When will white people admit it.......the world is laughing at YOU, not us!!

The saddest part about the OP is she is clearly oblivious to reality. The world laughs at negroes and have been since they encountered them. Let's not forget blackface performances.... That was how everyone saw negroes back then and how a lot of people still do.

They see blacks buck-dancing and bo-jangling still to this very day. What's worse is blacks actually think they look cool and promote this caricature.

I feel sorry for the blacks with higher iq's than the average black...must suck to have to prove you aren't the average negro.

What is really sad, is having a white man, show compassion and pity for the good nigga's when YOUR THE ONE'S THAT MAKE IT HARD FOR THE SO CALLED GOOD ONES....an irony within its self. Hate to disappoint you pal, but american blacks aren't headlining the media overseas, its you morons in pink skin. And for the last and final time....nigga's in america can't be all that bad, when white women by the bus loads are flocking to their every wim.
Haha! What have I done to keep "good blacks" down?

What have you done personally? Fuck I don't know, but I do know that hard working blacks in this country don't have a chance in hell to escape the generalization that you pink mf's do with all blacks in this country...unless your a Wayne Brady or Bryant Gumble and have name tags to prove it. Oprah a multi billionaire, has had to endure racism prior to you white people giving her a pass....google it.
I haven't done a thing to stop any black person from doing anything to better themselves. I can tell you something that I am doing to better your situation in this country, though indirectly...

I'm supporting a candidate that says he wants to build a wall and deport illegals and that would help black Americans get their employment rate up.

You need to stop with crying about racism, it won't go away as long as you blacks scream about it every time you don't get your way or don't put in the effort it takes to succeed.

The rest of us are getting tired of your bitching and you're actually making a lot of us feel it's not wrong to be prejudiced towards you. That includes me. 4-5 years ago, I had empathy for the plight of black america. Now I really don't care. I'd still prefer you get your acts together but I am under no illusion that's going to happen seeing the state your community is in and who you all consider "leaders".

Lets get something straight before we go any further......you and white people taking issues with me, us black folk is a non fuckin issue. I don't give a fuck about you and your desires of not wanting me to whine as you put it. If any fuckin body got cause to whine, to bitch to moan and groan, its us black people....the way you white mf are treating our president, the way you white motherfuckers are going around the country complaining on wanting your damned country back, the way you simple minded bastards are bitching about every gotdamned thing but what ails blacks, you do the math, its you mf's that's doing all the fuckin complaining in this country and your doing it through that mindless hack, called Trump. One more time, since when do I or any fuckin black in this country gives a rats fuck about you and what you think of us, like really? I don't give a fuck who you motherfuckers vote for, cause guess the fuck what? I get to vote too.....and one more thing....don't you worry your poor little brain on what the fuck my community is doing, cause between the white bitches that live there with thier nigga's and the illegals, we got all the fuckin stress we can handle, we don't need to add you fucks onto too.
And... no one cares. If it wasn't for the amusement of seeing a little white guy, Vladimir Putin, making a world joke out of your shit stain of a presidunce no one would care about him either.

Everyone can see your angst. You whine about it all day long. No one cares. You have run into a brick wall of apathy.
What is really sad, is having a white man, show compassion and pity for the good nigga's when YOUR THE ONE'S THAT MAKE IT HARD FOR THE SO CALLED GOOD ONES....an irony within its self. Hate to disappoint you pal, but american blacks aren't headlining the media overseas, its you morons in pink skin. And for the last and final time....nigga's in america can't be all that bad, when white women by the bus loads are flocking to their every wim.
Haha! What have I done to keep "good blacks" down?

What have you done personally? Fuck I don't know, but I do know that hard working blacks in this country don't have a chance in hell to escape the generalization that you pink mf's do with all blacks in this country...unless your a Wayne Brady or Bryant Gumble and have name tags to prove it. Oprah a multi billionaire, has had to endure racism prior to you white people giving her a pass....google it.
I haven't done a thing to stop any black person from doing anything to better themselves. I can tell you something that I am doing to better your situation in this country, though indirectly...

I'm supporting a candidate that says he wants to build a wall and deport illegals and that would help black Americans get their employment rate up.

You need to stop with crying about racism, it won't go away as long as you blacks scream about it every time you don't get your way or don't put in the effort it takes to succeed.

The rest of us are getting tired of your bitching and you're actually making a lot of us feel it's not wrong to be prejudiced towards you. That includes me. 4-5 years ago, I had empathy for the plight of black america. Now I really don't care. I'd still prefer you get your acts together but I am under no illusion that's going to happen seeing the state your community is in and who you all consider "leaders".

