When Will The Left Learn Vaccinations Do NOT Stop The Spread?

BWHAAAAAAA says the idiot who doesn't even know how the human immune system works...
True I don’t know how it works beyond basic knowledge. I trust doctors who are trained to know how it works… DOCTORS… the people you seem to think you know more than. Fool
When will the right learn about how vaccinated people spread the virus to other people? Why do we have inoculations for any disease, virus or deformity causing problems in humans??
got news for you,we already DO know how vaccinated people spread harmful proteins onto the non vaccinated. :auiqs.jpg:
It hasn't been the case if you just open your eyes. The most highly vaccinated places on the planet are surging and they are surging because vaccinated people are spreading the virus.
No darling. The unvaccinated are spreading the virus in the least vaccinated places in the country.
Vaccines do stop the spread.

If 100% of people were vaccinated, COVID wouldn't be able to feed and reproduce and it would die off.
Wake the fuck up Otis, its the "mRNA injected" who are the threat, not the wise, or those already previously infected, everything you state in above quote is ludicrously erroneous, and totally absent scientific support, right up there with mask wearing, and social distancing, all totally devoid of supporting medical evidence.
No darling. The unvaccinated are spreading the virus in the least vaccinated places in the country.
No they are not, even the liars in CDC and NIH are no longer lying about that, its the mRNA injected who are the danger, this is just a fact, go look at what is currently occurring in Israel, Iceland, and Singapore, the three highest adult mRNA compliance nation/states on earth, its you retards who submitted to the jabs who are the danger, and you retards are dying in droves, from the shots, and from wuhan fever infections 99.5% of all other people easily survive, you are not vaccinated, not at all!
78% of adults in the USA are now vaxxed.

Hence the constant antivaxxer meltdowns here. They've lost in an incredibly humiliating fashion, they know it, and they're not handling it well.
No they are not, even the liars in CDC and NIH are no longer lying about that, its the mRNA injected who are the danger, this is just a fact, go look at what is currently occurring in Israel, Iceland, and Singapore, the three highest adult mRNA compliance nation/states on earth, its you retards who submitted to the jabs who are the danger, and you retards are dying in droves, from the shots, and from wuhan fever infections 99.5% of all other people easily survive, you are not vaccinated, not at all!
Hospitals are overflowing with unvaccinated patients. What does that say to you, eh?



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This impossibly stupid comment is a textbook strawman, there is no vaccine, its a gene therapy attempting to game the human immune system and the consequences of that are proving catastrophic, "its experimental," smallpox, measles, Polio, ect, all were proven commodities, mRNA is implicated by CDC's own injury data base in hundreds of thousands of injuries and at least 50,000 deaths from the jabs alone! You won't know that however if you remain attached by lips, to the rectum of MSNBC/CNN, or any US media source, as virtually all of them are actively suppressing this information!

At the minimum, 99.5% of all human beings easily handle a wuhan fever infection, and everyone who does, is radically more protected against future infection via their own immune systems production of anti-bodies! There is a growing probability that retards such as above quoted imbecile, could spontaneously drop dead 1-3 years following the jabs, and these morons are like sheep, or cattle, mindlessly standing in line for 3rd, and 4th jabs, absolute insanity!

More antivax nutter lies debunked. Go back to your facebook memes if you want to live outside of reality.

When will the tumpeciles learn that vaccines do go a long way in stopping the spread of the virus, and this has been the case all along.
Hun, the faux vaccines only last 2-8 months----they make the innoculated unknowing carriers. Have not asked yourself why are there more covid infections this year over last when you have all those faux vaccines around?
Hun, the faux vaccines only last 2-8 months----they make the innoculated unknowing carriers. Have not asked yourself why are there more covid infections this year over last when you have all those faux vaccines around?
Simply because the covid has caught up to those who are not vaccinated, yes? Let's not forget that the variant is more powerful than its predecessor.
When will the tumpeciles learn that vaccines do go a long way in stopping the spread of the virus, and this has been the case all along.

No, they don't stop the spread. Actually, these injections are dangerous and increase the spread.
No, they don't stop the spread. Actually, these injections are dangerous and increase the spread.
Actually, the lack of vaccines is dangerous and increases the spread, as indicated by our overflowing hospitals. Yes, vaccinations do indeed stop the spread.
Actually, the lack of vaccines is dangerous and increases the spread, as indicated by our overflowing hospitals. Yes, vaccinations do indeed stop the spread.

Real vaccines do. This mRNA tech isn't a vaccine. It doesn't prevent spread nor offer immunity.
Real vaccines do. This mRNA tech isn't a vaccine. It doesn't prevent spread nor offer immunity.
That was part of the intentional con: to label mRNA technology as if it’s a traditional “vaccine” that would actually provide protection from contracting and spreading the virus when they knew it does neither. That was one of the initial public messaging cons- the attempt to convince a majority that it was equally as safe and effective as traditional vaccines when both have proved to be false.

How can anyone trust any medical spokesperson, and I don’t care who they are in standing, if they have all this expertise they know what’s going on, either that or they just truly are imbeciles. One way is evil and the other is inept. Ineptness is forgivable once when at the helm of a pandemic, but numerous blunders, one after another, one has to wonder how much subterfuge is mixed in with the consistent ineptitude. Any guesses? Maybe it’s about even at 50/50 or slightly tipped one way or the other. Twenty years from now… scratch that, 10 years from now we’ll have so much come out against Fauci along with having NIH’s full approval . Anyone who currently works for Fauci will deny that fact to avoid a bad reputation.
Actually, the lack of vaccines is dangerous and increases the spread, as indicated by our overflowing hospitals. Yes, vaccinations do indeed stop the spread.
It’s too bad we were not given a vaccine option, in that case. Definition of a vaccine (this should be interesting) I’m going to use Webster’s…let’s see if we have a 2021 revised definition to include messenger RNA “training” method! Well, well, well! Of course it’s been revised!

Look at the politically correct 2021 definition of vaccine compared to its former definition- the change was made this past January. LOL what a crock of left- leaning political demagogues!

“Here is the definition until early to mid-January, 2021:


By January 26, 2021 it was changed to include a section on “genetic material” and mRNA:


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