When You Are Missing The Ability To Learn....

No you won't. You will copy and paste some bullshit from some ultra radical propaganda site and then announce your victory. And odds are it will be something you have copied and pasted before, it is like you have some limited reservoir of memes to choose from, not exactly a sign of intelligence. I mean the Cardillo tweet is almost eight months old. I mean are tweets even supposed to be remembered eight months later?

And that is just it, your OP was about missing the ability to learn, but you possess the one quality that actually prohibits you from learning anything, you already know everything. That is why I found this thread so ironic. And your belief, that you know everything is indicative of the entire MAGA movement. You people don't seek out knowledge, you seek confirmation of your already held beliefs. It is how Trump manipulates all of you so easily. The claim that the strategic oil reserve was empty and that he built it up. Not a one of you bothered to fact check him because you wanted to believe what he was saying so badly. He banks on that ignorance, literally.

Like CRT. Honestly, the foundation of CRT is deeply flawed, from a historical perspective. But you MAGA people are unable to attack CRT from a historical standpoint because you are so deeply committed to the flawed historical status quo that CRT attempts to circumvent. The classic example is the whole Thanksgiving story, and how John Stossell and others attempt to manipulate the story as some vindication of a free market and private enterprise. Nothing could be further from the truth. But the real part that is missing hinges on those Native Americans. First, no one seems to wonder how one of them showed up speaking perfect English. Second, no one asks the question, why were they so few Native Americans in that area. The answer to the first unasked question is that the Native American was enslaved, shipped off to England and France, and trotted around like a trophy. The answer to the second question is Listeria poisoning from rat piss off nasty ass ships from Europe pretty much wiped out that Native American population. It was not smallpox.

But I will leave you with this grasshopper. Confucius say--"To know what you know, and what you don't know, that is true knowledge. To take it further, the true measure of intelligence is not what you know, it is what you know you don't know.

Clearly you fear the answer you'd get.
You are a legend in your own mind.

Guilty as charged.

But.....a number of institutions of higher learning have agreed with my view.

Let's leave it at me, never wrong, you unable to articulate in an adult manner.
Clearly you fear the answer you'd get.
Oh yeah, I am so skeered of a copy and paste trained parrot. Riddle me this, what have Republicans done, since Biden took office, to "Make America Great Again". What have they even attempted to do at the national level. And then, step it down to the state level, where Republicans hold a majority in most state legislatures. What has any one of them done, Texas, Florida perhaps a starting point. What have they done to make American Great Again--curtailing voting rights, purging voter roles, passing legislation to pay for transport of illegal aliens to Washington DC, oh wait, you might could count that one. Maybe they could displace some of the lobbyist on K-street.

Then, name me one piece of legislation Republicans have passed, not counting tax cuts, which was my point from the beginning, that has improved the lives of Americans. You got eight years of Bush Jr. and four from Trump. There is a layup in there for you but I doubt you get it. Regardless, you can't find a single one that had the impact of Obamacare on the lives of working Americans, and to the positive I might add. And Republicans fought that legislation tooth and nail.
Guilty as charged.

But.....a number of institutions of higher learning have agreed with my view.

Let's leave it at me, never wrong, you unable to articulate in an adult manner.
Have they now. Tell me again, what "private institution" do you hold a degree from. Rest assured, this is a test. A test if you can remember your lies because me, I am like an elephant, I don't forget. Me, I have studied under two Nobel prize laureates, was a TA for Reagan's first chief of the OMB, oh, and I did the number crunching.

And your adult manner is just a blanket for you to hide behind. If you can't get down and dirty then you got no business being in the kitchen as they say. It is a tough world out there, and I have to tell you, no one can spot agoraphobia better than me. You got it girl, bet you haven't left your apartment in months. It can be cured, but it is difficult.
Oh yeah, I am so skeered of a copy and paste trained parrot. Riddle me this, what have Republicans done, since Biden took office, to "Make America Great Again". What have they even attempted to do at the national level. And then, step it down to the state level, where Republicans hold a majority in most state legislatures. What has any one of them done, Texas, Florida perhaps a starting point. What have they done to make American Great Again--curtailing voting rights, purging voter roles, passing legislation to pay for transport of illegal aliens to Washington DC, oh wait, you might could count that one. Maybe they could displace some of the lobbyist on K-street.

