when will we decide to stop this crime wave?


Platinum Member
Sep 7, 2020
There comes a time when we have to say enough is enough. Our laws and our civic norms are not the problem in this country. Criminals are the problem in this country, from violent protests and city take overs, to smash and grabs and the thousands and thousands of murders in our cities. Robberies, car jackings, and overall lawlessness by people of all stripes, and yes the capitol riot and intrusion into the Congress. Even this:

The article even says it's been going on for months, even spending millions and millions spent to replace the copper wires at traffic lights.

Meanwhile our politicians turn a complete blind eye to towards the criminals and their destruction of America and claim that the police are our problem. Activists and lawmakers who make excuses for criminals are the problem in America, and if we don't change this, we won't have an America very soon. The police are our last line of defense, right now the term "thin blue line" has never been more apt. But I don't want to rely on a thin blue line that is being made thinner and weaker by our so-called leaders. I want politicians who will stop making excuses for our criminals, fund and increase and properly train our police departments and stop sniveling and apologizing every time someone cries about having their feelings hurt. . Opening the prison doors and pretending our world was full of fuzzy teddy bears and rainbows was the most stupid thing our society has ever done.

Our problem is not that we won't have a three-month voting period, our problem is that we don't have anyone to vote for that is not stupid.

Either we stop the crime now, or nothing else is going to matter. I never dreamed that our nation would become like a third world country. It's despicable.
I expect folks to face the truth about themselves Rod

People blinded can't do that. Add on top of that all the toxins altering their brains and the propaganda machines these are the results we have here and now.

I expected truth and justice in the courts and found them lacking severely. I expected medical professionals to have more knowledge if they were getting a paycheck to provide services too but I also found the majority of them lacking thus I've had to do massive amounts of research for myself.

I also expected more from the churches too but damn they do not have very good comprehension skills either but rather choose their own paths and versions that don't mix well with reality of the Spirit.

We can expect good results but the results will be crap as long as people choose the paths they have been leading them down for the last fifty plus years.
There comes a time when we have to say enough is enough. Our laws and our civic norms are not the problem in this country. Criminals are the problem in this country, from violent protests and city take overs, to smash and grabs and the thousands and thousands of murders in our cities. Robberies, car jackings, and overall lawlessness by people of all stripes, and yes the capitol riot and intrusion into the Congress. Even this:

The article even says it's been going on for months, even spending millions and millions spent to replace the copper wires at traffic lights.

Meanwhile our politicians turn a complete blind eye to towards the criminals and their destruction of America and claim that the police are our problem. Activists and lawmakers who make excuses for criminals are the problem in America, and if we don't change this, we won't have an America very soon. The police are our last line of defense, right now the term "thin blue line" has never been more apt. But I don't want to rely on a thin blue line that is being made thinner and weaker by our so-called leaders. I want politicians who will stop making excuses for our criminals, fund and increase and properly train our police departments and stop sniveling and apologizing every time someone cries about having their feelings hurt. . Opening the prison doors and pretending our world was full of fuzzy teddy bears and rainbows was the most stupid thing our society has ever done.

Our problem is not that we won't have a three-month voting period, our problem is that we don't have anyone to vote for that is not stupid.

Either we stop the crime now, or nothing else is going to matter. I never dreamed that our nation would become like a third world country. It's despicable.
Well what's the solution? Put more people in jail? We already have more per per Capita in jail than any other country on earth. Still got the crime.

Notice how vile leftist filth think it's funny.
It's time.

As a tired old woman, I find myself wanting to see the young men standing up for this country like they did when I was a kid, and there just don't seem to be any men left.

Maybe it's good that America is dying. There's nothing left to save.
I could really care less....The crime rate in my AO is more or less normal and stiff sentences are still given for serious crimes. The homeless are given the bum's rush out of town, and the cops are allowed to do their jobs.

You want to know why?.....Because we don't have dems running anything.....Crime and failure follow when dems run things, it's just a matter of time.
It's time.

As a tired old woman, I find myself wanting to see the young men standing up for this country like they did when I was a kid, and there just don't seem to be any men left.

Maybe it's good that America is dying. There's nothing left to save.

