When You Go to the Emergency Room in California, You’ll Have Obamacare to Thank

Sorry asswipe, but your logic requires that your fantasy premises be true...which they are not.

Or didn't you read the article.

They don't have more insurance.


Oh...really. Okay so why are you blaming the subsidy to persons buying private insurance from the insurance companies for more people showing up to the emergency room?

Bitter race-driven hatred makes you sound even more loser-ish than usual.

Remember this?



Please don't post while drinking...you sound more stupid than usual.

I don't recall blaming the subsidy for anything.

The article I quoted states the reason this is happening.

And other articles are quite clear on the issues of Obamacare and the impact of the high deductables.

Why are you fixated on race....or is that the alcohol speaking ?

BTW: You can keep your doctor if you like them.

You can keep your plan if you like it.

The list of lies from this administration is growing at an incredible rate.

I'll be looking for your post in Healthmyth's thread.

Just to deal with race, you're the one that called the President a "boy"

As for the thread; people with insurance paid for in part or on the whole by themselves and going to private hospitals saves the taxpayers money.

It does so in two major ways;

First you don't cover the bill for the care received. The insurance company does. What isn't covered by the insurance (deductible plus) is now the responsibility of the person receiving care.

Secondly, the public healthcare system can stop adding on endless numbers of hospitals and care facilities or at least reduce the speed of the roll out thus saving taxpayers money in the long run since now the insured have options instead of showing up at the L1TC.

Slice it anyway you want; those are the facts.
yes they were...since you know i had to go and the wait time was 5 hours.

Was that in a relatively small city, like Fresno, with a population of roughly 500,000, or a large city with more people in it?

Your problem is you ignore reality in favor of your bias. Even HuffPo is saying wait times are increasing, and blaming it in Obamacare.

Obamacare Could Cause Longer Wait Times At ERs, Doctors Say

Pull your head out of your fucking ass for once in your pathetic excuse for defending the government no matter how bad it is.

it was san diego. See here is the problem. You can't read. When the title says COULD lead to X y and Z that doesnt mean its happening.

you people do this all the time. you treat this shit as fact when its just speculation.

"Could" means "DID" when you dont have much to go on

Doubtful, and the reason is urgent care facilities.

"If you’re experiencing an illness or injury that is serious, but not an emergency, consider visiting an urgent care center to receive care that is typically faster and costs less than an emergency room visit.

Urgent care centers provide many of the same basic medical services as a doctor's office, often with extended hours for delivering services and lower out-of-pocket costs. Staffed with qualified professionals, urgent care centers are ideal for non-emergency care when your doctor is not available: "


I cut my thumb open and needed stitches. Urgent care was the way to go. Same day appointments when it can wait a couple of hours. And 'emergency' visits when it just can't wait.

If don't need an ambulance, you don't need the emergency room.

That only works if there are urgent care facilities available, .

uhhh yeah...thats how things go generally. You generally cannot have something that isnt available that is a great point :eusa_shifty:
When You Go to the Emergency Room in California, You’ll Have Obamacare to Thank for New Problems

Oh my more problems for Obamacare
According to Dr. Jay Kaplin of the American College of Emergency Physicians, almost half of emergency physicians are reporting that their emergency department visits have risen since Obamacare went into effect.
One emergency center in Fresno, California, at Community Regional Medical Center, is currently taking in 300-400 patients a day.

Wait times are up to 5 hours right now
It shows that Obamacare is working! These are people who would otherwise not have any medical coverage at all who now do thanks to Obamacare. As for the doctors being overwhelmed with patients, that sounds like a personal problem to me. Do they need to be reminded of the Hippocratic Oath they take that they are to serve every patient and take care of them? And as for the doctor saying Obamacare pays too little and he won't do it, again we have to point to the Hippocratic Oath as well as to good common sense that says if you have more patients you are going to make more money. But truly sad is that they are only looking at the money aspect of it instead of offering good medical care that they are charged with doing as a member of the medical profession. Has it come down to only money? Is it all about money? Or should it be about caring and healing others who come to them, to the best of their ability?
Was that in a relatively small city, like Fresno, with a population of roughly 500,000, or a large city with more people in it?

Your problem is you ignore reality in favor of your bias. Even HuffPo is saying wait times are increasing, and blaming it in Obamacare.

Obamacare Could Cause Longer Wait Times At ERs, Doctors Say

Pull your head out of your fucking ass for once in your pathetic excuse for defending the government no matter how bad it is.

it was san diego. See here is the problem. You can't read. When the title says COULD lead to X y and Z that doesnt mean its happening.

you people do this all the time. you treat this shit as fact when its just speculation.

I can read, I just used PuffHo to make a point.

ERs are getting more crowded, leading to longer wait times.*-*Los Angeles Times
Your point failed
Oh...really. Okay so why are you blaming the subsidy to persons buying private insurance from the insurance companies for more people showing up to the emergency room?

Bitter race-driven hatred makes you sound even more loser-ish than usual.

Remember this?



