When will ignorant people recognize the MSM bias is REAL. FAKE NEWS is real!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
"Fake News" as President Trump calls it is valid and the sooner those of you that don't believe it come to the knowledge the MSM bias is real, the better off YOU will be.
Case in point...
Why were only 20% of Obama news stories have negative assessments?
Was it because the MSM was afraid of being called racists if they covered Obama with the same negative assessments they did with Bush or Clinton?

More importantly, why was there over 3 times the negative assessment of Trump?
I definitely call it biased. A few of you anti-Trumpers will NEVER agree and this post isn't for you.
BUT for those of you still on the fence in making up your mind.
Consider this: if nearly 2 of 3 Trump stories are negative, do you people on the fence really think that is
possible? I mean really I could see how the biased MSM could do 2 of 4 stories... but come on folks.
almost 2 of 3 stories negative!
Truly what has Trump done to deserve this?
WELL I know one thing for sure! He coined "FAKE NEWS" and that just drives the MSM crazy...even though
it is TRUE!

So if you are truly and intelligent, rational, THINKING person and you still are undecided... shouldn't you
factor in that with 2 of 3 stories you read/hear about Trump are negative, that means one of two things:
A) Trump is wrong at least 60% of the time and deserves the negative coverage...which given the
facts that
1) more people are working today, paying more in Federal payroll taxes for one thing..
2) Blacks/women, hispanics have the lowest UNEMPLOYMENT rate in over 50 years..
3) THE USA is energy independent...again thanks to Trump dumping onerous rules and regulations
4) Very one sided trade agreements are being scrapped meaning "Made in the USA" is even more valid.
B) Trump is right and the biased MSM is influencing those of you on the fence erroneously and harmfully.


Comparing news coverage of Trump's first 100 days to coverage of past administrations
No source promotes fake news more than Donald Trump and his administration. He gets all the negative news reporting because he gets caught spreading fake news and lying and saying stupid things every day. News sources report his nonsense and lying and his supporters complain when the public is made aware of what a moron. liar and fake their President is.
The problem is, "news" in the alternate universe is even worse.
"Fake News" as President Trump calls it is valid and the sooner those of you that don't believe it come to the knowledge the MSM bias is real, the better off YOU will be.
Case in point...
Why were only 20% of Obama news stories have negative assessments?
Was it because the MSM was afraid of being called racists if they covered Obama with the same negative assessments they did with Bush or Clinton?

More importantly, why was there over 3 times the negative assessment of Trump?
I definitely call it biased. A few of you anti-Trumpers will NEVER agree and this post isn't for you.
BUT for those of you still on the fence in making up your mind.
Consider this: if nearly 2 of 3 Trump stories are negative, do you people on the fence really think that is
possible? I mean really I could see how the biased MSM could do 2 of 4 stories... but come on folks.
almost 2 of 3 stories negative!
Truly what has Trump done to deserve this?
WELL I know one thing for sure! He coined "FAKE NEWS" and that just drives the MSM crazy...even though
it is TRUE!

So if you are truly and intelligent, rational, THINKING person and you still are undecided... shouldn't you
factor in that with 2 of 3 stories you read/hear about Trump are negative, that means one of two things:
A) Trump is wrong at least 60% of the time and deserves the negative coverage...which given the
facts that
1) more people are working today, paying more in Federal payroll taxes for one thing..
2) Blacks/women, hispanics have the lowest UNEMPLOYMENT rate in over 50 years..
3) THE USA is energy independent...again thanks to Trump dumping onerous rules and regulations
4) Very one sided trade agreements are being scrapped meaning "Made in the USA" is even more valid.
B) Trump is right and the biased MSM is influencing those of you on the fence erroneously and harmfully.