Then, name me one piece of legislation Republicans have passed, not counting tax cuts, which was my point from the beginning, that has improved the lives of Americans. You got eight years of Bush Jr. and four from Trump. There is a layup in there for you but I doubt you get it. Regardless, you can't find a single one that had the impact of Obamacare on the lives of working Americans, and to the positive I might add. And Republicans fought that legislation tooth and nail.

OK....here's your lesson for today: keep notes for when you enter high school-

Screeching ‘copy and paste’ is nothing more than the defense mechanism of those who don’t have the depth and breadth of my ability. Don’t hate me because I am so very much more educated than you are.

When lesser posters cannot do what I do, document, link, and source posts......they find their only excuse is the phrase 'cut &. paste.'

You should have remained in school.....and read some books.

Clearly you mean 'carefully constructed posts that are impossible to refute.'

Some pointers.

1. Citing an authority with an established reputation is better, of course, than citing someone whose credentials are not so lofty. (http://www.ccc.commnet.edu/mla/practical_guide.shtml)

2. What has been pejoratively referred to as ‘simply cut and paste,’ is, in fact, carefully chosen to substantiate a point. Is the information covered fact, opinion, or propaganda? Facts can usually be verified; opinions, though they may be based on factual information, evolve from the interpretation of facts.(http://www.library.cornell.edu/olinuris/ref/research/skill26.htm#LinkReason)

3. A valid objection to this selection of sources may be the type of audience being addressed. Is the ‘pasted selection’ aimed at a specialized or a general audience? Do you find the level ‘over your head’ or is this source too elementary? Ibid.

4. Are you objecting to the author's credentials--institutional affiliation (where he or she works), educational background, past writings, or experience? Or simply looking for a weapon to attack the post? This, of course, would be puerile.

5. Providing summaries or outlines of a source is valid as long as a link to the original is provided, and the author’s meaning is conveyed.

6. Nor is it necessary to insert one’s own language if the original article is simply abbreviated, with link provided.

7. What has been called ‘cut and paste’ is frequently the message board version of footnotes and endnotes of an academic essay. “…footnotes were declared outmoded just before the era of the word-processors which make using footnotes so much easier. Still, because of its relative ease in both writing and reading, parenthetical documentation is greatly preferred by most instructors.” http://www.ccc.commnet.edu/mla/practical_guide.shtml

Have they now. Tell me again, what "private institution" do you hold a degree from. Rest assured, this is a test. A test if you can remember your lies because me, I am like an elephant, I don't forget. Me, I have studied under two Nobel prize laureates, was a TA for Reagan's first chief of the OMB, oh, and I did the number crunching.

And your adult manner is just a blanket for you to hide behind. If you can't get down and dirty then you got no business being in the kitchen as they say. It is a tough world out there, and I have to tell you, no one can spot agoraphobia better than me. You got it girl, bet you haven't left your apartment in months. It can be cured, but it is difficult.

Better than that.....I love posting my alma mater's fight song: best in the nation:

And I have this huge document for a Yale remote course I finished recently....but I don't have any more wall space.

Bet you don't have that kind of problem, huh?
Better than that.....I love posting my alma mater's fight song: best in the nation:

And I have this huge document for a Yale remote course I finished recently....but I don't have any more wall space.

Bet you don't have that kind of problem, huh?

And there it is, you just revealed yourself a liar. A couple of years ago you claimed a degree from Brown. And a remote course from Yale, LMAO--those come a dollar a dozen. My son did one from Harvard, took about two weeks, but got "Harvard" on his resume and that was the purpose. I will just ask in a couple of more years and get another Ivy League school.

