When will NBC fire Megyn?

I've never watched or listened to this Alex jones dude. However, he seems to be a pretty sly dude. He's got Megan on the run. I wonder if Trump colluded with him to make Kelly look bad.
The power of editing example:

Yet Kooky Katie suffered no consequences for her lies. In fact, she is still often on NBC and other lib networks.

No doubt many foolish Americans believed her lies.
My guess is very soon.

She did the unforgivable. She interviewed a conservative and libs HATE giving any con access to the media, because they are stuck in 1999. Then, she being a typical liberal, edited the interview to make Jones look like a nut (yeah typical stuff, but dupes lefties every time)...but Jones knowing full well the dishonest nature of liberal media types (they dupe liberal Americans every day...its so easy), secretly taped the interview and released it. Thus Megyn is in quite a pickle.

I love it!!!

Great column from Gary North...
How Alex Jones Blindsided Megyn Kelly
Her latest bonehead move was to interview Alex Jones. This got her in trouble with NBC, because nobody is supposed to interview Jones. That would give him some degree of credibility. The mainstream media do not want to consider him as anyone who deserves credibility.

The mainstream media still believe that someone like Jones can get credibility only from the mainstream media. They still think it's 1995.

Her response was this: she thinks he is despicable. She said that his view of Sandy Hook as a hoax is revolting. That bought her a little time. But time will run out on the evening of June 18, when her interview is scheduled to be run.

Jones did what any sensible conservative should always do when interviewed by the mainstream media. He made a secret recording of the entire interview. He says he will release the entire interview on YouTube.

He says that he did not claim to believe the story that Sandy Hook was a hoax. He simply said that he had offered theories regarding Sandy Hook to his viewers.


The game the liberals play is always the same. Anything that makes a conservative's position look sensible is eliminated by three dots. The writer gets to pick and choose what he wants to illustrate. If he wants to illustrate something that will make a conservative look bad, he will quote him. He will not mention the missing qualifications to the outrageous statements.

How Alex Jones Blindsided Megyn Kelly


You have no clue how television works do ya.

Do you actually think Megyn Kelly --- or anybody else at any TV station or network anywhere in the world --- just submits a produced piece and the network airs it without anyone ever seeing it?

Are you like six years old?

You are making up an argument I did not make. Try reading my post again and if you don't get it, sorry but you just aren't very smart.

Bullshit. Roll tape.

[TITLE] When Will NBC Fire Megyn Kelly?

My guess is very soon.

She did the unforgivable. She interviewed a conservative and libs HATE giving any con access to the media, because they are stuck in 1999.

Already addressed.

secretly taped the interview and released it. Thus Megyn is in quite a pickle.

Nobody's in a "pickle". ****EVERY TV INTERIEW EVER DONE is edited. It HAS TO be. If it weren't you'd have a series of mic noises, pauses, ramblings offtopic, drinks of water, cues, etc etc etc.

And once again ---- NOBODY on NBC or any other network puts an interview on the air without vetting its content. That's even more true when Nutball Jones in his ineffable narcissism starts frothing about "I've got this secret recording" BEFORE the TV network airs it ---- which means they have time to, if they need to, sanitize, add or subtract anything they want to protect themselves.

In the real world NBC owes Alex Jones a debt of thanks. He just spiked their ratings.

I'll say this again until it sinks in --- you have no clue how commercial media works. It's all about ratings. "Ratings" does not mean "how many agree with anything" or any type of "ideology". They mean how many people are paying attention --- REGARDLESS what the topic is.

Freak shows sell. Alex Jones just dug his freak-knife deeper, making sure everybody knows he's a freak. Just in case there was any doubt.

So again, Alex Jones, to the extent he has any impact, just embellished NBC's ratings. They'll be laughing all the way to the bank. And so will Megyn Kelly, and as long as he doesn't mind being a freak, and it appears he doesn't ----- so will Alex Jones. They ALL benefit. Because they're all running a puppet show. Together.

There ain't nothing "Politics" about this thread. It belongs in "Media".
That was a lot of words, but can be summarized as just plain bull shit.

You clearly are unable to comprehend my words and chose to twist them into something ignorant....just like lefties in the news media do. Do you work for NBC or CNN or is it MSLSD?
Kelly's interview with Putin should have been a sensation but it went almost unnoticed because it was an embarrassment. Kelly just isn't that good. She will continue to be a 2nd rate NBC news personality until her looks fade away.

