When was America Great?

I was a 12B2P assigned to the 307th Engineer Battalion, 82nd Airborne. Our Barracks were located at the end of Yadkin Extension. I would do my drinking with buddies at John J’s. A bar outside of Pope AFB. They were separate back then. I would find suddenly single wives with out of town husbands st a bar called the Sugar Shack. I would occasionally drink in Hey Street. But I usually went to other strip clubs back in those days.

I’d get some stuff at the Drop Zone surplus or General Jackson’s.

I was injured on a jump into Fort Stewart in a mass exeval.

I was the squad driver of a Hummer during Desert Shield/Storm. I was also the gunner for the M-67 90MM Recoilless Rifle. After I passed the Hummer to another and trained him up I was sent to the Machine Gunners Development Course for two weeks. I attended Sapper School at Fort Leonard Wood, where I also did Basic and AIT as an OSUT.

I was promoted to Sergeant E-5 after I had reenlisted but before I had headed out to be reclassified due to some problems with that jump Injury I mentioned above.

After 9 years it was obvious my physical condition wasn’t improving and I declined to reenlist again. Instead taking an early out to free up a slot for someone else to get promoted.

I got my Honorable Discharge in July 1997 and started getting a small amount of money from the VA in appreciation of my sacrifice.

I did two turns as a training aide at Robin Sage. The final exam for Green Beret trainees. We played the part of the indigenous locals who were to be trained and organized by the Special Forces team under direction of the instructors.

I attended Jungle Warfare School at Fort Sherman Panama. After they eliminated the award but before they shut down the school.

I got very drunk off of some green concoction they were serving at a bar in Panama City when we had a 24 hour pass to go to town.

I had surgery performed at Fort Gordon in Georgia when a broken bone didn’t heal properly which happened while in training at Fort Stewart.

I tried out for the 82nd Airborne Pistol team. I was instructed by a man who shot a Possible. For those who don’t know. Fifty rounds with ten point maximum per round at fifty yards. The instructor had put all fifty rounds in the ten ring. Thus earning the maximum possible score of 500 in a competition.

We fired the M-9 Beretta pistols. I was also qualified on the M-16A1 and A2. The A-1 was used in basic. The Division had A2’s. I shot expert with Pistol and Rifle. I never got 40 out of 40, my best being 39 out of 40 at the rifle range. I also qualified on the M-60 Machine gun, which was like much of the equipment of the era retired since that time.

I learned how to operate the PRC-77 and 126 radios. They were replaced by SINGARS while I was at Fort Bragg.

I jumped out of aircraft 26 times. 25 successful landings. They included C-130, C-141, UH-1, and CH-47 aircraft. I never jumped from a Blackhawk, but did ride in them from time to time. I even got a ride in an H-65 Coast Guard helicopter once. Those are a lot smaller inside than you would think.

I did a cycle at NTC at Fort Irwin. We started a cycle at JRTC at Fort Chaffee Arkansas.

What is funny is that friends of mine from our sister unit, the 37th Engineers died. They died serving in the forces that protected your right to Free Speech. A right that you use to call Veterans Traitors who don’t agree with your political ideals.

You are welcome. You have the right to use and abuse that Freedom because others stood up and swore to protect and defend the Constitution. Now here is the really funny thing. I’m not angry at you or anyone like you. I always think the same thing when I read some nonsense from folks like you. God Bless the United States of America.

I want this joke to be true about America forever. I never want it to change.

I remember Reagan. I remember him speaking many times. I remember his address when Challenger blew up. I remember the news running with his joke about age at the debates.

It sounds like you started out with a mission. When did you lose your way?
We keep hearing that Trump is needed to Make America Great Again.

Ok. So when was America Great? Tell me the year that America was Great and why. I’m honestly curious as to what you’ll answer. Was it 1985 when Reagan was starting his second term with a 49 state landslide re-election? Was it earlier? Later?

Tell me what happened to end that greatness.
It all depends on your gender, race, and sexual orientation.

If you were a white heterosexual male, America has always been great.

If you were a female, or gay, or black, America was never great until about the 1980s. Even so, there are structural holdovers from the past which still deny an equal footing for all.

If you are a trannie, America is faaaaaaaaaa-bu-lous!
I knew you weren’t in. You are too impatient. I was typing a long reply. You need to learn patience. You need to learn the joys of anticipation. Any women with you will appreciate your ability to be patient and attentive. Assuming any ever do get with you.