And that fight song is lame. As if a bunch of "knickerbockers" ever knew how to fight. You should have stuck with Brown.
And there it is, you just revealed yourself a liar. A couple of years ago you claimed a degree from Brown. And a remote course from Yale, LMAO--those come a dollar a dozen. My son did one from Harvard, took about two weeks, but got "Harvard" on his resume and that was the purpose. I will just ask in a couple of more years and get another Ivy League school.

And that fight song is lame. As if a bunch of "knickerbockers" ever knew how to fight. You should have stuck with Brown.

"And there it is, you just revealed yourself a liar. A couple of years ago you claimed a degree from Brown."

I never lie.

I guarantee you will never find any such post of mine.


Then admit you are lying scum, simply embarrassed at how often I put you in your place.
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And there it is, you just revealed yourself a liar. A couple of years ago you claimed a degree from Brown. And a remote course from Yale, LMAO--those come a dollar a dozen. My son did one from Harvard, took about two weeks, but got "Harvard" on his resume and that was the purpose. I will just ask in a couple of more years and get another Ivy League school.

And that fight song is lame. As if a bunch of "knickerbockers" ever knew how to fight. You should have stuck with Brown.

Now here is a recent exchange where I pulverized you, and your reasons for attempting to lie about moi.

Did you claim that the Pennsylvania Supreme Court had the authority to alter the dates and times for voting???

Did you, you lying scum??

After I posted that only the elected legislature could do so, according to the USConstitution???

https://www.usmessageboard.com/threads/no-evidence-of-voter-fraud.939806/page-7#post-28636866 post 125

But neither the text of Article II itself nor the only case the concurrence cites that interprets Article II, McPherson v. Blacker, 146 U. S. 1 (1892), leads to the conclusion that Article II grants unlimited power to the legislature, devoid of any state constitutional limitations, to select the manner of appointing electors.
No state court can set a time limit for votes that should beyond the end of election day, no matter the delay in mail delivery.

Only an elected legislature may do that.

QED….you are and will always be, lying scum.
And there it is, you just revealed yourself a liar. A couple of years ago you claimed a degree from Brown. And a remote course from Yale, LMAO--those come a dollar a dozen. My son did one from Harvard, took about two weeks, but got "Harvard" on his resume and that was the purpose. I will just ask in a couple of more years and get another Ivy League school.

And that fight song is lame. As if a bunch of "knickerbockers" ever knew how to fight. You should have stuck with Brown.

Ahh....yes ......I recall this tidbit about your proclivities.

Wait….aren’t you the fool who just loves communism?

Isn’t this your post?

“Defining communism is simple. Take what you need, give what you can. … in 1980 I was a full blown raging Communist. Done correctly, it is not a bad system.

For example, in the Soviet Union, a person had the right to both a job, and a place to live. That is an advancement from our own society.

The problem with Communism is that it is never implemented effectively. “
When Was The Study Of Economics Cancelled???

100 million slaughtered men, women and children to support your claims?
And there it is, you just revealed yourself a liar. A couple of years ago you claimed a degree from Brown. And a remote course from Yale, LMAO--those come a dollar a dozen. My son did one from Harvard, took about two weeks, but got "Harvard" on his resume and that was the purpose. I will just ask in a couple of more years and get another Ivy League school.

And that fight song is lame. As if a bunch of "knickerbockers" ever knew how to fight. You should have stuck with Brown.

And you can bet I will remind of this lie on your part, as well.

“And there it is, you just revealed yourself a liar. A couple of years ago you claimed a degree from Brown.” When You Are Missing The Ability To Learn.... post 49
The ability to learn is present in any brain that is functioning as it should. So that means if you can talk your brain is functioning properly. Then there is the fact that a person can be taught improper lessons and made to believe false things or improper ideas. The continuous input of lies and misinformation can and does persuade a person to believe the incorrect.
And there it is, you just revealed yourself a liar. A couple of years ago you claimed a degree from Brown. And a remote course from Yale, LMAO--those come a dollar a dozen. My son did one from Harvard, took about two weeks, but got "Harvard" on his resume and that was the purpose. I will just ask in a couple of more years and get another Ivy League school.

