when you pay for health insurance you pay the the care of others


Diamond Member
May 10, 2007
that is how they get the premiums.

You pay an amount determined by your risk to them.

some excede the risk calulations some dont.

do you really think that they make no money off the differance?
so why is it OK for an insurance company to make you pay for the care of others WHILE they make a profit off of you?

But government cant do that same cost spreading because its somehow evil ?

Ill tell you why.

because you have bought the corporations LIES so they dont lose their profits.
Now you right wing fucks will ignore this thread because you HAVE NO DEBATE to refute it
that is how they get the premiums.

You pay an amount determined by your risk to them.

some excede the risk calulations some dont.

do you really think that they make no money off the differance?

Yea your right ,we have to pay for all the illegals, and welfare mommys with womb to the tomb entitlements, that is one reason this Country is going down the shitter....:clap2::clap2:

so you hate the poor sooo much you dont want them to have any healthcare?
You must remember anything the Government gets involved in will turn into a big cluster fuck .......:clap2:

wow you really hate poor people huh?

in history there have been many governments that treated poor people like you want them treated.

Human beings decided they were evil.

so you wnat an EVIL government
that is how they get the premiums.

You pay an amount determined by your risk to them.

some excede the risk calulations some dont.

do you really think that they make no money off the differance?

Of course for profits make a profit!
The Average health insurance company pays out 80% of premiums as claims!
15% as overhead,salaries,computers TAXES!!!
4% net profit!

SO what is wrong with Profits???
$100 billion a YEAR in TAXES Federal/state/local and your local property taxes will increase Obama WANTs to put your local health insurance companies out of business!
GUESS who'll make up the difference????

The hard right is now so conditioned to fight anything that has any government involvement, that they have to ignore some very significant and unavoidable facts, such as:

  • Anyone who has health insurance is paying for someone else who does not
  • Any healthy person who has health insurance is paying more for someone who is not as healthy
  • A health insurance company's obvious motivation is to deny or decrease any possible claims

I could go on, but it would be a waste of bandwidth.

The hard right is okay with the points above. They must be, otherwise they would not be fighting so hard. They don't mind paying far more for their health insurance than they need to.

Ironic, since they attach "freedom" to having a dollar taken out of their pockets. This kind of warped logic happens when a person commits themselves to a partisan ideology.

that is how they get the premiums.

You pay an amount determined by your risk to them.

some excede the risk calulations some dont.

do you really think that they make no money off the differance?

Of course for profits make a profit!
The Average health insurance company pays out 80% of premiums as claims!
15% as overhead,salaries,computers TAXES!!!
4% net profit!

SO what is wrong with Profits???
$100 billion a YEAR in TAXES Federal/state/local and your local property taxes will increase Obama WANTs to put your local health insurance companies out of business!
GUESS who'll make up the difference????

Life and death issues are NO place for profits in a decent human world.
so you hate the poor sooo much you dont want them to have any healthcare?
YOU idiot!

10 million people categorized with out insurance ARE NOT CITIZENS!!!
14 million said they were uninsured.. BUT WERE COVERED BY MEDICAID!!!
17.5 million people under 34, make $50k or more DO not want to buy nor need to buy
BUT you idiots are counting them as "uninsured" phony baloney numbers!

There are truly 8.5 million people that want insurance!
AND the cause for the high rise in insurance..
CALLED EMTALA passed in 1986!
Any hospital that takes Medicare MUST see uninsured patients!
THAT supposedly "compassionate" solution has CAUSED hospitals to "pad and pass"
on to Medicare sometimes as much as 6,000% overcharges!
Because Medicare OK due to EMTALA!

SOLUTION is force hospitals to send "uncompensated" claims to a for profit insurance company that gets a govt. contract to manage "uninsured" beneficiaries!
Hospitals would pay a tax. Lawyers pay 10% of income as they created the $600 billion Defensive medicine spent EACH year wastefully!
Between hospitals no longer "padding and passing to Medicare/insurance companies..
sending their uninsured claims and paid by that company!
$600 billion defensive medicine reduced by 10%.. $60 billion savings to Medicare/ins.
$600 billion in Medicare cut by 10% another $60 billion in savings!

That simple solution would NOT require destruction of health industry!
Would insure the truly uninsured!
Would lower health insurance premiums because hospitals no longer "padding and passing"
The poor should have free healthcare, schooling, food stamps, unemployment, childcare, subsidized housing, air conditioning, and cell phones...............

And bleeding heart liberals should provide it too them...............

In order to feed their sense of moral self superiority and deflect criticism of hypocrisy
The poor should have free healthcare, schooling, food stamps, unemployment, childcare, subsidized housing, air conditioning, and cell phones...............

And bleeding heart liberals should provide it too them...............

In order to feed their sense of moral self superiority and deflect criticism of hypocrisy

see the con montra here ?

Helping people makes you evil.

your a black heart con
so you hate the poor sooo much you dont want them to have any healthcare?
YOU idiot!

10 million people categorized with out insurance ARE NOT CITIZENS!!!
14 million said they were uninsured.. BUT WERE COVERED BY MEDICAID!!!
17.5 million people under 34, make $50k or more DO not want to buy nor need to buy
BUT you idiots are counting them as "uninsured" phony baloney numbers!

There are truly 8.5 million people that want insurance!
AND the cause for the high rise in insurance..
CALLED EMTALA passed in 1986!
Any hospital that takes Medicare MUST see uninsured patients!
THAT supposedly "compassionate" solution has CAUSED hospitals to "pad and pass"
on to Medicare sometimes as much as 6,000% overcharges!
Because Medicare OK due to EMTALA!

SOLUTION is force hospitals to send "uncompensated" claims to a for profit insurance company that gets a govt. contract to manage "uninsured" beneficiaries!
Hospitals would pay a tax. Lawyers pay 10% of income as they created the $600 billion Defensive medicine spent EACH year wastefully!
Between hospitals no longer "padding and passing to Medicare/insurance companies..
sending their uninsured claims and paid by that company!
$600 billion defensive medicine reduced by 10%.. $60 billion savings to Medicare/ins.
$600 billion in Medicare cut by 10% another $60 billion in savings!

That simple solution would NOT require destruction of health industry!
Would insure the truly uninsured!
Would lower health insurance premiums because hospitals no longer "padding and passing"

My, my, all that yap-yap, and no referance to the fact that there are over 20 countries paying far less per capita for their health care system, covering all of their citizens, and getting much better results. So why are we not doing the same?

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