I have always said I wasn't in the military because I would have been an insubordination charge waiting to happen. You're telling me nothing. My brother and cousin were perfect fits. Fortunately we were all three smart enough to make the right choice on joining the military. They did, I didn't. I have others, they are just the closest.

You do not sound like a military man, you're too milquetoast for the job and you have a weak sense of morality
It sounds like you started out with a mission. When did you lose your way?

I supported a woman’s right to Abortion when I enlisted. I supported equal rights. I signed petitions to get AIDS the attention and research funding it needed. A friend from High School, her brother died from AIDS.

I don’t do drugs. I’m allergic to Marijuana. I drink, and have longer than I was legally able to. I’m subject to urinalysis at work at any time. I’ve passed every time for more than two decades. I passed every time in the Military.

I’ve supported equal rights all my life. My Confirmation Sponsor in the Catholic Church was a first generation American of Hispanic origins. He remains one of the finest men I’ve ever had the pleasure to know. He’s dead now, and the world is a lesser place without him.

My first Platoon Sergeant at Fort Bragg was a man from the Dominican Republic. He wasn’t a citizen when he joined the Army. He did a full career. He’s retired to Puerto Rico now. An excellent Sergeant and tough boxer. When I mouthed off to him he took me to the Gym on a Saturday and cut me to pieces in the ring.

I’ve never been afraid of Hispanics. I spent my teenaged years in Southern California. I’ve seen the Illegals out there picking the fruits and vegetables for your table. I know how hard they are working for minimum rage.

Even now Republicans are going to be blaming Biden for their own actions regarding those workers.

How much are you willing to pay for food? It better be a lot because prices are only going up. And they’ll continue.
I have always said I wasn't in the military because I would have been an insubordination charge waiting to happen. You're telling me nothing. My brother and cousin were perfect fits. Fortunately we were all three smart enough to make the right choice on joining the military. They did, I didn't. I have others, they are just the closest.

You do not sound like a military man, you're too milquetoast for the job and you have a weak sense of morality

No. I don’t agree with your morality. That is why you are annoyed with me.
I supported a woman’s right to Abortion when I enlisted. I supported equal rights. I signed petitions to get AIDS the attention and research funding it needed. A friend from High School, her brother died from AIDS.

I don’t do drugs. I’m allergic to Marijuana. I drink, and have longer than I was legally able to. I’m subject to urinalysis at work at any time. I’ve passed every time for more than two decades. I passed every time in the Military.

I’ve supported equal rights all my life. My Confirmation Sponsor in the Catholic Church was a first generation American of Hispanic origins. He remains one of the finest men I’ve ever had the pleasure to know. He’s dead now, and the world is a lesser place without him.

My first Platoon Sergeant at Fort Bragg was a man from the Dominican Republic. He wasn’t a citizen when he joined the Army. He did a full career. He’s retired to Puerto Rico now. An excellent Sergeant and tough boxer. When I mouthed off to him he took me to the Gym on a Saturday and cut me to pieces in the ring.

I’ve never been afraid of Hispanics. I spent my teenaged years in Southern California. I’ve seen the Illegals out there picking the fruits and vegetables for your table. I know how hard they are working for minimum rage.

Even now Republicans are going to be blaming Biden for their own actions regarding those workers.

How much are you willing to pay for food? It better be a lot because prices are only going up. And they’ll continue.

All this stuff you supported isn't the issue, it's your lack of having a problem with the America Destroying Biden administration and lack of concern over securing our borders that makes no sense and isn't consistent with any of the military people I know. You sound like Biden's hear no evil, see no evil generals
No. I don’t agree with your morality. That is why you are annoyed with me.

Blah blah. What a load of bull shit. My morality is very consistent with the military. That's not why I didn't join. This is exactly why I don't believe you. Then you bring up Reagan? Sure you were in the military, sure. If you were in the military, you got what you could from it and got out. Did you make it all the way to PFC?
What are you talking about, who mentioned persecuting non traditional families, who mentioned gays as in your other post, my point is traditional familes are decling thanks to the lack of morality and that morals are in delcine. There is an absolute disreseprect for peoples elders, and those in authority.

As I said - Blah...blah...blah...

People have been whining about all the things that you're saying since civilization began.

Here's a video from "The Lucy Show" where she quotes Plato who said about the same things your talking about.

Try viewing from 23:50 onwards:

Blah blah. What a load of bull shit. My morality is very consistent with the military. That's not why I didn't join. This is exactly why I don't believe you. Then you bring up Reagan? Sure you were in the military, sure. If you were in the military, you got what you could from it and got out. Did you make it all the way to PFC?