And that fight song is lame. As if a bunch of "knickerbockers" ever knew how to fight. You should have stuck with Brown.

And while we're on the subject of your affection for communism.....

Mao…greatest mass murderer in the history of mankind.

Stalin was number two on the hit parade, and Hitler, number three.

And, coincidently, all had the word ‘socialist’ associated with them.

As does the party you support......the Democrats.

No wonder you are such a lying low-life.

Did you get your check in to Planned Slaughterhood yet????
The ability to learn is present in any brain that is functioning as it should. So that means if you can talk your brain is functioning properly. Then there is the fact that a person can be taught improper lessons and made to believe false things or improper ideas. The continuous input of lies and misinformation can and does persuade a person to believe the incorrect.

It doesn't mean any such thing.

The brain has several levels including the most basic survival functions, and in some has lost all raciocination function, you being exactly such an example.

Soooo......who feeds you????
OK....here's your lesson for today: keep notes for when you enter high school-

Screeching ‘copy and paste’ is nothing more than the defense mechanism of those who don’t have the depth and breadth of my ability. Don’t hate me because I am so very much more educated than you are.

When lesser posters cannot do what I do, document, link, and source posts......they find their only excuse is the phrase 'cut &. paste.'

You should have remained in school.....and read some books.

Clearly you mean 'carefully constructed posts that are impossible to refute.'

Some pointers.

1. Citing an authority with an established reputation is better, of course, than citing someone whose credentials are not so lofty. (http://www.ccc.commnet.edu/mla/practical_guide.shtml)

2. What has been pejoratively referred to as ‘simply cut and paste,’ is, in fact, carefully chosen to substantiate a point. Is the information covered fact, opinion, or propaganda? Facts can usually be verified; opinions, though they may be based on factual information, evolve from the interpretation of facts.(http://www.library.cornell.edu/olinuris/ref/research/skill26.htm#LinkReason)

3. A valid objection to this selection of sources may be the type of audience being addressed. Is the ‘pasted selection’ aimed at a specialized or a general audience? Do you find the level ‘over your head’ or is this source too elementary? Ibid.

4. Are you objecting to the author's credentials--institutional affiliation (where he or she works), educational background, past writings, or experience? Or simply looking for a weapon to attack the post? This, of course, would be puerile.

5. Providing summaries or outlines of a source is valid as long as a link to the original is provided, and the author’s meaning is conveyed.

6. Nor is it necessary to insert one’s own language if the original article is simply abbreviated, with link provided.

7. What has been called ‘cut and paste’ is frequently the message board version of footnotes and endnotes of an academic essay. “…footnotes were declared outmoded just before the era of the word-processors which make using footnotes so much easier. Still, because of its relative ease in both writing and reading, parenthetical documentation is greatly preferred by most instructors.” http://www.ccc.commnet.edu/mla/practical_guide.shtml

Wow, cutting and pasting to defend cutting and pasting. I am so surprised. Do you ever have an original thought? I mean if you are so "smart", I ask again, why the continual repetitious posting of the one tweet? Ain't you wore that horse out by now? Can you not learn any new tricks?

I mean even someone with a minimal amount of intelligence, and a wee bit of self pride, would have at least attempted to answer some of the questions I asked. Like, what have Republicans done since Biden took office to "Make America Great"? Hell, I even gave you an out by accepting state legislative actions. You come up with nothing.

I gave you all the way back to Bush Jr.'s first term to come up with something, anything, that Republicans have done to improve the lives of normal Americans, outside of the token tax cuts most Americans get from Republicans while their wealthy supporters and corporate patrons make out like bandits. And I told you, there are some layups there if you had half a damn brain. Want another shot? I will even tell you--there are a couple of layups you could have taken that came from Bush Jr's first term. Oh, he could never have got away with those actions now, not in today's Republican party. The Tea Party Republicans screwed that pooch, and then Trump waltzed in and put the poor dog down.

I mean the whole name "Tea Party" just glaringly displayed the open ignorance of its members. Was the Boston Tea Party a protest against the tea tax? I mean do you, like them, really believe that? Is that what they taught you in elementary school? I can promise you, they don't teach that at Columbia, or Brown for that matter.