Lets get something straight before we go any further......you and white people taking issues with me, us black folk is a non fuckin issue. I don't give a fuck about you and your desires of not wanting me to whine as you put it. If any fuckin body got cause to whine, to bitch to moan and groan, its us black people....the way you white mf are treating our president, the way you white motherfuckers are going around the country complaining on wanting your damned country back, the way you simple minded bastards are bitching about every gotdamned thing but what ails blacks, you do the math, its you mf's that's doing all the fuckin complaining in this country and your doing it through that mindless hack, called Trump. One more time, since when do I or any fuckin black in this country gives a rats fuck about you and what you think of us, like really? I don't give a fuck who you motherfuckers vote for, cause guess the fuck what? I get to vote too.....and one more thing....don't you worry your poor little brain on what the fuck my community is doing, cause between the white bitches that live there with thier nigga's and the illegals, we got all the fuckin stress we can handle, we don't need to add you fucks onto too.
You black hags are the biggest cry baby pussies I have ever seen. Don't want to hear us slap you sorry ass down stop posting your crybaby whining shit.
Is that cry baby pussies or dry pussy babies?
The assumption that you don't recognize or acknowledge your white boy privilege makes your comment and you appear and sound ignorant, but what else is new, you're white.

Mmm, that didn't make any sense.

I have no WHite Privilege. No one has every given me anything, let alone for being white.
For the last time....its not about giving you something, its about having the doors of opportunity available by viture of skin color...listen, trying to convince you white nuts of reality is too daunting and exhausting.
Then stop, don't need to hear your monkey squeal.

Look, bitch, your the one who keep commenting to me...don't get the shit twisted.
Hey asswipe, you are the stupid hag that keeps posting the racist stupidity. STFU ghetto whore.
Ghetto whore? LOLOLOLOL
What is really sad, is having a white man, show compassion and pity for the good nigga's when YOUR THE ONE'S THAT MAKE IT HARD FOR THE SO CALLED GOOD ONES....an irony within its self. Hate to disappoint you pal, but american blacks aren't headlining the media overseas, its you morons in pink skin. And for the last and final time....nigga's in america can't be all that bad, when white women by the bus loads are flocking to their every wim.
Haha! What have I done to keep "good blacks" down?

What have you done personally? Fuck I don't know, but I do know that hard working blacks in this country don't have a chance in hell to escape the generalization that you pink mf's do with all blacks in this country...unless your a Wayne Brady or Bryant Gumble and have name tags to prove it. Oprah a multi billionaire, has had to endure racism prior to you white people giving her a pass....google it.
I haven't done a thing to stop any black person from doing anything to better themselves. I can tell you something that I am doing to better your situation in this country, though indirectly...

I'm supporting a candidate that says he wants to build a wall and deport illegals and that would help black Americans get their employment rate up.

You need to stop with crying about racism, it won't go away as long as you blacks scream about it every time you don't get your way or don't put in the effort it takes to succeed.

The rest of us are getting tired of your bitching and you're actually making a lot of us feel it's not wrong to be prejudiced towards you. That includes me. 4-5 years ago, I had empathy for the plight of black america. Now I really don't care. I'd still prefer you get your acts together but I am under no illusion that's going to happen seeing the state your community is in and who you all consider "leaders".

Lets get something straight before we go any further......you and white people taking issues with me, us black folk is a non fuckin issue. I don't give a fuck about you and your desires of not wanting me to whine as you put it. If any fuckin body got cause to whine, to bitch to moan and groan, its us black people....the way you white mf are treating our president, the way you white motherfuckers are going around the country complaining on wanting your damned country back, the way you simple minded bastards are bitching about every gotdamned thing but what ails blacks, you do the math, its you mf's that's doing all the fuckin complaining in this country and your doing it through that mindless hack, called Trump. One more time, since when do I or any fuckin black in this country gives a rats fuck about you and what you think of us, like really? I don't give a fuck who you motherfuckers vote for, cause guess the fuck what? I get to vote too.....and one more thing....don't you worry your poor little brain on what the fuck my community is doing, cause between the white bitches that live there with thier nigga's and the illegals, we got all the fuckin stress we can handle, we don't need to add you fucks onto too.
And... no one cares. If it wasn't for the amusement of seeing a little white guy, Vladimir Putin, making a world joke out of your shit stain of a presidunce no one would care about him either.