Her looks is all she had, but she's unable to recognize that. She always thought people tuned into her shows because of her brilliant interview skills, her exclusive insight, her political knowledge.........all guys tuned into her show to see what she was wearing that day.

Self convinced she was popular for her broadcasting skills and not her looks, she cut off most of her hair and uglied herself up. She went downhill ever since.

Last edited:
My guess is very soon.

She did the unforgivable. She interviewed a conservative and libs HATE giving any con access to the media, because they are stuck in 1999. Then, she being a typical liberal, edited the interview to make Jones look like a nut (yeah typical stuff, but dupes lefties every time)...but Jones knowing full well the dishonest nature of liberal media types (they dupe liberal Americans every day...its so easy), secretly taped the interview and released it. Thus Megyn is in quite a pickle.

I love it!!!

Great column from Gary North...
How Alex Jones Blindsided Megyn Kelly
Her latest bonehead move was to interview Alex Jones. This got her in trouble with NBC, because nobody is supposed to interview Jones. That would give him some degree of credibility. The mainstream media do not want to consider him as anyone who deserves credibility.

The mainstream media still believe that someone like Jones can get credibility only from the mainstream media. They still think it's 1995.

Her response was this: she thinks he is despicable. She said that his view of Sandy Hook as a hoax is revolting. That bought her a little time. But time will run out on the evening of June 18, when her interview is scheduled to be run.

Jones did what any sensible conservative should always do when interviewed by the mainstream media. He made a secret recording of the entire interview. He says he will release the entire interview on YouTube.

He says that he did not claim to believe the story that Sandy Hook was a hoax. He simply said that he had offered theories regarding Sandy Hook to his viewers.


The game the liberals play is always the same. Anything that makes a conservative's position look sensible is eliminated by three dots. The writer gets to pick and choose what he wants to illustrate. If he wants to illustrate something that will make a conservative look bad, he will quote him. He will not mention the missing qualifications to the outrageous statements.

How Alex Jones Blindsided Megyn Kelly


You have no clue how television works do ya.

Do you actually think Megyn Kelly --- or anybody else at any TV station or network anywhere in the world --- just submits a produced piece and the network airs it without anyone ever seeing it?

Are you like six years old?

You are making up an argument I did not make. Try reading my post again and if you don't get it, sorry but you just aren't very smart.

Bullshit. Roll tape.

[TITLE] When Will NBC Fire Megyn Kelly?

My guess is very soon.

She did the unforgivable. She interviewed a conservative and libs HATE giving any con access to the media, because they are stuck in 1999.

Already addressed.

secretly taped the interview and released it. Thus Megyn is in quite a pickle.

Nobody's in a "pickle". ****EVERY TV INTERIEW EVER DONE is edited. It HAS TO be. If it weren't you'd have a series of mic noises, pauses, ramblings offtopic, drinks of water, cues, etc etc etc.

And once again ---- NOBODY on NBC or any other network puts an interview on the air without vetting its content. That's even more true when Nutball Jones in his ineffable narcissism starts frothing about "I've got this secret recording" BEFORE the TV network airs it ---- which means they have time to, if they need to, sanitize, add or subtract anything they want to protect themselves.

In the real world NBC owes Alex Jones a debt of thanks. He just spiked their ratings.

I'll say this again until it sinks in --- you have no clue how commercial media works. It's all about ratings. "Ratings" does not mean "how many agree with anything" or any type of "ideology". They mean how many people are paying attention --- REGARDLESS what the topic is.

Freak shows sell. Alex Jones just dug his freak-knife deeper, making sure everybody knows he's a freak. Just in case there was any doubt.

So again, Alex Jones, to the extent he has any impact, just embellished NBC's ratings. They'll be laughing all the way to the bank. And so will Megyn Kelly, and as long as he doesn't mind being a freak, and it appears he doesn't ----- so will Alex Jones. They ALL benefit. Because they're all running a puppet show. Together.

There ain't nothing "Politics" about this thread. It belongs in "Media".
That was a lot of words, but can be summarized as just plain bull shit.