View attachment 278700

Comparing news coverage of Trump's first 100 days to coverage of past administrations
Obama got a pass because he is black and liked-just like Kennedy got a pass. Trump is a troublemaker who shakes up people and process to get things done-not everybody's cup of tea. His accomplishments have been good, but his mean spiritedness has been bad. He will never get a fair shake-if that bothers you, vote for a more likable candidate.
If it wasn't for the fake news, the people of Alabama would have known to evacuate before Dorian slaughtered them all
If it wasn't for the fake news, the people of Alabama would have known to evacuate before Dorian slaughtered them all
So Trump actually told them to evacuate? I missed that.
Told them to evacuate? Trump doesn't even know there are 5 categories of hurricanes despite several happening during his Presidency. You think he knows people are supposed to evacuate?
"Fake News" as President Trump calls it is valid and the sooner those of you that don't believe it come to the knowledge the MSM bias is real, the better off YOU will be.
Case in point...
Why were only 20% of Obama news stories have negative assessments?
Was it because the MSM was afraid of being called racists if they covered Obama with the same negative assessments they did with Bush or Clinton?

More importantly, why was there over 3 times the negative assessment of Trump?
I definitely call it biased. A few of you anti-Trumpers will NEVER agree and this post isn't for you.
BUT for those of you still on the fence in making up your mind.
Consider this: if nearly 2 of 3 Trump stories are negative, do you people on the fence really think that is
possible? I mean really I could see how the biased MSM could do 2 of 4 stories... but come on folks.
almost 2 of 3 stories negative!
Truly what has Trump done to deserve this?
WELL I know one thing for sure! He coined "FAKE NEWS" and that just drives the MSM crazy...even though
it is TRUE!

So if you are truly and intelligent, rational, THINKING person and you still are undecided... shouldn't you
factor in that with 2 of 3 stories you read/hear about Trump are negative, that means one of two things:
A) Trump is wrong at least 60% of the time and deserves the negative coverage...which given the
facts that
1) more people are working today, paying more in Federal payroll taxes for one thing..
2) Blacks/women, hispanics have the lowest UNEMPLOYMENT rate in over 50 years..
3) THE USA is energy independent...again thanks to Trump dumping onerous rules and regulations
4) Very one sided trade agreements are being scrapped meaning "Made in the USA" is even more valid.
B) Trump is right and the biased MSM is influencing those of you on the fence erroneously and harmfully.

View attachment 278700

Comparing news coverage of Trump's first 100 days to coverage of past administrations
Anyone with a functioning BRAIN that isn't suffering from TDS ALREADY KNOWS the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING is BULL SHIT.
"Fake News" as President Trump calls it is valid and the sooner those of you that don't believe it come to the knowledge the MSM bias is real, the better off YOU will be.
Case in point...
Why were only 20% of Obama news stories have negative assessments?
Was it because the MSM was afraid of being called racists if they covered Obama with the same negative assessments they did with Bush or Clinton?

More importantly, why was there over 3 times the negative assessment of Trump?
I definitely call it biased. A few of you anti-Trumpers will NEVER agree and this post isn't for you.
BUT for those of you still on the fence in making up your mind.
Consider this: if nearly 2 of 3 Trump stories are negative, do you people on the fence really think that is
possible? I mean really I could see how the biased MSM could do 2 of 4 stories... but come on folks.
almost 2 of 3 stories negative!
Truly what has Trump done to deserve this?
WELL I know one thing for sure! He coined "FAKE NEWS" and that just drives the MSM crazy...even though
it is TRUE!

So if you are truly and intelligent, rational, THINKING person and you still are undecided... shouldn't you
factor in that with 2 of 3 stories you read/hear about Trump are negative, that means one of two things:
A) Trump is wrong at least 60% of the time and deserves the negative coverage...which given the
facts that
1) more people are working today, paying more in Federal payroll taxes for one thing..
2) Blacks/women, hispanics have the lowest UNEMPLOYMENT rate in over 50 years..
3) THE USA is energy independent...again thanks to Trump dumping onerous rules and regulations
4) Very one sided trade agreements are being scrapped meaning "Made in the USA" is even more valid.
B) Trump is right and the biased MSM is influencing those of you on the fence erroneously and harmfully.