Everyone can see your angst. You whine about it all day long. No one cares. You have run into a brick wall of apathy.

Trust me, the last this country needs you fuckin war mongering coward is another gotdamn war and Putin knows this, Obama knows this and the world knows this. You morons have got to get one thing straight, this country with all the shit we got going on, don't have time to address a bully that needs fuckin attention, like that fat fuck in North Korea. We are now fighting 3 fuckin wars, do you want darn a uniform and go teach Putin a lesson, because if you do, bitch have at it. The rest of us are trying to pay bills and live.
This is a personal response to the thread attacking blacks as usual, of whites having accomplished more in this country than everybody, including God himself.

The topic in itself, is ridiculous, but I can't let it slide without schooling this ass hole along with others who co signed onto his bullshit of reality.....

Here we have a race, ie white people, especially white men, who throughout our history, from the boat ride to a meth clinic down the street, who has been free his whole life, has had every door propped wide open for nothing but opportunity and success for the entire history of this nation, who did just about everything possible to keep everybody, including women and minorities from the table of opportunity while standing on the necks....and this motherfucker wants to brag about and thump his chest??? Uh, ya think maybe just maybe, ya gotta just a little bit help along the way>>

I do contend however, that despite the attempts to keep minority and women as second class citizens, we've done pretty good for ourselves, especially that black under achiever currently in the white house, who trust me, despite your thoughts will go down as one of the greatest presidents in our history and you heard it hear first, cracker!!

U.S. election: How the world sees it - CNN.com
BECAUSE OF STUPID WHITE ACHIEVING REDNECKS.....WE LEAVE 8 YEARS OF THIS:View attachment 71695View attachment 71696
to this empending shit......
View attachment 71697
View attachment 71698and all this is because of over achieving, God blessed, ignorant white motherfuckers..and you want to brag? Really? Your race is a laughing stock of the world...get the fuck outta here.
When I was growing up white families looked down on my parents and asked them why they were over here stealing all their jobs. Today my brother is the VP of a fortune 500 company. Do you think any of those white factory rats kids became anything? Probably not
Haha! What have I done to keep "good blacks" down?

What have you done personally? Fuck I don't know, but I do know that hard working blacks in this country don't have a chance in hell to escape the generalization that you pink mf's do with all blacks in this country...unless your a Wayne Brady or Bryant Gumble and have name tags to prove it. Oprah a multi billionaire, has had to endure racism prior to you white people giving her a pass....google it.
I haven't done a thing to stop any black person from doing anything to better themselves. I can tell you something that I am doing to better your situation in this country, though indirectly...

I'm supporting a candidate that says he wants to build a wall and deport illegals and that would help black Americans get their employment rate up.

You need to stop with crying about racism, it won't go away as long as you blacks scream about it every time you don't get your way or don't put in the effort it takes to succeed.

The rest of us are getting tired of your bitching and you're actually making a lot of us feel it's not wrong to be prejudiced towards you. That includes me. 4-5 years ago, I had empathy for the plight of black america. Now I really don't care. I'd still prefer you get your acts together but I am under no illusion that's going to happen seeing the state your community is in and who you all consider "leaders".

Lets get something straight before we go any further......you and white people taking issues with me, us black folk is a non fuckin issue. I don't give a fuck about you and your desires of not wanting me to whine as you put it. If any fuckin body got cause to whine, to bitch to moan and groan, its us black people....the way you white mf are treating our president, the way you white motherfuckers are going around the country complaining on wanting your damned country back, the way you simple minded bastards are bitching about every gotdamned thing but what ails blacks, you do the math, its you mf's that's doing all the fuckin complaining in this country and your doing it through that mindless hack, called Trump. One more time, since when do I or any fuckin black in this country gives a rats fuck about you and what you think of us, like really? I don't give a fuck who you motherfuckers vote for, cause guess the fuck what? I get to vote too.....and one more thing....don't you worry your poor little brain on what the fuck my community is doing, cause between the white bitches that live there with thier nigga's and the illegals, we got all the fuckin stress we can handle, we don't need to add you fucks onto too.
And... no one cares. If it wasn't for the amusement of seeing a little white guy, Vladimir Putin, making a world joke out of your shit stain of a presidunce no one would care about him either.

Everyone can see your angst. You whine about it all day long. No one cares. You have run into a brick wall of apathy.

