When will Sarah Palin announce her presidential candidacy for 2016?

Palin signifies all that is right with conservatism

I hope they give her the nomination
I'm concerned that Sarah isn't receiving enough encouragement to run. We should encourage her more.
Whoever is president next will have the task of cleaning Obama's Augean Stable.

The stench alone may be enough to discourage anybody other than the usual suspects bent on just spraying a little deodorant to make it appear that shit don't stink.
Whoever is president next will have the task of cleaning Obama's Augean Stable.

The stench alone may be enough to discourage anybody other than the usual suspects bent on just spraying a little deodorant to make it appear that shit don't stink.

It's posts like that that leave you rightwingers with zero credibility. President Obama has turned the Great Bush Recession around and the DOW has more than doubled since he took office in January 2009 - up 10,000 points. Plus, millions of poor people now have health insurance. President Obama's legacy will be one to be proud of. Also, he has kept us safe.
Sadly, I don't sense much love and encouragement for President Sarah Palin. Why is that?

Because most RWnuts secretly despise her for being the embarrassment she became.

She won't run for president because her inevitably pathetic performance would not help her brand.
Sadly, I don't sense much love and encouragement for President Sarah Palin. Why is that?

Because most RWnuts secretly despise her for being the embarrassment she became.

She won't run for president because her inevitably pathetic performance would not help her brand.

I totally agree! That was the entire impetus behind this facetious thread. All the rightwing talk about how great Sarah is - is nothing but TALK. They know she couldn't be elected dogcatcher - but they can't stop romanticizing about her.
Sadly, I don't sense much love and encouragement for President Sarah Palin. Why is that?

Because most RWnuts secretly despise her for being the embarrassment she became.

She won't run for president because her inevitably pathetic performance would not help her brand.

Look who's talking you people voted Pelosi speaker of the House and Joe Biden vice president top that! :laugh::laugh::laugh:

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