You clearly are unable to comprehend my words and chose to twist them into something ignorant....just like lefties in the news media do. Do you work for NBC or CNN or is it MSLSD?

I have never worked for the alphabets but I have worked for decades in broadcasting and studied media psychology. And that's what I just laid out for you.
My guess is very soon.

She did the unforgivable. She interviewed a conservative and libs HATE giving any con access to the media, because they are stuck in 1999. Then, she being a typical liberal, edited the interview to make Jones look like a nut (yeah typical stuff, but dupes lefties every time)...but Jones knowing full well the dishonest nature of liberal media types (they dupe liberal Americans every day...its so easy), secretly taped the interview and released it. Thus Megyn is in quite a pickle.

I love it!!!

Great column from Gary North...
How Alex Jones Blindsided Megyn Kelly
Her latest bonehead move was to interview Alex Jones. This got her in trouble with NBC, because nobody is supposed to interview Jones. That would give him some degree of credibility. The mainstream media do not want to consider him as anyone who deserves credibility.

The mainstream media still believe that someone like Jones can get credibility only from the mainstream media. They still think it's 1995.

Her response was this: she thinks he is despicable. She said that his view of Sandy Hook as a hoax is revolting. That bought her a little time. But time will run out on the evening of June 18, when her interview is scheduled to be run.

Jones did what any sensible conservative should always do when interviewed by the mainstream media. He made a secret recording of the entire interview. He says he will release the entire interview on YouTube.

He says that he did not claim to believe the story that Sandy Hook was a hoax. He simply said that he had offered theories regarding Sandy Hook to his viewers.


The game the liberals play is always the same. Anything that makes a conservative's position look sensible is eliminated by three dots. The writer gets to pick and choose what he wants to illustrate. If he wants to illustrate something that will make a conservative look bad, he will quote him. He will not mention the missing qualifications to the outrageous statements.

How Alex Jones Blindsided Megyn Kelly


You have no clue how television works do ya.

Do you actually think Megyn Kelly --- or anybody else at any TV station or network anywhere in the world --- just submits a produced piece and the network airs it without anyone ever seeing it?

Are you like six years old?

You are making up an argument I did not make. Try reading my post again and if you don't get it, sorry but you just aren't very smart.

Bullshit. Roll tape.

[TITLE] When Will NBC Fire Megyn Kelly?

My guess is very soon.

She did the unforgivable. She interviewed a conservative and libs HATE giving any con access to the media, because they are stuck in 1999.

Already addressed.

secretly taped the interview and released it. Thus Megyn is in quite a pickle.

Nobody's in a "pickle". ****EVERY TV INTERIEW EVER DONE is edited. It HAS TO be. If it weren't you'd have a series of mic noises, pauses, ramblings offtopic, drinks of water, cues, etc etc etc.

And once again ---- NOBODY on NBC or any other network puts an interview on the air without vetting its content. That's even more true when Nutball Jones in his ineffable narcissism starts frothing about "I've got this secret recording" BEFORE the TV network airs it ---- which means they have time to, if they need to, sanitize, add or subtract anything they want to protect themselves.

In the real world NBC owes Alex Jones a debt of thanks. He just spiked their ratings.

I'll say this again until it sinks in --- you have no clue how commercial media works. It's all about ratings. "Ratings" does not mean "how many agree with anything" or any type of "ideology". They mean how many people are paying attention --- REGARDLESS what the topic is.

Freak shows sell. Alex Jones just dug his freak-knife deeper, making sure everybody knows he's a freak. Just in case there was any doubt.

So again, Alex Jones, to the extent he has any impact, just embellished NBC's ratings. They'll be laughing all the way to the bank. And so will Megyn Kelly, and as long as he doesn't mind being a freak, and it appears he doesn't ----- so will Alex Jones. They ALL benefit. Because they're all running a puppet show. Together.

There ain't nothing "Politics" about this thread. It belongs in "Media".
That was a lot of words, but can be summarized as just plain bull shit.

You clearly are unable to comprehend my words and chose to twist them into something ignorant....just like lefties in the news media do. Do you work for NBC or CNN or is it MSLSD?

I have never worked for the alphabets but I have worked for decades in broadcasting and studied media psychology. And that's what I just laid out for you.

This from the LWNJ rag of record, the NY Slimes. It pretty much spells it out for you and backs my position.