Trust me, the last this country needs you fuckin war mongering coward is another gotdamn war and Putin knows this, Obama knows this and the world knows this. You morons have got to get one thing straight, this country with all the shit we got going on, don't have time to address a bully that needs fuckin attention, like that fat fuck in North Korea. We are now fighting 3 fuckin wars, do you want darn a uniform and go teach Putin a lesson, because if you do, bitch have at it. The rest of us are trying to pay bills and live.
Teach Putin a lesson! I'd rather see Putin land on the white hut lawn and chain that shit stain to the back of a pick up truck. Play Achilles and Hector three times around the capitol.
The saddest part about the OP is she is clearly oblivious to reality. The world laughs at negroes and have been since they encountered them. Let's not forget blackface performances.... That was how everyone saw negroes back then and how a lot of people still do.

They see blacks buck-dancing and bo-jangling still to this very day. What's worse is blacks actually think they look cool and promote this caricature.

I feel sorry for the blacks with higher iq's than the average black...must suck to have to prove you aren't the average negro.

What is really sad, is having a white man, show compassion and pity for the good nigga's when YOUR THE ONE'S THAT MAKE IT HARD FOR THE SO CALLED GOOD ONES....an irony within its self. Hate to disappoint you pal, but american blacks aren't headlining the media overseas, its you morons in pink skin. And for the last and final time....nigga's in america can't be all that bad, when white women by the bus loads are flocking to their every wim.
Haha! What have I done to keep "good blacks" down?

What have you done personally? Fuck I don't know, but I do know that hard working blacks in this country don't have a chance in hell to escape the generalization that you pink mf's do with all blacks in this country...unless your a Wayne Brady or Bryant Gumble and have name tags to prove it. Oprah a multi billionaire, has had to endure racism prior to you white people giving her a pass....google it.
I haven't done a thing to stop any black person from doing anything to better themselves. I can tell you something that I am doing to better your situation in this country, though indirectly...

I'm supporting a candidate that says he wants to build a wall and deport illegals and that would help black Americans get their employment rate up.

You need to stop with crying about racism, it won't go away as long as you blacks scream about it every time you don't get your way or don't put in the effort it takes to succeed.

The rest of us are getting tired of your bitching and you're actually making a lot of us feel it's not wrong to be prejudiced towards you. That includes me. 4-5 years ago, I had empathy for the plight of black america. Now I really don't care. I'd still prefer you get your acts together but I am under no illusion that's going to happen seeing the state your community is in and who you all consider "leaders".

Lets get something straight before we go any further......you and white people taking issues with me, us black folk is a non fuckin issue. I don't give a fuck about you and your desires of not wanting me to whine as you put it. If any fuckin body got cause to whine, to bitch to moan and groan, its us black people....the way you white mf are treating our president, the way you white motherfuckers are going around the country complaining on wanting your damned country back, the way you simple minded bastards are bitching about every gotdamned thing but what ails blacks, you do the math, its you mf's that's doing all the fuckin complaining in this country and your doing it through that mindless hack, called Trump. One more time, since when do I or any fuckin black in this country gives a rats fuck about you and what you think of us, like really? I don't give a fuck who you motherfuckers vote for, cause guess the fuck what? I get to vote too.....and one more thing....don't you worry your poor little brain on what the fuck my community is doing, cause between the white bitches that live there with thier nigga's and the illegals, we got all the fuckin stress we can handle, we don't need to add you fucks onto too.

That you are surprised and upset that "we whites" are being hard on a Dem President, after watching the way we were hard on Bill Clinton, shows that this is not about getting treated equally but wanting special treatment.

Any assumption on your part that we are giving Obama a hard time just because he is black, is you being stupid.

NOt trying to be rude, just keeping it real.
This is a personal response to the thread attacking blacks as usual, of whites having accomplished more in this country than everybody, including God himself.

The topic in itself, is ridiculous, but I can't let it slide without schooling this ass hole along with others who co signed onto his bullshit of reality.....

Here we have a race, ie white people, especially white men, who throughout our history, from the boat ride to a meth clinic down the street, who has been free his whole life, has had every door propped wide open for nothing but opportunity and success for the entire history of this nation, who did just about everything possible to keep everybody, including women and minorities from the table of opportunity while standing on the necks....and this motherfucker wants to brag about and thump his chest??? Uh, ya think maybe just maybe, ya gotta just a little bit help along the way>>

I do contend however, that despite the attempts to keep minority and women as second class citizens, we've done pretty good for ourselves, especially that black under achiever currently in the white house, who trust me, despite your thoughts will go down as one of the greatest presidents in our history and you heard it hear first, cracker!!