Please don't post while drinking...you sound more stupid than usual.

I don't recall blaming the subsidy for anything.

The article I quoted states the reason this is happening.

And other articles are quite clear on the issues of Obamacare and the impact of the high deductables.

Why are you fixated on race....or is that the alcohol speaking ?

BTW: You can keep your doctor if you like them.

You can keep your plan if you like it.

The list of lies from this administration is growing at an incredible rate.

I'll be looking for your post in Healthmyth's thread.

Just to deal with race, you're the one that called the President a "boy"

As for the thread; people with insurance paid for in part or on the whole by themselves and going to private hospitals saves the taxpayers money.

It does so in two major ways;

First you don't cover the bill for the care received. The insurance company does. What isn't covered by the insurance (deductible plus) is now the responsibility of the person receiving care.

Secondly, the public healthcare system can stop adding on endless numbers of hospitals and care facilities or at least reduce the speed of the roll out thus saving taxpayers money in the long run since now the insured have options instead of showing up at the L1TC.

Slice it anyway you want; those are the facts.

No, they are not facts which is the whole point of the OP.

They are assumptions on your part. If you look at the thread I linked it shows that people who could have gotten insurance other ways simply didn't do it.

You somehow think people will behave the way you want them to behave.

The FACTS show otherwise.

So, please put down the gin and quit calling projected behaviour facts.
The ACA was supposed to unload ER's.

End of conversation.

If that isn't happening, it is like the 100th fail of this pathetic law.

I couldn't keep the doctor I wanted to keep.

I lost he plan I liked.

Obama is an affirmative action failure.

Did anyone pick up on the part where the doctor said he can't accept Obamacare patients because of the low reimubursements ?

It will happen over time. As people continue to get preventative care now that they have insurance, emergency visits will recede.

It's pure logic--when people have insurance; they use it. They send their kids to the doctor. When they do not, they show up at the emergency room because they cannot otherwise afford doctor's visits.

You lost the plan you liked? I doubt it; you're a confirmed liar so it's probably a lie.

Yeah, keep telling yourself that. In the meantime feel free to explain why ER visits in Massachusetts, which has had RomneyCare for years, aren't declining.
Said nothing of the sort.

Some people get subsidized. Some do not. The thread is about those who are NOW insured showing up in large numbers at emergency rooms.

Again lets go to school on the subject....

Before the ACA, if an uninsured person was sick, they went to the County emergency room, got treated, and would pay (or not) for care. If they didn't pay, the taxpayers paid 100%. One hundred percent was the norm.

Now that we have the ACA and you are required to buy insurance, the infirmed now go to the private hospital with insurance they have bought. Some are subsidized and some are not. Subsidized means that the patient paid for the insurance in part and the subsidy pays the rest.

Feel free to have an adult explain it to you shit brains.

Class dismissed.

There is no other logical reason for your ignorance; nobody is as stupid as you are pretending to be.

The people getting subsidized are more likely to use the ER for routine care than people who perviously had insurance and a doctor, but feel free to keep lying to yourself.

By the way, since I actually know what I am talking about, and have routinely argued idiots like you into the ground concerning how Obamacare works, the only one in this conversation displaying ignorance is you. I guess that makes you the racist, which is why you resort to trying to make it look like someone else is.

Your opinion is noted and hilarious. If you believe that he millions who signed up just signed up to NOT use the insurance except for emergency care; in other words....why not just stay uninsured and go to County and pay nothing?

Again, logic is not your friend.

Did I say that, idiot? What I said is that people who get the expanded Medical coverage in CA are more likely to use the ER than those who already had insurance and a regular doctor.
When You Go to the Emergency Room in California, You’ll Have Obamacare to Thank for New Problems

Oh my more problems for Obamacare
According to Dr. Jay Kaplin of the American College of Emergency Physicians, almost half of emergency physicians are reporting that their emergency department visits have risen since Obamacare went into effect.
One emergency center in Fresno, California, at Community Regional Medical Center, is currently taking in 300-400 patients a day.

Wait times are up to 5 hours right now
wait times before ACA was about the same.
They were longer. 7 hours was the average.
btw, "wait time" is being manipulated here.

At that particular hospital, the wait time before seeing a doctor averages 1 hour, 58 minutes.

What the lying OP is citing is the time spent before being sent home, which averages 5 hours, 10 minutes.


You can predict with a 99.9% success rate that any post SucksOffBears posts is a lie.
Please don't post while drinking...you sound more stupid than usual.

I don't recall blaming the subsidy for anything.

The article I quoted states the reason this is happening.

And other articles are quite clear on the issues of Obamacare and the impact of the high deductables.

Why are you fixated on race....or is that the alcohol speaking ?

BTW: You can keep your doctor if you like them.

You can keep your plan if you like it.

The list of lies from this administration is growing at an incredible rate.

I'll be looking for your post in Healthmyth's thread.

Just to deal with race, you're the one that called the President a "boy"

As for the thread; people with insurance paid for in part or on the whole by themselves and going to private hospitals saves the taxpayers money.