As George Orwell pointed out, people sleep peacefully in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.

Unfortunately, the concept of rough men has become politically-incorrect over the last few decades. We're supposed to be sensitive, civilized, and effeminate, according to out liberal overlords.

Maybe rough women will fix the crime problem for us, if we could just get them registered for the draft or something. Yeah, that's it. An army of Amazon warriors to strike fear in the hearts of all criminals who hears their name.
Well what's the solution? Put more people in jail? We already have more per per Capita in jail than any other country on earth. Still got the crime.
At least asking the question and being willing to find solutions is a start. But not putting people in jail allows them to keep being criminals and it teaches other people that if they decide to start stealing and destroying things, even injuring other people, that they won't face any recriminations. One or two chances for non violent youth offenders can be acceptable as long as they know the record will not be erased, and their first jail term will be judged accordingly. (But if you are 35 doing smash and grabs, 20 years baby, period). Jail and incarceration is a deterrent for most people. For those who are not deterred by jail, they need to be in jail and kept there. Creating a real rehabilitative prison system would help but letting people out because they manipulate soft willed judges is stupid.

Once we lock away the criminals, we need to completely rebuild our school programs to stop producing more criminals and poorly educated young adults who think the world owes them a middle-class lifestyle simply because they know how to breath. Eventually we will run out of criminals to lock up and the percentages will drop. But we cannot let criminals out of jail, so the numbers look good. That produces nothing but more crime.

Finally, we need to admit that the two parent, mom and dad family is the model that we want to encourage, because sons need dads to teach them how to be responsible men, and to provide the example to their daughters of what a responsible man looks like and how they behave. We need moms to rear their children into well-adjusted human beings who know how to respect women and to respect society. Trucking them off to babysitters every day is not raising your kids, it's a complete and total abdication of womanhood.

Women are not men; men are not women. And both need to keep their fricking zippers closed until they are married and ready to start a family that they will be responsible for. And if a woman refuses to keep her legs closed and continues to produce human beings she cannot afford. She should be fixed like a dog, since she obviously has less self-control than one. Same for the dad, if you keep fathering children you won't support then a large pair of pruning shears should be in your future. It takes more to be a man than simply dipping your wick to get your rocks off.

Thats a substantial good start.
Union Pacific freight train box cars are being broken into in LA...Union Pacific is threatening to stop rolling their trains through Los Angeles...LA looks like a war zone where both sides are losing.....but that mayor and the governor keep getting re elected....
When these Liberal run cities decide to adopt real, I’m sorry to say it but CONSERVATIVE policies and BOOM
As George Orwell pointed out, people sleep peacefully in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.

Unfortunately, the concept of rough men has become politically-incorrect over the last few decades. We're supposed to be sensitive, civilized, and effeminate, according to out liberal overlords.

Maybe rough women will fix the crime problem for us, if we could just get them registered for the draft or something. Yeah, that's it. An army of Amazon warriors to strike fear in the hearts of all criminals who hears their name.
Yes, the left wants to teach boys to reject manhood, hence part of the problem we have today. And women cannot be men no matter how much some of them seem to want to be. And that's why government universal childcare must never ever become law, because that's exactly what they want to teach, and it will be mandated, if the schools want funding, they will teach the leftist perversions to all children and parents will have no say.
At least asking the question and being willing to find solutions is a start. But not putting people in jail allows them to keep being criminals and it teaches other people that if they decide to start stealing and destroying things, even injuring other people, that they won't face any recriminations. One or two chances for non violent youth offenders can be acceptable as long as they know the record will not be erased, and their first jail term will be judged accordingly. (But if you are 35 doing smash and grabs, 20 years baby, period). Jail and incarceration is a deterrent for most people. For those who are not deterred by jail, they need to be in jail and kept there. Creating a real rehabilitative prison system would help but letting people out because they manipulate soft willed judges is stupid.

Once we lock away the criminals, we need to completely rebuild our school programs to stop producing more criminals and poorly educated young adults who think the world owes them a middle-class lifestyle simply because they know how to breath. Eventually we will run out of criminals to lock up and the percentages will drop. But we cannot let criminals out of jail, so the numbers look good. That produces nothing but more crime.