U.S. election: How the world sees it - CNN.com
BECAUSE OF STUPID WHITE ACHIEVING REDNECKS.....WE LEAVE 8 YEARS OF THIS:View attachment 71695View attachment 71696
to this empending shit......
View attachment 71697
View attachment 71698and all this is because of over achieving, God blessed, ignorant white motherfuckers..and you want to brag? Really? Your race is a laughing stock of the world...get the fuck outta here.

And this is your race's only accomplishment: name calling, lying, butthurt, and revisionist history.

Your jealous hatred and envy is quite strong.

For the last time you moron pay attention, this thread was a response to a thread that you obsessing whites keep making about blacks.....understand you simple minded fool

The racist butthurt is strong with you.
This is a personal response to the thread attacking blacks as usual, of whites having accomplished more in this country than everybody, including God himself.

The topic in itself, is ridiculous, but I can't let it slide without schooling this ass hole along with others who co signed onto his bullshit of reality.....

Here we have a race, ie white people, especially white men, who throughout our history, from the boat ride to a meth clinic down the street, who has been free his whole life, has had every door propped wide open for nothing but opportunity and success for the entire history of this nation, who did just about everything possible to keep everybody, including women and minorities from the table of opportunity while standing on the necks....and this motherfucker wants to brag about and thump his chest??? Uh, ya think maybe just maybe, ya gotta just a little bit help along the way>>

I do contend however, that despite the attempts to keep minority and women as second class citizens, we've done pretty good for ourselves, especially that black under achiever currently in the white house, who trust me, despite your thoughts will go down as one of the greatest presidents in our history and you heard it hear first, cracker!!

U.S. election: How the world sees it - CNN.com
BECAUSE OF STUPID WHITE ACHIEVING REDNECKS.....WE LEAVE 8 YEARS OF THIS:View attachment 71695View attachment 71696
to this empending shit......
View attachment 71697
View attachment 71698and all this is because of over achieving, God blessed, ignorant white motherfuckers..and you want to brag? Really? Your race is a laughing stock of the world...get the fuck outta here.

And this is your race's only accomplishment: name calling, lying, butthurt, and revisionist history.

Your jealous hatred and envy is quite strong.

For the last time you moron pay attention, this thread was a response to a thread that you obsessing whites keep making about blacks.....understand you simple minded fool

The racist butthurt is strong with you.
She's a giant billboard of jealousy and envy.
This is a personal response to the thread attacking blacks as usual, of whites having accomplished more in this country than everybody, including God himself.

The topic in itself, is ridiculous, but I can't let it slide without schooling this ass hole along with others who co signed onto his bullshit of reality.....

Here we have a race, ie white people, especially white men, who throughout our history, from the boat ride to a meth clinic down the street, who has been free his whole life, has had every door propped wide open for nothing but opportunity and success for the entire history of this nation, who did just about everything possible to keep everybody, including women and minorities from the table of opportunity while standing on the necks....and this motherfucker wants to brag about and thump his chest??? Uh, ya think maybe just maybe, ya gotta just a little bit help along the way>>

I do contend however, that despite the attempts to keep minority and women as second class citizens, we've done pretty good for ourselves, especially that black under achiever currently in the white house, who trust me, despite your thoughts will go down as one of the greatest presidents in our history and you heard it hear first, cracker!!

U.S. election: How the world sees it - CNN.com
BECAUSE OF STUPID WHITE ACHIEVING REDNECKS.....WE LEAVE 8 YEARS OF THIS:View attachment 71695View attachment 71696
to this empending shit......
View attachment 71697
View attachment 71698and all this is because of over achieving, God blessed, ignorant white motherfuckers..and you want to brag? Really? Your race is a laughing stock of the world...get the fuck outta here.

And this is your race's only accomplishment: name calling, lying, butthurt, and revisionist history.

Your jealous hatred and envy is quite strong.

For the last time you moron pay attention, this thread was a response to a thread that you obsessing whites keep making about blacks.....understand you simple minded fool

The racist butthurt is strong with you.
She's a giant billboard of jealousy and envy.

And you can type that with a straight face, can ya? I'm 60 years old and have been around enough dumb stupid clueless whites to last me a life time....I only wish I had the knowledge of your ignorance growing up, I could have saved my whole generation a era of white worship....that you fucks are as dumb as door knobs, haven't a clue about shit and is about as worthless as dust ball stuck in a naval. Trust me, jealousy ain't me...I just find this black fasination with white women rather sad....because unity is the only solution to blacks these days and our men will never see the light on that.
This is a personal response to the thread attacking blacks as usual, of whites having accomplished more in this country than everybody, including God himself.