As I mentioned I was a Sergeant. And for the morality of the Military. Senator Tuberville is holding up promotions because the Military is paying for transportation for members and dependents who want an abortion and can’t get one in the state where they are serving.

I wonder if the Republican Attorney Generals will prosecute the Joint Chiefs for assisting women to flee their regressive states and get an abortion?

So my morals appear to be in line with the Military. I was in when Don’t Ask Don’t Tell was policy. And during the briefing I got as a NCO I stated I didn’t give a damn who anyone dated.

I didn’t care before. Why would I care in uniform?
We keep hearing that Trump is needed to Make America Great Again.

Ok. So when was America Great? Tell me the year that America was Great and why. I’m honestly curious as to what you’ll answer. Was it 1985 when Reagan was starting his second term with a 49 state landslide re-election? Was it earlier? Later?

Tell me what happened to end that greatness.

Personally, I have always thought America was great. Still do. We're not perfect, but fuck knows we try... mostly.

As I said - Blah...blah...blah...

People have been whining about all the things that you're saying since civilization began.

Here's a video from "The Lucy Show" where she quotes Plato who said about the same things your talking about.

Try viewing from 23:50 onwards:

Regarding Lucy’s concern. I agree. It would take real effort for the kids to screw it up worse than we have.
As I mentioned I was a Sergeant. And for the morality of the Military. Senator Tuberville is holding up promotions because the Military is paying for transportation for members and dependents who want an abortion and can’t get one in the state where they are serving.

I wonder if the Republican Attorney Generals will prosecute the Joint Chiefs for assisting women to flee their regressive states and get an abortion?

So my morals appear to be in line with the Military. I was in when Don’t Ask Don’t Tell was policy. And during the briefing I got as a NCO I stated I didn’t give a damn who anyone dated.

I didn’t care before. Why would I care in uniform?

So your morality is consistent with the military on ... abortion .... That's your argument? I rest my case, Private
I’m on the side of America. It’s why I joined the Army. I recognized that America had some flaws, and many things that needed to be addressed, but it was home and it was the best around.

That does not mean I swallow any propaganda shoveled my way. If someone says Biden is compromised or controlled by China I go looking for independent verification. I can’t find any.

Biden has pissed off China royally three times. Majorly pissed them off the third time. Let me explain.

China considers Taiwan a breakaway province. The Chinese position is that Taiwan is really part of China and not independent. This has been the semi official policy of America, in that we have toned back our position that Taiwan is independent from thirty years ago.

We had a treaty with Taiwan to come to their side if they were attacked. In the interest of better relations we canceled it officially and maintained that position unofficially since that time. We sell Taiwan weapons and planes as one example.

We almost always have a ship from our navy there. The idea is that if China attacks the ship will start fighting. We usually have a Carrier within a couple days sailing if being in range. We have a several home ported in Japan as one example.

But we have not mentioned Taiwanese independence in decades. We have maintained the official fiction that Taiwan is and isn’t independent.

Biden’s speech where he answered the reporters question about Taiwan independence was a watershed moment. It means that we are closer to recognizing Taiwan as an independent nation if they declare it. Which they have not done in decades.

This move pushes us closer to war with China. It is a slap in the face to China. And that is why Xi didn’t go to the G-20 meeting. It would have been intolerable to sit for pictures with someone who had just kneecapped Chinese policy like that.

Now. I don’t like Biden. I’ve said more times than I can count that I refused to vote in 2020 because I refused to pretend that one steaming pile of shit was in any way preferable to the other one.

I disagree with Biden on several issues. I’d like to see him push harder on Veterans Benefits but I know it isn’t in the cards. It never is. I’d like to see him working more towards real reform of the Criminal Justice System. I am interested in a number of issues I’d like someone to pay attention to.

But I won’t gin up lies and I won’t base my positions on those lies told by others. I have no issue with Biden on foreign policy. His support of Ukraine is exactly what I think is needed. His position on Taiwan is right IMO. I even approve of him offering assistance to Morocco. I’ve heard that we might be transferring some nuclear warheads back to our bases in England. I think that is a wise precaution given Russia’s mad military actions of late.

That is why you guys tell so many lies. Other than Border Security and Fentanyl Biden’s policies are generally speaking in line with public opinion polls.
Any person who is on America's side cannot be for the WHO or The WEF. Why do you support them if you say your side is America's? Dude, there is absolutely no logic there.
So your morality is consistent with the military on ... abortion .... That's your argument? I rest my case, Private
not protecting the unborn must be the military's job period. Those are citizen's who can not protect themselves.
not protecting the unborn must be the military's job period. Those are citizen's who can not protect themselves.