I mean just stop digging. You are embarrassing yourself. I mean I don't know why you picked Brown to be your poser school a couple of years ago. Columbia does make more sense. I mean you were born and raised in it's shadow. Since 1968 Columbia has been a symbol of "Ivy Imperialism" to the surrounding community, and honestly, I don't think they have made much progress since then. Even the fight song is symbolically racist. A bunch of damn WASP's, and let's just be honest, you don't meet the qualifications to enter that club.

So growing up in the shadow of Columbia, always feeling inferior, and despite leading the sheltered life you obviously lived, indicative of overly protective parents and insulted private school general education, even affirmative action couldn't get you an admission into an Ivy League school. So you have adopted this online persona and you wrap your entire self-worth within that persona. And hey, I will give you some credit. It seems to work on those that are desperate for their confirmation bias fix. Hell, you and Trump kind of depend upon the same unintelligent, unthinking, poor slobs that have trouble balancing a checkbook, let alone evaluate complex ethical dilemmas. I mean I am tempted to ask you about the train trolley problem, basic philosophy question that reveals someone's intelligence level and ethical realities by their answer. An educated person would know precisely what I was talking about. Certainly any graduate from an Ivy League school. Now I foresee a mad rush to Google as you type in "train trolley philosophy question". But don't bother, I already know your answer anyway. And it is the wrong answer. You don't have the maturity level to get the right answer.

I mean you want to play? I mean really want to play? Then let me ask you five questions, and you actually answer them, and we will know without a doubt as to rather you are a poser, which I am quite sure is the case, or not. Philosophy, History, Economics, Physics, and Anthropology. The train trolley question, the Thomas Paine question, the Opportunity cost question, the tennis ball dilemma, and the social structure question. Honestly, even an average Ivy leaguer is not going to get them all right. But three out of five should be expected.
Wow, cutting and pasting to defend cutting and pasting. I am so surprised. Do you ever have an original thought? I mean if you are so "smart", I ask again, why the continual repetitious posting of the one tweet? Ain't you wore that horse out by now? Can you not learn any new tricks?

I mean even someone with a minimal amount of intelligence, and a wee bit of self pride, would have at least attempted to answer some of the questions I asked. Like, what have Republicans done since Biden took office to "Make America Great"? Hell, I even gave you an out by accepting state legislative actions. You come up with nothing.

I gave you all the way back to Bush Jr.'s first term to come up with something, anything, that Republicans have done to improve the lives of normal Americans, outside of the token tax cuts most Americans get from Republicans while their wealthy supporters and corporate patrons make out like bandits. And I told you, there are some layups there if you had half a damn brain. Want another shot? I will even tell you--there are a couple of layups you could have taken that came from Bush Jr's first term. Oh, he could never have got away with those actions now, not in today's Republican party. The Tea Party Republicans screwed that pooch, and then Trump waltzed in and put the poor dog down.

I mean the whole name "Tea Party" just glaringly displayed the open ignorance of its members. Was the Boston Tea Party a protest against the tea tax? I mean do you, like them, really believe that? Is that what they taught you in elementary school? I can promise you, they don't teach that at Columbia, or Brown for that matter.

I mean just stop digging. You are embarrassing yourself. I mean I don't know why you picked Brown to be your poser school a couple of years ago. Columbia does make more sense. I mean you were born and raised in it's shadow. Since 1968 Columbia has been a symbol of "Ivy Imperialism" to the surrounding community, and honestly, I don't think they have made much progress since then. Even the fight song is symbolically racist. A bunch of damn WASP's, and let's just be honest, you don't meet the qualifications to enter that club.