The topic in itself, is ridiculous, but I can't let it slide without schooling this ass hole along with others who co signed onto his bullshit of reality.....

Here we have a race, ie white people, especially white men, who throughout our history, from the boat ride to a meth clinic down the street, who has been free his whole life, has had every door propped wide open for nothing but opportunity and success for the entire history of this nation, who did just about everything possible to keep everybody, including women and minorities from the table of opportunity while standing on the necks....and this motherfucker wants to brag about and thump his chest??? Uh, ya think maybe just maybe, ya gotta just a little bit help along the way>>

I do contend however, that despite the attempts to keep minority and women as second class citizens, we've done pretty good for ourselves, especially that black under achiever currently in the white house, who trust me, despite your thoughts will go down as one of the greatest presidents in our history and you heard it hear first, cracker!!

U.S. election: How the world sees it - CNN.com
BECAUSE OF STUPID WHITE ACHIEVING REDNECKS.....WE LEAVE 8 YEARS OF THIS:View attachment 71695View attachment 71696
to this empending shit......
View attachment 71697
View attachment 71698and all this is because of over achieving, God blessed, ignorant white motherfuckers..and you want to brag? Really? Your race is a laughing stock of the world...get the fuck outta here.

And this is your race's only accomplishment: name calling, lying, butthurt, and revisionist history.

Your jealous hatred and envy is quite strong.

For the last time you moron pay attention, this thread was a response to a thread that you obsessing whites keep making about blacks.....understand you simple minded fool

The racist butthurt is strong with you.
She's a giant billboard of jealousy and envy.

And you can type that with a straight face, can ya? I'm 60 years old and have been around enough dumb stupid clueless whites to last me a life time....I only wish I had the knowledge of your ignorance growing up, I could have saved my whole generation a era of white worship....that you fucks are as dumb as door knobs, haven't a clue about shit and is about as worthless as dust ball stuck in a naval. Trust me, jealousy ain't me...I just find this black fasination with white women rather sad....because unity is the only solution to blacks these days and our men will never see the light on that.
Want me to start a go fund me page for a one way trip for you back to Mother Africa?
This is a personal response to the thread attacking blacks as usual, of whites having accomplished more in this country than everybody, including God himself.

The topic in itself, is ridiculous, but I can't let it slide without schooling this ass hole along with others who co signed onto his bullshit of reality.....

Here we have a race, ie white people, especially white men, who throughout our history, from the boat ride to a meth clinic down the street, who has been free his whole life, has had every door propped wide open for nothing but opportunity and success for the entire history of this nation, who did just about everything possible to keep everybody, including women and minorities from the table of opportunity while standing on the necks....and this motherfucker wants to brag about and thump his chest??? Uh, ya think maybe just maybe, ya gotta just a little bit help along the way>>

I do contend however, that despite the attempts to keep minority and women as second class citizens, we've done pretty good for ourselves, especially that black under achiever currently in the white house, who trust me, despite your thoughts will go down as one of the greatest presidents in our history and you heard it hear first, cracker!!

U.S. election: How the world sees it - CNN.com
BECAUSE OF STUPID WHITE ACHIEVING REDNECKS.....WE LEAVE 8 YEARS OF THIS:View attachment 71695View attachment 71696
to this empending shit......
View attachment 71697
View attachment 71698and all this is because of over achieving, God blessed, ignorant white motherfuckers..and you want to brag? Really? Your race is a laughing stock of the world...get the fuck outta here.

And this is your race's only accomplishment: name calling, lying, butthurt, and revisionist history.

Your jealous hatred and envy is quite strong.

For the last time you moron pay attention, this thread was a response to a thread that you obsessing whites keep making about blacks.....understand you simple minded fool

The racist butthurt is strong with you.
She's a giant billboard of jealousy and envy.

And you can type that with a straight face, can ya? I'm 60 years old and have been around enough dumb stupid clueless whites to last me a life time....I only wish I had the knowledge of your ignorance growing up, I could have saved my whole generation a era of white worship....that you fucks are as dumb as door knobs, haven't a clue about shit and is about as worthless as dust ball stuck in a naval. Trust me, jealousy ain't me...I just find this black fasination with white women rather sad....because unity is the only solution to blacks these days and our men will never see the light on that.

The act has gotten old. Try a new persona.

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