The LWNJ media is all abuzz about this interview. If she fails to portray him as a nut job, the LWNJ media will crucify her. If she edits the interview dishonestly to portray him as a nut job, she risks exposing herself as just another lying liberal journalist.

Do you see her conundrum?
But why did Alex preemptively release the tape before an interview even occurred? Why is he pressuring NBC not to play it? Surely, he does not think he's coming out of this smelling like roses.
But why did Alex preemptively release the tape before an interview even occurred? Why is he pressuring NBC not to play it? Surely, he does not think he's coming out of this smelling like roses.
You might be right, but my focus was on Kelley and The DNC media.

Jones is a nut, but no nuttier than the multiple opportunists on the left.
Can't Jones be sued for stealing NBC's interview if he releases it prior to their airing? Wouldn't that be stealing their product? I thought the article said he has it and WILL release it afterward.
Sounds like "You'd better hope there aren't any tapes" to me. Empty threats.
There's no way to "edit" Jones into sounding like anything less than a nut. Don't worry.
Kelly's interview with Putin should have been a sensation but it went almost unnoticed because it was an embarrassment. Kelly just isn't that good. She will continue to be a 2nd rate NBC news personality until her looks fade away.
By the way, her interview isn't suppose to air until tomorrow. But watch to see if NBC cancels it. No doubt they are fanatically trying to change it from a hit piece.

I think I saw on drudge last night it has been cancelled. We'll see.

Looks like it's only a Conn NBC affiliated that has cancelled the show.
I don't get all the hysteria over the Alex Jones interview.

He's a loon, a cartoon, a caricature, the easiest of targets.

I'd think the Left would welcome putting him on national teevee. "Hey, look at THAT!"

We sure have become one hypersensitive country.
I think the objection is to what he is SAYING about Newtown. To parents who lost a child, it's not something to joke about.
I don't get all the hysteria over the Alex Jones interview.

He's a loon, a cartoon, a caricature, the easiest of targets.

I'd think the Left would welcome putting him on national teevee. "Hey, look at THAT!"

We sure have become one hypersensitive country.
I think the objection is to what he is SAYING about Newtown. To parents who lost a child, it's not something to joke about.
Is he joking? He may actually be serious. Tough to say at this point, he's a performance artist, after all...
I don't get all the hysteria over the Alex Jones interview.

He's a loon, a cartoon, a caricature, the easiest of targets.

I'd think the Left would welcome putting him on national teevee. "Hey, look at THAT!"

We sure have become one hypersensitive country.
I think the objection is to what he is SAYING about Newtown. To parents who lost a child, it's not something to joke about.
Is he joking? He may actually be serious. Tough to say at this point, he's a performance artist, after all...
I'm not sure how his performance art is any less reprehensible than Kathy Griffin and her decapitation "joke."
I don't get all the hysteria over the Alex Jones interview.

He's a loon, a cartoon, a caricature, the easiest of targets.

I'd think the Left would welcome putting him on national teevee. "Hey, look at THAT!"

We sure have become one hypersensitive country.
I think the objection is to what he is SAYING about Newtown. To parents who lost a child, it's not something to joke about.
Is he joking? He may actually be serious. Tough to say at this point, he's a performance artist, after all...
I'm not sure how his performance art is any less reprehensible than Kathy Griffin and her decapitation "joke."
Yep, both are simply counter-productive.
Kelly got played big time. She went from the safe haven of Fox to the MSM. It was a set up all the way. It was only a matter of time.
Can't Jones be sued for stealing NBC's interview if he releases it prior to their airing? Wouldn't that be stealing their product? I thought the article said he has it and WILL release it afterward.
Sounds like "You'd better hope there aren't any tapes" to me. Empty threats.
There's no way to "edit" Jones into sounding like anything less than a nut. Don't worry.

I don't get all the hysteria over the Alex Jones interview.

He's a loon, a cartoon, a caricature, the easiest of targets.

I'd think the Left would welcome putting him on national teevee. "Hey, look at THAT!"

We sure have become one hypersensitive country.

This isn't about Alex Jones, though NBC and the rest of the lib media would like to make it so and you two bought it. It is about the dishonest nature of the lib media that works diligently to divide and propagandize Americans.

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