View attachment 278700

Comparing news coverage of Trump's first 100 days to coverage of past administrations
Trump is a huge piece of shit. Even Dubya valued a sense of honor. Even Clinton revealed a sense of shame for his actions. Trump is a new kind of evil.
If it wasn't for the fake news, the people of Alabama would have known to evacuate before Dorian slaughtered them all
So Trump actually told them to evacuate? I missed that.
Told them to evacuate? Trump doesn't even know there are 5 categories of hurricanes despite several happening during his Presidency. You think he knows people are supposed to evacuate?
So all this is about sharpies and nothing important?
"Fake News" as President Trump calls it is valid and the sooner those of you that don't believe it come to the knowledge the MSM bias is real, the better off YOU will be.
Case in point...
Why were only 20% of Obama news stories have negative assessments?
Was it because the MSM was afraid of being called racists if they covered Obama with the same negative assessments they did with Bush or Clinton?

More importantly, why was there over 3 times the negative assessment of Trump?
I definitely call it biased. A few of you anti-Trumpers will NEVER agree and this post isn't for you.
BUT for those of you still on the fence in making up your mind.
Consider this: if nearly 2 of 3 Trump stories are negative, do you people on the fence really think that is
possible? I mean really I could see how the biased MSM could do 2 of 4 stories... but come on folks.
almost 2 of 3 stories negative!
Truly what has Trump done to deserve this?
WELL I know one thing for sure! He coined "FAKE NEWS" and that just drives the MSM crazy...even though
it is TRUE!

So if you are truly and intelligent, rational, THINKING person and you still are undecided... shouldn't you
factor in that with 2 of 3 stories you read/hear about Trump are negative, that means one of two things:
A) Trump is wrong at least 60% of the time and deserves the negative coverage...which given the
facts that
1) more people are working today, paying more in Federal payroll taxes for one thing..
2) Blacks/women, hispanics have the lowest UNEMPLOYMENT rate in over 50 years..
3) THE USA is energy independent...again thanks to Trump dumping onerous rules and regulations
4) Very one sided trade agreements are being scrapped meaning "Made in the USA" is even more valid.
B) Trump is right and the biased MSM is influencing those of you on the fence erroneously and harmfully.

View attachment 278700

Comparing news coverage of Trump's first 100 days to coverage of past administrations
Trump is a huge piece of shit. Even Dubya valued a sense of honor. Even Clinton revealed a sense of shame for his actions. Trump is a new kind of evil.
Take a Valium.
"Fake News" as President Trump calls it is valid and the sooner those of you that don't believe it come to the knowledge the MSM bias is real, the better off YOU will be.
Case in point...
Why were only 20% of Obama news stories have negative assessments?
Was it because the MSM was afraid of being called racists if they covered Obama with the same negative assessments they did with Bush or Clinton?

More importantly, why was there over 3 times the negative assessment of Trump?
I definitely call it biased. A few of you anti-Trumpers will NEVER agree and this post isn't for you.
BUT for those of you still on the fence in making up your mind.
Consider this: if nearly 2 of 3 Trump stories are negative, do you people on the fence really think that is
possible? I mean really I could see how the biased MSM could do 2 of 4 stories... but come on folks.
almost 2 of 3 stories negative!
Truly what has Trump done to deserve this?
WELL I know one thing for sure! He coined "FAKE NEWS" and that just drives the MSM crazy...even though
it is TRUE!

So if you are truly and intelligent, rational, THINKING person and you still are undecided... shouldn't you
factor in that with 2 of 3 stories you read/hear about Trump are negative, that means one of two things:
A) Trump is wrong at least 60% of the time and deserves the negative coverage...which given the
facts that
1) more people are working today, paying more in Federal payroll taxes for one thing..
2) Blacks/women, hispanics have the lowest UNEMPLOYMENT rate in over 50 years..
3) THE USA is energy independent...again thanks to Trump dumping onerous rules and regulations
4) Very one sided trade agreements are being scrapped meaning "Made in the USA" is even more valid.
B) Trump is right and the biased MSM is influencing those of you on the fence erroneously and harmfully.

View attachment 278700

Comparing news coverage of Trump's first 100 days to coverage of past administrations
Anyone with a functioning BRAIN that isn't suffering from TDS ALREADY KNOWS the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING is BULL SHIT.

Second that! :clap2:
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