It does so in two major ways;

First you don't cover the bill for the care received. The insurance company does. What isn't covered by the insurance (deductible plus) is now the responsibility of the person receiving care.

Secondly, the public healthcare system can stop adding on endless numbers of hospitals and care facilities or at least reduce the speed of the roll out thus saving taxpayers money in the long run since now the insured have options instead of showing up at the L1TC.

Slice it anyway you want; those are the facts.

No, they are not facts which is the whole point of the OP.
They are assumptions on your part. If you look at the thread I linked it shows that people who could have gotten insurance other ways simply didn't do it.
You somehow think people will behave the way you want them to behave.
The FACTS show otherwise.
So, please put down the gin and quit calling projected behaviour facts.

The OP cites a physician at Saint Agnes in Fresno; a quarter of a million square foot behemoth. He says their ER is full.
Where do you think these people were going before...Dr. Lou in the back alley? No, they were going to the County ER; funded by taxpayers.

The shifting of costs from me to the group that runs Saint Agnes is fine with me. Or shifting it to Humana or Kindred or Legacy or any of the other hospital groups...
Just to deal with race, you're the one that called the President a "boy"

As for the thread; people with insurance paid for in part or on the whole by themselves and going to private hospitals saves the taxpayers money.

It does so in two major ways;

First you don't cover the bill for the care received. The insurance company does. What isn't covered by the insurance (deductible plus) is now the responsibility of the person receiving care.

Secondly, the public healthcare system can stop adding on endless numbers of hospitals and care facilities or at least reduce the speed of the roll out thus saving taxpayers money in the long run since now the insured have options instead of showing up at the L1TC.

Slice it anyway you want; those are the facts.

No, they are not facts which is the whole point of the OP.
They are assumptions on your part. If you look at the thread I linked it shows that people who could have gotten insurance other ways simply didn't do it.
You somehow think people will behave the way you want them to behave.
The FACTS show otherwise.
So, please put down the gin and quit calling projected behaviour facts.

The OP cites a physician at Saint Agnes in Fresno; a quarter of a million square foot behemoth. He says their ER is full.
Where do you think these people were going before...Dr. Lou in the back alley? No, they were going to the County ER; funded by taxpayers.

The shifting of costs from me to the group that runs Saint Agnes is fine with me. Or shifting it to Humana or Kindred or Legacy or any of the other hospital groups...

Get out your compass. You've wondered off the path.

Pure and simple: Obummercare has not unloaded ER's.
When You Go to the Emergency Room in California, You’ll Have Obamacare to Thank for New Problems

Oh my more problems for Obamacare
According to Dr. Jay Kaplin of the American College of Emergency Physicians, almost half of emergency physicians are reporting that their emergency department visits have risen since Obamacare went into effect.
One emergency center in Fresno, California, at Community Regional Medical Center, is currently taking in 300-400 patients a day.

Wait times are up to 5 hours right now
wait times before ACA was about the same.
I do not understand Love bears point...the few times we went to non-military ERs...we would have been happy with just a 5 hour wait.
No, they are not facts which is the whole point of the OP.
They are assumptions on your part. If you look at the thread I linked it shows that people who could have gotten insurance other ways simply didn't do it.
You somehow think people will behave the way you want them to behave.
The FACTS show otherwise.
So, please put down the gin and quit calling projected behaviour facts.

The OP cites a physician at Saint Agnes in Fresno; a quarter of a million square foot behemoth. He says their ER is full.
Where do you think these people were going before...Dr. Lou in the back alley? No, they were going to the County ER; funded by taxpayers.

The shifting of costs from me to the group that runs Saint Agnes is fine with me. Or shifting it to Humana or Kindred or Legacy or any of the other hospital groups...

Get out your compass. You've wondered off the path.

Pure and simple: Obummercare has not unloaded ER's.

Correct and the insurance mandate has been in effect for what, 3-6 months you fucking idiot? It took us 8 years to get to the moon. Were you around in 1961 proclaiming NASA a failure? I bet if you had been there you would have said exactly that.

Gee, grow some brain matter at some point.
Even more low cost clinics are coming, people will find their own doctors. I doubt the terrible situations in ERs have gotten worse, but I'm sure they will get better. And hospitals will spend much less time chasing people with bills, and bankruptcy numbers and suffering will crash. Except in neanderthal Pub states...which may start to lessen in number when hater dupes get the facts and stop listening to Pub drivel....
They were longer. 7 hours was the average.

I have never waited 7 hours in the ER.

Then again, I never went there because I had a hangnail.

Guess you've never gone to a not-for-profit teaching hospital that serves a poor community.

On the contrary. I grew up in a poor city, and the only real option was the UT teaching hospital. I never once waited more than 30 minutes to get treatment, and that only happened if they had an influx of trauma cases.

Then again, like I said, I don't go to the ER for a hangnail, or a cold, or even the flu. I only go when I have a bonafide emergency.
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