When will NBC fire Megyn?

Kelly spent all her capital at Fox sleeping with whomever she need and blew her way to the top. But those people are gone now, she tried the victimized damsel, rode the bubble that O'Reilly gave her and cashed her check at NBC who thought she was hot. Now she's trying to blow her way to the top there as well.

She won't be fired, but will soon begin fading back to her own level of mediocrity. Now that she has given Jones credibility, and was caught with her panties around her ankles, not only has she weakened her own position because now ALL GUESTS will be wary of her and she will never get those cutting stories she wanted to catapult herself to fame, but she has increased Jones' audience too as she gave him the best advertising in the world! And the Libs are none too happy about that.

A blow job can take you only so far, even at 30 Rockefeller Plaza.
Can't Jones be sued for stealing NBC's interview if he releases it prior to their airing? Wouldn't that be stealing their product? I thought the article said he has it and WILL release it afterward.
Sounds like "You'd better hope there aren't any tapes" to me. Empty threats.
There's no way to "edit" Jones into sounding like anything less than a nut. Don't worry.

I don't get all the hysteria over the Alex Jones interview.

He's a loon, a cartoon, a caricature, the easiest of targets.

I'd think the Left would welcome putting him on national teevee. "Hey, look at THAT!"

We sure have become one hypersensitive country.

This isn't about Alex Jones, though NBC and the rest of the lib media would like to make it so and you two bought it. It is about the dishonest nature of the lib media that works diligently to divide and propagandize Americans.
Please get more specific.
Again...it isn't about Jones. It is about the lib media who loves to portray non-liberals as nuts even if they aren't. Jones is a nut but if he were to come off in her interview as nice and intelligent, that won't play well to her audience....so lib media types always edit the interview to make the person look nuts and their audience eats it up like good little dupes.

Kelley got played. She was no doubt intending to do a hit piece on Jones, which those Americans who watch NBC demand.
Well, he did the right thing by recording it. I don't know why more people don't do that.

But yeah, he's a Grade A nut, which makes him an easy target. If he's so sure he's "right", though, then it's up to him if he wants to be interviewed.
I have seen on many occasions comments from his loyal fans to the effect of, he should stay behind the camera and direct the operation. He isn't doing himself any favors by being on camera.

At this point, the nation just doesn't have a very high opinion of him personally.

He gets too emotional in his presentation, and as Mark Twain once said, the cloths make the man. For the leader of such a huge and influential organization, he dresses like a slob.

Too emotional, dresses like a slob. Not the type of leader to inspire public faith, not the type of front man his organization should seek to have as an anchor. Not one with that net worth. That, I would say, is a poor business decision based entirely on ego.

For instance, I have seen his work even sourced by, of all folks, my older relatives.

When the silent generation is sending you emails from his site and his journalists, YOU KNOW his organization is starting to gain traction.

After the shit the MSM has pulled in this last election, as a source, many would probably say, INFOWARS, not Jones the man, has more reliability than the rest of the MSM.

Would you say that Alex Jones provides a net positive contribution towards solving America's problems, including maintaining communication with people across the political spectrum?
This isn't about Alex Jones, though NBC and the rest of the lib media would like to make it so and you two bought it. It is about the dishonest nature of the lib media that works diligently to divide and propagandize Americans.
Please get more specific.
Again...it isn't about Jones. It is about the lib media who loves to portray non-liberals as nuts even if they aren't. Jones is a nut but if he were to come off in her interview as nice and intelligent, that won't play well to her audience....so lib media types always edit the interview to make the person look nuts and their audience eats it up like good little dupes.

Kelley got played. She was no doubt intending to do a hit piece on Jones, which those Americans who watch NBC demand.
Well, he did the right thing by recording it. I don't know why more people don't do that.

But yeah, he's a Grade A nut, which makes him an easy target. If he's so sure he's "right", though, then it's up to him if he wants to be interviewed.
I have seen on many occasions comments from his loyal fans to the effect of, he should stay behind the camera and direct the operation. He isn't doing himself any favors by being on camera.

At this point, the nation just doesn't have a very high opinion of him personally.

He gets too emotional in his presentation, and as Mark Twain once said, the cloths make the man. For the leader of such a huge and influential organization, he dresses like a slob.

Too emotional, dresses like a slob. Not the type of leader to inspire public faith, not the type of front man his organization should seek to have as an anchor. Not one with that net worth. That, I would say, is a poor business decision based entirely on ego.

For instance, I have seen his work even sourced by, of all folks, my older relatives.

When the silent generation is sending you emails from his site and his journalists, YOU KNOW his organization is starting to gain traction.

After the shit the MSM has pulled in this last election, as a source, many would probably say, INFOWARS, not Jones the man, has more reliability than the rest of the MSM.

Would you say that Alex Jones provides a net positive contribution towards solving America's problems, including maintaining communication with people across the political spectrum?
Net Positive, Absolutely. The first amendment as nature intended.

Let's face it, some people are just not going to read, so the more sources that present video coverage that are alternatives to the POV of the CFR controlled mind programming, that's a good thing. Propaganda works best when it is on point with a single message. With Jones out there, that muddies that water, doesn't it?

At least it will get folks used to trying to construct a world view that is not dependent upon the one that they grew up with, one that is force fed to them via the Anglo-American establishment. Jones outfit is a good first step. But it should remain just that.

There are some whispers and rumors that Jones is cointel. Who knows? I've read that his parents were Jesuits and CIA. Naturally, when it comes to the company, all of that is pretty well hidden. Nothing can be definitively confirmed or denied. So, if Jones outfit is a honeypot, it would make complete and total sense, wouldn't it?

I've seen many folks start with Infowars, and then eventually just leave that site and start entirely thinking for themselves. It is a wonderful gateway into freeing ones mind.

In fact, some say Jones himself started on William Cooper. Either that, or the operation was used to distract from what Cooper was putting out.

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