. I was also qualified on the M-16A1 and A2. The A-1 was used in basic. The Division had A2’s. I shot expert with Pistol and Rifle. I never got 40 out of 40, my best being 39 out of 40 at the rifle range. I also qualified on the M-60 Machine gun, which was like much of the equipment of the era retired since that time.

I learned how to operate the PRC-77 and 126 radios. They were replaced by SINGARS while I was at Fort Bragg.

I jumped out of aircraft 26 times. 25 successful landings. They included C-130, C-141, UH-1, and CH-47 aircraft. I never jumped from a Blackhawk, but did ride in them from time to time. I even got a ride in an H-65 Coast Guard helicopter once. Those are a lot smaller inside than you would think.

I did a cycle at NTC at Fort Irwin. We started a cycle at JRTC at Fort Chaffee Arkansas.

What is funny is that friends of mine from our sister unit, the 37th Engineers died. They died serving in the forces that protected your right to Free Speech. A right that you use to call Veterans Traitors who don’t agree with your political ideals.

You are welcome. You have the right to use and abuse that Freedom because others stood up and swore to protect and defend the Constitution. Now here is the really funny thing. I’m not angry at you or anyone like you. I always think the same thing when I read some nonsense from folks like you. God Bless the United States of America.

I want this joke to be true about America forever. I never want it to change.

I remember Reagan. I remember him speaking many times. I remember his address when Challenger blew up. I remember the news running with his joke about age at the debates.
You're just a joke. You weren't in the military, that was a lie.. I wasn't either but I come from a military family. On the good side, you finally answered what side you're on. Unfortunately you're on the side of evil

I knew you weren’t in. You are too impatient. I was typing a long reply. You need to learn patience. You need to learn the joys of anticipation. Any women with you will appreciate your ability to be patient and attentive. Assuming any ever do get with you.

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