Finally, we need to admit that the two parent, mom and dad family is the model that we want to encourage, because sons need dads to teach them how to be responsible men, and to provide the example to their daughters of what a responsible man looks like and how they behave. We need moms to rear their children into well-adjusted human beings who know how to respect women and to respect society. Trucking them off to babysitters every day is not raising your kids, it's a complete and total abdication of womanhood.

Women are not men; men are not women. And both need to keep their fricking zippers closed until they are married and ready to start a family that they will be responsible for. And if a woman refuses to keep her legs closed and continues to produce human beings she cannot afford. She should be fixed like a dog, since she obviously has less self-control than one. Same for the dad, if you keep fathering children you won't support then a large pair of pruning shears should be in your future. It takes more to be a man than simply dipping your wick to get your rocks off.

Thats a substantial good start.
So more of the same. Build more prisons. More people in jail for longer. Lol ya we already tried it. Maybe if the typical American didn't work so many more hours than the rest of the wild dad would be home to teach children values. Throw in more new school s than prison s. That would work But ya try the same thing and expect different results is the definition of insanity according to Einstein.
So more of the same. Build more prisons. More people in jail for longer. Lol ya we already tried it. Maybe if the typical American didn't work so many more hours than the rest of the wild dad would be home to teach children values. Throw in more new school s than prison s. That would work But ya try the same thing and expect different results is the definition of insanity according to Einstein.
No, that would not work and is not working.

What stops crime is having police out there catching criminals. It is actually counter productive to lock more people up for longer as the overly long sentencing is not what deters people but rather the propensity to get caught.

Which is the EXACT opposite of what the left today is pushing. You want less crime, you need more police, period. That is simply a fact.

The real solution is really not all that complex, more police out there enforcing the law, fewer asinine crimes putting people in cages that do not need to be there and consistency in policing overall.
No, that would not work and is not working.

What stops crime is having police out there catching criminals. It is actually counter productive to lock more people up for longer as the overly long sentencing is not what deters people but rather the propensity to get caught.

Which is the EXACT opposite of what the left today is pushing. You want less crime, you need more police, period. That is simply a fact.

The real solution is really not all that complex, more police out there enforcing the law, fewer asinine crimes putting people in cages that do not need to be there and consistency in policing overall.
So again more of what we have already tried. But it will work this time right. Uh hu
There comes a time when we have to say enough is enough. Our laws and our civic norms are not the problem in this country. Criminals are the problem in this country, from violent protests and city take overs, to smash and grabs and the thousands and thousands of murders in our cities. Robberies, car jackings, and overall lawlessness by people of all stripes, and yes the capitol riot and intrusion into the Congress. Even this:

The article even says it's been going on for months, even spending millions and millions spent to replace the copper wires at traffic lights.

Meanwhile our politicians turn a complete blind eye to towards the criminals and their destruction of America and claim that the police are our problem. Activists and lawmakers who make excuses for criminals are the problem in America, and if we don't change this, we won't have an America very soon. The police are our last line of defense, right now the term "thin blue line" has never been more apt. But I don't want to rely on a thin blue line that is being made thinner and weaker by our so-called leaders. I want politicians who will stop making excuses for our criminals, fund and increase and properly train our police departments and stop sniveling and apologizing every time someone cries about having their feelings hurt. . Opening the prison doors and pretending our world was full of fuzzy teddy bears and rainbows was the most stupid thing our society has ever done.

Our problem is not that we won't have a three-month voting period, our problem is that we don't have anyone to vote for that is not stupid.

Either we stop the crime now, or nothing else is going to matter. I never dreamed that our nation would become like a third world country. It's despicable.
Crime has become a political hot potato because of who all is involved in it now, and no politician wants to handle that hot potato, but it's getting to the point where it will have to be handled, and that might mean a complete draining of the swamp that created the mess. Trump undoubtedly didn't realize what it meant to drain the swamp or he didn't realize how arduous a task it was going to be in order to introduce law and order back into the system. Right now any attempt at reintroducing law and order is met with one being called a racist or bigot if certain element's or people are involved. It is a huge problem it seems these days.

Crime is crime, and the excuses for it has got to end.

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