So growing up in the shadow of Columbia, always feeling inferior, and despite leading the sheltered life you obviously lived, indicative of overly protective parents and insulted private school general education, even affirmative action couldn't get you an admission into an Ivy League school. So you have adopted this online persona and you wrap your entire self-worth within that persona. And hey, I will give you some credit. It seems to work on those that are desperate for their confirmation bias fix. Hell, you and Trump kind of depend upon the same unintelligent, unthinking, poor slobs that have trouble balancing a checkbook, let alone evaluate complex ethical dilemmas. I mean I am tempted to ask you about the train trolley problem, basic philosophy question that reveals someone's intelligence level and ethical realities by their answer. An educated person would know precisely what I was talking about. Certainly any graduate from an Ivy League school. Now I foresee a mad rush to Google as you type in "train trolley philosophy question". But don't bother, I already know your answer anyway. And it is the wrong answer. You don't have the maturity level to get the right answer.

I mean you want to play? I mean really want to play? Then let me ask you five questions, and you actually answer them, and we will know without a doubt as to rather you are a poser, which I am quite sure is the case, or not. Philosophy, History, Economics, Physics, and Anthropology. The train trolley question, the Thomas Paine question, the Opportunity cost question, the tennis ball dilemma, and the social structure question. Honestly, even an average Ivy leaguer is not going to get them all right. But three out of five should be expected.

So there is no such quote, and I never lie......but I caught you in this one:

And you can bet I will remind of this lie on your part, as well.

“And there it is, you just revealed yourself a liar. A couple of years ago you claimed a degree from Brown.”
When You Are Missing The Ability To Learn.... post 49
Wow, cutting and pasting to defend cutting and pasting. I am so surprised. Do you ever have an original thought? I mean if you are so "smart", I ask again, why the continual repetitious posting of the one tweet? Ain't you wore that horse out by now? Can you not learn any new tricks?

I mean even someone with a minimal amount of intelligence, and a wee bit of self pride, would have at least attempted to answer some of the questions I asked. Like, what have Republicans done since Biden took office to "Make America Great"? Hell, I even gave you an out by accepting state legislative actions. You come up with nothing.

I gave you all the way back to Bush Jr.'s first term to come up with something, anything, that Republicans have done to improve the lives of normal Americans, outside of the token tax cuts most Americans get from Republicans while their wealthy supporters and corporate patrons make out like bandits. And I told you, there are some layups there if you had half a damn brain. Want another shot? I will even tell you--there are a couple of layups you could have taken that came from Bush Jr's first term. Oh, he could never have got away with those actions now, not in today's Republican party. The Tea Party Republicans screwed that pooch, and then Trump waltzed in and put the poor dog down.

I mean the whole name "Tea Party" just glaringly displayed the open ignorance of its members. Was the Boston Tea Party a protest against the tea tax? I mean do you, like them, really believe that? Is that what they taught you in elementary school? I can promise you, they don't teach that at Columbia, or Brown for that matter.

I mean just stop digging. You are embarrassing yourself. I mean I don't know why you picked Brown to be your poser school a couple of years ago. Columbia does make more sense. I mean you were born and raised in it's shadow. Since 1968 Columbia has been a symbol of "Ivy Imperialism" to the surrounding community, and honestly, I don't think they have made much progress since then. Even the fight song is symbolically racist. A bunch of damn WASP's, and let's just be honest, you don't meet the qualifications to enter that club.

So growing up in the shadow of Columbia, always feeling inferior, and despite leading the sheltered life you obviously lived, indicative of overly protective parents and insulted private school general education, even affirmative action couldn't get you an admission into an Ivy League school. So you have adopted this online persona and you wrap your entire self-worth within that persona. And hey, I will give you some credit. It seems to work on those that are desperate for their confirmation bias fix. Hell, you and Trump kind of depend upon the same unintelligent, unthinking, poor slobs that have trouble balancing a checkbook, let alone evaluate complex ethical dilemmas. I mean I am tempted to ask you about the train trolley problem, basic philosophy question that reveals someone's intelligence level and ethical realities by their answer. An educated person would know precisely what I was talking about. Certainly any graduate from an Ivy League school. Now I foresee a mad rush to Google as you type in "train trolley philosophy question". But don't bother, I already know your answer anyway. And it is the wrong answer. You don't have the maturity level to get the right answer.

