When was America Great?

Well in my eyes and millions of others, it is a threat, and that is the purpose of the military to protect our fking border. Why would we invent a military that can't protect it's citizens within it's own boundaries? How fking stupid is that from ignorant fkwads?
To protect our own border we don`t need to maintain a fleet of aircraft carriers. We have them so we can make war on little countries that we know can`t fight back.
We keep hearing that Trump is needed to Make America Great Again.

Ok. So when was America Great? Tell me the year that America was Great and why. I’m honestly curious as to what you’ll answer. Was it 1985 when Reagan was starting his second term with a 49 state landslide re-election? Was it earlier? Later?

Tell me what happened to end that greatness.
America has never been great for all citiens
There is a lot of issues on great. Yet we have endless numbers of people coming here. There are distortions as we know. We have people who say it is not great spending massive amounts of money on all ways possible of living without any comments on the money they make.
To protect our own border we don`t need to maintain a fleet of aircraft carriers. We have them so we can make war on little countries that we know can`t fight back.
so we have no Army, Air Force or Marines to protect our own citizens?

Why are all of the sanctuary city mayors so upset at the influx of illegals? They aren't part of the revenue picture. They take money from tax payers. That in itself is a violation of federal laws.
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This land before the white man's invasion.
No jails.
No crime.
No pollution.
No lawyers.
No greed.
No rich white men trying to convince you that black/brown people are your enemy.
The indians had far worse things than jail. For example, the Aztecs had human sacrifice. Many of the plains indians were notorious for torturing their opponents in their numerous wars. The plains Indians also had slavery.

There was also plenty of crime. They raped and robbed. You don't need lawyers where people are free to rape and pillage at will. There was also plenty of greed.

If he wants me to pay him$2 trillion in reparations, then the black man is my enemy. Do you imagine those people who rioted for 9 months in Portland and Seattle and burned property to the ground are my friends?

If Hispanics think America is a raw deal, then no one is stopping them from going back to where they came from.
We keep hearing that Trump is needed to Make America Great Again.

Ok. So when was America Great? Tell me the year that America was Great and why. I’m honestly curious as to what you’ll answer. Was it 1985 when Reagan was starting his second term with a 49 state landslide re-election? Was it earlier? Later?

Tell me what happened to end that greatness.
The indians had far worse things than jail. For example, the Aztecs had human sacrifice. Many of the plains indians were notorious for torturing their opponents in their numerous wars. The plains Indians also had slavery.

There was also plenty of crime. They raped and robbed. You don't need lawyers where people are free to rape and pillage at will. There was also plenty of greed.

If he wants me to pay him$2 trillion in reparations, then the black man is my enemy. Do you imagine those people who rioted for 9 months in Portland and Seattle and burned property to the ground are my friends?

If Hispanics think America is a raw deal, then no one is stopping them from going back to where they came from.
Another 100% bullshit post.
Just for the record we are the original people of this land.
If anyone should 'go back to where they came from,' it should be your people.
The nation your people created at the expense of thousands of lives is a complete failure.
Another 100% bullshit post.
Just for the record we are the original people of this land.
If anyone should 'go back to where they came from,' it should be your people.
The nation your people created at the expense of thousands of lives is a complete failure.
Who is "we?"

You believe Indians are all little angels? You obviously don't know shit about the Indians. Or are you talking about Hispanics? They left the country of their birth of their ancestors did to come here. If they don't like it, they can go back. No one is forcing them to stay here.

You've obviously been fed a lot of bullshit.
Native Americans.

I believe that all cultures contain evil people.
The most evil people are white Catholics, hands down.

The society we had was much better than what we have now as current events would indicate.
Don't you have some Apache to skin and burn? Or did the white man stop you all from doing that shit?
so we have no Army, Air Force or Marines to protect our own citizens?

Why are all of the sanctuary city mayors so upset at the influx of illegals? They aren't part of the revenue picture. They take money from tax payers. That in itself is a violation of federal laws.
Did I say that we should disband our military? Can you read on a 4th grade level? :rolleyes:

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