Fair point, but there is no "military" position on abortion, though many in the military would agree with you.

What SavannahMann doesn't know is that defending the United States IS a military position and he doesn't get the big issue over our turning over our southern border to drug cartels. The only military people I know who agree with Savannah on that are Biden's generals who didn't quit over that or any other time Biden jeopardized US security
So your morality is consistent with the military on ... abortion .... That's your argument? I rest my case, Private

Since I’m out now. And have been since 97. It really isn’t anything.

My morality is in line with deaths of noncombatants. It is in line on homosexuality and equality. It is in line with racism. It is in line with the principles of Posse Comitatus Act. I fully support the restriction codified in the Laws of Land Warfare. I absolutely agree with the principles of leadership of never ordering a subordinate to perform a task you could not or would not do.

I believe in honesty and integrity. Of accepting responsibility for my actions.

Most of all I have something you are lacking. Faith in the system. Faith in the Constitutional System I swore an oath to defend. I mentioned your freedom earlier. I will fight to the death for your right to insult me. It is codified in the First Amendment. I will do the same for anyone.

I am a member of the ACLU and the NRA as well as USCCA. I believe all your rights are important. I’m opposed to Civil Asset Forfeiture as one example of my disagreement with this and every administration so far.

I believe people born here are citizens. Period. No further discussion.

I believe this nation has made mistakes and only by learning about them do we have any hope of preventing them from reoccurring.

So does the Military. They spend a lot of time teaching the troops the lessons that were hard won with blood and tears. Lessons on ethics in leadership. Ethical command decisions. Focusing on the mission and never losing sight of it.

I believe in the lessons of the Church. Where we learned that hatred was a sin and we should never hate. I’ve never hated anyone. And I pray I will hold fast to that. Hatred is a weapon your enemy will gladly use against you.

You need not hate the enemy. You will underestimate him if you hate him. Respect and understand him so it is easier to defeat him.
Fair point, but there is no "military" position on abortion, though many in the military would agree with you.

What SavannahMann doesn't know is that defending the United States IS a military position and he doesn't get the big issue over our turning over our southern border to drug cartels. The only military people I know who agree with Savannah on that are Biden's generals who didn't quit over that or any other time Biden jeopardized US security

Immigration is a law enforcement issue. The Army is prohibited from taking action. Posse Comitatus Act prohibits the Military from law enforcement actions.

The Military absolutely supports that position. Because we know history and know about the Black and Tans.
Since I’m out now. And have been since 97. It really isn’t anything.

My morality is in line with deaths of noncombatants. It is in line on homosexuality and equality. It is in line with racism. It is in line with the principles of Posse Comitatus Act. I fully support the restriction codified in the Laws of Land Warfare. I absolutely agree with the principles of leadership of never ordering a subordinate to perform a task you could not or would not do.

I believe in honesty and integrity. Of accepting responsibility for my actions.

Most of all I have something you are lacking. Faith in the system. Faith in the Constitutional System I swore an oath to defend. I mentioned your freedom earlier. I will fight to the death for your right to insult me. It is codified in the First Amendment. I will do the same for anyone.

I am a member of the ACLU and the NRA as well as USCCA. I believe all your rights are important. I’m opposed to Civil Asset Forfeiture as one example of my disagreement with this and every administration so far.

I believe people born here are citizens. Period. No further discussion.

I believe this nation has made mistakes and only by learning about them do we have any hope of preventing them from reoccurring.

So does the Military. They spend a lot of time teaching the troops the lessons that were hard won with blood and tears. Lessons on ethics in leadership. Ethical command decisions. Focusing on the mission and never losing sight of it.

I believe in the lessons of the Church. Where we learned that hatred was a sin and we should never hate. I’ve never hated anyone. And I pray I will hold fast to that. Hatred is a weapon your enemy will gladly use against you.

You need not hate the enemy. You will underestimate him if you hate him. Respect and understand him so it is easier to defeat him.

Homosexuality isn't the military's job, just like abortion isn't. The ACLU isn't. Your views are dominated by anything but defending the country, which IS the job of the military. You're a leftist and you hate the right, so you claim to have been in the military because the right likes the military. But everyone sees it. That's why the left who hate the military are silent, they know what you're doing. And why the right ignores you, they see what you are, Private
Immigration is a law enforcement issue.

Well, you ended that discussion. Border security isn't about the military, said by no one in the military ever. Defending our borders isn't the job of the military. WOW.

So let's just shut down the military then, it has no purpose at all

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