I mean you want to play? I mean really want to play? Then let me ask you five questions, and you actually answer them, and we will know without a doubt as to rather you are a poser, which I am quite sure is the case, or not. Philosophy, History, Economics, Physics, and Anthropology. The train trolley question, the Thomas Paine question, the Opportunity cost question, the tennis ball dilemma, and the social structure question. Honestly, even an average Ivy leaguer is not going to get them all right. But three out of five should be expected.

Now here is a recent exchange where I pulverized you, and your reasons for attempting to lie about moi.

Did you claim that the Pennsylvania Supreme Court had the authority to alter the dates and times for voting???

Did you, you lying scum??

After I posted that only the elected legislature could do so, according to the USConstitution???

https://www.usmessageboard.com/threads/no-evidence-of-voter-fraud.939806/page-7#post-28636866 post 125

But neither the text of Article II itself nor the only case the concurrence cites that interprets Article II, McPherson v. Blacker, 146 U. S. 1 (1892), leads to the conclusion that Article II grants unlimited power to the legislature, devoid of any state constitutional limitations, to select the manner of appointing electors.
No state court can set a time limit for votes that should beyond the end of election day, no matter the delay in mail delivery.

Only an elected legislature may do that.

QED….you are and will always be, lying scum.
Wow, cutting and pasting to defend cutting and pasting. I am so surprised. Do you ever have an original thought? I mean if you are so "smart", I ask again, why the continual repetitious posting of the one tweet? Ain't you wore that horse out by now? Can you not learn any new tricks?

I mean even someone with a minimal amount of intelligence, and a wee bit of self pride, would have at least attempted to answer some of the questions I asked. Like, what have Republicans done since Biden took office to "Make America Great"? Hell, I even gave you an out by accepting state legislative actions. You come up with nothing.

I gave you all the way back to Bush Jr.'s first term to come up with something, anything, that Republicans have done to improve the lives of normal Americans, outside of the token tax cuts most Americans get from Republicans while their wealthy supporters and corporate patrons make out like bandits. And I told you, there are some layups there if you had half a damn brain. Want another shot? I will even tell you--there are a couple of layups you could have taken that came from Bush Jr's first term. Oh, he could never have got away with those actions now, not in today's Republican party. The Tea Party Republicans screwed that pooch, and then Trump waltzed in and put the poor dog down.

I mean the whole name "Tea Party" just glaringly displayed the open ignorance of its members. Was the Boston Tea Party a protest against the tea tax? I mean do you, like them, really believe that? Is that what they taught you in elementary school? I can promise you, they don't teach that at Columbia, or Brown for that matter.

I mean just stop digging. You are embarrassing yourself. I mean I don't know why you picked Brown to be your poser school a couple of years ago. Columbia does make more sense. I mean you were born and raised in it's shadow. Since 1968 Columbia has been a symbol of "Ivy Imperialism" to the surrounding community, and honestly, I don't think they have made much progress since then. Even the fight song is symbolically racist. A bunch of damn WASP's, and let's just be honest, you don't meet the qualifications to enter that club.

So growing up in the shadow of Columbia, always feeling inferior, and despite leading the sheltered life you obviously lived, indicative of overly protective parents and insulted private school general education, even affirmative action couldn't get you an admission into an Ivy League school. So you have adopted this online persona and you wrap your entire self-worth within that persona. And hey, I will give you some credit. It seems to work on those that are desperate for their confirmation bias fix. Hell, you and Trump kind of depend upon the same unintelligent, unthinking, poor slobs that have trouble balancing a checkbook, let alone evaluate complex ethical dilemmas. I mean I am tempted to ask you about the train trolley problem, basic philosophy question that reveals someone's intelligence level and ethical realities by their answer. An educated person would know precisely what I was talking about. Certainly any graduate from an Ivy League school. Now I foresee a mad rush to Google as you type in "train trolley philosophy question". But don't bother, I already know your answer anyway. And it is the wrong answer. You don't have the maturity level to get the right answer.

I mean you want to play? I mean really want to play? Then let me ask you five questions, and you actually answer them, and we will know without a doubt as to rather you are a poser, which I am quite sure is the case, or not. Philosophy, History, Economics, Physics, and Anthropology. The train trolley question, the Thomas Paine question, the Opportunity cost question, the tennis ball dilemma, and the social structure question. Honestly, even an average Ivy leaguer is not going to get them all right. But three out of five should be expected.

Wait….aren’t you the fool who just loves communism?

Isn’t this your post?

“Defining communism is simple. Take what you need, give what you can. … in 1980 I was a full blown raging Communist. Done correctly, it is not a bad system.

For example, in the Soviet Union, a person had the right to both a job, and a place to live. That is an advancement from our own society.

The problem with Communism is that it is never implemented effectively. “
When Was The Study Of Economics Cancelled???

100 million slaughtered men, women and children to support your claims?
Wow, cutting and pasting to defend cutting and pasting. I am so surprised. Do you ever have an original thought? I mean if you are so "smart", I ask again, why the continual repetitious posting of the one tweet? Ain't you wore that horse out by now? Can you not learn any new tricks?

I mean even someone with a minimal amount of intelligence, and a wee bit of self pride, would have at least attempted to answer some of the questions I asked. Like, what have Republicans done since Biden took office to "Make America Great"? Hell, I even gave you an out by accepting state legislative actions. You come up with nothing.

I gave you all the way back to Bush Jr.'s first term to come up with something, anything, that Republicans have done to improve the lives of normal Americans, outside of the token tax cuts most Americans get from Republicans while their wealthy supporters and corporate patrons make out like bandits. And I told you, there are some layups there if you had half a damn brain. Want another shot? I will even tell you--there are a couple of layups you could have taken that came from Bush Jr's first term. Oh, he could never have got away with those actions now, not in today's Republican party. The Tea Party Republicans screwed that pooch, and then Trump waltzed in and put the poor dog down.

I mean the whole name "Tea Party" just glaringly displayed the open ignorance of its members. Was the Boston Tea Party a protest against the tea tax? I mean do you, like them, really believe that? Is that what they taught you in elementary school? I can promise you, they don't teach that at Columbia, or Brown for that matter.

I mean just stop digging. You are embarrassing yourself. I mean I don't know why you picked Brown to be your poser school a couple of years ago. Columbia does make more sense. I mean you were born and raised in it's shadow. Since 1968 Columbia has been a symbol of "Ivy Imperialism" to the surrounding community, and honestly, I don't think they have made much progress since then. Even the fight song is symbolically racist. A bunch of damn WASP's, and let's just be honest, you don't meet the qualifications to enter that club.

So growing up in the shadow of Columbia, always feeling inferior, and despite leading the sheltered life you obviously lived, indicative of overly protective parents and insulted private school general education, even affirmative action couldn't get you an admission into an Ivy League school. So you have adopted this online persona and you wrap your entire self-worth within that persona. And hey, I will give you some credit. It seems to work on those that are desperate for their confirmation bias fix. Hell, you and Trump kind of depend upon the same unintelligent, unthinking, poor slobs that have trouble balancing a checkbook, let alone evaluate complex ethical dilemmas. I mean I am tempted to ask you about the train trolley problem, basic philosophy question that reveals someone's intelligence level and ethical realities by their answer. An educated person would know precisely what I was talking about. Certainly any graduate from an Ivy League school. Now I foresee a mad rush to Google as you type in "train trolley philosophy question". But don't bother, I already know your answer anyway. And it is the wrong answer. You don't have the maturity level to get the right answer.

I mean you want to play? I mean really want to play? Then let me ask you five questions, and you actually answer them, and we will know without a doubt as to rather you are a poser, which I am quite sure is the case, or not. Philosophy, History, Economics, Physics, and Anthropology. The train trolley question, the Thomas Paine question, the Opportunity cost question, the tennis ball dilemma, and the social structure question. Honestly, even an average Ivy leaguer is not going to get them all right. But three out of five should be expected.

Are you ready to admit that you are lying scum and I never made the statement you just claimed I made?

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